London police organizing task force to deal with rising gun crime in the city....but......gun control?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
A special task force to deal with rising gun crime in know, in Britain, where they banned and confiscated guns.......

London police have created a special task force in response to a surge in gunfire and an “unprecedented” number of firearms seized this year.
Police announced Friday the creation of a new task force, drawing on investigators, crime analysts and front-line officers to focus on gun violence and the prevalence of firearms.

“What we are witnessing in our city in relation to the number of incidents involving firearms is deeply concerning to me, and it is clear that this issue needs to be dealt with immediately for the safety of our community and our officers,” Chief Steve Williams said in a statement

A special task force to deal with rising gun crime in know, in Britain, where they banned and confiscated guns.......

London police have created a special task force in response to a surge in gunfire and an “unprecedented” number of firearms seized this year.
Police announced Friday the creation of a new task force, drawing on investigators, crime analysts and front-line officers to focus on gun violence and the prevalence of firearms.

“What we are witnessing in our city in relation to the number of incidents involving firearms is deeply concerning to me, and it is clear that this issue needs to be dealt with immediately for the safety of our community and our officers,” Chief Steve Williams said in a statement

Oh dear, how sad. seems your geographical knowledge is on a par with your gun nut fanaticism when it comes to accuracy. You do know this article is about crime in London, Ontario? That's in Canada by the way, you know, that bit of land a bit North of the USA, as opposed to Britain and the rest of Europe which is a bit further East. Happy to help. :auiqs.jpg:
A special task force to deal with rising gun crime in know, in Britain, where they banned and confiscated guns.......

London police have created a special task force in response to a surge in gunfire and an “unprecedented” number of firearms seized this year.
Police announced Friday the creation of a new task force, drawing on investigators, crime analysts and front-line officers to focus on gun violence and the prevalence of firearms.

“What we are witnessing in our city in relation to the number of incidents involving firearms is deeply concerning to me, and it is clear that this issue needs to be dealt with immediately for the safety of our community and our officers,” Chief Steve Williams said in a statement

Oh dear, how sad. seems your geographical knowledge is on a par with your gun nut fanaticism when it comes to accuracy. You do know this article is about crime in London, Ontario? That's in Canada by the way, you know, that bit of land a bit North of the USA, as opposed to Britain and the rest of Europe which is a bit further East. Happy to help. :auiqs.jpg:

Thanks........appreciate the heads up.

I'll put this in the Canada gun crime issue.
A special task force to deal with rising gun crime in know, in Britain, where they banned and confiscated guns.......

London police have created a special task force in response to a surge in gunfire and an “unprecedented” number of firearms seized this year.
Police announced Friday the creation of a new task force, drawing on investigators, crime analysts and front-line officers to focus on gun violence and the prevalence of firearms.

“What we are witnessing in our city in relation to the number of incidents involving firearms is deeply concerning to me, and it is clear that this issue needs to be dealt with immediately for the safety of our community and our officers,” Chief Steve Williams said in a statement

Oh dear, how sad. seems your geographical knowledge is on a par with your gun nut fanaticism when it comes to accuracy. You do know this article is about crime in London, Ontario? That's in Canada by the way, you know, that bit of land a bit North of the USA, as opposed to Britain and the rest of Europe which is a bit further East. Happy to help. :auiqs.jpg:

Thanks........appreciate the heads up.

I'll put this in the Canada gun crime issue.
Say it aint so, Tommy....say it ain't so....
I believe this story is about Manchester, England....if not, I'll move it....

That being said........

Gangs in Britain are becoming more violent......they don't fear the police anymore....

And you see a difference between American gangs in our democrat party controlled cities, and British gangs.....British gangs use their guns to wound....our gangs in democrat party controlled cities shoot to kill....but, keep in mind, the cultural difference of shooting to wound will change in time......violence always escalates when criminals don't fear police...

The kidnap victim, beaten and abducted by five men in front of his terrified wife and kids, was tortured for 24 hours.

He had his ears burned with a blowtorch, hot irons put on his knees and was forcibly injected with heroin before being released for a ransom of £34,000.

But Detective Sergeant Julie Connor says extreme violence is becoming the norm as profits from drug smuggling and people trafficking soar.

“We’re seeing increasing violence in these gangs,
with people being shot in the legs, stabbed, having their faces cut,” she says.

“If a girl disrespects a criminal male, they have their head shaved. Rape is used as a punishment. I’ve dealt with all those things.”

“There’s a lot of kidnaps that happened in Manchester and the violence used is escalating.”

In the first kidnap featured in the show, the terrified wife of the victim told officers: “They beat him up in front of the kids, and said ‘we’re gonna shoot you in the head if you don’t do what we’re saying.”

The kids - clearly traumatised by what they have seen - are heard telling officers “They’re going to kill Daddy. He had a gun, a revolver, a six shooter.”

Stabbings and shootings go unreported
Despite horrific injuries the kidnap victim, a car dealer, refused to cooperate with police after his release.

But with rival gangs increasingly targeting each other, it’s common for brutal crimes to go under the radar entirely.

“A lot of crimes in Manchester are going unreported in the criminal underworld - shootings, stabbings, kidnaps,” says DS Connor.


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