MAGA repubs look to repeal the Dems drug measure

This is the typical defense drug profiteers (aka major US drug companies) claim their costs are high: due to the amount of research and development. Fact or fiction?

Looking at a couple of offenders: “Johnson & Johnson for example recently spent $17.5 billion on marketing and only $8.2 billion on research and development. Similarly Pfizer spent $11.4 billion on marketing and only $6.6 billion on research and development.”
Most readers will recognize that these two were 2 of the 3 US drug producers of fake vaccines that were forced down the throats of Americans, along with US government (taxpayer) funded Moderna- equally shady in their dishonesty complicit in selling the false flag of “needing to flatten the curve” out of the mouth of fish-like Fauci that extending the pandemic was needed to save the hospitals from overload while in actuality was to give Moderna the weeks it needed to rush their relatively worthless testing.

So the main reason the FDA is in existance is to regulate our drugs so they’re safe, right?
When have voters weighed in on this inept federally sponsored org? The existence of the FDA needs to be evaluated directly by the voters. Yes that’s right profiteer supporters, determined by the massive numbers of peons! The numbers of educated peons are going to explode on this issue! We’ve had enough of FDA blackboxing legit drugs every 2 years, while rushing through multiple others due to the influence of BIG PHARMA/big money via legal bribes by profiteering drug companies.
Wow. I didnt know that! Thanks!

Cause they would hate to see seniors get a break on the price of drug? So vote for repubs if you want to keep paying high prices for medication.

MAGA repubs: "Does anyone really make less than $200,000 a year?
My elderly parents are not paying high prices for their prescription medication.
My elderly parents are not paying high prices for their prescription medication.
Blaster, I’m glad to hear this because nobody should pay an arm for a life-long script- be they elderly, young, or in the middle somewhere. I could make a couple of assumptions but I won’t do that, because there are a couple reasons why people don’t have to pay extravagant prices for their drugs. Care to elaborate so my next comment can be factual? Thanks.
Blaster, I’m glad to hear this because nobody should pay an arm for a life-long script- be they elderly, young, or in the middle somewhere. I could make a couple of assumptions but I won’t do that, because there are a couple reasons why people don’t have to pay extravagant prices for their drugs. Care to elaborate so my next comment can be factual? Thanks.
They get a special discount from the pharmacy they receive their medications from.
They get a special discount from the pharmacy they receive their medications from.
That seems like a good example of the “middleman” helping the people; certainly nothing wrong with that and likely indicative of a customer-friendly business. Locally, there used to be a family-run pharmacy but unfortunately is no longer in existence. They also treated their customers in the way to keep their business over the chains. My county (and 2 adjacent counties) only have box-chain drug stores. There is a lot to be said on behalf of mom and pop stores over large box chains. You gave a great example:)
And your model gave us Vioxx, Fen-phen, Thalidomide, Oxycontin, and a "vaccine" that not only doesn't work, it's fucking with peoples' hearts and reproductive systems.

I'll take my chances, thankyouverymuch.
Good CHOICE! Rather invest in a light bulb up your ass....
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Good CHOICE! Rather invest in a light bulb up your ass....
Price controls "needed" because of the preposterously onerous FDA screening and approval process, which acts as a defacto protection racket for BigPharm.

Why she swallowed the fly, I'll never know why.....

Abolish the FDA and turn its functions over to private labs and insurers.

Problem solved.
Why would you trust private labs and insurers?
Cause they would hate to see seniors get a break on the price of drug? So vote for repubs if you want to keep paying high prices for medication.

MAGA repubs: "Does anyone really make less than $200,000 a year?
I don’t know what the fuss is about the proposed congressional drug mandate concerning medication prices.
Personally I’m 73 and under the united health care plan. All the medications my personal doctor has prescribed that I continuously take have been free. My doctor orders a medication, I go to the pharmacy, and I get the medication for free. The same 6 +- medications for the rest of my life.
The only drug I know of that is gouging the price is “insulin”.

Insulin (/ˈɪn.sjʊ.lɪn/,[5][6] from Latin insula, 'island') is a peptide hormone produced by beta cells of the pancreatic islets encoded in humans by the INS gene. It is considered to be the main anabolic hormone of the body. The human insulin protein is composed of 51 amino acids,
Insulin - Wikipedia

The current legislation allows insurers to charge $100 per prescription per month, which translates to $200 for those who take both basal and mealtime insulin or two other insulins

My question is why doesn’t my health plan cover insulin?
Does your health insurance cover insulin?
Do they get this insulin from living people?
just asking
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More definitions of a republicon

Ignorant and naive are adjectives that describe the lack of knowledge and experience. Although both these adjectives refer to a lack of wisdom or experience, there is a subtle difference between ignorant and naive. Naïve implies a lack of worldly experience whereas ignorant implies a lack of knowledge. This is the main difference between ignorant and naïve.
Ignorant comes from the noun ignorance. This adjective refers to the lack of knowledge,
information or awareness. Thus, it also implies a lack of education and sophistication.
Difference Between Ignorant and Naive | Compare the Difference Between Similar Terms

I don’t know what the fuss is about the proposed congressional drug mandate concerning medication prices.
Personally I’m 73 and under the united health care plan. All the medications my personal doctor has prescribed that I continuously take have been free. My doctor orders a medication, I go to the pharmacy, and I get the medication for free. The same 6 +- medications for the rest of my life.
The only drug I know of that is gouging the price is “insulin”.

Insulin (/ˈɪn.sjʊ.lɪn/,[5][6] from Latin insula, 'island') is a peptide hormone produced by beta cells of the pancreatic islets encoded in humans by the INS gene. It is considered to be the main anabolic hormone of the body. The human insulin protein is composed of 51 amino acids,
Insulin - Wikipedia

The current legislation allows insurers to charge $100 per prescription per month, which translates to $200 for those who take both basal and mealtime insulin or two other insulins

My question is why doesn’t my health plan cover insulin?
Does your health insurance cover insulin?
Do they get this insulin from living people?
just asking
i get mine tresiba for 25 a not getting gouged....

Cause they would hate to see seniors get a break on the price of drug? So vote for repubs if you want to keep paying high prices for medication.

MAGA repubs: "Does anyone really make less than $200,000 a year?

Trump had them lowered and Biden reversed that.

Shut the fuck up with this horseshit

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