Zone1 List ridiculous, heretical things the pope has said.. How about There is no Hell, just disappearance

I can't be harmed by what you say about me. Only you can be harmed by what you say about me.

It is not what enters one’s mouth that defiles that person; but what comes out of the mouth is what defiles one.” Matthew 15:11




You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.253
It was said to the men of old, "You shall not swear falsely, but shall perform to the Lord what you have sworn."254

2464 The eighth commandment forbids misrepresenting the truth in our relations with others. This moral prescription flows from the vocation of the holy people to bear witness to their God who is the truth and wills the truth. Offenses against the truth express by word or deed a refusal to commit oneself to moral uprightness: they are fundamental infidelities to God and, in this sense, they undermine the foundations of the covenant.

I said to you 1+1=2 - you say to me what now?
I said to you 1+1=2 - you say to me what now?
That's not a good analogy for this at all. You equated me not believing something to calling you a liar and then punishing me for something you made up in your mind and then projected onto me.

It seems to me that you are carrying a grudge and that grudge is the root cause of your subjectivity. You've been calling me an atheist. You have been saying I'm not Catholic. Or I'm not Catholic enough for you. That I place a book above God. So pardon me for not accepting your rationalization for why you weren't wrong to do so. You are bearing false witness against me. And for why? What reason? Only you know.
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Calling it fake news means I don't believe it. Nothing more, nothing less. Your equating that to calling you a liar is on you, not me.

I do not have any idea how you are able to take yourselve serios. Why do you expect from others to do so?
That's not a good analogy for this at all. You equated me not believing something to calling you a liar and then punishing me for something you made up in your mind and then projected onto me.

It seems to me that you are carrying a grudge and that grudge is the root cause of your subjectivity. You've been calling me an atheist. You have been saying I'm not Catholic. Or I'm not Catholic enough for you. That I place a book above God. So pardon me for not accepting your rationalization for why you weren't wrong to do so. You are bearing false witness against me. And for why? What reason? Only you know.

You started your conversation with me here with the attack "And you think I am bad" - without any context - and I corrected this with "I do not think you are bad - I think you are malicious." And up to now changed nothing this assessment.
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By the way: In a direct conversation with someone else no one is able "to bear a false witness". To say what to think - whether this is true or not true - is not to bear false witness.
I do not have any idea how you are able to take yourselve serios. Why do you expect from others to do so?
It's no harder for me to do it than it is for you to do it. As for others, I have no expectation for outcomes that are beyond my control.
You started your conversation with me here with the attack "And you think I am bad" - without any context - and I corrected this with "I do not think you are bad - I think you are malicious." And up to now changed nothing this assessment.
That wasn't an attack. It was an attempt at humor. The OP is a horrible Catholic. I'm just a bad Catholic. I thought you might appreciate it. Obviously not.

By the way: In a direct conversation with someone else no one is able "to bear a false witness". To say what to think - whether this is true or not true - is not to bear false witness.
I disagree. This isn't a private conversation. This is a public conversation. You said disparaging things publicly that are untrue. That is the definition of bearing false witness. Especially since you said them with malicious intent.
It's no harder for me to do it than it is for you to do it.

You take serios what you say on your own to others about the Christian religion (the Christian rebound in god)? Then you are totally unreal.

As for others, I have no expectation for outcomes that are beyond my control.

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That wasn't an attack. It was an attempt at humor. The OP is a horrible Catholic. I'm just a bad Catholic.

What for heavens sake could be a bad Catholic? Either you are a Catholic or no Catholic. And an unwritten rule in a Catholic life is normally: There's always more than I know and perhaps even more than I am able to know so it is always good to ask someone else - for example our daddy in heaven.

I thought you might appreciate it. Obviously not.

I might what? What for heaverns sake do you try to speak about, "Catholic". Since when is anything important what I think about you or anyone else thinks about you? When god tells you to make something wrong then do it: make it wrong! And when the whole world hates you because you did do so - that's not any problem as long as you do what god says to you.
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I disagree. This isn't a private conversation. This is a public conversation. ,,,

The anti-Semitic Nazis spoke a false witness about many of my family members, wimp. Many had to die because of this. So good luck in your extermination camp because you think I spoke a false witness "in public" about you, malicious superidiot.
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The OP is a horrible Catholic. I'm just a bad Catholic. I thought you might appreciate it. Obviously not.
Ha ha! I appreciate your humor! The fact is that we are ALL "bad".

Luke 18: 18-19 esv

18 And a ruler asked him, “Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?” 19 And Jesus said to him, “Why do you call me good? No one is good except God alone.
What for heavens sake could be a bad Catholic? Either you are a Catholic or no Catholic. And an unwritten rule in a Catholic life is normally: There's always more than I know and perhaps even more than I am able to know so it is always good to ask someone else - for example our daddy in heaven.

I might what? What for heaverns sake do you try to speak about, "Catholic". Since when is anything important what I think about you or anyone else thinks about you? When god tells you to make something wrong then do it: make it wrong! And when the whole world hates you because you did do so - that's not any problem as long as you do what god says to you.
According to you I'm not. So what do you care what I say?
If only that were true.

It is said in Munich had been alarm because of your bombers. But nothing happened. Karl Valentin went in the middle of a street and took a look all over into the sky. Then he said worried: "Es wird ihnen doch nichts passiert sein?" = "Surely nothing will have happened to them?"
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According to you I'm not. So what do you care what I say?

Because I am a Catholic and I think the nonsense which you say about the Christian way of life - I called your way "atheism clothed in bible" - has not a lot to do with the Catholic faith. I fear you are a fake-Catholic. By the way: If you like to use the bible like a weapon then you don't have to read and try to understand it. You can use the book of the books on its own like a heavy projectile.
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