".. lying to the American people".. (press secretary Karine" "ignorant claim" [aka LIE] RE illegals walking across border)

it works for the low info folks.. but there appear to be plenty of those... o_O
I have to believe all who embrace the leftist 'religion' are low information folks or so brain washed they become incapable of thinking and responding any other way. Or else they know but embrace the pure evil that opposes real and honest information in order to achieve an agenda. I can't think of any alternative to one of those two situations.
I have to believe all who embrace the leftist 'religion' are low information folks or so brain washed they become incapable of thinking and responding any other way. Or else they know but embrace the pure evil that opposes real and honest information in order to achieve an agenda. I can't think of any alternative to one of those two situations.
we don't need to figure it out, though. We know they are up to no good, and that is all we need figure out..

they try to get CHILDREN to agree to mutilate themselves to try to be the other gender.. kill babies at any age in the womb and now theyre talking about outside the womb

what kind of person says that is good or normal for society?

sickos, that's who
we don't need to figure it out, though. We know they are up to no good, and that is all we need figure out..

they try to get CHILDREN to agree to mutilate themselves to try to be the other gender.. kill babies at any age in the womb and now theyre talking about outside the womb

what kind of person says that is good or normal for society?

sickos, that's who
The kind of people who do that are those so brainwashed that they just parrot what the PC or 'woke' position of the day is and turn off that part of the brain that allows critical thinking. It's the trait of the true cult, i.e. blind loyalty to a leader or doctrine and refusal to even see anything else as valid.

It's true of most religious fanatics
It's true of groups like the flat Earthers
It's true of the very few rightwing extremists who really can be a danger to others
And it's true of apparently millions of 'woke' indoctrinated leftists who blindly and dutifully recite whatever the talking point of the day is and absolutely refuse to see any evidence to the contrary.

The Marxist agenda requires destruction of values, traditions, customs, symbols, history i.e. destroying the culture and the glue that holds it together, so they can rebuild it in the image they want. It is imperative that they turn children against parents, neighbor against neighbor, people against people until nobody trusts anybody but the state itself. And they'll use any means necessary to accomplish that. Last night's speech was a good example.

Bringing it back to the thread topic, burying the truth of what is happening on the border is a form of gaslighting, i.e. turning the truth on their intended target so that those who do see it are the ones accused of being racist, mean spirited, crazy.
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