Liberals blew the 2016 election when they lost their compassion


Gold Member
Sep 30, 2014
After the 2016 election, when white working-class voters turned out for Trump, the New York Times and the Washington Post sent their reporters to the hinterlands of Pennsylvania and West Virginia to see just what had happened. And off they went, like D.C. commuters sent horribly astray by a GPS that mistakes Buffalo for Bethesda, like cultural anthropologists dropping in on a particularly primitive society. That’s how the Post’s Wesley Lowery came to spend a few days slumming in McDowell County, West Virginia.

Liberals blew the 2016 election when they lost their compassion | Spectator USA
Liberals lost the election when their campaign slogan became We hate you. Now their campaign slogan is We really hate you. They think that's a winner.
After the 2016 election, when white working-class voters turned out for Trump, the New York Times and the Washington Post sent their reporters to the hinterlands of Pennsylvania and West Virginia to see just what had happened. And off they went, like D.C. commuters sent horribly astray by a GPS that mistakes Buffalo for Bethesda, like cultural anthropologists dropping in on a particularly primitive society. That’s how the Post’s Wesley Lowery came to spend a few days slumming in McDowell County, West Virginia.

Liberals blew the 2016 election when they lost their compassion | Spectator USA
I heard it was a whitelash. I can only assume what is occurring now is a ignorancelash.

Democrats decided they didn't have enough of the Guam tip over types and American flags on Mars types so they kicked out all the ones with brains and nominated all these clueless bimbows

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