Luntz Says Nov. 9, Will Be Horrific

Ricky LIbtardo

Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2016
This is what happens when the slow creep of Socialism creates a majority of Americans getting some form of government subsistence. The minority, the makers, is going to force it's will one way or another.

If you don't believe him, may I suggest, take a look at the Philadelphia strike which will hurt Democrat turnout. The irony here is so rich it boggles the mind.

A Democrats who support Unions, in a Democrat run city, is resisting giving the Unions more money.

So the Democrats are going to suppress their own turnout because they can't figure out which faction is more worthy.
I was thinking the same thing. Wouldn't that be a hoot if a transit strike in Philly was the impetus that put Trump in the White House? The irony is delicious.

It truly is. The Democrats (Socialists) are fighting their own, eating themselves from within. They get their money from sales and property taxes which they have to gain by regressive taxes which the say they won't increase.

Next one of the idiots to tell me identity politics and Democratic Socialism is they way to go, I'll tell them to catch a ride on the bus.
What exactly is going to be horrific?

Hillary's going to win. All will be well.
Well what does he mean by that?

I think he means the takers are going to take it up the rear. The lazy are going to have to eat themselves. The Government and the Federal Reserve have devalued the dollar by 14 Trillion in the last 8 years and there's nothing left but the flesh on their bones.
This is what happens when the slow creep of Socialism creates a majority of Americans getting some form of government subsistence. The minority, the makers, is going to force it's will one way or another.

If you don't believe him, may I suggest, take a look at the Philadelphia strike which will hurt Democrat turnout. The irony here is so rich it boggles the mind.

A Democrats who support Unions, in a Democrat run city, is resisting giving the Unions more money.

So the Democrats are going to suppress their own turnout because they can't figure out which faction is more worthy.
I saw on the news they are going to pause the strike during the election.
that how far america has swung to the right that labor unions are being described as socialist, just by nature of bieng a labor union, im assuming police unions dont count lol

stupid nazis
What exactly is going to be horrific?

Hillary's going to win. All will be well.

Your hanging Chads are starting to show. You couldn't comprehend the results will force the Socialist to absorb their own increase in taxes to support their identity politics agenda. There's no bigger trough for them to feed at.
A Democrats who support Unions


The Clintons annihilated unions with NAFTA. In the 90s, Slick Willie made a huge, well-publicized shift from Unions to Wall Street donations - and Hillary followed suit. Wall Street (and their Clinton puppets) hate unions because higher labor costs ("inflexible labor markets") lower profit margins and stock values.

The Clinton abandonment of labor unions was Bernie's whole fucking point, and I agreed with him. Bernie was the better nominee. He was honest about his plans.

But seriously, please stop repeating tired bumper stickers from the 70s. It's boring. We've heard it before.

Turn off FOX, Turn off MSNBC, Turn off Rush, Turn off Mark Levin, Turn off Hannity, Turn off Savage, Turn them all off and go to a fucking library.

Stop recycling the same garbage we've heard for 30 years. Say something interesting.

"Do you know the difference between Reagan and Trump's trade policies?"

Original Poster: "No"

"Do you know the difference between the Shiites and Kurds, or where the modern Iraqi borders came from?"

Original Poster: "No"

"What do you know about Eisenhower's tax policy"

Original Poster: "Nothing"

"Can you name the things Reagan did to expand Medicare and save Social Security?"

Original Poster: "No"

"What do you know about Reagan's Structural Adjustment programs, specifically his successful plan for bringing resource rich parts of the global south into the global market system?

Original Poster: "Nothing"

(This know-nothing dipshit has NEVER researched a policy paper in his life, and he only knows canned talking points about politics)

(He's 100% sure the democrats have stolen his country and are going to burn the Constitution, but he knows absolutely nothing about politics, economic theory or history)

(Thanks Donald. You built a movement out of the uneducated and the angry, and now they are defecating all over every message board)
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A Democrats who support Unions


The Clintons annihilated unions with NAFTA. In the 90s, Slick Willie made a huge, well-publicized shift from Unions to Wall Street donations - and Hillary followed suit. Wall Street (and their Clinton puppets) hate unions because higher labor costs lower stock values.

The Clinton abandonment of labor unions was Bernie's whole fucking point, and I agreed with him. Bernie was the better nominee. He was honest about his plans.

But seriously, please stop repeating tired bumper stickers from the 70s. It's boring. We've heard it before.

Turn off FOX, Turn off MSNBC, Turn off Rush, Turn off Mark Levin, Turn off Hannity, Turn off Savage, Turn them all off and go to a fucking library.

Stop recycling the same garbage we've heard for 30 years. Say something interesting.

"Do you know the difference between Reagan and Trump's trade policies?"

Original Poster: "No"

"Do you know the difference between the Shiites and Kurds, or where the modern Iraqi borders came from?"

Original Poster: "No"

"What do you know about Eisenhower's tax policy"

Original Poster: "Nothing"

"Can you name the things Reagan did to expand Medicare and save Social Security?"

Original Poster: "No"

"What do you know about Reagan's Structural Adjustment programs, specifically his successful plan for bringing resource rich parts of the global south into the global market system?

Original Poster: "Nothing"

(This know-nothing dipshit has NEVER researched a policy paper in his life, and he only knows canned talking points about politics)

(He's 100% sure the democrats have stolen his country and are going to burn the Constitution, but he knows absolutely nothing about politics, economic theory or history)

(Thanks Donald. You built a movement out of the uneducated and the angry, and now they are defecating all over every message board)

Where is the sycophant farm you libtardos grow these robots. When you morons quit hiding your public unions behind private unions you melt in the sunshine. Just stay in your caves.

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