Limblaugh, we found the oil


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
Op-Ed Columnist - More Than Just an Oil Spill -

Already the oil from the nightmare brought to us by BP is making its way into these wetlands, into this natural paradise that belongs not just to the people of Louisiana but to all Americans. Oil is showing up along dozens of miles of the Louisiana coast, including the beaches of Grand Isle, which were ordered closed to the public.

Fat Boy, you are an idiot and anyone who listens to you on a regular basis must have critical emotional issues.
i am amazed at the non reaction to this by the public....but i guess its the new way...after all paul said it was un be critical of bp....
i am amazed at the non reaction to this by the public....but i guess its the new way...after all paul said it was un be critical of bp....

He sure did! And he has sworn to work to lesson regulations on oil and coal companies. With oil lapping into the wetlands of the Gulf, less regulations and controls is exactly what we don't want!
i love the people saying its nothing...wont matter blah blah blah....and yet the marshlands are already being hit hard

Some scientist have said it may be impossible for the marshlands to be cleaned and the only solution would be to burn them over. And the oil keeps flowing...:doubt:
Let's pray the local environment is more resilient than given credit. It may be the only hope.

Gulf recovered from last big oil spill, but is this one different?

MEXICO CITY — The Ixtoc 1 oil spill in Mexico's shallow Campeche Sound three decades ago serves as a distant mirror to today's BP deepwater blowout, and marine scientists are still pondering what they learned from its aftereffects.

In terms of blowouts, Ixtoc 1 was a monster — until the ongoing BP leak, the largest accidental spill in history. Some 3.3 million barrels of oil gushed over nearly 10 months, spreading an oil slick as far north as Texas , where gooey tar balls washed up on beaches.

Surprisingly, Mexican scientists say that Campeche Sound itself recovered rather quickly, and a sizable shrimp industry returned to normal within two years.
Let's pray the local environment is more resilient than given credit. It may be the only hope.

Gulf recovered from last big oil spill, but is this one different?

MEXICO CITY — The Ixtoc 1 oil spill in Mexico's shallow Campeche Sound three decades ago serves as a distant mirror to today's BP deepwater blowout, and marine scientists are still pondering what they learned from its aftereffects.

In terms of blowouts, Ixtoc 1 was a monster — until the ongoing BP leak, the largest accidental spill in history. Some 3.3 million barrels of oil gushed over nearly 10 months, spreading an oil slick as far north as Texas , where gooey tar balls washed up on beaches.

Surprisingly, Mexican scientists say that Campeche Sound itself recovered rather quickly, and a sizable shrimp industry returned to normal within two years.

Even using the lower estimate, which is way below what everyone else estimates, to this point an estimated 6 million gallons has been dumped into the Gulf. And the leak continues to spew. Plums of oil, 10 miles long, far below the surface have been seen No one knows what damage is being done to the sea life and the migrating birds. We all pray that the effects are minimal, but at this point, no one knows.

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