Majority of Americans wrongly believe US is in recession – and most blame Biden

Half the US think unemployment is an issue when the issue is lack of labor. Don’t you think policies should address the act of labor and not waste effort on crying about a 50 year low unemployment number?
The government should address the genuine needs of the nation whatever they are. Sadly, they are feeding us cake instead of bread. :(
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No they aren't. They're going by what they're being told by RIGHT WING MEDIA, all of which is privately owned by billionaires who profit from Republican tax cuts and Republican economic crashes.

People are going by what they're being told by Republicans because they've been told by right wing media for the past 40 years that the economy is better when Republicans are in power, which it most definitely is not - not by any measure. In fact, the opposite has been true since the 1930's.
What "Right Wing" media?
not the governments job to provide for our needs,,,

their job is specifically laid out in the constitution and providing needs isnt there,,
What do you think taxes should be used for? Some frivolous shit that doesnt meet our needs? You have to be one of the dumbest people on here, and that is saying a lot.
What do you think taxes should be used for? Some frivolous shit that doesnt meet our needs? You have to be one of the dumbest people on here, and that is saying a lot.
according to the constitution its for paying bills and debts,,

not pet projects for political parties to get more votes,,

I need a new truck and a excavator,,
should the government pay for that??
Your source is some rando on youtube with a beanie starting the video "have you ever noticed...." and proceeds to provide anecdotes about his business. It's no wonder you idiots get duped so easily. You're an idiot.
if you took the time he read from several MSM sources,,

attacking the messenger when you cant refute the message doesnt work anymore,,
What do you think "paying bills" is?
pet projects arent bills,,

a bill would be for things like gas and water or military items that are actually in the constitution,,

now if you can show where in the constitution it says they can take from one group of people and give to another you might have something,,
but as stated in the last sentence of the 5th amendment they cant do that,,
Cut taxes. Blurt talking points. Trade wars are easy to win. Spend like crazy.
I think what he would like to do is unleash American exceptionalism again. Trump wants to make it profitable to be excellent and incentivize hard work. Eliminate DEI and racist economic policies of Biden. MAGA

pet projects arent bills,,

a bill would be for things like gas and water or military items that are actually in the constitution,,

now if you can show where in the constitution it says they can take from one group of people and give to another you might have something,,
but as stated in the last sentence of the 5th amendment they cant do that,,
Article 1 Section 8: "The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;"

General welfare is really a broad category.
Article 1 Section 8: "The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;"

General welfare is really a broad category.
not seeing where they can take from one group and give to another,,
and the 5th A says they cant,,

next youre going to tell me its OK they give corporations cash subsidies,,
You are out of touch with reality. The following is the reality:

This is also reality.
Pretty impressive for people who can’t afford to live.

Memorial Day weekend 2024 could break travel records. Here's what to know.​

not seeing where they can take from one group and give to another,,
and the 5th A says they cant,,

next youre going to tell me its OK they give corporations cash subsidies,,
Do I agree with all cash subsidies? No. Prohibited by the Constitution? No. The last portion of the 5th talks about government taking private property. Not sure exactly what that has to do with this topic, but whatever.
Do I agree with all cash subsidies? No. Prohibited by the Constitution? No. The last portion of the 5th talks about government taking private property. Not sure exactly what that has to do with this topic, but whatever.
welfare is cash subsidies and after the 60 yrs theyve been happening the general welfare has decreased,,

so itss not just unconstitutional its a failed system,,
This is also reality.
Pretty impressive for people who can’t afford to live.

Memorial Day weekend 2024 could break travel records. Here's what to know.​

That’s some pollster saying that, Fakey.

It does seem a bit hyperbolic.

But lots of people are suffering under the Potato regime.

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