Mail in ballots


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2011
Midwestern U.S.
I live in Denver, Colorado. We where never asked what we wanted, (light rail or moving the airport) much like sanctuary cities. It just happened. Well just because, Democrats think that's what democracy means apparently. forcing their ideology on us without our consent, because they know so much better. Ain't democracy a beautiful thing?
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Colorado liberals are racist. Wouldn’t vote for Daryl Glen for Senate because he is black.
Dems are enciting riots in major cities as a diversion to their all in mail ballot stuffing scheme to steal the elevtion . Joe biden vs Donald Trump in a debate. Lolol. Their coronavirus hoax didnt kill enough people for them because trump acted loke a rattlesnake and struck fast . So now its back to their ol bread n butter . Race race race . And somehow it will be all trumps fault that they are burning down the cities. Think of all the people that lost homes. And businesses all getting ballots in the mail ... easily harvested by corrupt dems. This is all fishy
The USPS was trusted by the blob's Treasury to deliver hundreds of millions of checks to people. They can handle some ballots for those who request a mail-in ballot.

Your vote--your choice. If you want to go stand in line in the early voting period; feel free. If you want to take advantage of the mail in should have the choice. If you want to vote only on election day, you can do that too. Why is this such a problem for conservatives? Oh yeah...they don't like it when people have a choice.
God forbid people don’t need to be infected to vote
Well, the rate of serious infection after the country wide protests should show us whether we can safely in person vote or not. This might just backfire on the dems...
What?...You don't remember the massive spike in Chinkvirus cases after the Wisconsin primary, where they had to vote in person?

Oh wait.
God forbid people don’t need to be infected to vote
Well, the rate of serious infection after the country wide protests should show us whether we can safely in person vote or not. This might just backfire on the dems...
What?...You don't remember the massive spike in Chinkvirus cases after the Wisconsin primary, where they had to vote in person?

Oh wait.
Imagine that, will ya?!? It can’t be. Lol
If you care about good government you won't have any problem getting over to the polls to vote. This mail in push is a well known method of cheating that even Democrats used to acknowledge before they became so good at it.
This is a lie.

The right’s unwarranted hostility to voting by mail is predicated on the fact that when voter participation is high, Republican candidates tend to lose elections.

This is yet another example of conservatives seeking to suppress the vote.
If you care about good government you won't have any problem getting over to the polls to vote. This mail in push is a well known method of cheating that even Democrats used to acknowledge before they became so good at it.
This is a lie.

The right’s unwarranted hostility to voting by mail is predicated on the fact that when voter participation is high, Republican candidates tend to lose elections.

This is yet another example of conservatives seeking to suppress the vote.
Actually, the Democrats can't use Covid 19 as a valid excuse for not going to the polls if they're gathering in large groups to loot and burn everything in sight!!!
"Widespread calls to conduct the 2020 elections by mail, to protect voters from COVID-19 exposure, are being met with charges that the system inevitably would lead to massive voter fraud. This is simply not true."

Needless to say, conservatives will continue to attempt to propagate the voter ‘fraud’ lie.
I live in Denver, Colorado. We where never asked what we wanted, (light rail or moving the airport) much like sanctuary cities. It just happened. Well just because, Democrats think that's what democracy means apparently. forcing their ideology on us without our consent, because they know so much better. Ain't democracy a beautiful thing?
So you dont get to vote?
If you care about good government you won't have any problem getting over to the polls to vote. This mail in push is a well known method of cheating that even Democrats used to acknowledge before they became so good at it.
Dont see how it makes a difference to be honest. Thats retarded reasoning you have there. Thats like claiming dont care about taking a bath because you'd rather do it a home instead of a public bathroom.
Despite Trump's attacks, Kansas voters request 2020 mail ballots at historic rate

‘Johnson County election workers spent Memorial Day weekend sending out roughly 380,000 applications for mail ballots — one to every registered voter in the state’s most populous county.

Kansas has allowed voters to cast ballots by mail for any reason since 1996. But the unprecedented move by county officials reflects COVID-19’s impact on the mechanics and politics of voting in 2020. Their hope is to prevent long lines in August and November, as voters elect a new U.S. senator and other office holders amid the ongoing the pandemic.

“Because of COVID-19, we’re very concerned about our voters and poll workers. So the secretary of state and county officials decided we wanted to encourage vote-by-mail, and in Kansas, we’re lucky to have that option,” said Johnson County Election Commissioner Connie Schmidt.

“And since we don’t know what the pandemic is going to look like in the fall, we decided to go ahead and mail out forms for both elections.”’

Let’s hope more states do the same.
The USPS was trusted by the blob's Treasury to deliver hundreds of millions of checks to people. They can handle some ballots for those who request a mail-in ballot.

Your vote--your choice. If you want to go stand in line in the early voting period; feel free. If you want to take advantage of the mail in should have the choice. If you want to vote only on election day, you can do that too. Why is this such a problem for conservatives? Oh yeah...they don't like it when people have a choice.

Requesting a mail in ballot is fine. Mass mailing millions is not. Understand the difference?
The USPS was trusted by the blob's Treasury to deliver hundreds of millions of checks to people. They can handle some ballots for those who request a mail-in ballot.

Your vote--your choice. If you want to go stand in line in the early voting period; feel free. If you want to take advantage of the mail in should have the choice. If you want to vote only on election day, you can do that too. Why is this such a problem for conservatives? Oh yeah...they don't like it when people have a choice.

Requesting a mail in ballot is fine. Mass mailing millions is not. Understand the difference?
The only difference is that true leaders are smart and mailing out ballots instead of waiting until there is a large demand due to the virus you dumb fuck. Besides Drumpf can go suck a dick. If he and his press secretary can vote from home anyone else can to.

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