If they found wmd in iraq it would be front line news in every american media station. Well guess what its not that means what you said is bull to the core. The most they found in iraq is paint cans and I hope you do relize if they ever found any wmd which i doubt due to the Iran-Iraq war, you would know that the wmd are made by the U.S. . The fact is there are no WMD in iraq there was no reason to invade iraq except for what it starts with 3 letters! O-I-L. Dont get me wrong here i support our countries troops 100% and thats exactly why i think bush is an asshole for wasting these young lives (one of my cousins included) for his oil war. And if you say this war was to remove a tyrant, well then i have this to say to you, where the **** were we during the RIWANDA crisis ?? You knwo why we didnt remove the tyrants in taht country cause they didnt have OIL!!