Made You Look?


Oct 25, 2003
Its seems to me that there has been a clear effort on the part of the media to deflect the attention of the American people away from the issues affecting our lives.

From video games to reality shows there have always been ways in which to keep the public occupied while the powers that be did their dastardly deeds.

This time though its just so apparent its almost transparent. How do you turn the heads of the whole world?

You focus on the worlds favorite whooping boys, rich black entertainers (Dont go jumping to conclusions now).

As the heat has gradually risen and attention has increased and speculation as for the Bush administrations shady dealings in Iraq has dominated daily pillow and watercooler talk. The media has decided that the public has had enough.

They are systematically cutting us off, as if the casualties have ended, as if the wounded haven't entered into the thousands. Is the fear that the people will revolt, as they did in Georgia?

Is this an attack on the American people? or are the actions of Kobe, Michael, and the pro player of the week so comepelling that no other information can cross the airwaves between the hours of 3 and 10pm?

I'm no conspiracy theorist but this mass exodus from the search for the truth is so clear its scary.

btw dont want to forget Scott Peterson. Today's News
unfortunately, mass media is fueled by ratings, and the higher the ratings, the more a newspaper, television network, radio station ect. ect. can charge advertisers. besides this, americans seem to enjoy watching other peoples troubles being splattered across the airwaves and newspapers. it makes people think that maybe their lives are not that bad. also, people get tired of seeing war and death after awhile.
Originally posted by nbdysfu
TV news is and was ALWAYS uninformative.
Yeah but it is popular, probably for the reasons green lantern stated, that makes it powerful. It is allways easier to sway a hundred men by validating their fears than it is to sway one by appealing to his reason.
Happy Thanksgiving guys.
Originally posted by Newsport

"I'm no conspiracy theorist but this mass exodus from the search for the truth is so clear its scary. "

I suspect that you would like a return to the good old days of Vietnam when the world and America got a daily American body bag count fueling the protestors who ultimately led to turning tail and running leaving our dead to have died in vain.

That 'truth' that you so much desire and support is best left to be examined in a historical perspective rather than giving the enemy aid and comfort. Not enough of the benefits of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars have been reported in the main media as that would poorly serve the opposition's political purpose.

Today the US President had Thanksgiving lunch in Iraq, I suspect more for moral building than political benefits. So many give so little credit to the strength and understanding of the citizens of the United States in a time when we are threatened by a virulent enemy of mankind.

There is a report today on some news media that the word has gone out to the Muslim population that it times to leave our shores to avoid the coming attack on America.

Too bad that the Muslim population in the US don't take heed of this warning from the Islamic terrorist umbrella organization and leave our shores. America would be free of all potential enemies while leaving our security Intel to root out those who evil design and whose supposed intent is to come against the USA.

Your lack of any search for tactical 'truth' is not scary but a necessity of war.
I suspect that you would like a return to the good old days of Vietnam when the world and America got a daily American body bag count fueling the protestors who ultimately led to turning tail and running leaving our dead to have died in vain.

I'm sure that the information gleamed from the pentagon papers had NOTHING to do with any of it, right? Lest you forget that the pursuit of the war in vietnam had WAY less to do with stopping the spread of communism as it did with providing the CIA with their company objectives. If THATS not leaving our dead to have died in vain then I don't know what is. As they say, 'communism' was just a red herring.

That 'truth' that you so much desire and support is best left to be examined in a historical perspective rather than giving the enemy aid and comfort.

In case you have also forgotten about the push for the iraq war with Bush 41, the 'intelligence' used, I would call it disinformation propaganda, concerning a mounting invasion force for saudi and the so called 'incubator killers' story was a ruse. So our government policies have been shown to have nefarious purposes underneath them as well and i'm sure that those in power would like to have MORE of you cheerleaders asking to not hear about anything until AFTER the fact, when its just too damn late to do anything about the improprieties of their actions.

As much as you want to call it giving the enemy aid and comfort, it is just as much, if not more, of keeping our government body honest, honorable, and open. damn the national security shit when its also MY honor that we're talking about.
The Vietnam War may have been a war created for special interests while the American men died in their thousands for nothing more than old men starting wars and young men dying in them. What war is a righteous war except except those fought iin defense of our shores? John Kennedy had about 16,000 soldier advisors in Vietnam but after he was assassinated, mysteriously his predecessor, Democrat Lyndon B. Johnson began to send thousands of men to Vietnam and make many rich. Our boys still died in vain when America could have finished that war in several weeks if they had been given the go-ahead and allowed the generals to prosecute this unjust war.

"In case you have also forgotten about the push for the iraq war with Bush 41, the 'intelligence' used, I would call it disinformation propaganda, concerning a mounting invasion force for saudi and the so called 'incubator killers' story was a ruse. So our government policies have been shown to have nefarious purposes underneath them as well and i'm sure that those in power would like to have MORE of you cheerleaders asking to not hear about anything until AFTER the fact, when its just too damn late to do anything about the improprieties of their actions."

You make many allegations about Bush 41 and 'disinformation', propaganda' and ruses. Can you produce any evidence that would back up these alleged conspiratorial and a lying president Bush? (like the Pentagon papers). Otherwise your personal opinions are nothing more than that void which fills your cranium.

It is a curious fact that history always demonstrates the facts of any events or Presidential actions. Your knee-jerk accusations are usually not worth anything more than to bash your country.

"As much as you want to call it giving the enemy aid and comfort, it is just as much, if not more, of keeping our government body honest, honorable, and open. damn the national security shit when it’s also MY honor that we're talking about."

Your honor is worth more than the security of more than 200,000,000 democratic citizens? Methinks you think much too much of yourself and your fecal honor.

If you don’t like it in this country, pack your rags and go to Iran where your honor will be a big factor with the Muslims. You might even get 70 Arab virgins
Our boys still died in vain when America could have finished that war in several weeks if they had been given the go-ahead and allowed the generals to prosecute this unjust war.

you give us way too much credit if you think the people protesting vietnam was in any way responsible for dragging the 'police action' on for years. Again, don't forget that we were in indochina YEARS before it became widely known.

You make many allegations about Bush 41 and 'disinformation', propaganda' and ruses. Can you produce any evidence that would back up these alleged conspiratorial and a lying president Bush? (like the Pentagon papers).

There was a convenient 'marketing' firm that accepted culpability for the above 'disinformation' and subsequently no investigation was really allowed to proceed as to how much the administration knew or endorsed. As Truman stated 'the buck stops here'.

It is a curious fact that history always demonstrates the facts of any events or Presidential actions. Your knee-jerk accusations are usually not worth anything more than to bash your country.

yeah, I'm my own little think tank and obviously came up with all that shit on my own.

Your honor is worth more than the security of more than 200,000,000 democratic citizens? Methinks you think much too much of yourself and your fecal honor.

Honor SHOULD be everything to a man except to those that have none. I'll commit murder with a smile, but I won't lie about it so yes, my honor is worth more to me BECAUSE the security of 200 million people mean something to me.

Now, is there a reason why you feel the need to insult and attempt to deman and debase anyone whos opinions and statements don't agree with your's because thats all I've ever seen come out of your posts. Its extremely indicative of a small mind and an inability to cope when your points are laid bare as nothing more than baseless opinion not backed up by anything.
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
Now, is there a reason why you feel the need to insult and attempt to deman and debase anyone whos opinions and statements don't agree with your's because thats all I've ever seen come out of your posts.
Happy Thanksgiving DK, just a suggestion, and I've found this effective. When he insults you, give him one of these.
Add one each time he insults you. Pretty soon he will call you a muslem and say it is useless talking to you.
Appreciate you not sinking to that level, always enjoy your posts.
"you give us way too much credit if you think the people protesting vietnam was in any way responsible for dragging the 'police action' on for years. Again, don't forget that we were in indochina YEARS before it became widely known."

Read my post again for I never intimated that American protestors were in any way responsible for 'dragging out' the Vietnam War. To the contrary, they were partially responsible for Nixon's running away leaving the people of South Vietnam to the tender mercies of Ho Chi. All I ever said about the protestors was that they used their constitutional rights of freedom of speech to march and riot in a 'free country' in which they chose to bash. If any group in either North or South Vietnam chose to protest in the streets, do you think that they would have been allowed to live for more than a few minutes?

Again, I never denied that America had a small advisory military presence for some years in Vietnam until the mysterious assassination of the president who had verbalized his desire to end the war.

You make many allegations about Bush 41 and 'disinformation', propaganda' and ruses. Can you produce any evidence that would back up these alleged conspiratorial and a lying president Bush? (like the Pentagon papers).

'There was a convenient 'marketing' firm that accepted culpability for the above 'disinformation' and subsequently no investigation was really allowed to proceed as to how much the administration knew or endorsed. As Truman stated 'the buck stops here'."

Convenient 'marketing firm' that accepted culpability for lying or misinforming the American public? This is news to me and many others. Again, do you have either a name of such a 'firm' or actual proof of such a 'firm' or is that just another left wing main media conspiracy theory? Was this convenient firm admission 'fact' publicly admitted by anyone we know?

It is a curious fact that history always demonstrates the facts of any events or Presidential actions. Your knee-jerk accusations are usually not worth anything more than to bash your country.
"yeah, I'm my own little think tank and obviously came up with all that shit on my own."

Yes you apparently have a great personal 'thunk' tank and can seem to produce no proof of your allegations or smoke-pipe dream accusations. Where's the beef?

Your honor is worth more than the security of more than 200,000,000 democratic citizens? Methinks you think much too much of yourself and your fecal honor.
"Honor SHOULD be everything to a man except to those that have none. I'll commit murder with a smile, but I won't lie about it so yes, my honor is worth more to me BECAUSE the security of 200 million people mean something to me."

Your self 'honor' is worth more than your fellow citizens? You are one of those citizens who are in peril but that has little meaning when it comes to your own self-serving honor. What you consider a lie about the murder of killers is certainly an honor to you. What a moral quagmire to which you have placed yourself when American men and women have died to destroy those who are known to have tortured and murdered countless men, women and children.

People only dishonor those who have dishonored themselves first.

"Now, is there a reason why you feel the need to insult and attempt to deman and debase anyone whos opinions and statements don't agree with your's because thats all I've ever seen come out of your posts. Its extremely indicative of a small mind and an inability to cope when your points are laid bare as nothing more than baseless opinion not backed up by anything."

It seems that you interpret my posts that are in disagreement with yours as attempts to demean and debase your opinions and statements that don't agree with a significant portion of Americans including myself. Your attempt to demean me by invectives of my small mind and an inability to cope with your opinion exposes your own feelings of inferiority.

... that great blindness which we are all under in respect to our own selves.

ATTRIBUTION: Molière [Jean Baptiste Poquelin]

Have you decided to exit the country in which your own honor means more than your life or the lives of the people of this free country who do wish to survive?
"Happy Thanksgiving DK, just a suggestion, and I've found this effective. When he insults you, give him one of these. Add one each time he insults you. Pretty soon he will call you a muslem and say it is useless talking to you. Appreciate you not sinking to that level, always enjoy your posts."

Your use of the little smilie clearly illustrates your intellect along with your vituperate insults. If your words promotes hatred and irrationality, then the stigma of Muslim fits you to a tee.

If a man, notoriously and designedly, insults and affronts you, knock him down; but if he only injures you, your best revenge is to be extremely civil to him in your outward behaviour, though at the same time you counterwork him, and return him the compliment, perhaps with interest.

ATTRIBUTION: Philip Dormer Stanhope, 4th Earl Chesterfield
Originally posted by ajwps
Your use of the little smilie clearly illustrates your intellect

Nah, you just need to learn to behave around grown-ups.
the stigma of Muslim fits you to a tee.
Whatever stigma you attach to being muslem tells me more about you than it does about muslems.
Oh, and before I forget
It's not nice to call people names, Junior
try these unless you feel that they are too far 'left'.

Your self 'honor' is worth more than your fellow citizens? You are one of those citizens who are in peril but that has little meaning when it comes to your own self-serving honor. What you consider a lie about the murder of killers is certainly an honor to you. What a moral quagmire to which you have placed yourself when American men and women have died to destroy those who are known to have tortured and murdered countless men, women and children.

did you actually read my post or just skim through it?

Have you decided to exit the country in which your own honor means more than your life or the lives of the people of this free country who do wish to survive?

do only those who believe in the trustworthiness of our government get to stay? or do you really have any clue as to what honor is? i suggest you find out about honor, and not just the websters definition.
"try these unless you feel that they are too far 'left'."

So your proofs consists of a chat line poster, a Niagara Falls councilman's op-ed (Peabody Award Winner???) opinion and some guy who uses terms from Orwell's book '1984' of an all powerful government with its 'newspeak' military occupation of the population as automatons and using nothing but words approved by this government. This is your unimpeachable proof of deceit and misinformation? Your web sites are a joke..... Not just leftist but pure speculation.

'did you actually read my post or just skim through it?"

Well let's just take a look at your own words....

Honor SHOULD be everything to a man except to those that have none. I'll commit murder with a smile, but I won't lie about it so yes, my honor is worth more to me BECAUSE the security of 200 million people means something to me.

You apparently put forth the assertion that you wouldn't lie about things of which you have absolutely no knowledge or personal proof. You place yourself in a position of 'committing murder with a smile as long as you freely admit to it giving you some sort of personal honor trait. Further you admit that as a murderer who tells truth with honor somehow contributes to the 200+ million Americans safety.

Powerful admission indeed.

Although your words are a bit muddled and confused, some of your meaning can be ascertained by equating totally unrelated concepts, i.e., turtles with moon beams.

"do only those who believe in the trustworthiness of our government get to stay? or do you really have any clue as to what honor is? i suggest you find out about honor, and not just the websters definition."

You make an interesting observation. This representative government, elected by giving each state in the union the ability to have imputed into those who represent us, to be untrustworthy. A government in which you find your perceived loss of 'honor' assailed by our elected representatives deceit so great that your 'honor' would deny the remainder of the US population a judgment in a national threat from abroad.

If you choose not to exit America for a better form of government then you have every right to depose your representatives as outlined in the second paragraph of the US Declaration of Independence.

For your information, this country was established on honor, justice and tempered by mercy. You might teach that it is your honor or your personal business which should solely be enforced onto the general population as in one of your proof sites, Orwell's '1984.'

Do you consider yourself to be Shakespeare's Cassius?

Attribution: William Shakespeare

For Brutus honor concerns the general good, but for Cassius it concerns his personal status.
Originally posted by dijetlo

"It's not nice to call people names, Junior"

It is of little value debating with someone possessing the mentallity of a very small child

Where ignorance is bliss, ‘Tis folly to be wise.'

So your proofs consists of a chat line poster, a Niagara Falls councilman's op-ed (Peabody Award Winner???) opinion and some guy who uses terms from Orwell's book '1984' of an all powerful government with its 'newspeak' military occupation of the population as automatons and using nothing but words approved by this government.

of course our country, and its government, would NEVER frown upon a 'legitimate' news source reporting this at all, would they?

your naivete is refreshing, its like hearing about things through the eyes of a child. but feel free to espouse the virtue and integrity of your government body. don't bother searching through any other sources or trying to find underlying stories and information. be happy hearing only the news stories that are approved by 'legitimate' news sources while you still can maintain that we are a completely free and open society.

You apparently put forth the assertion that you wouldn't lie about things of which you have absolutely no knowledge or personal proof. You place yourself in a position of 'committing murder with a smile as long as you freely admit to it giving you some sort of personal honor trait. Further you admit that as a murderer who tells truth with honor somehow contributes to the 200+ million Americans safety.

wtf were you trying to say? because it made no sense.

again, your naivete speaks volumes for your supposed knowledge.
"of course our country, and its government, would NEVER frown upon a 'legitimate' news source reporting this at all, would they?

your naiveté is refreshing, its like hearing about things through the eyes of a child. but feel free to espouse the virtue and integrity of your government body. don't bother searching through any other sources or trying to find underlying stories and information. be happy hearing only the news stories that are approved by 'legitimate' news sources while you still can maintain that we are a completely free and open society."

Do you mean that this government of ours would NEVER allow a 'legitimate' source like the 'Pentagon Papers' following the Vietnam War or the release of the Watergate tapes during the Nixon administration? How about those 'never' permitted government PUBLIC Congressional Hearings exposing Clinton's violated oath of Office to a Federal Grand Jury by a 'stained blue dress?'

How about the supposed news release of the so-called falsified intelligence by the British government that purportedly gave unproven evidence permitting President Bush reason to go to war with Iraq?

And you speak about naiveté on my part. Do you really believe everything your public media and 'proof site sources' tell you?

You apparently put forth the assertion that you wouldn't lie about things of which you have absolutely no knowledge or personal proof. You place yourself in a position of 'committing murder with a smile as long as you freely admit to it giving you some sort of personal honor trait. Further you admit that as a murderer who tells truth with honor somehow contributes to the 200+ million Americans safety.
"wtf were you trying to say? because it made no sense."

WHAT is a wtf???

Are you able to read and understand the English language?

"again, your naivete speaks volumes for your supposed knowledge."

You may accuse me of naiveté, but I certainly was not duplicitous.
Do you mean that this government of ours would NEVER allow a 'legitimate' source like the 'Pentagon Papers' following the Vietnam War or the release of the Watergate tapes during the Nixon administration?

for your information, the government didn't 'allow' the release of the pentagon papers. They were leaked by a DoD employee to the NYTimes and then later the government had to be taken to court to allow them to be printed. In other words, the government didn't want them in the public to avoid embarassment. The reason the watergate tapes were made public was due to the huge public outcry for their release.

wtf stands for 'what the fuck', I didn't realize you were not as aware of internet acronyms.
Originally posted by DKSuddeth

"for your information, the government didn't 'allow' the release of the pentagon papers. They were leaked by a DoD employee to the NYTimes and then later the government had to be taken to court to allow them to be printed. In other words, the government didn't want them in the public to avoid embarassment. The reason the watergate tapes were made public was due to the huge public outcry for their release."

Your points are well taken. The very same forces, Congressional subpoenas and Public Information Act would also tend to expose any presidential efforts at a conspiracy theory or efforts to deceive the public or the world. Thanks for making my argument. It appears that the Dems are trying to create whole conspiracy cloth out of unsubstantiated rumors and not even half truths

"wtf stands for 'what the fuck', I didn't realize you were not as aware of internet acronyms."

FYI, no I am not as well versed in curse word Internet acronyms as you apparently are.
:) I agree with you. It seems that americans are happy with Bush. Terrorism threat remains wordlwide and at home and nothing can be done about this, because terrorists benefit of our involvement in Iraq. Our soldiers are killed every day and cannot protect themselves. I suspect that our media is in the pocket of republican party.

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