Liz Cheney blames GOP leaders for enabling White racism days after Buffalo shooter's attack


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
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It is during tragedies that people get to see the true colours of those seeking political benefits. Blaming her party and pushing the talking points of the Dem Party when a murdering terrorist psycho goes off the rails. This is proof she is losing and very unpopular with those who have an I.Q over 100.

Did she blame Obama and his party when a BLM sympathizer in Texas was heavily armed and in kevlar shooting Texas police? She was surely outspoken on that issue, right?

She is now scurrying around in rage and lashing out due to her being exposed and unwanted by voters.

Rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo., is blaming leaders in her own party for enabling hate in the U.S., after a mass shooting in Buffalo, N.Y., where the suspect is believed to be a white nationalist.

Two days after Payton Gendron allegedly went on a shooting spree at a grocery store, killing 10 people and injuring three – most of whom were Black – Cheney took to Twitter to point a finger at her fellow Republicans.

"The House GOP leadership has enabled white nationalism, white supremacy, and anti-semitism. History has taught us that what begins with words ends in far worse," Cheney posted. "@GOP leaders must renounce and reject these views and those who hold them."
It is during tragedies that people get to see the true colours of those seeking political benefits. Blaming her party and pushing the talking points of the Dem Party when a murdering terrorist psycho goes off the rails. This is proof she is losing and very unpopular with those who have an I.Q over 100.

Did she blame Obama and his party when a BLM sympathizer in Texas was heavily armed and in kevlar shooting Texas police? She was surely outspoken on that issue, right?

Rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo., is blaming leaders in her own party for enabling hate in the U.S., after a mass shooting in Buffalo, N.Y., where the suspect is believed to be a white nationalist.

Two days after Payton Gendron allegedly went on a shooting spree at a grocery store, killing 10 people and injuring three – most of whom were Black – Cheney took to Twitter to point a finger at her fellow Republicans.

"The House GOP leadership has enabled white nationalism, white supremacy, and anti-semitism. History has taught us that what begins with words ends in far worse," Cheney posted. "@GOP leaders must renounce and reject these views and those who hold them."
The low I.Q crowd push these lies and conspiracy theories. Lizzy Cheney is correct once again.
The low I.Q crowd push these lies and conspiracy theories. Lizzy Cheney is correct once again.

Who cares who pushes what, it isn't the reason this terrorist went off.

She is a dinosaur Neo-Con. When her dad took his position, America was in a far stronger place globally than after he left. What makes her so qualified to be a leader in the GOP? What have been HER achievements for American Interests?

She is nothing more than an Establishment critter, who like Hillary it seems, is no longer invited in the inner circle of power who are trying to respond to what voters TODAY want.
What does it say about the people of Wyoming that they would elect the daughter of one of American history’s worst leaders? Not that Wyoming is the only state guilty of electing disgusting warmongering authoritarian assholes.
One thing about it, it's looks like she will have to carpet-bag her way to another state after November.

Rumor has it that The Turtle was grooming her for a Senate seat in another state. I suspect she's damaged goods as far as a gop seat goes if she's not re-elected.

The fly in the ointment is that WY is a open primary state so the dems will come out for her even though the WY gop has disowned her so like Murkowski she still might be able to back-in to a win.
Who cares who pushes what, it isn't the reason this terrorist went off.

She is a dinosaur Neo-Con. When her dad took his position, America was in a far stronger place globally than after he left. What makes her so qualified to be a leader in the GOP? What have been HER achievements for American Interests?

She is nothing more than an Establishment critter, who like Hillary it seems, is no longer invited in the inner circle of power who are trying to respond to what voters TODAY want.
Those who end up with bullets in them and in coffins care about those who are being incited to act with guns, by the Republican far right and all the Militia groups who are being incited to scare and attack validly elected representatives.

And where in the world did you get the idea that Hillary Clinton is no longer invited in the inner circle of power?
What circle is that? No news show wants to hear from her? No world leaders want to hear from her?

Your motives to attack Liz Chenney are not difficult to figure out. Delegitimize and make those who know nothing about her or the issues see only your point of view.

Let us seriously hope that there are none out there who will fall for the false accusations who have thrown about her and other Democrats.

There are serious issues in the US to be tackled and there are too many who are attempting to make others look the other way to issues which are actually not issues at all.

Wyoming is lucky to have a responsible Representative in Liz Cheeney, not all the others who are not bothering with the needs of the people and are only steering fear for political gain.
Those who end up with bullets in them and in coffins care about those who are being incited to act with guns, by the Republican far right and all the Militia groups who are being incited to scare and attack validly elected representatives.

And where in the world did you get the idea that Hillary Clinton is no longer invited in the inner circle of power?
What circle is that? No news show wants to hear from her? No world leaders want to hear from her?

Your motives to attack Liz Chenney are not difficult to figure out. Delegitimize and make those who know nothing about her or the issues see only your point of view.

Let us seriously hope that there are none out there who will fall for the false accusations who have thrown about her and other Democrats.

There are serious issues in the US to be tackled and there are too many who are attempting to make others look the other way to issues which are actually not issues at all.

Wyoming is lucky to have a responsible Representative in Liz Cheeney, not all the others who are not bothering with the needs of the people and are only steering fear for political gain.
Those who lie and alter the truth in favor of a narrative for power SHOULD be delegitimized and stigmatized as ant-American, which she is.
One thing about it, it's looks like she will have to carpet-bag her way to another state after November.

Rumor has it that The Turtle was grooming her for a Senate seat in another state. I suspect she's damaged goods as far as a gop seat goes if she's not re-elected.

The fly in the ointment is that WY is a open primary state so the dems will come out for her even though the WY gop has disowned her so like Murkowski she still might be able to back-in to a win.

When I think of her I immediately think of Romney and McCain. As such, I expect that she will seek some position of power in politics, her donors need to have a voice.

Neo-cons would have a place, if they actually paid attention to the reality of their electorate. Much of the damage done due to their own actions.

Consider what Bush could have achieved after 9/11 compared to what he did "achieve". He could easily have had the southern border walled up, tariffs and sanctions on enemy states, a global push for American Interests and fair markets. He had full support, even from many of us outside the U.S who believed he would defend America, lives and the West, like his father did in Kuwait.

When Trump took power and was addressing these issues and former GOP voters openly asked "why didn't Bush do these things?" We heard Bush say that his Party didn't want immigration reform they didn't consider limits on the losses of U.S intellectual property and such.

He is the president, in a time of war and he blames his party from preventing him from defending American Interests and sovereignty.

After Obama rode in based on Bushes failures, the Neo-Cons have never been the same.
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It is during tragedies that people get to see the true colours of those seeking political benefits. Blaming her party and pushing the talking points of the Dem Party when a murdering terrorist psycho goes off the rails. This is proof she is losing and very unpopular with those who have an I.Q over 100.

Did she blame Obama and his party when a BLM sympathizer in Texas was heavily armed and in kevlar shooting Texas police? She was surely outspoken on that issue, right?

She is now scurrying around in rage and lashing out due to her being exposed and unwanted by voters.

Rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo., is blaming leaders in her own party for enabling hate in the U.S., after a mass shooting in Buffalo, N.Y., where the suspect is believed to be a white nationalist.

Two days after Payton Gendron allegedly went on a shooting spree at a grocery store, killing 10 people and injuring three – most of whom were Black – Cheney took to Twitter to point a finger at her fellow Republicans.

"The House GOP leadership has enabled white nationalism, white supremacy, and anti-semitism. History has taught us that what begins with words ends in far worse," Cheney posted. "@GOP leaders must renounce and reject these views and those who hold them."
Entitled Daddy's girl Liz Cheney is seeing her career come to an end, and it can't happen soon enough. Buh Bye Liz, maybe they'll hire you for "The View". Those dumb cows are about your speed.
Those who lie and alter the truth in favor of a narrative for power SHOULD be delegitimized and stigmatized as ant-American, which she is.

Mark Meadows
Kevin McArthy
Lindsay Graham
Ted Cruz
Jim Jordan
Mike Lee
Rudy Giuliani

And the list goes on and on.

The first ones were horrified at what happened during 1/6, only to change their tune a few days later as "possibly" they were threatened by militias or offered deals for power they could not refuse.

Seriously, who was telling the truth about what and who decided to alter it for their own profit and power?

Mark Meadows
Kevin McArthy
Lindsay Graham
Ted Cruz
Jim Jordan
Mike Lee
Rudy Giuliani

And the list goes on and on.

The first ones were horrified at what happened during 1/6, only to change their tune a few days later as "possibly" they were threatened by militias or offered deals for power they could not refuse.

Seriously, who was telling the truth about what and who decided to alter it for their own profit and power?

Triple that list on the left and you won't even scratch the surface.
Triple that list on the left and you won't even scratch the surface.
Nonsense. Who on the left denied anything or changed their tune after 1/6?

You have nothing to show, you just hope people will believe you just because you say so.
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It is during tragedies that people get to see the true colours of those seeking political benefits. Blaming her party and pushing the talking points of the Dem Party when a murdering terrorist psycho goes off the rails. This is proof she is losing and very unpopular with those who have an I.Q over 100.

Did she blame Obama and his party when a BLM sympathizer in Texas was heavily armed and in kevlar shooting Texas police? She was surely outspoken on that issue, right?

She is now scurrying around in rage and lashing out due to her being exposed and unwanted by voters.

Rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo., is blaming leaders in her own party for enabling hate in the U.S., after a mass shooting in Buffalo, N.Y., where the suspect is believed to be a white nationalist.

Two days after Payton Gendron allegedly went on a shooting spree at a grocery store, killing 10 people and injuring three – most of whom were Black – Cheney took to Twitter to point a finger at her fellow Republicans.

"The House GOP leadership has enabled white nationalism, white supremacy, and anti-semitism. History has taught us that what begins with words ends in far worse," Cheney posted. "@GOP leaders must renounce and reject these views and those who hold them."

The in thing at DC Cocktail parties is hating Der Juden, the whites, and Liz wants nothing more than to be in the DC in crowd.
That racism card is worn out. Seems if you're a democrat then anyone who disagrees with you is a racist.

Then only time I ever hear Republicans saying someone is racist is when they actually are being racist. They don't use it as the go to blanket statement for every little thing.

Seems like now the only real racists we have are democrats, liberals and blacks. They are more racist than anyone else.
The in thing at DC Cocktail parties is hating Der Juden, the whites, and Liz wants nothing more than to be in the DC in crowd.
And your source for this exaggerated nonsense is ????

Is there Jew hatred? There always has been. By both parties.

Is there a white supremacy problem in the country? There is. Which party is helping fuel the anger of some "whites" against other peoples?
That racism card is worn out. Seems if you're a democrat then anyone who disagrees with you is a racist.

Then only time I ever hear Republicans saying someone is racist is when they actually are being racist. They don't use it as the go to blanket statement for every little thing.

Seems like now the only real racists we have are democrats, liberals and blacks. They are more racist than anyone else.
That is not how racism works.

There have always been racists in this country. Against the abolition of slavery, against Immigrants and other issues.

You are attacking blacks for being against the endless attacks on their rights and their communities? Seriously.

You are going to attack other groups of people for also being attacked by those who want to keep the Europeans a majority rule in this country, and are doing everything to take away the power to vote, etc from legal citizens, amongst other things?

Are you for human rights?
Are you for voting rights for all US citizens?

If you are, why are you believing and saying things like the above?
Cheney is a vile backstabbing opportunistic btich.
Backstabbing a party which wants power at the cost of the American Constitution and the rule of law?

Is that what your problem is?

Backstab the Constitution of the USA and end its rule of law is ok.

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