Mainstream media ignores possible graft payments to help stop border invasion


Gold Member
May 24, 2009
I see there is barely any mention by our MSM in regard to Biden considering paying graft to gangster governments to help stop border surge.

See Border Surge Smashes Records - The White House Solution? Pay off Central American Governments


“The situation is so bad that the Department of Health and Human Services has reportedly asked workers at other federal agencies to volunteer to take paid leave to go to the border to help care for the thousands of illegal immigrant children being held there.

The border surge is breaking records. Over 172,000 migrants were stopped at the border last month – the most in 20 years. And almost 21,000 unaccompanied minors are now in federal custody – the most ever.”

So now, instead the Biden Administration worrying about our own citizens’ needs, and promoting the general welfare of the United States required by our Constitution, and likewise “repelling invasions”, also required by our Constitution, the Biden Administration is using its resources to advance the welfare of those invading our border.

As reported, the Biden Administration is considering giving cash payments to the home countries of these invaders in the hope their government will help stop the invasion.

The fact is, the United States would not be in this situation if the Biden Administration did not reverse the previous Administration’s immigration policies which reduced the flow of invaders to a trickle. Instead, as mentioned in the article, the Biden “. . . Administration is spending $60 million a week, and now wants to launch a cash transfer program in Central America. This insults millions of Americans who are out of work in our country."

My only hope is, democrat voters, especially those living in our nation’s inner cities, and are most adversely affected by the Democrat Leadership’s immigration policy of open borders, will have learned a lesson, and that “Orange Man” was not that bad after all. At least he adopted a number of programs and policy changes which actually advanced the interest of those living in our nation’s inner cities. See Civil rights attorney, lifelong Democrat: President Trump has done more for blacks than Obama

Unfortunately, the current Administration is more concerned with the needs of illegal entrants and those storming our border than the needs of American citizens, including our nation’s senior citizens.


Joe Biden and Kamala Harris want elderly American citizens, who paid into Medicare all their lives, to surrender and share their Medicare Trust fund with millions of illegal entrants who have invaded America’s borders. LINK
Why would they cover something so embarrassing and cuckish by their creepy salvation? What sense would that make?
I see there is barely any mention by our MSM in regard to Biden considering paying graft to gangster governments to help stop border surge.

See Border Surge Smashes Records - The White House Solution? Pay off Central American Governments


“The situation is so bad that the Department of Health and Human Services has reportedly asked workers at other federal agencies to volunteer to take paid leave to go to the border to help care for the thousands of illegal immigrant children being held there.

The border surge is breaking records. Over 172,000 migrants were stopped at the border last month – the most in 20 years. And almost 21,000 unaccompanied minors are now in federal custody – the most ever.”

So now, instead the Biden Administration worrying about our own citizens’ needs, and promoting the general welfare of the United States required by our Constitution, and likewise “repelling invasions”, also required by our Constitution, the Biden Administration is using its resources to advance the welfare of those invading our border.

As reported, the Biden Administration is considering giving cash payments to the home countries of these invaders in the hope their government will help stop the invasion.

The fact is, the United States would not be in this situation if the Biden Administration did not reverse the previous Administration’s immigration policies which reduced the flow of invaders to a trickle. Instead, as mentioned in the article, the Biden “. . . Administration is spending $60 million a week, and now wants to launch a cash transfer program in Central America. This insults millions of Americans who are out of work in our country."

My only hope is, democrat voters, especially those living in our nation’s inner cities, and are most adversely affected by the Democrat Leadership’s immigration policy of open borders, will have learned a lesson, and that “Orange Man” was not that bad after all. At least he adopted a number of programs and policy changes which actually advanced the interest of those living in our nation’s inner cities. See Civil rights attorney, lifelong Democrat: President Trump has done more for blacks than Obama

Unfortunately, the current Administration is more concerned with the needs of illegal entrants and those storming our border than the needs of American citizens, including our nation’s senior citizens.


Joe Biden and Kamala Harris want elderly American citizens, who paid into Medicare all their lives, to surrender and share their Medicare Trust fund with millions of illegal entrants who have invaded America’s borders. LINK
The MSM is the propaganda arm of the Democratic Party.
And they are leading their audience down a suicidal path.

I guess the “Orange Man” was absolutely correct in referring to Obama’s mass immigration, especially from Central America, as a “Trojan Horse”, and American taxpaying citizens are already paying part of the price for ignoring Trump’s warning:

In addition to the $116 BILLION the current Administration’s suicidal immigration policies are now costing American citizens each year:


our nation’s health care system is being over burdened with the healthcare needs of Central America’s poverty stricken pouring into our country LINK

and American citizens are also being taxed to pay for the birth of anchor babies born to illegal aliens which opens the door for more taxpayer benefits handed over to illegal aliens LINK

while taxpayer funded public housing meant to help our nation’s poor citizens is being filled with Central America’s poverty stricken population LINK

all this, and then the Biden Administration has the nerve to house the surge of Central America’s poverty stricken flooding into our country in expensive hotels at taxpayer expense, while our Veterans sleep in the streets! LINK

The facts are what they are.

Hopefully democrat voters who voted in the current disloyal federal leadership have learned a lesson and that “Orange Man” was not that bad after all. At least he adopted a number of programs and policy changes which actually advanced the interest of those living in our nation’s inner cities. See Civil rights attorney, lifelong Democrat: President Trump has done more for blacks than Obama
Unfortunately, the current Administration is more concerned with the needs of illegal entrants and those storming our border than the needs of American citizens, including our nation’s senior citizens.


Joe Biden and Kamala Harris want elderly American citizens, who paid into Medicare all their lives, to surrender and share their Medicare Trust fund with millions of illegal entrants who have invaded America’s borders. LINK
From one crime family to another

Yeah, but this crime family is using taxpayer money to fund the other crime families.

Everybody on the right and left knows what would work, but in doing so, they would have to concede that Trump's policies were great and what America needed in order to address this problem. As we all know, the Democrats are party first-country second with their policies.

Like always with Democrats, when they see a problem, the answer is to throw money at it instead of doing what works. And why not, it's not their money after all. Look at the last two Pork bills they passed.
From one crime family to another

Yeah, but this crime family is using taxpayer money to fund the other crime families.

Everybody on the right and left knows what would work, but in doing so, they would have to concede that Trump's policies were great and what America needed in order to address this problem. As we all know, the Democrats are party first-country second with their policies.

Like always with Democrats, when they see a problem, the answer is to throw money at it instead of doing what works. And why not, it's not their money after all. Look at the last two Pork bills they passed.

The only thing I disagree with you is about your characterizing the bills as "Pork". In fact, the bills are money laundering operations in which our federal treasury is plundered in a manner which fattens the fortunes of the friends of government and their donors, just like Obama's green energy money laundering operation under which 80% of green energy money taxed away from the wages of hard working American Citizens WENT TO Obama's donors!


Democrat leaders claim to be advocates for hard working people. If that is so, why do they not promote an end to the unconstitutional “Temporary Victory Tax” of 1943, which began today’s federal confiscation of the bread which working people have earned by the sweat of their labor?

Biden agrees with ending detentions, i.e., total open borders and closing down ICE

I can't freaken believe this. Biden agrees with a crowd who wants to stop detentions of those swarming across our border, in essence, total open borders and shutting down ICE. And he's working on it!


When will this madness end? When Central America's entire poverty stricken population is allowed to flood into the United States?


There is no better way to weaken, subdue and bring to its knees a prosperous and freedom loving country than by flooding it with the poverty stricken, poorly educated, low skilled, diseased, disabled and criminal populations of other countries.

Biden releasing illegal alien sex offenders into population​


Seems that there little coverage by our mainstream media, of illegal alien sex offenders being release into our population by the Biden Administration. But I did find the following:
See Sex Offenders Catch a Break With Biden

May 5, 2021

“Amid a report that illegal alien sex offenders were freed into the United States, five states are suing the Biden administration over guidelines that are used to shield rapists and other violent felons from deportation.

A San Antonio television station revealed last week that U.S. Marshals released illegal alien sex offenders in Austin and Del Rio, preventing Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents from taking them into custody. The Marshals Service said it does not comment on cases “subject of ongoing or pending litigation.”


How sad that our domestic anarchist crowd, AKA libertarians, are comfortable with America’s southern border being overrun with the poverty stricken, poorly educated, low skilled, diseased, disabled and criminal population of Central America.


there is no better way to weaken, subdue and bring to its knees a prosperous and freedom loving country than by flooding it with the poverty stricken, poorly educated, low skilled, diseased, disabled and criminal populations of other countries.
I see there is barely any mention by our MSM in regard to Biden considering paying graft to gangster governments to help stop border surge.

See Border Surge Smashes Records - The White House Solution? Pay off Central American Governments


“The situation is so bad that the Department of Health and Human Services has reportedly asked workers at other federal agencies to volunteer to take paid leave to go to the border to help care for the thousands of illegal immigrant children being held there.

The border surge is breaking records. Over 172,000 migrants were stopped at the border last month – the most in 20 years. And almost 21,000 unaccompanied minors are now in federal custody – the most ever.”

So now, instead the Biden Administration worrying about our own citizens’ needs, and promoting the general welfare of the United States required by our Constitution, and likewise “repelling invasions”, also required by our Constitution, the Biden Administration is using its resources to advance the welfare of those invading our border.

As reported, the Biden Administration is considering giving cash payments to the home countries of these invaders in the hope their government will help stop the invasion.

The fact is, the United States would not be in this situation if the Biden Administration did not reverse the previous Administration’s immigration policies which reduced the flow of invaders to a trickle. Instead, as mentioned in the article, the Biden “. . . Administration is spending $60 million a week, and now wants to launch a cash transfer program in Central America. This insults millions of Americans who are out of work in our country."

My only hope is, democrat voters, especially those living in our nation’s inner cities, and are most adversely affected by the Democrat Leadership’s immigration policy of open borders, will have learned a lesson, and that “Orange Man” was not that bad after all. At least he adopted a number of programs and policy changes which actually advanced the interest of those living in our nation’s inner cities. See Civil rights attorney, lifelong Democrat: President Trump has done more for blacks than Obama

Unfortunately, the current Administration is more concerned with the needs of illegal entrants and those storming our border than the needs of American citizens, including our nation’s senior citizens.


Joe Biden and Kamala Harris want elderly American citizens, who paid into Medicare all their lives, to surrender and share their Medicare Trust fund with millions of illegal entrants who have invaded America’s borders. LINK

I suppose the Lame Stream Internet Sources you posted, and you believe building walls and using bellicose and belligerent discourse against Central American Countries are the solution.

Have you considered diplomacy builds bridges and not only protects our borders, but also provide families in Central America some security from criminal gangs. No one wants to uproot their family and march to our country as invaders, but people who are scared - rightly so - when they are under the thumb of criminals.

Callous conservatives lack empathy, and given that fact I doubt you and others don't care about their situation, and choose to judge these people as criminals.
I suppose the Lame Stream Internet Sources you posted, and you believe building walls and using bellicose and belligerent discourse against Central American Countries are the solution.

Have you considered diplomacy builds bridges and not only protects our borders, but also provide families in Central America some security from criminal gangs. No one wants to uproot their family and march to our country as invaders, but people who are scared - rightly so - when they are under the thumb of criminals.

Callous conservatives lack empathy, and given that fact I doubt you and others don't care about their situation, and choose to judge these people as criminals.

We have 7.5 billion people on this planet. How many of those 7.5 billion do you want to let in?

The United States has fought many wars to build and keep this country the best that we can. We've lost hundreds of thousands of lives defending this great place. We've even had a war with ourselves. Now that we created this beautiful place, we have people who did nothing for themselves or to change their country, come here, look around, and say "This is a great place you built. We're going to live here whether you like it or not!

The United States allows a million outsiders into our country to become citizens every single year. That's on top of the near million VISA's, work permits and green cards we allow outsiders to have to take advantage of the opportunities we created so they can earn money to take back to their country. This country 30 trillion in debt still provides billions in aid to countries all across this globe, not to mention the dozens of private charities we generously give to in order for other people outside of the US to eat and get medical supplies.

Now when you can show me another country as generous, as compassionate, as caring than the US for people outside of this country, only then do you have the right to bitch we aren't doing enough. Until that time, we are doing way too much. Close the borders and preserve what we created.
I suppose the Lame Stream Internet Sources you posted, and you believe building walls and using bellicose and belligerent discourse against Central American Countries are the solution.

Have you considered diplomacy builds bridges and not only protects our borders, but also provide families in Central America some security from criminal gangs. No one wants to uproot their family and march to our country as invaders, but people who are scared - rightly so - when they are under the thumb of criminals.

Callous conservatives lack empathy, and given that fact I doubt you and others don't care about their situation, and choose to judge these people as criminals.

We have 7.5 billion people on this planet. How many of those 7.5 billion do you want to let in?

The United States has fought many wars to build and keep this country the best that we can. We've lost hundreds of thousands of lives defending this great place. We've even had a war with ourselves. Now that we created this beautiful place, we have people who did nothing for themselves or to change their country, come here, look around, and say "This is a great place you built. We're going to live here whether you like it or not!

The United States allows a million outsiders into our country to become citizens every single year. That's on top of the near million VISA's, work permits and green cards we allow outsiders to have to take advantage of the opportunities we created so they can earn money to take back to their country. This country 30 trillion in debt still provides billions in aid to countries all across this globe, not to mention the dozens of private charities we generously give to in order for other people outside of the US to eat and get medical supplies.

Now when you can show me another country as generous, as compassionate, as caring than the US for people outside of this country, only then do you have the right to bitch we aren't doing enough. Until that time, we are doing way too much. Close the borders and preserve what we created.

Your post is proof you lack empathy. There is a problem on our Southern Border, and that problem will continue to fester without the use of diplomacy.

Your last paragraph is not a solution, the border wall is not a solution as I've noted before. Airports and seaports and coastal areas on the west, east and gulf cannot prevent the intrusion of terrorists and other criminal elements. The Coast Guard is doing a great job but needs more money to become more effective in protection of our coasts.

Without a State Department's ability to use diplomacy, and that includes using money, to work with Mexico, Central and South America, the problem at the Southern Border will become a larger mess. President Biden's efforts to protect the oppressed is laudable, and yet people like you don't give a damn about people in need.
Your post is proof you lack empathy. There is a problem on our Southern Border, and that problem will continue to fester without the use of diplomacy.

Your last paragraph is not a solution, the border wall is not a solution as I've noted before. Airports and seaports and coastal areas on the west, east and gulf cannot prevent the intrusion of terrorists and other criminal elements. The Coast Guard is doing a great job but needs more money to become more effective in protection of our coasts.

Without a State Department's ability to use diplomacy, and that includes using money, to work with Mexico, Central and South America, the problem at the Southern Border will become a larger mess. President Biden's efforts to protect the oppressed is laudable, and yet people like you don't give a damn about people in need.

The border was great under Trump until they predicted Biden to take the presidency. Then they started coming this way. After he got into office, he reversed all of Trump's successful policies, and that's why we have the problem we do today. The only diplomacy Trump needed was to tell Mexico if they want our foreign aid, they better stop these people from other countries from getting to our border, and it worked fantastically.

When they realized it was fruitless to attempt to come here, they stopped. Trump's policy was if you want to apply for US asylum, you need to do so at the US embassy in your own country--not come here to do it. No more catch and release. If you do somehow make it here and want to apply for asylum, but were offered it by another country on the way here, that's an automatic disqualification.

The only way the "problem will fester" is with Dementia running the show. He knows the way to solve the problem, but it's not a problem for him because he wants our country flooded with sick and diseased illegal immigrants so he can bus them from coast to coast across our country making us sick, suffering their crime, or them to kill us.
Your post is proof you lack empathy. There is a problem on our Southern Border, and that problem will continue to fester without the use of diplomacy.

Your last paragraph is not a solution, the border wall is not a solution as I've noted before. Airports and seaports and coastal areas on the west, east and gulf cannot prevent the intrusion of terrorists and other criminal elements. The Coast Guard is doing a great job but needs more money to become more effective in protection of our coasts.

Without a State Department's ability to use diplomacy, and that includes using money, to work with Mexico, Central and South America, the problem at the Southern Border will become a larger mess. President Biden's efforts to protect the oppressed is laudable, and yet people like you don't give a damn about people in need.

The border was great under Trump until they predicted Biden to take the presidency. Then they started coming this way. After he got into office, he reversed all of Trump's successful policies, and that's why we have the problem we do today. The only diplomacy Trump needed was to tell Mexico if they want our foreign aid, they better stop these people from other countries from getting to our border, and it worked fantastically.

When they realized it was fruitless to attempt to come here, they stopped. Trump's policy was if you want to apply for US asylum, you need to do so at the US embassy in your own country--not come here to do it. No more catch and release. If you do somehow make it here and want to apply for asylum, but were offered it by another country on the way here, that's an automatic disqualification.

The only way the "problem will fester" is with Dementia running the show. He knows the way to solve the problem, but it's not a problem for him because he wants our country flooded with sick and diseased illegal immigrants so he can bus them from coast to coast across our country making us sick, suffering their crime, or them to kill us.

"The border was great under Trump" is total bullshit.
"The border was great under Trump" is total bullshit.

I suppose the Lame Stream Internet Sources you posted, and you believe building walls and using bellicose and belligerent discourse against Central American Countries are the solution.

Have you considered diplomacy builds bridges and not only protects our borders, but also provide families in Central America some security from criminal gangs. No one wants to uproot their family and march to our country as invaders, but people who are scared - rightly so - when they are under the thumb of criminals.

And what does all that have to do with American citizens having to pay the price for Biden's open border policies?


When it comes to healthcare and helping the needy, our Democrat Party Leadership has no moral compass whatsoever. They refuse to make the distinction between CHARITABLE GIVING and tax tyranny to support the health care needs of millions of illegal entrants and foreign aliens who have invaded America’s borders.
I suppose the Lame Stream Internet Sources you posted, and you believe building walls and using bellicose and belligerent discourse against Central American Countries are the solution.

Have you considered diplomacy builds bridges and not only protects our borders, but also provide families in Central America some security from criminal gangs. No one wants to uproot their family and march to our country as invaders, but people who are scared - rightly so - when they are under the thumb of criminals.

And what does all that have to do with American citizens having to pay the price for Biden's open border policies?


When it comes to healthcare and helping the needy, our Democrat Party Leadership has no moral compass whatsoever. They refuse to make the distinction between CHARITABLE GIVING and tax tyranny to support the health care needs of millions of illegal entrants and foreign aliens who have invaded America’s borders.

You're a callous conservative, and it needs to rule out if you are a sociopath; although the new DSM 5 has not used sociopath or psychopath any longer. The diagnosis now is antisocial personality disorder. I prefer the former terms, and to put serial killers simply being antisocial seems to be short sighted. BTW, I do not suggest you are a serial killer, your are, however, a callous jerk.
I suppose the Lame Stream Internet Sources you posted, and you believe building walls and using bellicose and belligerent discourse against Central American Countries are the solution.

Have you considered diplomacy builds bridges and not only protects our borders, but also provide families in Central America some security from criminal gangs. No one wants to uproot their family and march to our country as invaders, but people who are scared - rightly so - when they are under the thumb of criminals.

Callous conservatives lack empathy, and given that fact I doubt you and others don't care about their situation, and choose to judge these people as criminals.

We have 7.5 billion people on this planet. How many of those 7.5 billion do you want to let in?

The United States has fought many wars to build and keep this country the best that we can. We've lost hundreds of thousands of lives defending this great place. We've even had a war with ourselves. Now that we created this beautiful place, we have people who did nothing for themselves or to change their country, come here, look around, and say "This is a great place you built. We're going to live here whether you like it or not!

The United States allows a million outsiders into our country to become citizens every single year. That's on top of the near million VISA's, work permits and green cards we allow outsiders to have to take advantage of the opportunities we created so they can earn money to take back to their country. This country 30 trillion in debt still provides billions in aid to countries all across this globe, not to mention the dozens of private charities we generously give to in order for other people outside of the US to eat and get medical supplies.

Now when you can show me another country as generous, as compassionate, as caring than the US for people outside of this country, only then do you have the right to bitch we aren't doing enough. Until that time, we are doing way too much. Close the borders and preserve what we created.

Your post is proof you lack empathy. There is a problem on our Southern Border, and that problem will continue to fester without the use of diplomacy.

Your last paragraph is not a solution, the border wall is not a solution as I've noted before. Airports and seaports and coastal areas on the west, east and gulf cannot prevent the intrusion of terrorists and other criminal elements. The Coast Guard is doing a great job but needs more money to become more effective in protection of our coasts.

Without a State Department's ability to use diplomacy, and that includes using money, to work with Mexico, Central and South America, the problem at the Southern Border will become a larger mess. President Biden's efforts to protect the oppressed is laudable, and yet people like you don't give a damn about people in need.

Fuck those killer rapist Mexicans, let them fight for their own country

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