Machado IS a pig

America cannot elect a fat-shaming misogynist as president

This article is just another example of the kind of sniveling PC that is a source of irritation for many people.

Every kid is nobody is special.

You give people credit for trying.....

Well guess isn't fair....and sometimes it sucks.

From the article:

But it goes much further than that. Every man in America has a wife, a girlfriend, a daughter, a sister, a mother, or even just a coworker or a friend who has gone through self-image issues, or has struggled with their weight at some point in their lives.

Many will be able to relate to this and think it is despicable for someone in a position of power to debase and humiliate their young female employee in public.


Actually, I think it's about time to start calling fatties out. You don't want to be called fat...stay out of Burger King.

"struggled with weight gain". What kind of struggle is that pray tell.

I don't like Trump....

But I think it's great he is inconsiderate enough to tell people what they need to hear.

I used to work with several people who were blobs. Every day at food and a gallon of coke...


But don't you dare say anything about it.

In the left wing world, they are probably saying: "You know we should have a beauty contest for obese people."

Think of it (but don't eat first). If you put them in swimsuites, you'd be humiliating them.

I know many people who are overweight......who are wonderful gracious warm hearted giving loving people.

You could have an "inner beauty" contest.....

My point being was that she was part of something that sold "attractiveness" at the physical level. She signed an agreement.

Yes, she did. That agreement did not require her to be subjected to misogynistic and racist slurs.

Oh, hey, your boy went on a Epic Twitter Meltdown last night. This woman has really gotten under his skin.
Amazing that Trump is up at three in the morning scheming how he is going to get even with that bitch

"melenia, get yer fat ass outta bed and bring me some coffee, I'm gonna fix that bitch" (-:
Sometimes I wake up at three in the morning and get some ideas that I think are pure genius. But when I wake up in the morning, I scratch my head and say...what was I thinking?

Someone needs to take away Trumps twitter
heh, Hillary won this one. Wonder if she made inroads into the younger women vote?
Tough to say. Many Millennials don't trust her and are still pissed about how the DNC shafted Bernie and stuck them with Hillary.

OTOH, it appears most think she won the debate. Whether or not that translates into votes remains to be seen. Heck, most may just stay home and play video games.

Swing-State Youth Declare Clinton Debate Victor
Because HRC is keeping her mouth shut and does not attack other women. Trump should emulate that tactic.

Trumps defense was.....See? She really was fat

that ought to work great on women voters.

these morons haven't a clue that we're 52% of the electorate
Jill....trump knows more than you woman....believe me....

The hildabeast is a loopy kunt...

there are very few people on this board who aren't smarter than you.... much less hillary clinton, loser.
but hey calling domeone fat is far worse thank fucking a guy on national tv

I agree completely. Assuming that the guy gives you consent to fuck him on national TV, all you're really doing is being nice to him. Insulting and shaming someone just because you disapprove of their body is just down right detestable.

But if you are trying to save their job.
The emails are no longer a major issue is the point the far right is missing.

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