Liberals: So quick to condemn all cops; so slow to condemn all Muslims


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
With crazy Muslims chopping heads off and burning caged hostages alive.....I wondered why liberals havent started demonizing all Muslims?

I mean...when 1 of America's 900,000 cops does something hard...that is usually in self defense anyway...liberals trash cops. They say they keep seeing incidents of "police brutality". Even if juries find it to be lawful.

BUT MUSLIMS? How many suicide bombings, beheadings, burnings, mass shootings by Muslims in the name of Allah must we see...before liberals treat Muslims with the same ire they direct at policemen? With the same rush to blanket labeling of thr entire group? With the same intolerance for arguments for the good ones?

I wont hold my breathe.

One group produces a few bad apples who use lawful self defense...and in isolated cases commits true crimes. And liberals trash the entire group.

One group bombs buildings and markets, beheads strangers, burns caged hostages, throws gay people off tall buildings, mutilate and stone women for being raped, commit honor killings of their daughters for socializing with American boys, go on mass shooting sprees over a cartoon..........and liberals defend the group at large which sprouts these demonic acts.

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With crazy Muslims chopping heads off and burning caged hostages alive.....I wondered why liberals havent started demonizing all Muslims?

I mean...when 1 of America's 900,000 cops does something hard...that is usually in self defense anyway...liberals trash cops. They say they keep seeing incidents of "police brutality". Even if juries find it to be lawful.

BUT MUSLIMS? How many suicide bombings, beheadings, burnings, mass shootings by Muslims in the name of Allah must we see...before liberals treat Muslims with the same ire they direct at policemen? With the same rush to blanket labeling of thr entire group? With the same intolerance for arguments for the good ones?

I wont hold my breathe.

One group produces a few bad apples who use lawful self defense...and in isolated cases commits true crimes. And liberals trash the entire group.

One group bombs buildings and markets, beheads strangers, burns caged hostages, throws gay people off tall buildings, mutilate and stone women for being raped, commit honor killings of their daughters for socializing with American boys, go on mass shooting sprees over a cartoon..........and liberals defend the group at large which sprouts these demonic acts.

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Are you saying we should hold muslims and police to the same expectations?
With crazy Muslims chopping heads off and burning caged hostages alive.....I wondered why liberals havent started demonizing all Muslims?

I mean...when 1 of America's 900,000 cops does something hard...that is usually in self defense anyway...liberals trash cops. They say they keep seeing incidents of "police brutality". Even if juries find it to be lawful.

BUT MUSLIMS? How many suicide bombings, beheadings, burnings, mass shootings by Muslims in the name of Allah must we see...before liberals treat Muslims with the same ire they direct at policemen? With the same rush to blanket labeling of thr entire group? With the same intolerance for arguments for the good ones?

I wont hold my breathe.

One group produces a few bad apples who use lawful self defense...and in isolated cases commits true crimes. And liberals trash the entire group.

One group bombs buildings and markets, beheads strangers, burns caged hostages, throws gay people off tall buildings, mutilate and stone women for being raped, commit honor killings of their daughters for socializing with American boys, go on mass shooting sprees over a cartoon..........and liberals defend the group at large which sprouts these demonic acts.

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Are you saying we should hold muslims and police to the same expectations?

Yes of course. They're both just human.
With crazy Muslims chopping heads off and burning caged hostages alive.....I wondered why liberals havent started demonizing all Muslims?

I mean...when 1 of America's 900,000 cops does something hard...that is usually in self defense anyway...liberals trash cops. They say they keep seeing incidents of "police brutality". Even if juries find it to be lawful.

BUT MUSLIMS? How many suicide bombings, beheadings, burnings, mass shootings by Muslims in the name of Allah must we see...before liberals treat Muslims with the same ire they direct at policemen? With the same rush to blanket labeling of thr entire group? With the same intolerance for arguments for the good ones?

I wont hold my breathe.

One group produces a few bad apples who use lawful self defense...and in isolated cases commits true crimes. And liberals trash the entire group.

One group bombs buildings and markets, beheads strangers, burns caged hostages, throws gay people off tall buildings, mutilate and stone women for being raped, commit honor killings of their daughters for socializing with American boys, go on mass shooting sprees over a cartoon..........and liberals defend the group at large which sprouts these demonic acts.

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Stop whining. You cry all the time like a 2 year old. Muslims are not paid to serve and protect. Cops are.
With crazy Muslims chopping heads off and burning caged hostages alive.....I wondered why liberals havent started demonizing all Muslims?

I mean...when 1 of America's 900,000 cops does something hard...that is usually in self defense anyway...liberals trash cops. They say they keep seeing incidents of "police brutality". Even if juries find it to be lawful.

BUT MUSLIMS? How many suicide bombings, beheadings, burnings, mass shootings by Muslims in the name of Allah must we see...before liberals treat Muslims with the same ire they direct at policemen? With the same rush to blanket labeling of thr entire group? With the same intolerance for arguments for the good ones?

I wont hold my breathe.

One group produces a few bad apples who use lawful self defense...and in isolated cases commits true crimes. And liberals trash the entire group.

One group bombs buildings and markets, beheads strangers, burns caged hostages, throws gay people off tall buildings, mutilate and stone women for being raped, commit honor killings of their daughters for socializing with American boys, go on mass shooting sprees over a cartoon..........and liberals defend the group at large which sprouts these demonic acts.

Remember this when voting.
Stop whining. You cry all the time like a 2 year old. Muslims are not paid to serve and protect. Cops are.

Ah. So when a cop in Spokane, Washington does something questionable. ...we should trash all of them from Juneau, Alaska to Key West, Florida?
With crazy Muslims chopping heads off and burning caged hostages alive.....I wondered why liberals havent started demonizing all Muslims?

I mean...when 1 of America's 900,000 cops does something hard...that is usually in self defense anyway...liberals trash cops. They say they keep seeing incidents of "police brutality". Even if juries find it to be lawful.

BUT MUSLIMS? How many suicide bombings, beheadings, burnings, mass shootings by Muslims in the name of Allah must we see...before liberals treat Muslims with the same ire they direct at policemen? With the same rush to blanket labeling of thr entire group? With the same intolerance for arguments for the good ones?

I wont hold my breathe.

One group produces a few bad apples who use lawful self defense...and in isolated cases commits true crimes. And liberals trash the entire group.

One group bombs buildings and markets, beheads strangers, burns caged hostages, throws gay people off tall buildings, mutilate and stone women for being raped, commit honor killings of their daughters for socializing with American boys, go on mass shooting sprees over a cartoon..........and liberals defend the group at large which sprouts these demonic acts.

Remember this when voting.

All blanket statements are bullshit (<<< except this one).

Your subject, if they're condemning "all cops", does indeed commit that fallacy and is therefore wrong.
But then you just did the same thing invoking the strawman of "(all) Liberals".

I don't need a damn Muslim or cop protecting me from myself...I managed this far in life without their so called help...
Conservative internet trolls: so quick to make up whatever bullshit they want about whoever they don't like.
Some cops are bad, yes, and some Muslims are bad, M'kay...

But there are way more bad muslims.
Kinda like "not all muslims are terrorist,but most terrorist are muslim"
Duh there are over 1 billion muslims in the world. How many cops? left the bottom part of my post unanswered...why am I not surprised.
Not most cops are bad, but most bad cops are cops? :eusa_think: :cuckoo:

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