Malthus Lives!


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY the musings of Leftists everywhere.

1. In an earlier age it would have been correct to posit the eternal conflict as between God, and the Devil. Not today. Today, the closest one can come without incurring the wrath of those who control the dissemination of information, the description of that eternal battle would be of between life, and death.
One side values and advances life, the other side favors death, and the end of mankind on the planet.
Of course, call it what you will, it's still God versus the Prince of Darkness.

2. For context, that Malthus title: The Left, and you know whose side that takes, is always about death, fear of death, and pretty much advancing death as the solution. The mantra is "We're all gonna die!!!!!!"
Environmentalism uses fear of catastrophe in order to accomplish world governance.
There are literally dozens of 'em....but the godfather of hand-wringing environmentalism, Thomas 'Chicken-Little' Malthus is simply ground-floor claptrap.
Malthus originated the view that the food production of the world would increase arithmetically (1-2-3-…), while the human population would increase geometrically (1-2-4-8…). Conclusion: mass starvation and epidemics. Sounds ‘environmental’ already, doesn’t it?
Malthus passed on in 1834- yet his views continue in the hearts and minds of Progressives, who have expanded the vision to pollution and environmental damage.

3. A repeating solution is to end procreation.....really. Stop having little ones, to save humanity. End humanity to save humanity.
And in the current Guardian, one of the Left's house organs, sure enough.....

"Climate ‘apocalypse’ fears stopping people having children – study
Survey of 600 people finds some parents regret having offspring for same reason

People worried about the climate crisis are deciding not to have children because of fears that their offspring would have to struggle through a climate apocalypse, according to the first academic study of the issue.

... people aged 27 to 45 who were already factoring climate concerns into their reproductive choices and found 96% were very or extremely concerned about the wellbeing of their potential future children in a climate-changed world. One 27-year-old woman said: “I feel like I can’t in good conscience bring a child into this world and force them to try and survive what may be apocalyptic conditions.”

...said it would “rival world war one in its sheer terror”. The research also found that some people who were already parents expressed regret over having their children.
Having a child also potentially means that person going on to produce a lifetime of carbon emissions that contribute to the climate emergency, but only 60% of those surveyed were very concerned about this carbon footprint."

The Left relishes in irrational fears of non-existent threats.
And their answer is to abandon survival of the species.

4. "...Schneider-Mayerson said, as the impacts of global heating became more obvious. “To address this, we really need to act immediately to address the root cause, which is climate change itself,” he said. "
Obvious only to the terminally indoctrinated.

5. " There is also growing evidence of climate anxiety affecting mental health ...."

Now, that's for darn sure.

Makes you wonder if this is just Part One of the pandemic and they have a Part Two to release on the population.




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If you want to end mankind on the planet then allow Islamic extremists nuclear weapons. Nuclear armed Ayatollahs will be the end. Imagine what September 11 2001 would have been like if al Qeda has a nuclear device.
If you want to end mankind on the planet then allow Islamic extremists nuclear weapons. Nuclear armed Ayatollahs will be the end. Imagine what September 11 2001 would have been like if al Qeda has a nuclear device.

Send that memo to Hussein Obama, he guaranteed nukes to the 7th century barbarians.

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