Make voting laws the same throughout all of the states. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to know our system is full of flaws


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
One state counts all the votes by 10:00 on voting day, another state waits until November 12. In one state you can't use a red sharpie, others say, "Eh, it's okay for Republicans. Most don't bother counting military ballots, whats up with that? People cannot be watchers in one state and the counters hoop and holler when they are thrown out.

One state sends ballots to every citizen while others will send them to people who request them. Each party is running to judges calling foul play because the laws are no the same, or the judge say even though the state law says they can't count a late vote, another says they can.

One state updates their death tolls, another doesn't.

Laws should be the same.
The same number of days for early in person voting.
Each counter should have a D and a R checker at the same table.
Voting day voting continues until the last person votes.
Each box is counted twice by another counter, wrapped in saran wrap and out in a locked room.
Military votes go out one month ahead of counting.
No one should receive a send in ballot unless he is set one out.
Complaints should be taken to judges the same day (s) the complaint happens.
Signatures are examined to match their VOTER ID CARD ( FREE OF COST.)
Anyone voting twice is arrested.
USPS employees who hide, destroy ballots will be arrested.

Let's be smart about voting so it doesn't tale weeks or months.
One state counts all the votes by 10:00 on voting day, another state waits until November 12. In one state you can't use a red sharpie, others say, "Eh, it's okay for Republicans. Most don't bother counting military ballots, whats up with that? People cannot be watchers in one state and the counters hoop and holler when they are thrown out.

One state sends ballots to every citizen while others will send them to people who request them. Each party is running to judges calling foul play because the laws are no the same, or the judge say even though the state law says they can't count a late vote, another says they can.

One state updates their death tolls, another doesn't.

Laws should be the same.
The same number of days for early in person voting.
Each counter should have a D and a R checker at the same table.
Voting day voting continues until the last person votes.
Each box is counted twice by another counter, wrapped in saran wrap and out in a locked room.
Military votes go out one month ahead of counting.
No one should receive a send in ballot unless he is set one out.
Complaints should be taken to judges the same day (s) the complaint happens.
Signatures are examined to match their VOTER ID CARD ( FREE OF COST.)
Anyone voting twice is arrested.
USPS employees who hide, destroy ballots will be arrested.

Let's be smart about voting so it doesn't tale weeks or months.
Agreed/ Legitimate voters with identification would have meant full GOP control.
One state counts all the votes by 10:00 on voting day, another state waits until November 12. In one state you can't use a red sharpie, others say, "Eh, it's okay for Republicans. Most don't bother counting military ballots, whats up with that? People cannot be watchers in one state and the counters hoop and holler when they are thrown out.

One state sends ballots to every citizen while others will send them to people who request them. Each party is running to judges calling foul play because the laws are no the same, or the judge say even though the state law says they can't count a late vote, another says they can.

One state updates their death tolls, another doesn't.

Laws should be the same.
The same number of days for early in person voting.
Each counter should have a D and a R checker at the same table.
Voting day voting continues until the last person votes.
Each box is counted twice by another counter, wrapped in saran wrap and out in a locked room.
Military votes go out one month ahead of counting.
No one should receive a send in ballot unless he is set one out.
Complaints should be taken to judges the same day (s) the complaint happens.
Signatures are examined to match their VOTER ID CARD ( FREE OF COST.)
Anyone voting twice is arrested.
USPS employees who hide, destroy ballots will be arrested.

Let's be smart about voting so it doesn't tale weeks or months.
Agreed/ Legitimate voters with identification would have meant full GOP control.
This isn't meant to be full GOP control. Just the same rules at every poll.
What other things do you want to take from the states? Gun laws, maybe?
What good are laws when they are disregarded?
It's taken care of right off the bat. That os why there is a D checker and a R checker. No desregarding any law. They have phones. Take a picture and call a proctor in charge.
What other things do you want to take from the states? Gun laws, maybe?
This has nothing to do with the 2nd amend

No, just a few other Amendments and state rights.
Why should we allow the states to call their own laws. I f they make the law, they can change the law, right?
One state said that the rule was DON"T USE SHARPIE PENS. IT bleeds to the other side, and the vote can't be read. So what did they do? Gave the Republicans the red sharpies and made them use them No what is better? Same rules or making up your own?
What other things do you want to take from the states? Gun laws, maybe?
This has nothing to do with the 2nd amend

No, just a few other Amendments and state rights.
Why should we allow the states to call their own laws.

It's Constitutional and legal? It keeps politicians in D.C. from messing with state elections.

I f they make the law, they can change the law, right?
One state said that the rule was DON"T USE SHARPIE PENS. IT bleeds to the other side, and the vote can't be read. So what did they do? Gave the Republicans the red sharpies and made them use them No what is better? Same rules or making up your own?

Not interested in conspiracy theories.
What other things do you want to take from the states? Gun laws, maybe?
This has nothing to do with the 2nd amend

No, just a few other Amendments and state rights.
Why should we allow the states to call their own laws. I f they make the law, they can change the law, right?
One state said that the rule was DON"T USE SHARPIE PENS. IT bleeds to the other side, and the vote can't be read. So what did they do? Gave the Republicans the red sharpies and made them use them No what is better? Same rules or making up your own?

The official republican position is that the federal government has no authority to meddle in elections. Any federal standard for voting would immediately come under attack by republicans who like their voter suppression tactics right where they are.
One state counts all the votes by 10:00 on voting day, another state waits until November 12. In one state you can't use a red sharpie, others say, "Eh, it's okay for Republicans. Most don't bother counting military ballots, whats up with that? People cannot be watchers in one state and the counters hoop and holler when they are thrown out.

One state sends ballots to every citizen while others will send them to people who request them. Each party is running to judges calling foul play because the laws are no the same, or the judge say even though the state law says they can't count a late vote, another says they can.

One state updates their death tolls, another doesn't.

Laws should be the same.
The same number of days for early in person voting.
Each counter should have a D and a R checker at the same table.
Voting day voting continues until the last person votes.
Each box is counted twice by another counter, wrapped in saran wrap and out in a locked room.
Military votes go out one month ahead of counting.
No one should receive a send in ballot unless he is set one out.
Complaints should be taken to judges the same day (s) the complaint happens.
Signatures are examined to match their VOTER ID CARD ( FREE OF COST.)
Anyone voting twice is arrested.
USPS employees who hide, destroy ballots will be arrested.

Let's be smart about voting so it doesn't tale weeks or months.
Uh, no. Too much is federalised now.
One state counts all the votes by 10:00 on voting day, another state waits until November 12. In one state you can't use a red sharpie, others say, "Eh, it's okay for Republicans. Most don't bother counting military ballots, whats up with that? People cannot be watchers in one state and the counters hoop and holler when they are thrown out.

One state sends ballots to every citizen while others will send them to people who request them. Each party is running to judges calling foul play because the laws are no the same, or the judge say even though the state law says they can't count a late vote, another says they can.

One state updates their death tolls, another doesn't.

Laws should be the same.
The same number of days for early in person voting.
Each counter should have a D and a R checker at the same table.
Voting day voting continues until the last person votes.
Each box is counted twice by another counter, wrapped in saran wrap and out in a locked room.
Military votes go out one month ahead of counting.
No one should receive a send in ballot unless he is set one out.
Complaints should be taken to judges the same day (s) the complaint happens.
Signatures are examined to match their VOTER ID CARD ( FREE OF COST.)
Anyone voting twice is arrested.
USPS employees who hide, destroy ballots will be arrested.

Let's be smart about voting so it doesn't tale weeks or months.

Nnnnnope. Not just because the Tenth Amendment provides that powers not enumerated to the federal government fall under the purview of the several states, but more basically, the Constitution doesn't even require a vote for President. At all. Never did. What it does say is that each state will send however many electors alloted to it and they vote. And how they allot those electors is totally up to each state. They can hold a vote. They can have their legislature appoint them (as they used to do up to the Civil War). They could throw darts. Pick random names out of a hat. Read the license plate numbers of the next hundred cars that go by. Whatever they want.

Actually, with 48 states all using "winner take all" malarkey and the other two using a micro-version of it, the way the several states figure their electoral vote is already TOO uniform.
As a supporter of states' rights, it still seems rational for national elections to have the same rules for voting/counting etc. in all states. It's a relatively easy fix, and should only take about 7.5 years to get through congressional factions, although that might be too optimistic. Some representatives would be told by his or her constituents (top donors) to fight to keep their state's election rules in place, for whatever reason as it's subjective. The majority of US voters, however, would back this to avoid what we're experiencing now. There will be more close elections, likely one in 2024, and as a voter I'll be one of many who contact my state representative about this sensible solution..

Simple solutions work best most of the time, including feasible political solutions.
Start with voter ID.

Oh wait.
Some BS about racism, yet we need a damn ID for everything else.
What other things do you want to take from the states? Gun laws, maybe?
This has nothing to do with the 2nd amend

No, just a few other Amendments and state rights.
Why should we allow the states to call their own laws. I f they make the law, they can change the law, right?
One state said that the rule was DON"T USE SHARPIE PENS. IT bleeds to the other side, and the vote can't be read. So what did they do? Gave the Republicans the red sharpies and made them use them No what is better? Same rules or making up your own?

The official republican position is that the federal government has no authority to meddle in elections. Any federal standard for voting would immediately come under attack by republicans who like their voter suppression tactics right where they are.
I don't believe that at all.
One state counts all the votes by 10:00 on voting day, another state waits until November 12. In one state you can't use a red sharpie, others say, "Eh, it's okay for Republicans. Most don't bother counting military ballots, whats up with that? People cannot be watchers in one state and the counters hoop and holler when they are thrown out.

One state sends ballots to every citizen while others will send them to people who request them. Each party is running to judges calling foul play because the laws are no the same, or the judge say even though the state law says they can't count a late vote, another says they can.

One state updates their death tolls, another doesn't.

Laws should be the same.
The same number of days for early in person voting.
Each counter should have a D and a R checker at the same table.
Voting day voting continues until the last person votes.
Each box is counted twice by another counter, wrapped in saran wrap and out in a locked room.
Military votes go out one month ahead of counting.
No one should receive a send in ballot unless he is set one out.
Complaints should be taken to judges the same day (s) the complaint happens.
Signatures are examined to match their VOTER ID CARD ( FREE OF COST.)
Anyone voting twice is arrested.
USPS employees who hide, destroy ballots will be arrested.

Let's be smart about voting so it doesn't tale weeks or months.

I mean I totally disagree with the idea, but if you want those kind of changes, you are going to have to change the Constitution.
Then the changes you want to make will have to be ratified by the States.

I don't have a crystal ball, but just guessing, you don't have a snowball's chance in hell of that happening ... :dunno:

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I understand the argument about states rights. However, it’s a federal election.
I’ve been saying this several times over the past few days (past decade or 2, actually) that our voting system is a mess.
The rules are too lax. Just the fact that a state/county saying “they found an additional xyz ballots” is reason enough to reform this. What do you mean you found 59,000 ballots?? Why were they lost? What kind of control over chain of custody is that?
The mail in voting, combined with the poor maintain election of voters rolls (how the F are you gonna have 200,000 people on the rolls that are dead, moved away, etc?), the lack of controls such as not needing ID or not needing a signature, etc... piss poor quality control. There is tighter control and more safeguards with your bank account, your taxes, your medical records, etc.
Every four years, one side or the other feels the other cheated, and has lots of examples of things that AT THE VERY LEAST appear very suspect (and maybe some are). This appearance alone should be reason to tighten things up.
We, as a nation, can not have half the population feeling they were cheated every election. It’s one thing to lose an election. No one likes to lose, but losing fair and square is one thing. You accept your loss, you regroup and try to convince others of your beliefs and prepare for the next election. But losing when there is the appearance of fraud/cheating is unacceptable. It leads to the citizens of the country becoming polarized and tears at the fabric of society.

We could fix this if we wanted to, but we won’t. The politicians don’t mind it, because if there is cheating it gives them the abilityto cheat, and let’s be honest, politicians aren’t exactly known for the moral character. And if there isn’t cheating but just the appearance of it, it gets people to demonize each other. People divided are easier to manipulate and control.
And we the people, at this rate will never come together and demand it is done. That’s because the winning side adamantly denies anything is wrong with the system because they are defending their candidate/side. Never mind the fact that 4 or 8 years ago they themselves were screaming about cheating/fraud. And the side who is screaming about fraud now will be claiming they won fair and square the next 4 or 8 years. And so on and so forth.

If people would just be honest and acknowledge the system is broken, perhaps we could get somewhere.

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