Liberals, Do you Support Blacklisting Conservatives?

You found out that your manager is black listing conservative employees; what do you do?

  • Report the fascist to HR

  • Inquire as to why he would do such a thing and mind my own business

  • Trade names with him to rid the company of any conservatives

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Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This is a simple question; Do you support the blacklisting activities like those discovered going on at Google?

If you found out that a manager was deliberately black listing conservative employees, what would you do?
Conservatives need to start building a parallel society where they only hire their own, colleges only accept their own, stores where only fellow conservatives shop.
Conservatives need to start building a parallel society where they only hire their own, colleges only accept their own, stores where only fellow conservatives shop.

I dont know that conservatives in general have the acuity to hide their actions, while leftists get plenty of prior
training' from their illegal drug habits.

Meanwhile the media will continue to ignore every uncovered case of leftists black listing conservatives and instead only report on conservatives black listing liberals.

I agree with your assertion, but I think far more conservatives are at risk in doing so than liberals.
This is a simple question; Do you support the blacklisting activities like those discovered going on at Google?

If you found out that a manager was deliberately black listing conservative employees, what would you do?

Wtf are you talking about with this "Google" obsession? :dunno:
This is a simple question; Do you support the blacklisting activities like those discovered going on at Google?

If you found out that a manager was deliberately black listing conservative employees, what would you do?

The guy at Google wasn't fired because he was conservative.

The guy at Google was fired because he broke company policy and said disparaging things about the company and his co-workers in a public forum.

There's not a company in the country that wouldn't have fired this guy for what he did.
So it would seem that no liberals here are taking advantage of this opportunity to show the world that they truly are for free thought and free speech.

No just a bunch of posturing ideologues who like thinking that they are brave defenders of freedom while they hide and ride their advantage...till it is no longer an advantage.
So it would seem that no liberals here are taking advantage of this opportunity to show the world that they truly are for free thought and free speech.

No just a bunch of posturing ideologues who like thinking that they are brave defenders of freedom while they hide and ride their advantage...till it is no longer an advantage.

So it would seem you're incapable of making your point. You've been crowing "Google Google Google" for two days with no explanation as to what the fuck you're even talking about.

You haven't made a point here Elmer. Don't blame others for your own ineffectuality.
So it would seem that no liberals here are taking advantage of this opportunity to show the world that they truly are for free thought and free speech.

No just a bunch of posturing ideologues who like thinking that they are brave defenders of freedom while they hide and ride their advantage...till it is no longer an advantage.

This isn't a free speech issue. It's an employment issue. Now, if you were for every worker in America having a union to advocate for him, then you might have a point. But unless the employer is firing someone based on race or gender or age, they really don't have a leg to stand on.

Most companies have a clause where they can fire you if you bring the company into disrepute. That certainly applies to Mr. Damore.
This is a simple question; Do you support the blacklisting activities like those discovered going on at Google?

If you found out that a manager was deliberately black listing conservative employees, what would you do?
If they are neo-nazis, Goddamned right. If they are 'Conservatives', no. And if they are conservatives, and someone blacklists them, the one doing the blacklisting should be prosecuted under civil rights laws.
My boss has the right to "blacklist" anyone he chooses so long as he doesn't violate employment anti-discrimination laws. It's, frankly, not my business why he may choose to do such a thing; he's the boss, not I, and if he wants me to know why, he'll voluntarily tell me and I won't need to ask. I, thus, would do nothing.

Perhaps, OP, you can update your poll to include a "do nothing" option?
Do you support the blacklisting activities like those discovered going on at Google?

I don't know what Google is doing and you didn't provide a link to something credible that explains what, other than providing Internet searches and other services, Google is, as you say, "doing."

When I was the managing partner of my firm, I didn't use political affiliation (known or apparent) as a discriminant. I some years back sold my firm, and now I'm a senior partner who reports to an executive committee and a managing partner, so enacting such a firm policy isn't any longer my decision to make.

In the specific case of my firm, I'm sure I wouldn't support such a thing. The firm's client list reads much like the Fortune 500, and there is no dearth of conservatives running those companies. It'd be very detrimental to our business were we to implement such a policy and our having done so were to become publicly known.

Consequently, if my firm were to enact such a policy, as long as it doesn't become public knowledge, I might be indifferent about it, because it's not illegal, provided I also didn't observe any sound basis for construing that such a policy reduces firm revenue and isn't harming our ability to attract outstanding candidates for employment and later entry into the partnership. Were it to become known that my firm have such a policy, I would not support it because it would then surely adversely affect firm revenues. Quite simply, the point of the partnership is to make money. Implementing optional policies and procedures that contravene firm efforts to maximize economic profits is antithetical to why we are in business to begin with.
This is a simple question; Do you support the blacklisting activities like those discovered going on at Google?

If you found out that a manager was deliberately black listing conservative employees, what would you do?


I don't support blacklisting anyone for anything.

However, I do believe it is appropriate to report offensive speech on company property to your manager or HR department- and if a company decides it either
a) violate company policy or
b) harms the company

Then the company has a right to fire the employee- except in very specific circumstances.
Conservatives need to start building a parallel society where they only hire their own, colleges only accept their own, stores where only fellow conservatives shop.

I dont know that conservatives in general have the acuity to hide their actions, while leftists get plenty of prior
training' from their illegal drug habits..

Jimbo is getting more idiotic with every thread.

Now he thinks that everyone on the 'left' has an illegal drug habit.

Because.....only the 'left' has ever used meth.......
This is a simple question; Do you support the blacklisting activities like those discovered going on at Google?

If you found out that a manager was deliberately black listing conservative employees, what would you do?

The guy at Google wasn't fired because he was conservative.

The guy at Google was fired because he broke company policy and said disparaging things about the company and his co-workers in a public forum.

There's not a company in the country that wouldn't have fired this guy for what he did.

Interesting. Sound like Comey.
Consequently, if my firm were to enact such a policy, as long as it doesn't become public knowledge, I might be indifferent about it, because it's not illegal, provided I also didn't observe any sound basis for construing that such a policy reduces firm revenue and isn't harming our ability to attract outstanding candidates for employment and later entry into the partnership.
Much as I thought, and so you are completely AOK with discrimination on the basis of ideological beliefs.

Thank you for that shred of honesty, despite you being a heinous and unjust person.
This is a simple question; Do you support the blacklisting activities like those discovered going on at Google?

If you found out that a manager was deliberately black listing conservative employees, what would you do?

The guy at Google wasn't fired because he was conservative.

The guy at Google was fired because he broke company policy and said disparaging things about the company and his co-workers in a public forum.

There's not a company in the country that wouldn't have fired this guy for what he did.

Interesting. Sound like Comey.
And joeBitch is lying, once again.

The author did no such thing. He trusted a small group known as skeptics to evaluate his document and one of them sent it around the company.

Never believe a liberal about anything, even the smell of shit.

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