Mail-in Voting ?


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
I get it.Trump is pushing " false claims " about mail-in
voting.I guess according to the less than drunken sailors
who occupy chairs on the set of - Morning Joe -.
At least drunken sailors have to Drink enough in order
to git drunk.BTW ... Donald John Trump does Not Drink.
Or smoke.So he would make a particularly poor choice to
imitate a Popeye.Whereas the Mika bitch on - Morning Joe -
might make a half ass Olive Oyl.But Olive Oyl doesn't live for
sitting on her kesiter and smiling constantly,particularly when
Lying like a drunken Cossack.From Poland.Where bristle brush
haired father { Zbigniew } stood out as Jimmy Carter's National
Security Advisor.Like how did that work out.
Trump was quite cautionary before the 2020 General Election
over what the Carter/Baker 2004 - Commission on Federal Election
Reform - found.It warned about Mail-in ballots.
So when Trump again warned about the same thing that 2004
Commision warned about ... He's just Lying.
Again to know a Liar and spot one is much easier as the
years float by.A Liar is
" The Liars " { 1919 }
" A liar lies to the nations
A liar lies to the people.
A liar takes the blood of the people.
And drinks this blood with a laugh and a lie.
-- Carl Sandburg { 1878 - 1967 } American poet,Socialist
I get it.Like when one { Let's say a left-wing formerly
Retired Jewish Comic } with a Faux name { Jon Stewart }
gets a kick out of mocking Tucker Carlson's Putin
interview.At least Tucker had the Balls to meet and
engage the fomer KGB Putin.
Unlike some weenie Jew boy with a fake name
acting all comic ... while sitting on his duff and acting
Oh! so Smart-assed.
That takes a lot of True Grit ... don't it.
Mister Jonathan Swift Leibowitz!
The coherent, logic response to the "mail-in voting" question is as follows:

When voting is done IN PERSON, with a valid, state-issued voter ID card, fraudulent voting is virtually eliminated for those votes. Second, Absentee Ballots in most states have a heightened level of securing in most states: they must be signed and notarized, with a copy of a valid picture ID. In a rational world, ALL VOTES would be one of those two types of votes: in person or Absentee.

Mail-in voting, which increases the chances for fraud dramatically, was introduced BECAUSE OF THE PANDEMIC, because many people might have decided not to vote out of concern for getting Cooties. The Pandemic is history now, and there is no reason on God's green earth why "we" should still have mail-in voting. In addition, the election of 2020 brought in additional pathways for fraud, such as ballot harvesting (illegal in any event, in most States), remote ballot boxes, and an Election Season, rather than Election Day, which encourages voting before all of the relevant information is available. (Last minute "developments" are common).

The unfortunate fact is that elections - even Presidential elections - are controlled at the State level, and Leftist operatives control State administration in a disproportionate number of States, so there can be no national law that sets forth rational voting regulations, despite what Nancy Pelosi might have hoped (if you don't know what I'm writing about then you are ignorant on the subject).

I don't know exactly what "false claims" by President Trump prompted the OP, but there is no need to resort to falsehoods to take the rational position that mail-in voting is a cancer in Federal elections.
The coherent, logic response to the "mail-in voting" question is as follows:

When voting is done IN PERSON, with a valid, state-issued voter ID card, fraudulent voting is virtually eliminated for those votes. Second, Absentee Ballots in most states have a heightened level of securing in most states: they must be signed and notarized, with a copy of a valid picture ID. In a rational world, ALL VOTES would be one of those two types of votes: in person or Absentee.

Mail-in voting, which increases the chances for fraud dramatically, was introduced BECAUSE OF THE PANDEMIC, because many people might have decided not to vote out of concern for getting Cooties. The Pandemic is history now, and there is no reason on God's green earth why "we" should still have mail-in voting. In addition, the election of 2020 brought in additional pathways for fraud, such as ballot harvesting (illegal in any event, in most States), remote ballot boxes, and an Election Season, rather than Election Day, which encourages voting before all of the relevant information is available. (Last minute "developments" are common).

The unfortunate fact is that elections - even Presidential elections - are controlled at the State level, and Leftist operatives control State administration in a disproportionate number of States, so there can be no national law that sets forth rational voting regulations, despite what Nancy Pelosi might have hoped (if you don't know what I'm writing about then you are ignorant on the subject).

I don't know exactly what "false claims" by President Trump prompted the OP, but there is no need to resort to falsehoods to take the rational position that mail-in voting is a cancer in Federal elections.
I was responding to what Joe Scarborough was Implying.
Making Trump out to be a liar ... Again.Over his interview with
Laura Ingraham,Last night.Trump had a lot to say about
use of Mail-in ballots.When asked by Ms. Ingraham what can be
done about it { use of Mail-in ballots } Trump used the word
" Swamped ". That the Electorate must " swamp " the pols.
They must go out en masse and vote in person.
I believe in 2020 there was around 104 Million mail-in
ballots.Trump said in California they mailed out like 35 million
mail-in ballots.And in San Fransico they { whoever runs the state }
allowed illegals to be eligible for Voter management.I'll get back to
the word Trump used to describe what kind of Election Official status.
Not as much a gotcha now.Florida has made great strides in
making sure voter roles have been cleaned-up.Under Governor
DeSantis starting in November of 2021 Legislation was passed to
protect Floridas Election Integrity.DeSantis promising to Make
Florida The Number One State for Election Integrity.
" I am excited that with this legislation,our state
will be able to enforce election violations,combat voter
fraud and make sure violators are held accountable.If
potential violators know they will be held accountable,
they will much less likely to engage in improper conduct
in the first place. "
Unless of course if Voting Precincts are located in select
Grammar schools where First graders are given a day off
and their room is used for Huge Computer Voting tabluations
where Chads are still computed.

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