Log of Failed Liberal Policy

The US Constitution: Liberal in it's time, but Conservatives want to preserve it or only alter in in the prescribed way'
Abolition: Republican

Lincoln was surely one of the most progressive/liberal presidents in our nation's history, perhaps only passed by FDR.

He was a steadfast opponent of State's rights (fighting a war to do so), he instituted the largest Civil Rights change in the history of our nation (abolition), and he arguably did more to single-handedly increase federal power (especially that of the President) than any President before or since.

Worker Rights: OSHA Richard Nixon

Created and passed by a Democratic Congress.

Congress passes laws, not the president. He just chooses to sign them or veto them, in which case the veto can be overridden.

And, lest we forget:

Worker Rights:
NLRA (aka "The Wagner Act"), Franklin Roosevelt, Democratic Congress
FLSA (aka "The Wages and Hours Bill), Franklin Roosevelt, Democratic Congress

Anti Worker-Rights:
Taft-Harley Act, passed by a Republican Congress, Vetoed by Truman, Over-ridden by Republican Congress

Civil Rights: Passed with more GOP support than Demotrat support

Due to the Southern Democrats, who were certainly not liberal, and whose districts are now decidedly Republican.

Environmental Protections: EPA Richard Nixon, again

Created and passed by a Democratic Congress.

Gay Rights: Ya got me there. To Democrats, another special interest group to pretend to care about in return for votes.

Whether they're a "special interest group" or not makes no difference as to whether they are eligible to the same constitutional rights granted to every US citizen.
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idiot racists...

Excuse me??? Is it us conservatives that wish to keep Blacks in slave pens called ghettos???? Nope that would be you progressives.

Can you remind us what the conservative policy is?

To protect our freedoms and liberty so those Minorities can dig themselves out cause we conservatives dont think they are to stupid.

"I believe his vested interests are in white Americans," said Charlette Stoker Manning, chair of Women in NAACP. "You cannot possibly talk about jobs for black people at the level he's coming from. He's talking about entrepreneurship, savings accounts — black people can barely find a way to get back and forth from work."

Thats what a progressive thinks of her own race.

NAACP Leaders: Romney Can't Connect With Black Audiences

Truth is a powerful thing. to bad you never use it
Right away your number 1 is wrong!
It will cover 32 million uninsured Americans beginning in 2014 and mandates a suite of experimental measures to cut health care cost growth, the number one cause of America’s long-term fiscal problems.

THERE NEVER were 50 million , 47 million people uninsured and therefore no 32 million covered!

10 million counted as uninsured are NOT CITIZENS according to the Census Bureau.
14 million people counted as uninsured ALREADY covered by Medicaid.
17.5 million counted as uninsured PAID out of pocket their health costs, were under 34 so didn't have much could afford (grossed $50k+) and didn't WANT health insurance!
That adds up to 41.5 million either no citizens,already covered or pay out of pocket!
That leaves 8.5 million truly uninsured that need insurance.. NOT 50 million!

OBAMA Care was passed USING FALSE premise so therefore there aren't 32 million now covered!

Source please.

Excuse me??? Is it us conservatives that wish to keep Blacks in slave pens called ghettos???? Nope that would be you progressives.

Can you remind us what the conservative policy is?

To protect our freedoms and liberty so those Minorities can dig themselves out cause we conservatives dont think they are to stupid.

"I believe his vested interests are in white Americans," said Charlette Stoker Manning, chair of Women in NAACP. "You cannot possibly talk about jobs for black people at the level he's coming from. He's talking about entrepreneurship, savings accounts — black people can barely find a way to get back and forth from work."

Thats what a progressive thinks of her own race.

NAACP Leaders: Romney Can't Connect With Black Audiences

Truth is a powerful thing. to bad you never use it

Protect their freedoms? That is the best you can offer?

Where are your educational programs? Jobs programs? Minority entreprenuer incentives? Who is going to watch their kids while they go to school or work?

Republicans voted against all those programs....But hey....You are out there "protecting their freedoms"

What a load of bullshit. The Republican policy towards blacks is to blame them for their own problems and block any program that may help them
Can you remind us what the conservative policy is?

To protect our freedoms and liberty so those Minorities can dig themselves out cause we conservatives dont think they are to stupid.

"I believe his vested interests are in white Americans," said Charlette Stoker Manning, chair of Women in NAACP. "You cannot possibly talk about jobs for black people at the level he's coming from. He's talking about entrepreneurship, savings accounts — black people can barely find a way to get back and forth from work."

Thats what a progressive thinks of her own race.

NAACP Leaders: Romney Can't Connect With Black Audiences

Truth is a powerful thing. to bad you never use it

Protect their freedoms? That is the best you can offer?

Where are your educational programs? Jobs programs? Minority entreprenuer incentives? Who is going to watch their kids while they go to school or work?

Republicans voted against all those programs....But hey....You are out there "protecting their freedoms"

What a load of bullshit. The Republican policy towards blacks is to blame them for their own problems and block any program that may help them

So you think they are to stupid to figure it out for themselves????That they need to be handheld?

Now we all see who the true bigot is here.
Right away your number 1 is wrong!
It will cover 32 million uninsured Americans beginning in 2014 and mandates a suite of experimental measures to cut health care cost growth, the number one cause of America’s long-term fiscal problems.

THERE NEVER were 50 million , 47 million people uninsured and therefore no 32 million covered!

10 million counted as uninsured are NOT CITIZENS according to the Census Bureau.
14 million people counted as uninsured ALREADY covered by Medicaid.
17.5 million counted as uninsured PAID out of pocket their health costs, were under 34 so didn't have much could afford (grossed $50k+) and didn't WANT health insurance!
That adds up to 41.5 million either no citizens,already covered or pay out of pocket!
That leaves 8.5 million truly uninsured that need insurance.. NOT 50 million!

OBAMA Care was passed USING FALSE premise so therefore there aren't 32 million now covered!

Source please.


Every single word, whether spoken or typed, is a lie, by righty...

My liberal friends told me this for a couple of years before I believed it myself...

But it is true, they simply wouldnt recognize the truth if it fell out of the sky, landed on their face, and wiggled. :lol:
To protect our freedoms and liberty so those Minorities can dig themselves out cause we conservatives dont think they are to stupid.

Thats what a progressive thinks of her own race.

NAACP Leaders: Romney Can't Connect With Black Audiences

Truth is a powerful thing. to bad you never use it

Protect their freedoms? That is the best you can offer?

Where are your educational programs? Jobs programs? Minority entreprenuer incentives? Who is going to watch their kids while they go to school or work?

Republicans voted against all those programs....But hey....You are out there "protecting their freedoms"

What a load of bullshit. The Republican policy towards blacks is to blame them for their own problems and block any program that may help them

So you think they are to stupid to figure it out for themselves????That they need to be handheld?

Now we all see who the true bigot is here.

says the bigot scumbag with a signature that is the most racist thing i have read in days


god, what are you gonna do when you are outnumbered?
Every single word, whether spoken or typed, is a lie, by righty...

My liberal friends told me this for a couple of years before I believed it myself...

But it is true, they simply wouldnt recognize the truth if it fell out of the sky, landed on their face, and wiggled. :lol:

I don't know if I'd go that far.

But I do think that particular statement was certainly a false one.

And certainly one that the author should have provided a link for.
Failed Liberal Policy:

83% of American physicians "have considered leaving their practices over President Barack Obama's health care reform law, according to a survey released by the Doctor Patient Medical Association."

This survey was by the "Doctor Patient Medical Association" (called "non-partisan" by them) from your link.

The Doctor Patient Medical Association was formed last Fall to lobby against Obamacare. Do you actually think they would do an honest survey?
your racist survey has been debunked over and over and over

stop being a racist, you will feel better
Failed Liberal Policy:

83% of American physicians "have considered leaving their practices over President Barack Obama's health care reform law, according to a survey released by the Doctor Patient Medical Association."

This survey was by the "Doctor Patient Medical Association" (called "non-partisan" by them) from your link.

The Doctor Patient Medical Association was formed last Fall to lobby against Obamacare. Do you actually think they would do an honest survey?

A liberal is a man with two perfectly good legs who, however, refuses to use them to work and support themselves, instead using them to walk directly towards Communism - Joseph Stalin, U.S.S.R.
So you think they are to stupid to figure it out for themselves????That they need to be handheld?

Now we all see who the true bigot is here.

Well said! :clap2:

That's the funny part about liberals and their propaganda. They are the most hateful, racist, intolerant group on the planet. They look at the African-American (insert "n" word here when a liberal is talking) as an inferior "animal" - much like a dog or horse. And as such, we need to feed them, house them, walk them, clean up after them, and provide them with vet care, er - healthcare :lol:

I can't imagine how insulted intelligent African-American's are by not only the hate of the typical liberal, but by the condescening attitude as well....
Well said!

That's the funny part about liberals and their propaganda. They are the most hateful, racist, intolerant group on the planet. They look at the African-American (insert "n" word here when a liberal is talking) as an inferior "animal" - much like a dog or horse. And as such, we need to feed them, house them, walk them, clean up after them, and provide them with vet care, er - healthcare :lol:

I can't imagine how insulted intelligent African-American's are by not only the hate of the typical liberal, but by the condescening attitude as well....


But don't black folks vote overwhelmingly Democrat?

Gee, I wonder why black folks can't figure that out for themselves...

Oh that's right, it's because black folks are just stupid, and need people like you to figure things out for them.

To protect our freedoms and liberty so those Minorities can dig themselves out cause we conservatives dont think they are to stupid.

Thats what a progressive thinks of her own race.

NAACP Leaders: Romney Can't Connect With Black Audiences

Truth is a powerful thing. to bad you never use it

Protect their freedoms? That is the best you can offer?

Where are your educational programs? Jobs programs? Minority entreprenuer incentives? Who is going to watch their kids while they go to school or work?

Republicans voted against all those programs....But hey....You are out there "protecting their freedoms"

What a load of bullshit. The Republican policy towards blacks is to blame them for their own problems and block any program that may help them

So you think they are to stupid to figure it out for themselves????That they need to be handheld?

Now we all see who the true bigot is here.

Education programs, jobs programs and such are available regardless of your race. Conservatives still oppose them while they lavish tax breaks on the wealthy and promising trickle down jobs that never happen
Education programs, jobs programs and such are available regardless of your race. Conservatives still oppose them while they lavish tax breaks on the wealthy and promising trickle down jobs that never happen

You're right winger - "trickle down jobs never happen". All of us working people are employed by homeless poor people.

God almight you are such an asshole. You know what you say is a pure lie, but you say it anyway just because you want Communism. You can't even be honest about your beliefs, which says it all. 100% of ALL private sector jobs are from wealthy people. In fact, jobs from the wealthy don't "trickle down" - they pour down like Niagra Falls, stupid. A poor person has never created a job in world history.
Failed Liberal Policies?

The US Constitution
Worker Rights
Civil Rights
Environmental Protections
Gay Rights

Should I go on?

those are generally policies of people who would be identified as radical right wingers today.
Except for gay rights. You can stick gay rights up your poop shute.

Did you notice one thing?

All those liberal policies were opposed by Conservatives

BS as usual. Show me where conservatives opposed equal rights.
Failed Liberal Policy:

In a further display of his supreme ignorance and contempt for American security and soveriegnty, Obama has closed 9 border stations in 4 states. America spends a reported $100 billion per year on costs related to illegal immigration. Border violence is on the rise as hundreds of elaborate tunnels continue to be unearthed. Despite all of this the Obama administration has decided the best course of action is to start shutting down border stations.

Since American's unilaterally reject him and his Communist policies, he's hoping making America easy to break into will garner him support from Mexicans. Can't wait until we experience another 9/11 from all of the terrorists who are also crossing these same border points and then listen to liberals blame the GOP just like last time.
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Failed Liberal Policy:

President Obama has been stumbling on the economy, and this week he added more proof of his weakness on foreign policy. He told a popular Miami TV station that Venezuela's aggressive President Hugo Chavez "has not had a serious national security impact on us."

Here are just a few of the ways Chavez poses a threat:

Iran. Venezuela's military and security relations with Iran show no sign of diminishing; drones, military exchanges, and preparation for asymmetric warfare are a few milestones of the anti-American Axis of Unity.

Syria. Chavez backs Syria's murderous Bashar al-Assad to the hilt.

Cuba. Chavez's aid to Cuba's Castro regime exceeds $5 billion annually—more than double the U.S. assistance budget for all of Latin America—and enables the communist regime to survive and repress the Cuban people.

A terrorist haven. Chavez has rolled out the welcome mat to a host of terrorist organizations, including Hezbollah and the Basque ETA.

A mafia state. Moises Naim writes that "senior Venezuelan government officials double as the heads of important transnational criminal gangs." The U.S. described Chavez's defense minister, General Henry Rangel Silva, as a drug kingpin in 2008.

Higher gas prices. In OPEC, Chavez is a price hawk; he is mismanaging PDVSA—reducing global supply—and expropriates billions from U.S. companies, raising costs to U.S. consumers.

Narco-terrorism in Colombia. Chavez identifies with and supports the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, whose leader, Timochenko, is believed to operate from a safe haven in Venezuela. Since 1999, the U.S. has invested $7 billion in Colombian democracy and security; Chavez prefers a Colombia ruled by narco-terrorists.

Militarizing Venezuela. From Russian arms purchases to arming militias, Chavez militarizes Venezuelan society, threatens civil war, and endangers regional security.

Corruption. With aid packages, oil deals, and cash-filled suitcases, Chavez corrupts freely and widely.

Destabilization. Chavez backs left-wing leaders and destabilizes weak democracies, as he did in Honduras in 2009 and in Paraguay in 2012.

The only way the President could say that Chavez does not have a "serious national security impact" is to ignore all of these facts.

Morning Bell: Obama Fails to See "Serious Impact" of Hugo Chavez
those are generally policies of people who would be identified as radical right wingers today.
Except for gay rights. You can stick gay rights up your poop shute.

Did you notice one thing?

All those liberal policies were opposed by Conservatives

BS as usual. Show me where conservatives opposed equal rights.

Pick your poison

Equal Rights for Blacks? Conservatives said let the states decide
Equal Rights for Women? Conservatives said women lacked the intellectual and emotional capabilities to vote or do a "mans job"
Gay rights? lets not even go there
Education programs, jobs programs and such are available regardless of your race. Conservatives still oppose them while they lavish tax breaks on the wealthy and promising trickle down jobs that never happen

You're right winger - "trickle down jobs never happen". All of us working people are employed by homeless poor people.

God almight you are such an asshole. You know what you say is a pure lie, but you say it anyway just because you want Communism. You can't even be honest about your beliefs, which says it all. 100% of ALL private sector jobs are from wealthy people. In fact, jobs from the wealthy don't "trickle down" - they pour down like Niagra Falls, stupid. A poor person has never created a job in world history.

Wealthy people do not "give you jobs". They make a profit off of each and every job. Jobs do not "trickle down" because of lower taxes. Jobs are created because there is a demand for the product or service. Rich people do not create that demand...they profit off of it

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