Liberals lay out 2nd Obama term spending binge!

You know what else is sad? 47 percent of the electorate cares more about free hand-outs than their own child's future.. How's that for the "SELFISH GENERATION."
And Bush's 2nd term was a great show of fiscal responsibility? might realize freedom when you realize it doesn't matter if there is an R or D beside their name they don't give a shit about you or me just how much money they have made their lobbyists and other big wigs that got them elected.
Intelligent growth, helping the Nonrich, FOR A CHANGE- get some DEMAND back, and get competitive again- training and education, getting health costs under conttol. OR Pub BS:

I know, let's cut taxes on the bloated rich, destroy Medicare and health reform, raise taxes and fees on the nonrich, let corporate cheats run wild, cut aid to states and localities, raise military spending to more than the rest of the world combined, and worry about the debt in 2035.

Absolute idiocy, dupes. Ya got nuthin but a few dumbazz talking points, and pander to the greedy rich, your brainwashers...
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