Lindsey Graham is the war criminal

Putin did not expect resistance from the West. If his sycophant Trump had won re-election, Putin would have been in Kyiv a year ago.

Perhaps Putin should take Trump's advice which Trump gave when Trump said we should cut and run from Iraq: "Declare victory, and leave!"
Putin did not expect resistance from the West. If his sycophant Trump had won re-election, Putin would have been in Kyiv a year ago.

Perhaps Putin should take Trump's advice which Trump gave when Trump said we should cut and run from Iraq: "Declare victory, and leave!"

By any measure, this has been a disaster for Russia. It now has NATO *right* on its border. It has unified Europe. It was generally regarded as the 2nd most powerful military in the world. And now they barely manage to be the 2nd most powerful military in Ukraine. They've lost thousands of tanks or military transports.

Their economy is damaged. There will be no foreign investment (outside maybe oil?) in Russia for at least a generation.

Their alliances, frayed. India is now gravitating away from them.

They're now in a 'head down, ass up' relationship with China. With China taking the dominant role, and Russia meekly selling them oil at a deep discount.

And they're grinding their last generation of young men into meat by the tens of thousands. This in the midst of an demographic bomb that has their population in freefall BEFORE the war. With the draft sending their best and brightest minds running to the border and leaving Russia rather than being made into grist for the warmill.

While the US hasn't lost a man.
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As usual, Tucker Carlson created a fake edit of what Graham actually said.

In his bullshit video, Graham says, "And the Russians are dying". Then there is a really obvious jump-cut to Graham then saying "best money we ever spent."

But here is the ACTUAL conversation, and you can see Tucker DELIBERATELY reversed the remarks by Graham.

Graham: The things you do for your country.

Zelenskyy: Thank you very much for your coming. Thank you very much. Thanks United States, people of the United States for all big support, President Biden, bipartisan support, Congress, and (inaudible) thank you so much.

Graham: Bipartisan support.

Zelenskyy: Yes, it's very important, so we appreciate for... We know that from (inaudible) we have total support. It's $38 billion, and big, big support. Very important.

Graham: It's the best money we've ever spent.

Zelenskyy: Thank you so much.

Graham: Now, we're on four hundred... let's see, this is the 457th day of a war that was supposed to last three days. You amaze me. Your country amazes me.

Zelenskyy: It's about our people and all of your people. Your people help our people ...all our appreciations.

Graham: You remind me of our better selves in America, that there was a time in America that we were this way, fighting until the last person, we're gonna be free or die.

Zelenskyy: Free or die.

Graham: Free or die.

Zelenskyy: Now you are free.

Graham: Yes.

Zelenskyy: And we will be.

Graham: And the Russians are dying.

Zelenskyy: Yes, but they came to our territory.

Graham: Yeah.

Zelenskyy: We are not fighting on their territory.
Can you guess which version Tucker is using? Surely not the one from Russia. Nope. Never.

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