Listen Up Governors-Handling Covid & it's present & future variant- The goal should be


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
THIS PRESIDENT & HIS HANDLERS/ADMINISTRATION are a bunch of MORONS who have no clue to having a clear cut plan that addresses the ACTUAL Covid issue in a practicle manner for best success.
They are always chasing the prior virus with older knowledge of who it affects and who is lesser at risk, so they are putting us in harms way with outdated info. They are also assuming the type of variant which is spreading, which once again missinforms what protective measures should be important to these specific strains. If one is more airborne is being confused with newer strains that spread by touch/surfaces, then your droping your guard on sanitizing, is due to assumptions and poor guidance by our Sherlocks in charge.
If you were still playing by the original handbook that kids are less likely to get sick or spread then you are creating a new wave of outbreaks by not keeping up with the twist the new variants gave us.
And lets not start about how they missinformed or gave the wrong impression of what the vaccines are for and can do.
The GOAL should be to have the least amount of deaths and pressure on our hospitals capacity.
Therefore the plan should be to lessen the intensity of the sickness from needing hospitalization and from death.
THE FDA SHOULD HAVE BEEN RUSHING TO USE PRESENT DATA and testing to see which already approved drugs best work for approval of secondary usage on Covid.
It's not rocket science, you need the best anti virals that work while having properties that reduce excess alpha defensin proteins that are overly produced by some people to combat the virus, but cause clots thus heart and inflamed lung issues.
So you need anti inflammatories that work with the virus specific issues causing the severe issues from clotting.
'Colchicine' is an already approved drug for inflamation & is best administered for this virus as it inhibits the release of alpha defensin(a peptide protein).
Furthermore, they should be in their plan, notifying Joe Public which over the counter ones they should keep in their medicine cabinet.
Fever reducers with anti inflamatory properties like Aleve work good. Tell Joe Public which veggies and vitamin suppliments work as good anti Inflamatories as well.
Which brings us to making plans to expand hospitals before they get full, and to have oxygen making medical devices in stock along with the oxygen tanks in case of future harsher strains requiring them more prevalent and tanks become a shortage issue.

GET YOUR ACT TOGETHER CDC, no wonder people are paranoid about your intention.
You should be the educated scientists that knows better. FOLLOW THE SCIENCE!
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should be interesting for comparisons between Delta and Mu variants. Colchicine inhibits P2X7 receptor activation, and ASC polymerization thus inhibiting interaction between pyrin-like domains:

Jan-Feb 2020 The Greek Study: Colchicine
should be interesting for comparisons between Delta and Mu variants. Colchicine inhibits P2X7 receptor activation, and ASC polymerization thus inhibiting interaction between pyrin-like domains:

Jan-Feb 2020 The Greek Study: Colchicine
Just shows other countries are doing what we should have done a while back, and the answer to why we aren't and they are=we have politicized and weaponized covid for political posteuring.
Here is where alpha-defensins (human neutrophil peptides) link to colchicine:

P2X7 Receptors / Defensins
’....HNP1-3 differ in sequence in only the N-terminal amino acid, which is alanine (A) for HNP1 and aspartate (N) for HNP3. This amino is missing in HNP2....Chinese Han patients with high genetic copy numbers of DEFA1/DEFA3 were mores sucsceptible to severe sepsis....’
THIS PRESIDENT & HIS HANDLERS/ADMINISTRATION are a bunch of MORONS who have no clue to having a clear cut plan that addresses the ACTUAL Covid issue in a practicle manner for best success.
They are always chasing the prior virus with older knowledge of who it affects and who is lesser at risk, so they are putting us in harms way with outdated info. They are also assuming the type of variant which is spreading, which once again missinforms what protective measures should be important to these specific strains. If one is more airborne is being confused with newer strains that spread by touch/surfaces, then your droping your guard on sanitizing, is due to assumptions and poor guidance by our Sherlocks in charge.
If you were still playing by the original handbook that kids are less likely to get sick or spread then you are creating a new wave of outbreaks by not keeping up with the twist the new variants gave us.
And lets not start about how they missinformed or gave the wrong impression of what the vaccines are for and can do.
The GOAL should be to have the least amount of deaths and pressure on our hospitals capacity.
Therefore the plan should be to lessen the intensity of the sickness from needing hospitalization and from death.
THE FDA SHOULD HAVE BEEN RUSHING TO USE PRESENT DATA and testing to see which already approved drugs best work for approval of secondary usage on Covid.
It's not rocket science, you need the best anti virals that work while having properties that reduce excess alpha defensin proteins that are overly produced by some people to combat the virus, but cause clots thus heart and inflamed lung issues.
So you need anti inflammatories that work with the virus specific issues causing the severe issues from clotting.
'Colchicine' is an already approved drug for inflamation & is best administered for this virus as it inhibits the release of alpha defensin(a peptide protein).
Furthermore, they should be in their plan, notifying Joe Public which over the counter ones they should keep in their medicine cabinet.
Fever reducers with anti inflamatory properties like Aleve work good. Tell Joe Public which veggies and vitamin suppliments work as good anti Inflamatories as well.
Which brings us to making plans to expand hospitals before they get full, and to have oxygen making medical devices in stock along with the oxygen tanks in case of future harsher strains requiring them more prevalent and tanks become a shortage issue.

GET YOUR ACT TOGETHER CDC, no wonder people are paranoid about your intention.
You should be the educated scientists that knows better. FOLLOW THE SCIENCE!
Absolutely true and well stated about the lunacy of governments forcing a false “solution” for a known old strain (Alpha) of the virus when Delta is not covered. I have to admit I’ve lost a little sleep just thinking about how many people have fallen for their lies (Fauci’s, CDC’s, NIH, Biden’s cue cards, Palski, big Pharma reps) and wondering what else they’ll believe that will be presented by this horrendously, deceptive administration.
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There is a link to the Mojiang copper mine (source of SARS-CoV-2’s closest relative) for human defensin-2, and it links to obesity, pro- and anti-oxidation, and measles. Reversing the sequence in which it was found....

Jan 2004 Austria: Modulation of Copper-Mediated LDL Oxidation
’....7,8-dihydroneopterin is a modulator for LDL oxidation in the presence of copper ions, depending on the “oxidation status” of this lipoprotein.’

Sep 2021 Norway: Serum Concentration of Total Neopterin / Cod-Salmon / Obesity
’....serum concentration of total neopterin was decreased in the cod group.’

Aug 2021 Paris: SARS-CoV-2 Fatal Outcome / Increased Neopterin

Sep 2021 Italy: Crohn’s Disease / Fecal Lactoferrin / Neopterin / Beta-Defensin-2
‘....human beta-defensin-2....’

John F. Enders is famous for culturing poliovirus:

Japan: Wild-Type Measles / Edmonston Strain (1954) / Nectin-4
‘Reference #7: Enders JF, Peebles TC; Ref #10: Neopterin in Plasma and CSF; Ref #23: Nectin-4 as Tumor Cell Marker.’

Mojiang Henipavirus
’....MojV-G does not bind human CD150 and nectin-4....we cannot preclude MojV-G interacting with non-human CD150....’

Suggesting that copper in the Mojiang mine has influenced the evolution of bat SARS-CoVs.

This Mayo Clinic report is for a hybrid virus linking to Fau Chi’s D614G mutation, which increases VSV Paritcle production, a SARS-CoV-2 mutation which he gets backwards in his youtube video, likely a freudian slip:

Feb 2014. Mayo Clinic: VSV-Measles Hybrid Virus / Nectin-4
’....ablation of nectin-4 binding compromises CD46 usage by a hybrid vsv/measles virus.’
Obesity or is it high cholesterol that is usually associated with obesity and that the virus is latching onto.
The Covid virus relies on the fatty molecule to invade the cells to form super cells.
It is interesting about the cholesterol angle as taking Statins which remove cholesterol not just from the blood stream but from cells as well may inhibit the spike protein from connecting to a given cell as there are some studies that show this. I am surprised that doctors and government agencies have not made mention of these studies to help alleviate the concerns of their citizens but I am not completely surprised as it seems to be the way of things either through ineptitude or blatant disregard of the welfare of said citizens ..
Obesity or is it high cholesterol that is usually associated with obesity and that the virus is latching onto.
The Covid virus relies on the fatty molecule to invade the cells to form super cells.
Lipid rafts are its target.
It is interesting about the cholesterol angle as taking Statins which remove cholesterol not just from the blood stream but from cells as well may inhibit the spike protein from connecting to a given cell as there are some studies that show this. I am surprised that doctors and government agencies have not made mention of these studies to help alleviate the concerns of their citizens but I am not completely surprised as it seems to be the way of things either through ineptitude or blatant disregard of the welfare of said citizens ..
Yes, statins link to Gracie’s fenofibrate thread.
It is interesting about the cholesterol angle as taking Statins which remove cholesterol not just from the blood stream but from cells as well may inhibit the spike protein from connecting to a given cell as there are some studies that show this. I am surprised that doctors and government agencies have not made mention of these studies to help alleviate the concerns of their citizens but I am not completely surprised as it seems to be the way of things either through ineptitude or blatant disregard of the welfare of said citizens ..
It's why besides eating lots of oats/granolas,
I take Niacin.
Niacin can boost levels of good HDL cholesterol, lower triglycerides, and also slightly lowers bad LDL cholesterol.
Nicotinic acid reduces bad LDL-cholesterol levels by 10 to 20 percent, reduces triglycerides by 20 to 50 percent, and raises the
good HDL-cholesterol by 15 to 35 percent.
From Scripps Institute and Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (Singapore is not far from the origin of Nipah virus), this study shows SARS-CoV uses lipid rafts for attachment to Vero E6 cells, and position 1188 of the spike can be compared with SARS-CoV-2 and other nidoviruses. There is more to add for ganglioside GM1 that is of interest:

Lipid Rafts / SARS-CoV / GM1
In post #692 is mentioned Hungary for Lupus/GM1/Lipid Raft Aggregation, as well as fenofibrate in lupus, recalling chloroquine-hydroxychloroquine use in lupus. In post #691 is mention PRRSV, a pig coronavirus, which one Indian study suggests that SARS-CoV-2’s most ancient ancestor is PRRSV. Entry modus operandi of PRRSV links to SARS-CoV:

’These data suggest that PRRSV infection is likely to be mediated by a lipid-raft-dependent pathway.’
One can scroll up to post #688 on the above-mentioned thread for the GM1 link to azithromycin-hydroxychloroquine in the French study and the locations of interaction on the SARS-CoV-2 spike.
If cod is better than salmon for lowering neopterin, then we note a tyrosine connection between Nipah virus, SARS-CoV, Civet and Pacific Salmon coronavirus.

Nov 2010 Marburg, Germany: Nipah Tyrosine-Dependent Targeting

This tyrosine link makes the difference in the virus crossing the BBB (blood-brain barrier) to infect the brain.

SARS-CoV spike position 1188 is a tyrosine (Y)
Pacific Salmon coronavirus spike: Y1188
SARS-CoV-2: E1188
SARS Civet coronavirus 010: Y1188
Here's a million dollar question or two:
If the egg protein in the vaccine is a source of bioactive peptide protein, then is this just feeding into the problems of over production of peptide proteins causing the clots and inflamations associated with the more serious and elevated symptoms of covid?

And regarding the batches of a certain vaccine halted in 2 countries and recalled for finding nano graphite "contamination" (or was it intentional)-are any vaccine putting cellulose as an ingredient? Graphite has both metallic and nonmetallic properties being thus useful as electrode material. Graphite is used in fine (and even nano) graphite powder in an inorganic (resin) or organic matrix (clay or a high polymer, e.g., cellulose)
The electrode property can be intentional if foresight is in the use of subverting violent uprisings, riots, protests as something the Gov't or world leaders see as a foregone conclusion to frustration & instability of society due to progression of pandemic virus(s) and the restraints we have and may even further face or some other societal down fall, aka kingdoms collapsing, totalitarian regime tear down of gov't system, or war mongering threats.
There is another possibility if intentional but Not Malicious.
The methodologies with nanomaterials (precious metals nanoparticles (NPs), metal complex nanostructures (NS), and carbon nanotubes) and nanomaterials-conducting polymers composites and the electrochemical applications of such modified PGEs were recently reviewed in journals.
Carbon nanomaterials, as carbon nanotubes (CNTs), nanofibers, nanopowders, or Graphene are largely used for the development of electrochemical sensors and many China researchers are working on their use for human health monitoring while other researchers are using it for :
Electrochemical sensors- for sensing of blood proteins.
Wait, maybe if China is using it for human health monitor, it's intentions might not be in our best interest. Depends on intended use and the powers who control or abuse those uses.-oy!
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If cod is better than salmon for lowering neopterin, then we note a tyrosine connection between Nipah virus, SARS-CoV, Civet and Pacific Salmon coronavirus.

Nov 2010 Marburg, Germany: Nipah Tyrosine-Dependent Targeting

This tyrosine link makes the difference in the virus crossing the BBB (blood-brain barrier) to infect the brain.

SARS-CoV spike position 1188 is a tyrosine (Y)
Pacific Salmon coronavirus spike: Y1188
SARS-CoV-2: E1188
SARS Civet coronavirus 010: Y1188
I assumed the Salmon were a result of the Fukushima accident radiation and contamination of the eco system which like ripples made it's way across shore.
They never told Joe Public it was a virus affecting the Salmon.
Thanks for the info, now I don't feel so stupid for reporting to the CDC the unusual washed up sea cucumbers at the start of the search for the source of our type of covid.
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Salmon cutting boards and Norway was in the media. Wuhan “Patient Zero” was a shrimp seller, though yellow head coronavirus of shrimp is S1188 on the spike. We have not yet found an equivalent E1188 as it occurs in SARS-C0V-2, but bottlenose dolphin coronavirus spike is also S1188.
Here's a million dollar question or two:
If the egg protein in the vaccine is a source of bioactive peptide protein, then is this just feeding into the problems of over production of peptide proteins causing the clots and inflamations associated with the more serious and elevated symptoms of covid?

And regarding the batches of a certain vaccine halted in 2 countries and recalled for finding nano graphite "contamination" (or was it intentional)-are any vaccine putting cellulose as an ingredient? Graphite has both metallic and nonmetallic properties being thus useful as electrode material. Graphite is used in fine (and even nano) graphite powder in an inorganic (resin) or organic matrix (clay or a high polymer, e.g., cellulose)
The electrode property can be intentional if foresight is in the use of subverting violent uprisings, riots, protests as something the Gov't or world leaders see as a foregone conclusion to frustration & instability of society due to progression of pandemic virus(s) and the restraints we have and may even further face or some other societal down fall, aka kingdoms collapsing, totalitarian regime tear down of gov't system, or war mongering threats.
There is another possibility if intentional but Not Malicious.
The methodologies with nanomaterials (precious metals nanoparticles (NPs), metal complex nanostructures (NS), and carbon nanotubes) and nanomaterials-conducting polymers composites and the electrochemical applications of such modified PGEs were recently reviewed in journals.
Carbon nanomaterials, as carbon nanotubes (CNTs), nanofibers, nanopowders, or Graphene are largely used for the development of electrochemical sensors and many China researchers are working on their use for human health monitoring while other researchers are using it for :
Electrochemical sensors- for sensing of blood proteins.
Wait, maybe if China is using it for human health monitor, it's intentions might not be in our best interest. Depends on intended use and the powers who control or abuse those uses.-oy!
Someone sent us some info on French graphene suspicions. We’ll try to translate it.
Colchicine has already been trialed and found to be useless, just like ivermectin. This is why we should never listen to someone on a message board for medical advice.

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