Platinum Member
- about 110 000 people who requested DACA from almost 889 000 (12%) were previously arrested. Crimes in arrest records include assaults, beatings, rape, murders and driving under the influence of illicit substances;
- of the approved arrested persons requesting DACA, 85% (67 861) were arrested or detained until their last DACA approval;
- Of the approved arrested persons requesting DACA, more than 31% (24 898) had more than one arrest;
- Of all those requesting DACA, 218 had more than 10 arrests. Of these, 54 had DACA "approved" status as of October 2019.
Top 4 countries DACA recipients involved in criminal offense(s) came from:
Mexico- 91,272
El Salvador- 4,998
Honduras- 4,597
Guatemala- 4,304
Crimes committed by age:
14 and under- 5,076
15-18- 42,377
19-22- 87,059
23-26- 46,147