Low Income Voters (>$50,000/year) Put Joe in the White House


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
What percentage of voters earning less than $50,000 a year would you classify as political "moderates"? How many of those voters would benefit from Medicare for All or partial amortization of all student debt?

"NOVEMBER 13, 2020
Low Income Voters Turned Out for Biden, Now They Need Relief

"According to early polls, voters with household incomes of less than $50,000 in 2019 broke for Biden by 55 to 43 percent — a 12 point margin, compared to 8 four years ago.

"This helped overcome Trump’s gains among households with incomes above $100,000 — from 45 percent in 2016 to just over half in 2020.

"At least 6 million more people in low-income households voted in 2020 compared to 2016."

Once again, Democrats lost the White vote.

What happened in 1964 to cause that?
What percentage of voters earning less than $50,000 a year would you classify as political "moderates"? How many of those voters would benefit from Medicare for All or partial amortization of all student debt?

"NOVEMBER 13, 2020
Low Income Voters Turned Out for Biden, Now They Need Relief

"According to early polls, voters with household incomes of less than $50,000 in 2019 broke for Biden by 55 to 43 percent — a 12 point margin, compared to 8 four years ago.

"This helped overcome Trump’s gains among households with incomes above $100,000 — from 45 percent in 2016 to just over half in 2020.

"At least 6 million more people in low-income households voted in 2020 compared to 2016."

Once again, Democrats lost the White vote.

What happened in 1964 to cause that?
My only income is SSR but I have a sizeable bank account.
Rich folks have been running away with federal contracts for decades. Now, who is "them?"
Them are people who want free shit. People who do federal contracts give something for it. Very generic answer here mind you, given a very generic stupid point.
What percentage of voters earning less than $50,000 a year would you classify as political "moderates"? How many of those voters would benefit from Medicare for All or partial amortization of all student debt?

"NOVEMBER 13, 2020
Low Income Voters Turned Out for Biden, Now They Need Relief

"According to early polls, voters with household incomes of less than $50,000 in 2019 broke for Biden by 55 to 43 percent — a 12 point margin, compared to 8 four years ago.

"This helped overcome Trump’s gains among households with incomes above $100,000 — from 45 percent in 2016 to just over half in 2020.

"At least 6 million more people in low-income households voted in 2020 compared to 2016."

Once again, Democrats lost the White vote.

What happened in 1964 to cause that?

Low "Information" voters

What percentage of voters earning less than $50,000 a year would you classify as political "moderates"? How many of those voters would benefit from Medicare for All or partial amortization of all student debt?

"NOVEMBER 13, 2020
Low Income Voters Turned Out for Biden, Now They Need Relief

"According to early polls, voters with household incomes of less than $50,000 in 2019 broke for Biden by 55 to 43 percent — a 12 point margin, compared to 8 four years ago.

"This helped overcome Trump’s gains among households with incomes above $100,000 — from 45 percent in 2016 to just over half in 2020.

"At least 6 million more people in low-income households voted in 2020 compared to 2016."

Once again, Democrats lost the White vote.

What happened in 1964 to cause that?
The problem is Biden doesn’t give a shit about low income Americans, just as Don, Ears, and W did. They are whistling past the graveyard.
The election turned because college-educated white voters - particularly college-educated women - swung hard for Biden.

Calls for "socialism" hurt Democrats in swing districts, cost them the Senate and almost cost them the House.
Who was calling for socialism? It certainly wasn’t dumb Joe or whoring Kamala. I seem to recall the right wing media gaslighting their consumers. Is that what you’re referring to?
What percentage of voters earning less than $50,000 a year would you classify as political "moderates"? How many of those voters would benefit from Medicare for All or partial amortization of all student debt?

"NOVEMBER 13, 2020
Low Income Voters Turned Out for Biden, Now They Need Relief

"According to early polls, voters with household incomes of less than $50,000 in 2019 broke for Biden by 55 to 43 percent — a 12 point margin, compared to 8 four years ago.

"This helped overcome Trump’s gains among households with incomes above $100,000 — from 45 percent in 2016 to just over half in 2020.

"At least 6 million more people in low-income households voted in 2020 compared to 2016."

Once again, Democrats lost the White vote.

What happened in 1964 to cause that?
The problem is Biden doesn’t give a shit about low income Americans, just as Don, Ears, and W did. They are whistling past the graveyard.
What the fuck are you talking about? Biden is your New Daddy!
Huge voter registration initiatives and huge numbers of unsolicited mail-in ballots appears to have put China Joe over the top. Not low income, low information voters. I don't buy the "college educated women" narrative either. It was the over-emotional women who watch "The View" during the day.
What percentage of voters earning less than $50,000 a year would you classify as political "moderates"? How many of those voters would benefit from Medicare for All or partial amortization of all student debt?

"NOVEMBER 13, 2020
Low Income Voters Turned Out for Biden, Now They Need Relief

"According to early polls, voters with household incomes of less than $50,000 in 2019 broke for Biden by 55 to 43 percent — a 12 point margin, compared to 8 four years ago.

"This helped overcome Trump’s gains among households with incomes above $100,000 — from 45 percent in 2016 to just over half in 2020.

"At least 6 million more people in low-income households voted in 2020 compared to 2016."

Once again, Democrats lost the White vote.

What happened in 1964 to cause that?
The problem is Biden doesn’t give a shit about low income Americans, just as Don, Ears, and W did. They are whistling past the graveyard.
What the fuck are you talking about? Biden is your New Daddy!
The election turned because college-educated white voters - particularly college-educated women - swung hard for Biden.

Calls for "socialism" hurt Democrats in swing districts, cost them the Senate and almost cost them the House.
Who was calling for socialism? It certainly wasn’t dumb Joe or whoring Kamala. I seem to recall the right wing media gaslighting their consumers. Is that what you’re referring to?
Oops, I pushed the wrong button, splash bogey foxtrot 5.

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