Majority of Americans wrongly believe US is in recession – and most blame Biden

That is untrue. Wages are up. If only low paying jobs were added youd see wages go down. Sigh. Regardless there is virtually no unemployment and more jobs than people. Even if they are low paying, which they aren’t, it still pressures prices to have a labor shortage an any wage tier.
Wages like the amount of oil produced always goes up... but is it enough to keep up with inflation?... no... just like when you guys say we are drilling for more oil today... sure we will always produce more because demand is always growing... but is it enough...No...
Yeah, tell that to the folks that have lost their jobs due to commie minimum wages or the workers in Denver that had their hours cut to zero to take care of illegals. No one is buying the crap you're trying to sell.

Thanks for showing us how clueless you are. LOL commie minimum wage. Let me guess you want things to go back to the good old days of no minimum wage, 7 day work weeks, and children being allowed to work in factories. You're a disgrace.
No they aren't. They're going by what they're being told by RIGHT WING MEDIA, all of which is privately owned by billionaires who profit from Republican tax cuts and Republican economic crashes.

People are going by what they're being told by Republicans because they've been told by right wing media for the past 40 years that the economy is better when Republicans are in power, which it most definitely is not - not by any measure. In fact, the opposite has been true since the 1930's.
Why are more people living paycheck to paycheck? Mounting up credit card debt with crushing interest rates to pay for common items like utilities and groceries? Can't buy a house because interest rates too high? Keeping their vehicles longer because they can't afford a new one? You know .. things that are actually happen.

Get some propane for you gas light ..
One can say the future outlook for the economy is good. But that is simply hoping for the best. There’s no guarantee that the future will be well.

We also know that under Donald Trump, the economy was better than it is today. It is completely undeniable. People can attempt to spin it and say it was because of Obama or something like that. But they simply cannot lie to people. …the truth is the economy was better under Trump.

What one cannot do is lie to people faces and tell them things are going great now. Home prices and interest rates on loans are still very high.

Go out to eat at restaurants. The prices are still through the roof.
Democracy is advanced citizenship. It has a requirement no other form of government requires: an educated and informed public.

Question: Can a democracy work when it’s populous is massively uninformed?

I am not suggesting people should like the economy but I am suggesting they are poorly equipped to diagnose the issue and decide which ideas will address the issues. That ignorance will result in suboptimal governance.

Maybe we need a dictator? Kidding on that point.
You keep repeating this and the United States electorate will never reach the goal of being educated AND informed. It would be like boiling the ocean .. it's not going to happen. It's not promoted, it's not taught in schools and the electorate has other priorities than being informed in basic government, politics, the economy and voting.
One can say the future outlook for the economy is good. But that is simply hoping for the best. There’s no guarantee that the future will be well.

We also know that under Donald Trump, the economy was better than it is today. It is completely undeniable. People can attempt to spin it and say it was because of Obama or something like that. But they simply cannot lie to people. …the truth is the economy was better under Trump.

What one cannot do is lie to people faces and tell them things are going great now. Home prices and interest rates on loans are still very high.

Go out to eat at restaurants. The prices are still through the roof.
Under trump:
2.9 million jobs were lost
Trade deficit increased 40.5% from 2016
Federal debt went from $14.5 trillion to $21.6 trillion
Illegal immigration increased...apprehensions at southern border increased 14.5% from 2016
Murder rate rose to the highest level since 1997
Consumer Price Index rose by 7.6%
Economic Growth rate -3.4%
One can say the future outlook for the economy is good. But that is simply hoping for the best. There’s no guarantee that the future will be well.

We also know that under Donald Trump, the economy was better than it is today. It is completely undeniable. People can attempt to spin it and say it was because of Obama or something like that. But they simply cannot lie to people. …the truth is the economy was better under Trump.

What one cannot do is lie to people faces and tell them things are going great now. Home prices and interest rates on loans are still very high.

Go out to eat at restaurants. The prices are still through the roof.
You either live or regret not having lived.
Our leaders may be dumb, our people are dumber. Forget about whether you think the economy is good or bad, Americans are ignorant of the basic economic indicators. The Harris Organization did a poll for the Guardian and discovered American are massively uninformed.

Democracy has a an inherent requirement for a populous to be informed. Otherwise it can’t work.

  • 55% believe the economy is shrinking, and 56% think the US is experiencing a recession, though the broadest measure of the economy, gross domestic product (GDP), has been growing.
  • 49% believe the S&P 500 stock market index is down for the year, though the index went up about 24% in 2023 and is up more than 12% this year.
  • 49% believe that unemployment is at a 50-year high, though the unemployment rate has been under 4%, a near 50-year low.
  • 72% think the rate of inflation is increasing. In reality, the rate of inflation has fallen sharply from its post-Covid peak of 9.1% and has been fluctuating between 3% and 4% a year.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Under trump:
2.9 million jobs were lost
Trade deficit increased 40.5% from 2016
Federal debt went from $14.5 trillion to $21.6 trillion
Illegal immigration increased...apprehensions at southern border increased 14.5% from 2016
Murder rate rose to the highest level since 1997
Consumer Price Index rose by 7.6%
Economic Growth rate -3.4%


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Our leaders may be dumb, our people are dumber. Forget about whether you think the economy is good or bad, Americans are ignorant of the basic economic indicators. The Harris Organization did a poll for the Guardian and discovered American are massively uninformed.

Democracy has a an inherent requirement for a populous to be informed. Otherwise it can’t work.

  • 55% believe the economy is shrinking, and 56% think the US is experiencing a recession, though the broadest measure of the economy, gross domestic product (GDP), has been growing.
  • 49% believe the S&P 500 stock market index is down for the year, though the index went up about 24% in 2023 and is up more than 12% this year.
  • 49% believe that unemployment is at a 50-year high, though the unemployment rate has been under 4%, a near 50-year low.
  • 72% think the rate of inflation is increasing. In reality, the rate of inflation has fallen sharply from its post-Covid peak of 9.1% and has been fluctuating between 3% and 4% a year.

The fact is, the economy is about prices you pay. When you can't afford home costs, car costs, or groceries and foreclosures are high, evictions are high, auto defaults are high, savings withdraws are high, credit card debt is high, homelessness is high, the economy sucks, no matter how many damn stats you want to post. People are having to charge their expenses in order to survive because they can't afford to live anymore.
Sounds like you're broke. Maybe you should consider going back to work so you can stop whining about your finances.
He didn't account for inflation. Everyone knows when saving for retirement, factor inflation in. He didn't. He was hoping Biden would fix his problem. Wipe out his debt like he did student loans.
Are we in the middle of a 50 year high unemployment, shrinking GDP, crashing stock market economy? Cuz that is what the majority of Americans think.

Nearly three in five Americans wrongly believe that the United States is in an economic recession

  • 55% of the respondents believe the economy is shrinking and 56% say the U.S. is experiencing a recession. Fact. The broadest measure of the economy – the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) – increased 3.4% in the fourth quarter of 2023 and 1.6% in the first quarter of 2024.
  • Approximately one-half (49%) believe the S&P 500 stock market index is down for the year. Fact. The S&P is above 5,300 and up more than 12% as of today and rose 24% a year ago.
  • Nearly 1-in-2 (49%) surveyed believe that unemployment is at a 50-year high. Fact. The U.S. unemployment rate has been near a 50-year-low at 3.9%.
I believe the voters do the best with the power they have and don't buy into either of the 2 major political parties. We seldom get one party controlling the White House for greater than 2 consecutive terms (1980-1992 being the one exception in my lifetime). Also, it is generally the case that the President's party doesn't fare as well in the midterm elections.

If folks are not satisfied with the economy who better to know their situation other than themselves?
Those who pay attention to the WH press briefings are regularly subjected to intentional misrepresentation, particularly with respect to INFLATION.

The WH press woman keeps saying that inflation is DOWN, and they are working to bring prices even lower.

This is poppycock, on steroids.

The RATE OF INFLATION is down, which means that PRICES ARE STILL GOING UP, albeit at a slower rate than previously. And the inflation that we did experience was the predictable result of profligate public spending, promoted massively by DEMOCRATS IN CONGRESS. Any attempts to blame the inflation blip on Trump are absurd and amount to blatant lies.

Prices for most things that Americans need to live, mainly housing, gas, and food, are dramatically higher than they were when President Biden took office, and nothing they can say or do will change that. And THAT is how most Americans look at inflation. What does stuff cost now, as compared to when Trump was President? By that measure (and many other measures), President Biden has been an abject failure.

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