Majority of Americans wrongly believe US is in recession – and most blame Biden

So, what would be the state of the US economy if Traitor Joe, the Dems, and the Zionist Fascist RINOs were not running a

$4 trillion per year deficit???

Traitor Joe is bragging about an "economy" that is getting $4 trillion of "stimulus" for no goods or services produced....

To brag about borrowing and spending is to have no concern for the United States.
ain't no infrastructuring going on.
Already a thread on this, using the exact same poll. Reported

That said, inflation IS STILL GOING UP, stop trying to play word games. The rate going down doesn't mean the prices aren't still going UP.

Inflation went up under Trump. And everyone else. It has fallen back to near normal levels and labor shortage is a problem the opposite of unemployment. Get some more labor in here and you’ll have lower wages and lower prices. Let me know which way you like better.
No they aren't. They're going by what they're being told by RIGHT WING MEDIA, all of which is privately owned by billionaires who profit from Republican tax cuts and Republican economic crashes.

People are going by what they're being told by Republicans because they've been told by right wing media for the past 40 years that the economy is better when Republicans are in power, which it most definitely is not - not by any measure. In fact, the opposite has been true since the 1930's.
WHEN WE only believe PARTY PROPAGANDA, No matter what side is doing it WE lose.
There are some from both party's that Try to vote in the best interest of our country.
Maybe not many, Most jump on the party over country.
That's how they keep there job and support there big donners.
EVER ASK WHY it takes billions of dollars to win.
What could be done with ALL that money?
if it was not used to keep the money
in a limited number of pockets.
No. Don’t change what I said. Address the challenge that 50% of Americans think the S&P is down and that unemployment is high when the opposite is true.
The jobs available are lower wage jobs and food service jobs not career type employment... basically the jobs are those coming back from covid... A monkey could have done better...
Inflation went up under Trump. And everyone else. It has fallen back to near normal levels and labor shortage is a problem the opposite of unemployment. Get some more labor in here and you’ll have lower wages and lower prices. Let me know which way you like better.
Lower wages dont necessarily lead to lower prices. Corps would use those savings and pass it along to shareholders more than likely.
hahaha…Look at these new-age leftists taking a firm stand for their elites. It seems like only yesterday the sick fucks were looking out for bottom feeding degenerates.
”Look broke ass dark people, faggots and mentally ill weirdos….Silicon Valley and our coastal purple hairs are kicking ass…I know you don’t know what GDP is and you think Dow Jones is a person but stop paying attention to how broke you are due the cost of fuel, groceries and rents, stop thinking about that house you’ll never be able to buy because of interest rates…DAMNIT, believe me when I tell you, despite your Top Ramen diet and cobwebs in your wallet you are kicking ass.”
In order to solve those issues don’t you think you need to be informed about the real problems?
The jobs available are lower wage jobs and food service jobs not career type employment... basically the jobs are those coming back from covid... A monkey could have done better...
That is untrue. Wages are up. If only low paying jobs were added youd see wages go down. Sigh. Regardless there is virtually no unemployment and more jobs than people. Even if they are low paying, which they aren’t, it still pressures prices to have a labor shortage an any wage tier.
citygator the only way Biden can make people believe the economy is better is to make it better... he could do that even faster than he can solve the border issue... all he has to do is to drill baby drill and make America energy independent.... but he won't do it.... too stubborn... so we will all watch him lose....
Inflation went up under Trump. And everyone else. It has fallen back to near normal levels and labor shortage is a problem the opposite of unemployment. Get some more labor in here and you’ll have lower wages and lower prices. Let me know which way you like better.

Yeah, tell that to the folks that have lost their jobs due to commie minimum wages or the workers in Denver that had their hours cut to zero to take care of illegals. No one is buying the crap you're trying to sell.


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