MAGA strikes back.

Teabaggers, STILL trying to compare two different incidences?
"Whataboutism" is all teabaggers have.
He's pissed that Trump is being indicted, so he's gonna do everything he can to try to slow down the system?

Sounds like a grown man acting like a 3 year old, saying that since he's not getting his way, he's gonna hold his breath until he turns blue.
Had you indicted Trump on something legit, the GOP wouldnt be in a position to where they think they can do this and get away with it without being voted out in the next election. These indictments might sound great in a nutshell, but when you see their evidence of "crimes" its absolutely absurd. Asking for a phone number or an email address is now a RICO crime? Get the fuck outa here.

J.D. Vance plans to put holds on all Justice Department nominees, slowing the confirmation process amid Donald Trump's federal indictment.​

What's happening: Sen. J.D. Vance is seeking some modicum of revenge for the second indictment of former President Donald Trump. And he'll make his move on the Senate floor.
Details: The Ohio Republican is going to put holds on all nominees to the Department of Justice. That means all nominees will require procedural votes and confirmation votes; any one senator can slow down nominees, but a simple majority is required both for a procedural vote and final confirmation.
“If Merrick Garland wants to use these officials to harass Joe Biden’s political opponents, we will grind his department to a halt," he said in a statement.

MAGA Promises Tit For Tat ‘Retribution’

One of the big arguments from the center right, and GOP presidential candidates, in response to the Trump indictment has been that it’s going to make prosecutions of politicians a regular feature of American politics.

It’s an argument that doesn’t address the reality we’re in: well-documented allegations of unopposed lawbreaking by a President for years and years, or the consequences of impunity for the powers.

It also falls just short of being a threat: we’re going to prosecute Democratic politicians once we’re in power. To be clear, that’s not a bad thing in itself: the powerful should be prosecuted if they’re found to have committed crimes, regardless of political party.

But some of Trump’s MAGA cohorts take it way further, promising “retribution” once back in office.

Kimberly Guilfoyle, Don Jr.’s fiancee and a MAGA influencer, posted a photo on Instagram saying “RETRIBUTION IS COMING.”

MAGA Threats Mass Around Mar-a-Lago Miami Hearing

I suspect there will be more flailing, ineffectual, juvenile attempts on the part of congressional nitwits to prove their fidelity to Dear Leader to The Following.
Poor pathetic little bug.80 has caught the new variant of TDS whereby all those afflicted think they’re being clever by calling President Trump “Dear Leader.”

What these libturd TDS patients lack in originality and wit, they also lack in honesty and intellect.
Poor pathetic little bug.80 has caught the new variant of TDS whereby all those afflicted think they’re being clever by calling President Trump “Dear Leader.”

What these libturd TDS patients lack in originality and wit, they also lack in honesty and intellect.

But they're FUNNY!

95% of the reason I come here is their comic relief.


Details: The Ohio Republican is going to put holds on all nominees to the Department of Justice. That means all nominees will require procedural votes and confirmation votes; any one senator can slow down nominees, but a simple majority is required both for a procedural vote and final confirmation.
“If Merrick Garland wants to use these officials to harass Joe Biden’s political opponents, we will grind his department to a halt," he said in a statement.
I am good with that.

DOJ needs much more than this; it needs some serious housecleaning and reform to eliminate its one-sided political bias.

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