MAGA Hat as Intolerable Thought Crime at La Jolla Country Day School

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
MAGA Hat as Intolerable Thought Crime at La Jolla Country Day School
The Islamofascist maniacs ruling repressed hellholes like Iran have a soft tyranny equivalent in the martinets of the liberal elite. Merely showing support for the president of your own country can provoke a ferocious reaction. Gary Krahn presides over the staggeringly expensive La Jolla Country Day School in San Diego. He does not tolerate dissent among students.
KUSI obtained an email Krahn sent to all staff at the school:
Krahn’s email reads, “We … had a student wear a MAGA Hat today. I have talked with that student who now understands why that hat is offensive to our community. He will not wear it again. In addition his mom said that she is embarrassed by his actions. She will fulfill her role as a parent. We will continue to grow as a community that sees and values the dignity of all people.”
Seeing and valuing the dignity of all people consists of ruthlessly persecuting anyone who opposes Team Democrat.
According to the school’s 2020-2021 Parent/Student Handbook, there is no rule against political attire in the school’s dress code.
Stated rules are irrelevant. For tyranny to be effective, crime and punishment must be defined on an ad hoc basis. Only those in constant fear of committing a thought crime can be counted on to police themselves with sufficient rigor.
It is worth noting that La Jolla County Day is one of the most prestigious private schools in San Diego County. They have students from first grade through High School, with yearly tuition ranging from $16,650 all the way up to $37,130 for High School.
For that kind of money, liberal elite parents expect a learning environment completely free of deviant thought.

Today’s totalitarians don’t rule primarily through brute force. Particularly with children, it works just as well to fill people’s heads with lies, turn them against their own beliefs, and manipulate them through neurotic guilt. A surprisingly effective tactic is to equate anything you want suppressed with racism, then piously denounce racism. Krahn explains how it is done:

Opposition will not be tolerated, because it offends the tender sensibilities of the allegedly oppressed. At least it was less nauseating when they said, opposition will not be tolerated, shut up or we will blow your brains out.

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.

All links highlighted

Nations around the West and Anglosphere aren't turning into nightmarish orwellion totalitarian shit holes at all!

Is it any wonder why my favorite part of the revolution is when they start wiping out the" impure and corrupted "teachers and university professors

Slaughter them all comrades lol
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I lived in San Diego for 30 years and am well acquainted with La Jolla Country Day.

It's almost distressing to see how shitty a school it is while being so expensive. It is, without question, "liberal first". They put things like mathematics, social studies and language arts on the back burner when it comes to their so-called "education".

It would be a great day if that place burned to the ground tomorrow...
Dr. Seuss lived in La Jolla and roughly translated, The Beach. Balboa named the stuff around there. I lived in Mira Mesa. San Diego was a catholic saint.
MAGA Hat as Intolerable Thought Crime at La Jolla Country Day School
The Islamofascist maniacs ruling repressed hellholes like Iran have a soft tyranny equivalent in the martinets of the liberal elite. Merely showing support for the president of your own country can provoke a ferocious reaction. Gary Krahn presides over the staggeringly expensive La Jolla Country Day School in San Diego. He does not tolerate dissent among students.
KUSI obtained an email Krahn sent to all staff at the school:
Krahn’s email reads, “We … had a student wear a MAGA Hat today. I have talked with that student who now understands why that hat is offensive to our community. He will not wear it again. In addition his mom said that she is embarrassed by his actions. She will fulfill her role as a parent. We will continue to grow as a community that sees and values the dignity of all people.”
Seeing and valuing the dignity of all people consists of ruthlessly persecuting anyone who opposes Team Democrat.
According to the school’s 2020-2021 Parent/Student Handbook, there is no rule against political attire in the school’s dress code.
Stated rules are irrelevant. For tyranny to be effective, crime and punishment must be defined on an ad hoc basis. Only those in constant fear of committing a thought crime can be counted on to police themselves with sufficient rigor.
It is worth noting that La Jolla County Day is one of the most prestigious private schools in San Diego County. They have students from first grade through High School, with yearly tuition ranging from $16,650 all the way up to $37,130 for High School.
For that kind of money, liberal elite parents expect a learning environment completely free of deviant thought.

Today’s totalitarians don’t rule primarily through brute force. Particularly with children, it works just as well to fill people’s heads with lies, turn them against their own beliefs, and manipulate them through neurotic guilt. A surprisingly effective tactic is to equate anything you want suppressed with racism, then piously denounce racism. Krahn explains how it is done:

Opposition will not be tolerated, because it offends the tender sensibilities of the allegedly oppressed. At least it was less nauseating when they said, opposition will not be tolerated, shut up or we will blow your brains out.

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.

All links highlighted

Nations around the West and Anglosphere aren't turning into nightmarish orwellion totalitarian shit holes at all!

Is it any wonder why my favorite part of the revolution is when they start wiping out the" impure and corrupted "teachers and university professors

Slaughter them all comrades lol
View attachment 419279

We have to be very patient with the headmaster for issuing such an edict.

I have read that La Jolla is a very tony place with many rich and liberal people.

I assume that the school has to make sure that the wealthy parents do not withdraw their children. Otherwise, its finances could be in danger.

Many liberals are dear people. They really talk the talk. But since they live in La Jolla, which -- I assume -- does not have many residents of color, they certainly do not walk the walk.

For many liberals, however, it's about talking, not walking.
I went summer school at San Diego High. General Lemay was an alumni and the other students were continuously defacing his giant photograph.
Democrats are perfect bigots. If the La Jolla School doesn't prove that, AOCs list of Trump supporters she wants punished does. Too bad millenials have been transformed into idiots by our communist education cartel.
I lived in San Diego for 30 years and am well acquainted with La Jolla Country Day.

It's almost distressing to see how shitty a school it is while being so expensive. It is, without question, "liberal first". They put things like mathematics, social studies and language arts on the back burner when it comes to their so-called "education".

It would be a great day if that place burned to the ground tomorrow...
30 years? LMAO! If you have kids, I bet the graduated from there.
While I disagree with the headmaster’s decision, this is a private school and they can do what they wish. A public school would be fucked, though.
While I disagree with the headmaster’s decision, this is a private school and they can do what they wish. A public school would be fucked, though.
Damn, you always beat me to the google. Thank you!
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While I disagree with the headmaster’s decision, this is a private school and they can do what they wish. A public school would be fucked, though.
For the kids next trick hes gonna refuse to bake a cake for some gay pride hepatitis day....then hes really in for it

I think the elites might be on to something when they say they wanna eradicate 3/4 of humanity...starting with the FUSA
While I disagree with the headmaster’s decision, this is a private school and they can do what they wish. A public school would be fucked, though.
For the kids next trick hes gonna refuse to bake a cake for some gay pride hepatitis day....then hes really in for it

I think the elites might be on to something when they say they wanna eradicate 3/4 of humanity...starting with the FUSA
Why wait? Just start with you and your kind.
While I disagree with the headmaster’s decision, this is a private school and they can do what they wish. A public school would be fucked, though.
For the kids next trick hes gonna refuse to bake a cake for some gay pride hepatitis day....then hes really in for it

I think the elites might be on to something when they say they wanna eradicate 3/4 of humanity...starting with the FUSA
Why wait? Just start with you and your kind.

That's their plan
They need to take us out first cause we're the guys who build killdozers ...rescue whole areas from flooding before government even gets off its ass....and feeds a million head of live stock when farmers in one part of the nation couldn't get any straw...corporations and government....sleeping again

Plus we're the largest standing army in the world and we buy our own ammo

Any thank God none of this sort of orwellion authoritarians nonsense takes place in public schools..... right guys

Who needs math when the important work of re-racializing the country through woke critical theory is needed for our 8-year-olds?

In the old days schools would teach "The Three Rs": Readin', 'ritin', and 'rithmetic. In California, it appears they've decided to replace this tried and true method of teaching with this new method I am calling "The one R" which is: Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!

Critical theorists, SJWs, and cultural Marxists in the making.

This new development was brought to the public eye when parents started to complain that their students' 3rd-grade math class was canceled and replace with a woke, "anti-racist" indoctrination program.
While I disagree with the headmaster’s decision, this is a private school and they can do what they wish. A public school would be fucked, though.
For the kids next trick hes gonna refuse to bake a cake for some gay pride hepatitis day....then hes really in for it

I think the elites might be on to something when they say they wanna eradicate 3/4 of humanity...starting with the FUSA
Why wait? Just start with you and your kind.
View attachment 419289

That's their plan
They need to take us out first cause we're the guys who build killdozers ...rescue whole areas from flooding before government even gets off its ass....and feeds a million head of live stock when farmers in one part of the nation couldn't get any straw...corporations and government....sleeping again

Plus we're the largest standing army in the world and we buy our own ammo

Any thank God none of this sort of orwellion authoritarians nonsense takes place in public schools..... right guys

Who needs math when the important work of re-racializing the country through woke critical theory is needed for our 8-year-olds?

In the old days schools would teach "The Three Rs": Readin', 'ritin', and 'rithmetic. In California, it appears they've decided to replace this tried and true method of teaching with this new method I am calling "The one R" which is: Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!

Critical theorists, SJWs, and cultural Marxists in the making.

This new development was brought to the public eye when parents started to complain that their students' 3rd-grade math class was canceled and replace with a woke, "anti-racist" indoctrination program.
God Lord, Baby Jesus Spanking His Monkey! That made no sense. Public schools are doing just fine. If you don't like the school district that your kids go to, then move or put them in a private school.
While I disagree with the headmaster’s decision, this is a private school and they can do what they wish. A public school would be fucked, though.
For the kids next trick hes gonna refuse to bake a cake for some gay pride hepatitis day....then hes really in for it

I think the elites might be on to something when they say they wanna eradicate 3/4 of humanity...starting with the FUSA
Why wait? Just start with you and your kind.
View attachment 419289

That's their plan
They need to take us out first cause we're the guys who build killdozers ...rescue whole areas from flooding before government even gets off its ass....and feeds a million head of live stock when farmers in one part of the nation couldn't get any straw...corporations and government....sleeping again

Plus we're the largest standing army in the world and we buy our own ammo

Any thank God none of this sort of orwellion authoritarians nonsense takes place in public schools..... right guys

Who needs math when the important work of re-racializing the country through woke critical theory is needed for our 8-year-olds?

In the old days schools would teach "The Three Rs": Readin', 'ritin', and 'rithmetic. In California, it appears they've decided to replace this tried and true method of teaching with this new method I am calling "The one R" which is: Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!

Critical theorists, SJWs, and cultural Marxists in the making.

This new development was brought to the public eye when parents started to complain that their students' 3rd-grade math class was canceled and replace with a woke, "anti-racist" indoctrination program.
God Lord, Baby Jesus Spanking His Monkey! That made no sense. Public schools are doing just fine. If you don't like the school district that your kids go to, then move or put them in a private school.
Same old canned response
Public schools are fine
It's no big deal at all


See how normal it is ...whats the big deal
Its all about teaching tolerance and understanding rotflmao
If you're against this you're racist and a white supremacist

God you're an idiot
You gotta have an iq of 5 you pathetic sub human violent moron


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