Love It: Trump Cites Jews In Explanation For Not Disavowing (Patriotic America Loving) KKK

This whole thing is nothing more than an object illustration of media bias.

Democrats are NEVER asked to disavow support, regardless of how odious the supporter is. This ONLY COMES UP WITH REPUBLICANS.

And it is bullshit anyway. Why should ANY politician disavow the support of ANYONE or ANY GROUP? They are trying to maximize the number of votes they receive. WGAS WHY, and in fact who knows why anyone votes the way they do?

If I were running for office, I would say, "I don't return any donations, and I don't disavow anyone's support. Period. Next question."
Great now I have doubts if the RNC did the KKK ordeal or the Mossed. Who cares what Israel thinks, they are the most racist country around.

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