Living the Dream:DACA and Crime


Platinum Member
Oct 4, 2016
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  • about 110 000 people who requested DACA from almost 889 000 (12%) were previously arrested. Crimes in arrest records include assaults, beatings, rape, murders and driving under the influence of illicit substances;
  • of the approved arrested persons requesting DACA, 85% (67 861) were arrested or detained until their last DACA approval;
  • Of the approved arrested persons requesting DACA, more than 31% (24 898) had more than one arrest;
  • Of all those requesting DACA, 218 had more than 10 arrests. Of these, 54 had DACA "approved" status as of October 2019.
DACA Requestors with an IDENT Response

Top 4 countries DACA recipients involved in criminal offense(s) came from:
Mexico- 91,272
El Salvador- 4,998
Honduras- 4,597
Guatemala- 4,304

Crimes committed by age:
14 and under- 5,076
15-18- 42,377
19-22- 87,059
23-26- 46,147
Mexico is a shithole--why would they die trying to get out if it wasn't?
Mexico is a shithole--why would they die trying to get out if it wasn't?
Why do they keep going back for months at a time if it is?

Lady I work with leaves in two weeks for month of Dec

Hold on...let me refocus this image for the white folks in the room.


There is no magic dirt...remember that.
Cut off all incentive for illegals
Mexico is a shithole--why would they die trying to get out if it wasn't?
Why do they keep going back for months at a time if it is?

Lady I work with leaves in two weeks for month of Dec
---------------------------- they are similar to TOURISTS with money and that is all they are They use America money to fund their vacations to 'mexico' . Does this news need to be explained to you eh 'Keep ?? [chuckle[]
  • about 110 000 people who requested DACA from almost 889 000 (12%) were previously arrested. Crimes in arrest records include assaults, beatings, rape, murders and driving under the influence of illicit substances;
  • of the approved arrested persons requesting DACA, 85% (67 861) were arrested or detained until their last DACA approval;
  • Of the approved arrested persons requesting DACA, more than 31% (24 898) had more than one arrest;
  • Of all those requesting DACA, 218 had more than 10 arrests. Of these, 54 had DACA "approved" status as of October 2019.
DACA Requestors with an IDENT Response

Top 4 countries DACA recipients involved in criminal offense(s) came from:
Mexico- 91,272
El Salvador- 4,998
Honduras- 4,597
Guatemala- 4,304

Crimes committed by age:
14 and under- 5,076
15-18- 42,377
19-22- 87,059
23-26- 46,147

If someone is an alien- Illegal, DACA, tourist, student visa, legal immigrant, refugee, or in America for an operation- and they commit a crime, why aren't they immediately eligible for deportation?
They can’t stay here
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