"listen to the scientists”


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
How often have we heard the above statements regarding COVID?
The science will govern us.” Familiar names who have used this phrase Drs. Fauci, Birx and recently Scott Atlas, and most governors and state health officials, along with numerous talking heads.
Joe Biden Says Follow the Science, but Refuses to Do So
That he would “listen to the scientists” and pursue a pandemic response “informed by science and by experts” was perhaps the most repeated promise of his entire campaign.

Hmmm.... OK let's following the science of when it comes to closing schools.
Deaths of children age 0 to 18 .... 300 COVID deaths as of 4/7/21 ...
out of 73,039,150 under age 18 or a percent of ... 0.0004107% .
Child population by age group | KIDS COUNT Data Center

Wouldn't the "science" indicate that children don't die from COVID and therefore the science doesn't indicate the rationale for closing schools.
What was the rationale for closing schools?

Children can and do contract and spread COVID. It’s not about the safety of the children themselves but the community.
How often have we heard the above statements regarding COVID?
The science will govern us.” Familiar names who have used this phrase Drs. Fauci, Birx and recently Scott Atlas, and most governors and state health officials, along with numerous talking heads.
Joe Biden Says Follow the Science, but Refuses to Do So
That he would “listen to the scientists” and pursue a pandemic response “informed by science and by experts” was perhaps the most repeated promise of his entire campaign.

Hmmm.... OK let's following the science of when it comes to closing schools.
Deaths of children age 0 to 18 .... 300 COVID deaths as of 4/7/21 ...
out of 73,039,150 under age 18 or a percent of ... 0.0004107% .
Child population by age group | KIDS COUNT Data Center

Wouldn't the "science" indicate that children don't die from COVID and therefore the science doesn't indicate the rationale for closing schools.
What was the rationale for closing schools?

View attachment 478005
Why should anyone listen to Scientists these days who have become Political Priests rather than practice Science?

If they were true Scientists they would not get it wrong every single time.
Children can and do contract and spread COVID. It’s not about the safety of the children themselves but the community.
We don't care about your hippy communes and your commie communities. America is based on individual liberties, so if someone does not want your poison in their blood, they should not be coerced in to taking your poison in their blood.
Children can and do contract and spread COVID. It’s not about the safety of the children themselves but the community.

Right, its not about the safety of the children, which is why they are suffering the most mentally from loss of their routine and also the strain of being at home in some cases with parents who cant go to work. Suicides have gone up and more kids have ended up in foster care.
The health of a society hangs on more than one virus itself. Lockdowns of schools may have been appropriate for a time but we probably over did it.
Children can and do contract and spread COVID. It’s not about the safety of the children themselves but the community.
You are a joke and a liar. Children are the least at risk for COVID, and have the highest survival rate if they catch it. A child death from COVID is nearly non existent, and most would not even know they had it if they had it.

This is about Programming and using fear to reprogram children and society. It's about Fascist-Communist-Nazi-Globalist Socialists trying to Fundamentally Transform America so they can impose a Global Dictatorship, dissolve National Sovereignty and put us all under the yoke of slavery and dependence.

Your Leftist-Commie-Globalist Masters already told us what they were going to do years ago, and that was to break The Will of a Freedom loving people through Propaganda, Fear, Mandates and Social Engineering and Programming.
The current iteration of vaccines isn't science, maybe junk science. To bring a drug with new technology, never used before in humans, to the public in 6 months without years of clinical research is beyond absurdity and just complete insanity.
Drug companies come out with new vaccines every flu season. The science is pretty much routine.
How often have we heard the above statements regarding COVID?
The science will govern us.” Familiar names who have used this phrase Drs. Fauci, Birx and recently Scott Atlas, and most governors and state health officials, along with numerous talking heads.
Joe Biden Says Follow the Science, but Refuses to Do So
That he would “listen to the scientists” and pursue a pandemic response “informed by science and by experts” was perhaps the most repeated promise of his entire campaign.

Hmmm.... OK let's following the science of when it comes to closing schools.
Deaths of children age 0 to 18 .... 300 COVID deaths as of 4/7/21 ...
out of 73,039,150 under age 18 or a percent of ... 0.0004107% .
Child population by age group | KIDS COUNT Data Center

Wouldn't the "science" indicate that children don't die from COVID and therefore the science doesn't indicate the rationale for closing schools.
What was the rationale for closing schools?

View attachment 478005
Why should anyone listen to Scientists these days who have become Political Priests rather than practice Science?

If they were true Scientists they would not get it wrong every single time.
Fauci is the guy who said that heterosexuals are just as likely to contract HIV as homosexuals.
The current iteration of vaccines isn't science, maybe junk science. To bring a drug with new technology, never used before in humans, to the public in 6 months without years of clinical research is beyond absurdity and just complete insanity.
This from the same authoritarian chunkheads who stood in the way of right-to-try for decades....Now they want no-right-of-refusal.
The current iteration of vaccines isn't science, maybe junk science. To bring a drug with new technology, never used before in humans, to the public in 6 months without years of clinical research is beyond absurdity and just complete insanity.
This from the same authoritarian chunkheads who stood in the way of right-to-try for decades....Now they want no-right-of-refusal.
Fk them all
I’m not governed by the health department nor are there any laws in the books making Americans beholding to them.
This entire enterprise has achieved its “success” by thinkers like me going along with it despite knowing and stating it’s bogus hoax nature and the frightened uninformed capitulators who willingly comply.
Children can and do contract and spread COVID. It’s not about the safety of the children themselves but the community.

It is all about risk, and the children are a LOW risk at spreading it, since so few get sick and even defeat it in their bodies:

American College of Pediatricians

Children Are Not Super-spreaders of COVID-19

A look at COVID-19 in Children and Schools Around the World

Michelle Cretella, MD, August 11, 2020


This August, the normal back to school rush of planning, gathering school supplies, and excitedly looking forward to the next year of learning and extracurricular activities is nowhere to be found. Instead, thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, government and school officials, parents, students and teachers are facing this back to school season with varying degrees of fear and trepidation. There is time-tested, scientific evidence that in-person learning is the optimal environment for children, and therefore should be the model to which school districts around the country aim to return safely. Fortunately, research concerning COVID-19 and youth is providing some welcomed good news. There is now sufficient scientific evidence from around the world to enable local communities in America to confidently plan a return to in person learning. While there is no one size fits all protocol to a return to brick-and-mortar schools, significant comfort may be found in the facts.

The current iteration of vaccines isn't science, maybe junk science. To bring a drug with new technology, never used before in humans, to the public in 6 months without years of clinical research is beyond absurdity and just complete insanity.
We know you hope so and you want the fake oppressive freedom robbing false panic to continue.
Every single child under age of 10 who died from this had prevailing life taking birth deformities
All 35 of them
Had the election not been stolen, Fauci would be in Gitmo and would have revealed the extent to which him and Obama conspired with the CCP to launch the Obama funded Wuhan bioweapon

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