Love it when left wing know it all white women are destroyed in a debate.

I have not paid any attention to this "replacement theory."

But I do not think that most Caucasians are concerned about being "replaced."

I just think that they love this country and sincerely believe that this nation should stay a majority Caucasian nation.


Well, they look around at cities that are run by non-Caucasians and have doubts that this nation could continue to be a first-class nation if run by non-Caucasians.

That's all.

There is no meanness involved.

They fear that their great-grandchildren would have a hard time living in, say, a Baltimore writ large.

But the bottom line is simple: They are going to be replaced.

So why get so excited about the inevitable?
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The video argued that portions of additional wall improved conditions drastically.

Are you seeing the inconsistencies in the reasoning yet? Probably not.
Why should I give a shit what the video argued?

Are you seeing that you're a moron incapable of committing logic?
Why should I give a shit what the video argued?
That’s what was being discussed between me and the other poster when you chimed in.

I love it when you guys unknowingly contradict each other. You guys are refuting each others points and doing my job for me lol.
That’s what was being discussed between me and the other poster when you chimed in.

I love it when you guys unknowingly contradict each other. You guys are refuting each others points and doing my job for me lol.

I addressed the subject. I simply don't give a rat's ass what the the author of the video had to say.
Common sense data:

New wall and reduced illegal immigration 20 years ago: yay that means walls work.

New wall and increased illegal immigration recently: no don’t look at that. The wall still works. It just didn’t work because…reasons.

You don’t see the inconsistency in your argument?
No, I don’t…

1. the crossings today are in places where the wall is not.

2. the numbers where there is a wall are significantly lower.
I didn't refute a thing he said, douchebag.
You did.

He argues that sections of wall can be effective at slowing down illegal immigration. You’re arguing that the entire wall needs to be built to slow down illegal immigration with your roof analogy.

I love it when you guys contradict each other. Makes my job easier.
Ok. So post that data.

And in TX they resorted to using shipping containers to slow the flow of illegals where the wall wasn't built. As the report says, TX believes that the illegals are entering through "Uncompleted portions of the wall"


And in TX they resorted to using shipping containers to slow the flow of illegals where the wall wasn't built. As the report says, TX believes that the illegals are entering through "Uncompleted portions of the wall"

Your claim: the numbers where there is a wall are significantly lower.

Your source: “Migrant encounters more than doubled in every sector along the U.S.-Mexico border in fiscal 2021. The largest numerical increase occurred in the Rio Grande Valley sector, where there were 549,077 encounters last fiscal year, up from 90,206 the year before. But the largest proportional increase occurred in the Yuma sector, where encounters increased thirteenfold, from 8,804 in fiscal 2020 to 114,488 in fiscal 2021.”

They built more wall in the Rio Grande Valley sector.

Your claim: the numbers where there is a wall are significantly lower.

Your source: “Migrant encounters more than doubled in every sector along the U.S.-Mexico border in fiscal 2021. The largest numerical increase occurred in the Rio Grande Valley sector, where there were 549,077 encounters last fiscal year, up from 90,206 the year before. But the largest proportional increase occurred in the Yuma sector, where encounters increased thirteenfold, from 8,804 in fiscal 2020 to 114,488 in fiscal 2021.”

They built more wall in the Rio Grande Valley sector.

Sorry, turd, but the bottom line is that the wall wasn't finished, and Biden is doing everything possible to take the teeth out of Trump's immigration controls.

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