Liberal's support for Partial-Birth Abortion proves they are awful people with no conscience

Late term abortions are rarely done and they are generally done for the health of the mother or if is the baby severely deformed and wouldn't live a second outside the womb.

Secondly, you concsrvatives hypocrites. In one breath you are a full supporter of a fetus and it's rights. But soon as that fetus is born, you don't give a shit about it. You don't want it to have free healthcare or free higher education so they can live a full life. You want welfare programs cut. You complain about welfare queens having 8 kids but you don't support forcing free birth control pills and don't want people getting abortions. So you are going to have the number of welfare queens double.

If you are going to support a fetus's rights then you need to support it from conception until death. Not from conception until birth.

We are against murder of babies. That's effectively what it is and always has been. Using terms like fetus or whatever is just a political and social tactic to dehumanize the babies. It's akin to tactics used by the Nazis when the dehumanized the Jews to justify what they were doing.

Furthermore, just because we oppose abortion and don't support giving away free healthcare or free college does not mean that we are hypocrites. You can oppose murder and handouts at the same time. Plus, the last time that I checked, the poor already have free healthcare and a plethora of options for free college.

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What about the middle class your idiot party has wrecked the last 30 years? see sig. Public colleges used to be FREE MANY places before Reaganism. Every country but us has great cheap daycare and paid parental leave but us. Because of brainwashed functional morons like you. Free BC under ACA has cut abortions by 50% ALREADY. THINK!

Nazis? You're right off the wall. Babies have to be born, and the supreme court ruled that before 12 weeks the feti are not any kind of being. Total dupe of the GOP greedy a-hole megarich... brainwashers..

First of all I thought we were talking about abortion, but anyway, who cares what other countries do? We are the United States of America. We are the measuring stick to which other countries compare themselves.

Also, I think you further proved my point about the strategy to further dehumanize killing babies.

Also, sorry that I'm a brainwashed functional moron, GOP greedy a-hole megarich...brainwasher. Lol. Merry Christmas.


Medicaid is available to all of the poor, and its free. Also, you might want to call any high school counselor about the opportunities for free college for poor minorities with decent grades and test scores. You might be amazed or angered, I can't tell.

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Not in twenty red states, and not if Trump does what he said.

Yeah, great for football stars. You're quite mad. Merry Xmas.

In all 50 states, there is Medicaid which is available to the poor. It was available prior to Obamacare. It's free healthcare. You're speculating about Trump and assuming the worst.

Also, again I recommend that you contact any high school counselor about opportunities for free college for poor minorities. Although your football star comment is racist, you seem uninformed, so I will try to help you with this one. You don't have to be a football star to go to college if you are a poor minority.

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Yeah, all you have to do is make less than $200 a month in those stupid GOP states to get Medicaid. Great way to get people on welfare. And that's what Trump promised.

Average poor students don't go to college.
Late term abortions are rarely done and they are generally done for the health of the mother or if is the baby severely deformed and wouldn't live a second outside the womb.

Secondly, you concsrvatives hypocrites. In one breath you are a full supporter of a fetus and it's rights. But soon as that fetus is born, you don't give a shit about it. You don't want it to have free healthcare or free higher education so they can live a full life. You want welfare programs cut. You complain about welfare queens having 8 kids but you don't support forcing free birth control pills and don't want people getting abortions. So you are going to have the number of welfare queens double.

If you are going to support a fetus's rights then you need to support it from conception until death. Not from conception until birth.

We are against murder of babies. That's effectively what it is and always has been. Using terms like fetus or whatever is just a political and social tactic to dehumanize the babies. It's akin to tactics used by the Nazis when the dehumanized the Jews to justify what they were doing.

Furthermore, just because we oppose abortion and don't support giving away free healthcare or free college does not mean that we are hypocrites. You can oppose murder and handouts at the same time. Plus, the last time that I checked, the poor already have free healthcare and a plethora of options for free college.

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What about the middle class your idiot party has wrecked the last 30 years? see sig. Public colleges used to be FREE MANY places before Reaganism. Every country but us has great cheap daycare and paid parental leave but us. Because of brainwashed functional morons like you. Free BC under ACA has cut abortions by 50% ALREADY. THINK!

Nazis? You're right off the wall. Babies have to be born, and the supreme court ruled that before 12 weeks the feti are not any kind of being. Total dupe of the GOP greedy a-hole megarich... brainwashers..

First of all I thought we were talking about abortion, but anyway, who cares what other countries do? We are the United States of America. We are the measuring stick to which other countries compare themselves.

Also, I think you further proved my point about the strategy to further dehumanize killing babies.

Also, sorry that I'm a brainwashed functional moron, GOP greedy a-hole megarich...brainwasher. Lol. Merry Christmas.


Medicaid is available to all of the poor, and its free. Also, you might want to call any high school counselor about the opportunities for free college for poor minorities with decent grades and test scores. You might be amazed or angered, I can't tell.

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And after 30 years of Reaganism, other countries feel sorry for us and wonder how we can be so stupid...see sig-all fact.

If other countries feel sorry for us and call us stupid, who cares? Haters gotta hate, right?

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They don't understand how we let the GOP screw us over, and so do Dems. Only silly dupes/ignoramuses like you don't.
Late term abortions are rarely done and they are generally done for the health of the mother or if is the baby severely deformed and wouldn't live a second outside the womb.

Secondly, you concsrvatives hypocrites. In one breath you are a full supporter of a fetus and it's rights. But soon as that fetus is born, you don't give a shit about it. You don't want it to have free healthcare or free higher education so they can live a full life. You want welfare programs cut. You complain about welfare queens having 8 kids but you don't support forcing free birth control pills and don't want people getting abortions. So you are going to have the number of welfare queens double.

If you are going to support a fetus's rights then you need to support it from conception until death. Not from conception until birth.

We are against murder of babies. That's effectively what it is and always has been. Using terms like fetus or whatever is just a political and social tactic to dehumanize the babies. It's akin to tactics used by the Nazis when the dehumanized the Jews to justify what they were doing.

Furthermore, just because we oppose abortion and don't support giving away free healthcare or free college does not mean that we are hypocrites. You can oppose murder and handouts at the same time. Plus, the last time that I checked, the poor already have free healthcare and a plethora of options for free college.

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Murder involves killing an actual living individual. A developing fetus isn't a living person who has been born. Fetus is the correct scientific term. Now I know conservatives aren't up to date with science but that's what they care called. It is not dehumanizing them but that is the scientific term.

Fetuses aren't babies until all their major organs are fully developed and can live outside of the womb. Most abortions are done prior to this period and any abortions done in the last term are done out of physical health of the mother or if the child is missing an organ like a brain or lungs and would last a second outside of the womb.

Conservatives act like late term abortions are done for fun. Late term abortions are done out of necessity. Even strict counties like Saudi Arabia allows late term abortions for these circumstance. But for some reason right wing Americans are too ignorant to get it.

Giving a child free healthcare and free university education isn't a hand out. It is a right in most civilized western nations. Giving a child good health and an education shouldn't even be a discussion. And poor people aren't the only ones who can't afford healthcare or university. A lot of working class women and families struggle to afford it as well.
Late term abortions are rarely done and they are generally done for the health of the mother or if is the baby severely deformed and wouldn't live a second outside the womb.

Secondly, you concsrvatives hypocrites. In one breath you are a full supporter of a fetus and it's rights. But soon as that fetus is born, you don't give a shit about it. You don't want it to have free healthcare or free higher education so they can live a full life. You want welfare programs cut. You complain about welfare queens having 8 kids but you don't support forcing free birth control pills and don't want people getting abortions. So you are going to have the number of welfare queens double.

If you are going to support a fetus's rights then you need to support it from conception until death. Not from conception until birth.

We are against murder of babies. That's effectively what it is and always has been. Using terms like fetus or whatever is just a political and social tactic to dehumanize the babies. It's akin to tactics used by the Nazis when the dehumanized the Jews to justify what they were doing.

Furthermore, just because we oppose abortion and don't support giving away free healthcare or free college does not mean that we are hypocrites. You can oppose murder and handouts at the same time. Plus, the last time that I checked, the poor already have free healthcare and a plethora of options for free college.

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Murder involves killing an actual living individual. A developing fetus isn't a living person who has been born. Fetus is the correct scientific term. Now I know conservatives aren't up to date with science but that's what they care called. It is not dehumanizing them but that is the scientific term.

Fetuses aren't babies until all their major organs are fully developed and can live outside of the womb. Most abortions are done prior to this period and any abortions done in the last term are done out of physical health of the mother or if the child is missing an organ like a brain or lungs and would last a second outside of the womb.

Conservatives act like late term abortions are done for fun. Late term abortions are done out of necessity. Even strict counties like Saudi Arabia allows late term abortions for these circumstance. But for some reason right wing Americans are too ignorant to get it.

Giving a child free healthcare and free university education isn't a hand out. It is a right in most civilized western nations. Giving a child good health and an education shouldn't even be a discussion. And poor people aren't the only ones who can't afford healthcare or university. A lot of working class women and families struggle to afford it as well.

Once again, no matter how you frame it, life begins at conception. All attempts to say "it's not really a baby" are attempts to dehumanize, so everyone feels better about the butchering process called abortion. Calling it a fetus or a zygote or anything else are just life cycle classification names. It doesn't mean that they aren't a living baby or that they are lesser human.

Also, once again, who cares what other lesser countries do? Also, once again, we already have Medicaid and a plethora of college options for the poor.

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How the hell can such an absurd thread go nine pages. Any doc who does a partial birth when a fetus is viable and/or the mother's life isn't in danger will be up before his state's medical board's ethics review.

Tell that to kermit goznell..........

Kermit Gosnell was found guilty of first degree murder, as he should be.

After about 20 years of murdering babies and causing the death of several women.........
Late term abortions are rarely done and they are generally done for the health of the mother or if is the baby severely deformed and wouldn't live a second outside the womb.

Secondly, you concsrvatives hypocrites. In one breath you are a full supporter of a fetus and it's rights. But soon as that fetus is born, you don't give a shit about it. You don't want it to have free healthcare or free higher education so they can live a full life. You want welfare programs cut. You complain about welfare queens having 8 kids but you don't support forcing free birth control pills and don't want people getting abortions. So you are going to have the number of welfare queens double.

If you are going to support a fetus's rights then you need to support it from conception until death. Not from conception until birth.

We are against murder of babies. That's effectively what it is and always has been. Using terms like fetus or whatever is just a political and social tactic to dehumanize the babies. It's akin to tactics used by the Nazis when the dehumanized the Jews to justify what they were doing.

Furthermore, just because we oppose abortion and don't support giving away free healthcare or free college does not mean that we are hypocrites. You can oppose murder and handouts at the same time. Plus, the last time that I checked, the poor already have free healthcare and a plethora of options for free college.

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Murder involves killing an actual living individual. A developing fetus isn't a living person who has been born. Fetus is the correct scientific term. Now I know conservatives aren't up to date with science but that's what they care called. It is not dehumanizing them but that is the scientific term.

Fetuses aren't babies until all their major organs are fully developed and can live outside of the womb. Most abortions are done prior to this period and any abortions done in the last term are done out of physical health of the mother or if the child is missing an organ like a brain or lungs and would last a second outside of the womb.

Conservatives act like late term abortions are done for fun. Late term abortions are done out of necessity. Even strict counties like Saudi Arabia allows late term abortions for these circumstance. But for some reason right wing Americans are too ignorant to get it.

Giving a child free healthcare and free university education isn't a hand out. It is a right in most civilized western nations. Giving a child good health and an education shouldn't even be a discussion. And poor people aren't the only ones who can't afford healthcare or university. A lot of working class women and families struggle to afford it as well. aren't up to date with human beings....6 weeks there is a beating heart. Saudi Arabia sponsors terrorism around the world.......

you guys will do anything to hide from the fact that you are actually killing human beings.......
It's "fake news" that the GOP elector vowed to not vote for Trump?

Fake News is you think there is a chance he wont become President, its called denial. That guy is just an attention whore
No, fake news is just making shytte up, like Hillary the liar corrupt murderer, and most of the crap GOPers believe after listening to Fox and Rush etc for a while...Bad economy, Obama got what he wanted and had control for 2 years, ACORN, Kenyan Muslim Marxist,Tides, Mosque, Death Panel, lose your doctor, huge costs, DEBT CRISIS, Obama Recession, stimulus failed, Barney Frank, Nazi Soros, Nazi socialists, Volt suqs, Iran making bomb etc etc. :eusa_liar::cuckoo::lol:

It is a liberal Constructive, because echeggia dont control the news any longer.

Trump was for tightening the libel laws, but libs like you called him a facist.
Now youre worried about It? You weren't when Hillary was winning, youre just full of shit.
Late term abortions are rarely done and they are generally done for the health of the mother or if is the baby severely deformed and wouldn't live a second outside the womb.

Secondly, you concsrvatives hypocrites. In one breath you are a full supporter of a fetus and it's rights. But soon as that fetus is born, you don't give a shit about it. You don't want it to have free healthcare or free higher education so they can live a full life. You want welfare programs cut. You complain about welfare queens having 8 kids but you don't support forcing free birth control pills and don't want people getting abortions. So you are going to have the number of welfare queens double.

If you are going to support a fetus's rights then you need to support it from conception until death. Not from conception until birth.

We are against murder of babies. That's effectively what it is and always has been. Using terms like fetus or whatever is just a political and social tactic to dehumanize the babies. It's akin to tactics used by the Nazis when the dehumanized the Jews to justify what they were doing.

Furthermore, just because we oppose abortion and don't support giving away free healthcare or free college does not mean that we are hypocrites. You can oppose murder and handouts at the same time. Plus, the last time that I checked, the poor already have free healthcare and a plethora of options for free college.

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What about the middle class your idiot party has wrecked the last 30 years? see sig. Public colleges used to be FREE MANY places before Reaganism. Every country but us has great cheap daycare and paid parental leave but us. Because of brainwashed functional morons like you. Free BC under ACA has cut abortions by 50% ALREADY. THINK!

Nazis? You're right off the wall. Babies have to be born, and the supreme court ruled that before 12 weeks the feti are not any kind of being. Total dupe of the GOP greedy a-hole megarich... brainwashers..

First of all I thought we were talking about abortion, but anyway, who cares what other countries do? We are the United States of America. We are the measuring stick to which other countries compare themselves.

Also, I think you further proved my point about the strategy to further dehumanize killing babies.

Also, sorry that I'm a brainwashed functional moron, GOP greedy a-hole megarich...brainwasher. Lol. Merry Christmas.


Medicaid is available to all of the poor, and its free. Also, you might want to call any high school counselor about the opportunities for free college for poor minorities with decent grades and test scores. You might be amazed or angered, I can't tell.

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And after 30 years of Reaganism, other countries feel sorry for us and wonder how we can be so stupid...see sig-all fact.

What countries?
What people in those countries?
I doubt those people know shit about our country
Late term abortions are rarely done and they are generally done for the health of the mother or if is the baby severely deformed and wouldn't live a second outside the womb.
Secondly, you concsrvatives hypocrites. In one breath you are a full supporter of a fetus and it's rights. But soon as that fetus is born, you don't give a shit about it. You don't want it to have free healthcare or free higher education so they can live a full life. You want welfare programs cut. You complain about welfare queens having 8 kids but you don't support forcing free birth control pills and don't want people getting abortions. So you are going to have the number of welfare queens double.
If you are going to support a fetus's rights then you need to support it from conception until death. Not from conception until birth.
We are against murder of babies.
More hypocrisy from the keep-gov-out "conservatives".
Trying to sensationalize your religious agenda, i see.
"Murder" of a fetus? LOL.
Someone else's unborn "baby" that you don't care about ... other than your egocentric, ethnocentric, selfish religious-political attitude?
Last edited:
Late term abortions are rarely done and they are generally done for the health of the mother or if is the baby severely deformed and wouldn't live a second outside the womb.
Secondly, you concsrvatives hypocrites. In one breath you are a full supporter of a fetus and it's rights. But soon as that fetus is born, you don't give a shit about it. You don't want it to have free healthcare or free higher education so they can live a full life. You want welfare programs cut. You complain about welfare queens having 8 kids but you don't support forcing free birth control pills and don't want people getting abortions. So you are going to have the number of welfare queens double.
If you are going to support a fetus's rights then you need to support it from conception until death. Not from conception until birth.
We are against murder of babies.
More hypocrisy from the keep-gov-out "conservatives".
Trying to sensationalize your religious agenda, i see.
Murder of a fetus? LOL.
Someone else 's "baby"

They want the government out of their lives except when it comes to controlling women and minorities. Then in that case it's the government's duty.
Late term abortions are rarely done and they are generally done for the health of the mother or if is the baby severely deformed and wouldn't live a second outside the womb.
Secondly, you concsrvatives hypocrites. In one breath you are a full supporter of a fetus and it's rights. But soon as that fetus is born, you don't give a shit about it. You don't want it to have free healthcare or free higher education so they can live a full life. You want welfare programs cut. You complain about welfare queens having 8 kids but you don't support forcing free birth control pills and don't want people getting abortions. So you are going to have the number of welfare queens double.
If you are going to support a fetus's rights then you need to support it from conception until death. Not from conception until birth.
We are against murder of babies.
More hypocrisy from the keep-gov-out "conservatives".
Trying to sensationalize your religious agenda, i see.
Murder of a fetus? LOL.
Someone else's unborn "baby" that you don't care about ... other than your egocentric, ethnocentric, selfish attitude?
Oh contraire....we do care about the baby....and we will soon have our SCOTUS show you just how much.....
Late term abortions are rarely done and they are generally done for the health of the mother or if is the baby severely deformed and wouldn't live a second outside the womb.
Secondly, you concsrvatives hypocrites. In one breath you are a full supporter of a fetus and it's rights. But soon as that fetus is born, you don't give a shit about it. You don't want it to have free healthcare or free higher education so they can live a full life. You want welfare programs cut. You complain about welfare queens having 8 kids but you don't support forcing free birth control pills and don't want people getting abortions. So you are going to have the number of welfare queens double.
If you are going to support a fetus's rights then you need to support it from conception until death. Not from conception until birth.
We are against murder of babies.
More hypocrisy from the keep-gov-out "conservatives".
Trying to sensationalize your religious agenda, i see.
Murder of a fetus? LOL.
Someone else 's "baby"

They want the government out of their lives except when it comes to controlling women and minorities. Then in that case it's the government's duty.
We just want your fascist .gov to stay out of people's lives....
Late term abortions are rarely done and they are generally done for the health of the mother or if is the baby severely deformed and wouldn't live a second outside the womb.
Secondly, you concsrvatives hypocrites. In one breath you are a full supporter of a fetus and it's rights. But soon as that fetus is born, you don't give a shit about it. You don't want it to have free healthcare or free higher education so they can live a full life. You want welfare programs cut. You complain about welfare queens having 8 kids but you don't support forcing free birth control pills and don't want people getting abortions. So you are going to have the number of welfare queens double.
If you are going to support a fetus's rights then you need to support it from conception until death. Not from conception until birth.
We are against murder of babies.
More hypocrisy from the keep-gov-out "conservatives".
Trying to sensationalize your religious agenda, i see.
Murder of a fetus? LOL.
Someone else 's "baby"

They want the government out of their lives except when it comes to controlling women and minorities. Then in that case it's the government's duty.
We just want your fascist .gov to stay out of people's lives....

So then stop telling women what to do with their reproductive rights.
Late term abortions are rarely done and they are generally done for the health of the mother or if is the baby severely deformed and wouldn't live a second outside the womb.
Secondly, you concsrvatives hypocrites. In one breath you are a full supporter of a fetus and it's rights. But soon as that fetus is born, you don't give a shit about it. You don't want it to have free healthcare or free higher education so they can live a full life. You want welfare programs cut. You complain about welfare queens having 8 kids but you don't support forcing free birth control pills and don't want people getting abortions. So you are going to have the number of welfare queens double.
If you are going to support a fetus's rights then you need to support it from conception until death. Not from conception until birth.
We are against murder of babies.
More hypocrisy from the keep-gov-out "conservatives".
Trying to sensationalize your religious agenda, i see.
Murder of a fetus? LOL.
Someone else 's "baby"

They want the government out of their lives except when it comes to controlling women and minorities. Then in that case it's the government's duty.
We just want your fascist .gov to stay out of people's lives....

So then stop telling women what to do with their reproductive rights.
You mean stop telling babies you will decide their rights......
Late term abortions are rarely done and they are generally done for the health of the mother or if is the baby severely deformed and wouldn't live a second outside the womb.
Secondly, you concsrvatives hypocrites. In one breath you are a full supporter of a fetus and it's rights. But soon as that fetus is born, you don't give a shit about it. You don't want it to have free healthcare or free higher education so they can live a full life. You want welfare programs cut. You complain about welfare queens having 8 kids but you don't support forcing free birth control pills and don't want people getting abortions. So you are going to have the number of welfare queens double.
If you are going to support a fetus's rights then you need to support it from conception until death. Not from conception until birth.
We are against murder of babies.
More hypocrisy from the keep-gov-out "conservatives".
Trying to sensationalize your religious agenda, i see.
"Murder" of a fetus? LOL.
Someone else's "baby"
They want the government out of their lives except when it comes to controlling women and minorities. Then in that case it's the government's duty.
In other words, they don't understand what hypocrisy is?
LOL. Looks like they want to "conserve" stupidity, along with their egocentrism.
Late term abortions are rarely done and they are generally done for the health of the mother or if is the baby severely deformed and wouldn't live a second outside the womb.
Secondly, you concsrvatives hypocrites. In one breath you are a full supporter of a fetus and it's rights. But soon as that fetus is born, you don't give a shit about it. You don't want it to have free healthcare or free higher education so they can live a full life. You want welfare programs cut. You complain about welfare queens having 8 kids but you don't support forcing free birth control pills and don't want people getting abortions. So you are going to have the number of welfare queens double.
If you are going to support a fetus's rights then you need to support it from conception until death. Not from conception until birth.
We are against murder of babies.
More hypocrisy from the keep-gov-out "conservatives".
Trying to sensationalize your religious agenda, i see.
"Murder" of a fetus? LOL.
Someone else's "baby"
They want the government out of their lives except when it comes to controlling women and minorities. Then in that case it's the government's duty.
In other words, they don't understand what hypocrisy is?
LOL. Looks like they want to "conserve" stupidity, along with their egocentrism.
No, we are just interested in stopping you fascist fuck baby killers.....
What is Partial-Birth Abortion?

Partial-Birth Abortion is a procedure in which the abortionist pulls a living baby feet-first out of the womb and into the birth canal (vagina), except for the head, which the abortionist purposely keeps lodged just inside the cervix (the opening to the womb). The abortionist punctures the base of the baby’s skull with a surgical instrument, such as a long surgical scissors or a pointed hollow metal tube called a trochar. He then inserts a catheter (tube) into the wound, and removes the baby's brain with a powerful suction machine. This causes the skull to collapse, after which the abortionist completes the delivery of the now-dead baby.

What is the Partial-Birth Abortion act?

The Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act would ban performance of a partial-birth abortion except if it were necessary to the save a mother's life. The bill defines partial-birth abortion as an abortion in which “the person performing the abortion deliberately and intentionally vaginally delivers a living fetus until, in the case of a head-first presentation, the entire fetal head is outside the body of the mother, or, in the case of breech presentation, any part of the fetal trunk past the navel is outside the body of the mother,” and then kills the baby. The bill would permit use of the procedure if “necessary to save the life of a mother whose life is endangered by a physical disorder, physical illness, or physical injury, including a life-endangering physical condition caused by or arising from the pregnancy itself.”

Are Partial-Birth Abortions Common?

According to Ron Fitzsimmons, executive director of the National Coalition of Abortion Providers (1997), and other sources, it appears that partial-birth abortions are performed 3,000 to 5,000 times annually. (Even those numbers may be low.) Based on published interviews with numerous abortionists, and interviews with Fitzsimmons in 1997, the “vast majority” of partial-birth abortions are performed in the fifth and sixth months of pregnancy, on healthy babies of healthy mothers.

Why is it called "Partial-Birth"?

Under state laws, a “live birth” occurs when a baby is entirely expelled from the mother and shows any signs of life, however briefly -- regardless of whether the baby is “viable,” i.e., developed enough to be sustained outside the womb with neo-natal medical assistance. Even at 4½ months (20 weeks), perinatologists say that if a baby is expelled or removed completely from the uterus, she will usually gasp for breath and sometimes survive for hours, even though lung development is usually insufficient to permit successful sustained respiration until 23 weeks. Thus, the term “partial-birth” is perfectly descriptive.

The Facts of Partial-Birth Abortion

The fact is, liberals are awful people who stopped developing morally at the age of 12-years-old and never developed a mature sense of the difference between right and wrong. Their support for partial-birth abortion proves that level of moral immaturity.

There is no such procedure called "Partial Birth Abortion". You are a liar and you know you a liar.
Late term abortions are rarely done and they are generally done for the health of the mother or if is the baby severely deformed and wouldn't live a second outside the womb.
Secondly, you concsrvatives hypocrites. In one breath you are a full supporter of a fetus and it's rights. But soon as that fetus is born, you don't give a shit about it. You don't want it to have free healthcare or free higher education so they can live a full life. You want welfare programs cut. You complain about welfare queens having 8 kids but you don't support forcing free birth control pills and don't want people getting abortions. So you are going to have the number of welfare queens double.
If you are going to support a fetus's rights then you need to support it from conception until death. Not from conception until birth.
We are against murder of babies.
More hypocrisy from the keep-gov-out "conservatives".
Trying to sensationalize your religious agenda, i see.
Murder of a fetus? LOL.
Someone else 's "baby"
They want the government out of their lives except when it comes to controlling women and minorities. Then in that case it's the government's duty.
We just want your fascist .gov to stay out of people's lives....
You too have no idea what "conservative" hypocrisy is. LOL.
Late term abortions are rarely done and they are generally done for the health of the mother or if is the baby severely deformed and wouldn't live a second outside the womb.
Secondly, you concsrvatives hypocrites. In one breath you are a full supporter of a fetus and it's rights. But soon as that fetus is born, you don't give a shit about it. You don't want it to have free healthcare or free higher education so they can live a full life. You want welfare programs cut. You complain about welfare queens having 8 kids but you don't support forcing free birth control pills and don't want people getting abortions. So you are going to have the number of welfare queens double.
If you are going to support a fetus's rights then you need to support it from conception until death. Not from conception until birth.
We are against murder of babies.
More hypocrisy from the keep-gov-out "conservatives".
Trying to sensationalize your religious agenda, i see.
Murder of a fetus? LOL.
Someone else 's "baby"
They want the government out of their lives except when it comes to controlling women and minorities. Then in that case it's the government's duty.
We just want your fascist .gov to stay out of people's lives....
You too have no idea what "conservative" hypocrisy is. LOL.
You have no idea what conservative is.....:lol:
Late term abortions are rarely done and they are generally done for the health of the mother or if is the baby severely deformed and wouldn't live a second outside the womb.
Secondly, you concsrvatives hypocrites. In one breath you are a full supporter of a fetus and it's rights. But soon as that fetus is born, you don't give a shit about it. You don't want it to have free healthcare or free higher education so they can live a full life. You want welfare programs cut. You complain about welfare queens having 8 kids but you don't support forcing free birth control pills and don't want people getting abortions. So you are going to have the number of welfare queens double.
If you are going to support a fetus's rights then you need to support it from conception until death. Not from conception until birth.
We are against murder of babies.
More hypocrisy from the keep-gov-out "conservatives".
Trying to sensationalize your religious agenda, i see.
"Murder" of a fetus? LOL.
Someone else's "baby"
They want the government out of their lives except when it comes to controlling women and minorities. Then in that case it's the government's duty.
In other words, they don't understand what hypocrisy is?
LOL. Looks like they want to "conserve" stupidity, along with their egocentrism.
No, we are just interested in stopping you fascist fuck baby killers.....
You sound like an anti-freedom fascist.
And you don't even realize it!
LOL. How stupid.

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