Locke, Social Contract Theory, and the Citizens Right to Revolt


May 23, 2014
" John Locke wrote in his Two Treaties on Government that people have rights, such as the right to life, liberty, and property, that have a foundation independent of the laws of any particular society. Locke used the claim that men are naturally free and equal as part of the justification for understanding legitimate political government as the result of a social contract where people in the state of nature conditionally transfer some of their rights to the government in order to better ensure the stable, comfortable enjoyment of their lives, liberty, and property. Since governments exist by the consent of the people in order to protect the rights of the people and promote the public good, governments that fail to do so can be resisted and replaced with new governments."
- Stanford University Plato
What we saw at the citadel of political corruption (The Congress) was people keeping their end of the social contract and storming the center of a crime syndicate. Power ultimately rest in the hands of the people. The citizens have every right to revolt against governments that do not rule in a just manner.
" John Locke wrote in his Two Treaties on Government that people have rights, such as the right to life, liberty, and property, that have a foundation independent of the laws of any particular society. Locke used the claim that men are naturally free and equal as part of the justification for understanding legitimate political government as the result of a social contract where people in the state of nature conditionally transfer some of their rights to the government in order to better ensure the stable, comfortable enjoyment of their lives, liberty, and property. Since governments exist by the consent of the people in order to protect the rights of the people and promote the public good, governments that fail to do so can be resisted and replaced with new governments."
- Stanford University Plato
What we saw at the citadel of political corruption (The Congress) was people keeping their end of the social contract and storming the center of a crime syndicate. Power ultimately rest in the hands of the people. The citizens have every right to revolt against governments that do not rule in a just manner.
Do you see why slavery was bad?

Do you see why racism was bad?

Why segregation was bad?

Why Jim Crow was bad?

Why black Americans continue to FIGHT for our rights and JUSTICE?

You and many other whites in this country need to LEARN to live by your PROCLAIMED values!


" John Locke wrote in his Two Treaties on Government that people have rights, such as the right to life, liberty, and property, that have a foundation independent of the laws of any particular society. Locke used the claim that men are naturally free and equal as part of the justification for understanding legitimate political government as the result of a social contract where people in the state of nature conditionally transfer some of their rights to the government in order to better ensure the stable, comfortable enjoyment of their lives, liberty, and property. Since governments exist by the consent of the people in order to protect the rights of the people and promote the public good, governments that fail to do so can be resisted and replaced with new governments."
- Stanford University Plato
What we saw at the citadel of political corruption (The Congress) was people keeping their end of the social contract and storming the center of a crime syndicate. Power ultimately rest in the hands of the people. The citizens have every right to revolt against governments that do not rule in a just manner.
And a duly elected government has a right defend itself from sedition.
" John Locke wrote in his Two Treaties on Government that people have rights, such as the right to life, liberty, and property, that have a foundation independent of the laws of any particular society. Locke used the claim that men are naturally free and equal as part of the justification for understanding legitimate political government as the result of a social contract where people in the state of nature conditionally transfer some of their rights to the government in order to better ensure the stable, comfortable enjoyment of their lives, liberty, and property. Since governments exist by the consent of the people in order to protect the rights of the people and promote the public good, governments that fail to do so can be resisted and replaced with new governments."
- Stanford University Plato
What we saw at the citadel of political corruption (The Congress) was people keeping their end of the social contract and storming the center of a crime syndicate. Power ultimately rest in the hands of the people. The citizens have every right to revolt against governments that do not rule in a just manner.
And a duly elected government has a right defend itself from sedition.
If it was legitimately elected.
" John Locke wrote in his Two Treaties on Government that people have rights, such as the right to life, liberty, and property, that have a foundation independent of the laws of any particular society. Locke used the claim that men are naturally free and equal as part of the justification for understanding legitimate political government as the result of a social contract where people in the state of nature conditionally transfer some of their rights to the government in order to better ensure the stable, comfortable enjoyment of their lives, liberty, and property. Since governments exist by the consent of the people in order to protect the rights of the people and promote the public good, governments that fail to do so can be resisted and replaced with new governments."
- Stanford University Plato
What we saw at the citadel of political corruption (The Congress) was people keeping their end of the social contract and storming the center of a crime syndicate. Power ultimately rest in the hands of the people. The citizens have every right to revolt against governments that do not rule in a just manner.
Do you see why slavery was bad?

Do you see why racism was bad?

Why segregation was bad?

Why Jim Crow was bad?

Why black Americans continue to FIGHT for our rights and JUSTICE?

You and many other whites in this country need to LEARN to live by your PROCLAIMED values!


There is no injustice toward black America. They just cry the loudest.
" John Locke wrote in his Two Treaties on Government that people have rights, such as the right to life, liberty, and property, that have a foundation independent of the laws of any particular society. Locke used the claim that men are naturally free and equal as part of the justification for understanding legitimate political government as the result of a social contract where people in the state of nature conditionally transfer some of their rights to the government in order to better ensure the stable, comfortable enjoyment of their lives, liberty, and property. Since governments exist by the consent of the people in order to protect the rights of the people and promote the public good, governments that fail to do so can be resisted and replaced with new governments."
- Stanford University Plato
What we saw at the citadel of political corruption (The Congress) was people keeping their end of the social contract and storming the center of a crime syndicate. Power ultimately rest in the hands of the people. The citizens have every right to revolt against governments that do not rule in a just manner.
And a duly elected government has a right defend itself from sedition.
If it was legitimately elected.
It was.
" John Locke wrote in his Two Treaties on Government that people have rights, such as the right to life, liberty, and property, that have a foundation independent of the laws of any particular society. Locke used the claim that men are naturally free and equal as part of the justification for understanding legitimate political government as the result of a social contract where people in the state of nature conditionally transfer some of their rights to the government in order to better ensure the stable, comfortable enjoyment of their lives, liberty, and property. Since governments exist by the consent of the people in order to protect the rights of the people and promote the public good, governments that fail to do so can be resisted and replaced with new governments."
- Stanford University Plato
What we saw at the citadel of political corruption (The Congress) was people keeping their end of the social contract and storming the center of a crime syndicate. Power ultimately rest in the hands of the people. The citizens have every right to revolt against governments that do not rule in a just manner.
And a duly elected government has a right defend itself from sedition.
That is what the British government called the American Revolution.
" John Locke wrote in his Two Treaties on Government that people have rights, such as the right to life, liberty, and property, that have a foundation independent of the laws of any particular society. Locke used the claim that men are naturally free and equal as part of the justification for understanding legitimate political government as the result of a social contract where people in the state of nature conditionally transfer some of their rights to the government in order to better ensure the stable, comfortable enjoyment of their lives, liberty, and property. Since governments exist by the consent of the people in order to protect the rights of the people and promote the public good, governments that fail to do so can be resisted and replaced with new governments."
- Stanford University Plato
What we saw at the citadel of political corruption (The Congress) was people keeping their end of the social contract and storming the center of a crime syndicate. Power ultimately rest in the hands of the people. The citizens have every right to revolt against governments that do not rule in a just manner.
And a duly elected government has a right defend itself from sedition.
If it was legitimately elected.
It was.
When you have ballot dumps in the middle of the night with the nefarious "mail in ballots" it violates the social contract rendering the government illegitimate.
" John Locke wrote in his Two Treaties on Government that people have rights, such as the right to life, liberty, and property, that have a foundation independent of the laws of any particular society. Locke used the claim that men are naturally free and equal as part of the justification for understanding legitimate political government as the result of a social contract where people in the state of nature conditionally transfer some of their rights to the government in order to better ensure the stable, comfortable enjoyment of their lives, liberty, and property. Since governments exist by the consent of the people in order to protect the rights of the people and promote the public good, governments that fail to do so can be resisted and replaced with new governments."
- Stanford University Plato
What we saw at the citadel of political corruption (The Congress) was people keeping their end of the social contract and storming the center of a crime syndicate. Power ultimately rest in the hands of the people. The citizens have every right to revolt against governments that do not rule in a just manner.
And a duly elected government has a right defend itself from sedition.
That is what the British government called the American Revolution.
Your comparing what Trump's cult did on the 6th to the American Revolution?...jezzus..(rolls eyes)
Your argument has one fallacy. What if half the people do not agree with the other half that there should be a revolt. What percentage of the people makes it legit. The use of violence and vandalism to overthrow the government by violence means is not what they are talking about in a democracy.

Policy is determined by the people voting for those who will represent them in the government . Is it perfect, no but the alternative is not even close to perfect. You can have disagreements but at the end of the day , if you do not have the votes, then you lost. Accepting defeat and planning for the next battle is the best way to get along with others. It is not burned it down and start over. It is not denying the process because you believe what others tell you.

Verifiable facts do matter and convenient what if scenarios just cloud the argument. If people all have rights then that means acceptance that your view did not win. Violence is an easy way to get your point across but it does not stop others from using violence. Peaceful protest is a right but once it turns violent then it is a riot and sedition. It does not change because you are waiving a flag.
" John Locke wrote in his Two Treaties on Government that people have rights, such as the right to life, liberty, and property, that have a foundation independent of the laws of any particular society. Locke used the claim that men are naturally free and equal as part of the justification for understanding legitimate political government as the result of a social contract where people in the state of nature conditionally transfer some of their rights to the government in order to better ensure the stable, comfortable enjoyment of their lives, liberty, and property. Since governments exist by the consent of the people in order to protect the rights of the people and promote the public good, governments that fail to do so can be resisted and replaced with new governments."
- Stanford University Plato
What we saw at the citadel of political corruption (The Congress) was people keeping their end of the social contract and storming the center of a crime syndicate. Power ultimately rest in the hands of the people. The citizens have every right to revolt against governments that do not rule in a just manner.
And a duly elected government has a right defend itself from sedition.
That is what the British government called the American Revolution.
Your comparing what Trump's cult did on the 6th to the American Revolution?...jezzus..(rolls eyes)
100% absolutely. Cult? You mean average Americans from all walks of life that have had enough of the crime syndicate in Washington D.C. and the liberal media mouthpiece they have in New York City?
Your argument has one fallacy. What if half the people do not agree with the other half that there should be a revolt. What percentage of the people makes it legit. The use of violence and vandalism to overthrow the government by violence means is not what they are talking about in a democracy.

Policy is determined by the people voting for those who will represent them in the government . Is it perfect, no but the alternative is not even close to perfect. You can have disagreements but at the end of the day , if you do not have the votes, then you lost. Accepting defeat and planning for the next battle is the best way to get along with others. It is not burned it down and start over. It is not denying the process because you believe what others tell you.

Verifiable facts do matter and convenient what if scenarios just cloud the argument. If people all have rights then that means acceptance that your view did not win. Violence is an easy way to get your point across but it does not stop others from using violence. Peaceful protest is a right but once it turns violent then it is a riot and sedition. It does not change because you are waiving a flag.
Accepting defeat is one thing, but being part of the sheeple and allowing for stolen democracy is another. Many of the states that changed election laws did so in violation of the Constitution. The American Revolution was actually a civil war between Patriots and Loyalist. Ergo the other 50% better fucking arm themselves.
" John Locke wrote in his Two Treaties on Government that people have rights, such as the right to life, liberty, and property, that have a foundation independent of the laws of any particular society. Locke used the claim that men are naturally free and equal as part of the justification for understanding legitimate political government as the result of a social contract where people in the state of nature conditionally transfer some of their rights to the government in order to better ensure the stable, comfortable enjoyment of their lives, liberty, and property. Since governments exist by the consent of the people in order to protect the rights of the people and promote the public good, governments that fail to do so can be resisted and replaced with new governments."
- Stanford University Plato
What we saw at the citadel of political corruption (The Congress) was people keeping their end of the social contract and storming the center of a crime syndicate. Power ultimately rest in the hands of the people. The citizens have every right to revolt against governments that do not rule in a just manner.
You must have been ecstatic during the BLM protests.
" John Locke wrote in his Two Treaties on Government that people have rights, such as the right to life, liberty, and property, that have a foundation independent of the laws of any particular society. Locke used the claim that men are naturally free and equal as part of the justification for understanding legitimate political government as the result of a social contract where people in the state of nature conditionally transfer some of their rights to the government in order to better ensure the stable, comfortable enjoyment of their lives, liberty, and property. Since governments exist by the consent of the people in order to protect the rights of the people and promote the public good, governments that fail to do so can be resisted and replaced with new governments."
- Stanford University Plato
What we saw at the citadel of political corruption (The Congress) was people keeping their end of the social contract and storming the center of a crime syndicate. Power ultimately rest in the hands of the people. The citizens have every right to revolt against governments that do not rule in a just manner.
You must have been ecstatic during the BLM protests.
They had no reason to protest. Just and excuse to rob, loot, and burn down neighborhoods. The storming of the criminal citadel was the people upholding the social contract.
" John Locke wrote in his Two Treaties on Government that people have rights, such as the right to life, liberty, and property, that have a foundation independent of the laws of any particular society. Locke used the claim that men are naturally free and equal as part of the justification for understanding legitimate political government as the result of a social contract where people in the state of nature conditionally transfer some of their rights to the government in order to better ensure the stable, comfortable enjoyment of their lives, liberty, and property. Since governments exist by the consent of the people in order to protect the rights of the people and promote the public good, governments that fail to do so can be resisted and replaced with new governments."
- Stanford University Plato
What we saw at the citadel of political corruption (The Congress) was people keeping their end of the social contract and storming the center of a crime syndicate. Power ultimately rest in the hands of the people. The citizens have every right to revolt against governments that do not rule in a just manner.
And a duly elected government has a right defend itself from sedition.
That is what the British government called the American Revolution.
Your comparing what Trump's cult did on the 6th to the American Revolution?...jezzus..(rolls eyes)
100% absolutely. Cult? You mean average Americans from all walks of life that have had enough of the crime syndicate in Washington D.C. and the liberal media mouthpiece they have in New York City?
The government is a crime syndicate and any media source not a right wing echo chamber is a 'libral media mouthpiece'...well that pretty much explains where your coming from.
Your argument has one fallacy. What if half the people do not agree with the other half that there should be a revolt. What percentage of the people makes it legit. The use of violence and vandalism to overthrow the government by violence means is not what they are talking about in a democracy.

Policy is determined by the people voting for those who will represent them in the government . Is it perfect, no but the alternative is not even close to perfect. You can have disagreements but at the end of the day , if you do not have the votes, then you lost. Accepting defeat and planning for the next battle is the best way to get along with others. It is not burned it down and start over. It is not denying the process because you believe what others tell you.

Verifiable facts do matter and convenient what if scenarios just cloud the argument. If people all have rights then that means acceptance that your view did not win. Violence is an easy way to get your point across but it does not stop others from using violence. Peaceful protest is a right but once it turns violent then it is a riot and sedition. It does not change because you are waiving a flag.
Accepting defeat is one thing, but being part of the sheeple and allowing for stolen democracy is another. Many of the states that changed election laws did so in violation of the Constitution. The American Revolution was actually a civil war between Patriots and Loyalist. Ergo the other 50% better fucking arm themselves.

Accepting defeat means you move on. Making up convenient reason that cannot stand the light of scrutiny is not accepting defeat. It just finding a reason that makes one feel better after defeat.

There is no proof that election fraud cause Trump to lose. Trump claim election fraud when he won 4 years ago because he couldn't accept that he got less total votes. Had a commission that banned after finding nothing

He lost this time around and the reason was election fraud again. Yet he had no problem promoting election fraud when he made calls to repubs to find votes. Had no problem with what others say if it pro Trump and it what he wants them to say. People saying stuff is not proof.
" John Locke wrote in his Two Treaties on Government that people have rights, such as the right to life, liberty, and property, that have a foundation independent of the laws of any particular society. Locke used the claim that men are naturally free and equal as part of the justification for understanding legitimate political government as the result of a social contract where people in the state of nature conditionally transfer some of their rights to the government in order to better ensure the stable, comfortable enjoyment of their lives, liberty, and property. Since governments exist by the consent of the people in order to protect the rights of the people and promote the public good, governments that fail to do so can be resisted and replaced with new governments."
- Stanford University Plato
What we saw at the citadel of political corruption (The Congress) was people keeping their end of the social contract and storming the center of a crime syndicate. Power ultimately rest in the hands of the people. The citizens have every right to revolt against governments that do not rule in a just manner.
You must have been ecstatic during the BLM protests.
They had no reason to protest. Just and excuse to rob, loot, and burn down neighborhoods. The storming of the criminal citadel was the people upholding the social contract.
I'm glad the founding fathers left you in charge.
" John Locke wrote in his Two Treaties on Government that people have rights, such as the right to life, liberty, and property, that have a foundation independent of the laws of any particular society. Locke used the claim that men are naturally free and equal as part of the justification for understanding legitimate political government as the result of a social contract where people in the state of nature conditionally transfer some of their rights to the government in order to better ensure the stable, comfortable enjoyment of their lives, liberty, and property. Since governments exist by the consent of the people in order to protect the rights of the people and promote the public good, governments that fail to do so can be resisted and replaced with new governments."
- Stanford University Plato
What we saw at the citadel of political corruption (The Congress) was people keeping their end of the social contract and storming the center of a crime syndicate. Power ultimately rest in the hands of the people. The citizens have every right to revolt against governments that do not rule in a just manner.
And a duly elected government has a right defend itself from sedition.

But we don't have one of those, do we?
When you have ballot dumps in the middle of the night with the nefarious "mail in ballots" it violates the social contract rendering the government illegitimate
But that didn't happen. It has been explained to you ad nauseum and y'all willfully ignore the reality. That's the big difference between the real Revolution and what you think you are fighting for today. The taxes without representation were real. The Punitive Acts were real. The build up of British forces invading people's homes and taking their provisions was real. On the other hand, the stolen election was made up to let Trump stay in power despite losing.

If you actually respected Locke and the Founders you would take what you're doing a lot more seriously. You are trying to flush 200 plus years of democracy down the toilet over a fever dream.

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