Listen to Trump's news conference or is it a campaign speech?


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2009
Listen to Trump's news conference or is it a campaign speech?

Donald Trump is ranting like a an extremely insecure human on the edge of losing it completely. Corona virus is ripping through our country and Trump is discussing his opponent for the 2020 election.

Trump continues to make himself look worse except for the minions who define truth by what Trump says.
I’m watching it. Everything he’s said so far is 100% correct!

It‘s great to finally have a president who isn’t PC and is focused on helping America. A president we can trust.
It is what he is not saying.

He said that thousands of lives were saved because he shut down travel from China. Probably true.

What he did not say is because he did not do anything except shut down travel to China until late March we did not have enough ventilators, we do not enough testing supplies in July, people are not being required to wear masks, opening up economies too soon, tens of thousand of Americans have died from COVID-19 who did not need to.
Because our economy opened up too soon, many cities and states are having to close down again, hurting our economy further.

He has overseen the highest deficit increase in history.

He has not over turned Obamacare and replaced with something better.

Mexico is not paying for our wall. There are very few miles of new wall that were not planned before he got into office.

Race wars in the streets, worst economy since the great depression and the worst pandemic in 100 years being mismanaged.

He is quite a peach.
Listen to Trump's news conference or is it a campaign speech?

Donald Trump is ranting like a an extremely insecure human on the edge of losing it completely. Corona virus is ripping through our country and Trump is discussing his opponent for the 2020 election.

Trump continues to make himself look worse except for the minions who define truth by what Trump says.
/—-/ Trump is mopping the floor with Dementia Joe. Enjoy.
I’m watching it. Everything he’s said so far is 100% correct!

It‘s great to finally have a president who isn’t PC and is focused on helping America. A president we can trust.
It is what he is not saying.

He said that thousands of lives were saved because he shut down travel from China. Probably true.

What he did not say is because he did not do anything except shut down travel to China until late March we did not have enough ventilators, we do not enough testing supplies in July, people are not being required to wear masks, opening up economies too soon, tens of thousand of Americans have died from COVID-19 who did not need to.
Because our economy opened up too soon, many cities and states are having to close down again, hurting our economy further.

He has overseen the highest deficit increase in history.

He has not over turned Obamacare and replaced with something better.

Mexico is not paying for our wall. There are very few miles of new wall that were not planned before he got into office.

Race wars in the streets, worst economy since the great depression and the worst pandemic in 100 years being mismanaged.

He is quite a peach.
Trump has been cleaning up the mess democrats created. It’s why I’m seeing an easy win for him in November.
Trump sounded pretty good. When will Mrs. Biden let old Joe out of the basement to campaign? For some perspective the last president who sounded insecure and on the edge of losing it was Bill Clinton when he told America that "I did not have sex with that woman". The time before that was LBJ when he told America that he would not run for another term and the NVA can have the stupid country.
Trump is taking questions. Trump sounds like he is having a stroke. I hope Trump’s doctor is near by.
Listen to Trump's news conference or is it a campaign speech?

Donald Trump is ranting like a an extremely insecure human on the edge of losing it completely. Corona virus is ripping through our country and Trump is discussing his opponent for the 2020 election.

Trump continues to make himself look worse except for the minions who define truth by what Trump says.

every time rump speaks it is a campaign speech. It's all he cares about, and all he knows hoe to do. To him, the entire world is a reality show, and he just doesn't want to be voted off the island.
Trump has been the most open and honest president in my lifetime. I love this guy!

Really? Open? Where are his tax returns?
Nobody cares about his tax returns. They do care about his ability to fix the mess democrats created!

I think Trump has spoken with the press more than any other president in recent history. The man isn’t afraid to tell people what he thinks.
Unlike obama, Trump is a president we can trust.
When will Mrs. Biden let old Joe out of the basement to campaign?

AFTER the story about his former Dem staffer who accused Biden of forcibly sexually assaulting her dies down. :eusa_shhh: women who accuse Joe Biden are not to be believed. Only women who accuse a Republican.
Trump has been the most open and honest president in my lifetime. I love this guy!

Really? Open? Where are his tax returns?
Nobody cares about his tax returns. They do care about his ability to fix the mess democrats created!

I think Trump has spoken with the press more than any other president in recent history. The man isn’t afraid to tell people what he thinks.
Unlike obama, Trump is a president we can trust.
Everybody except his brain dead supporters cares about his tax returns. How can you trust someone who lies just for fun?
Trump is taking questions. Trump sounds like he is having a stroke. I hope Trump’s doctor is near by.
President Trump has taken more questions in a couple of months then Obama did in 8 years.
The nation is in crisis, millions unemployed, a pandemic raging, all Trump does is whine, complain, and lie.
Trump has been the most open and honest president in my lifetime. I love this guy!

Really? Open? Where are his tax returns?
Nobody cares about his tax returns. They do care about his ability to fix the mess democrats created!

I think Trump has spoken with the press more than any other president in recent history. The man isn’t afraid to tell people what he thinks.
Unlike obama, Trump is a president we can trust.
Everybody except his brain dead supporters cares about his tax returns. How can you trust someone who lies just for fun?

What the hell do you care about his taxes? Are you qualified to review anyone's taxes? You don't trust the IRS to do their job? Dumbass.
Trump has been the most open and honest president in my lifetime. I love this guy!

Really? Open? Where are his tax returns?
Nobody cares about his tax returns. They do care about his ability to fix the mess democrats created!

I think Trump has spoken with the press more than any other president in recent history. The man isn’t afraid to tell people what he thinks.
Unlike obama, Trump is a president we can trust.
Everybody except his brain dead supporters cares about his tax returns. How can you trust someone who lies just for fun?
/——-/ What do you expect to find in Trump’s tax returns that the IRS missed?

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