Can Masse order the Marshalls to arrest Garland for lying to Congress?

Who do they( my criminals) have locked away? Whose houses do they raid? The answer to both is 0.
Your criminals are the sacks of shit languishing in grey bar hotels you defend. You know, the magaturds that were a part of the shitty insurrection. Beats swinging from trees, which is where they should be. I would have made that decision.
How much does TDS pay?
djt tax 1.jpg
Every thing you believe is the bullshit. The fraud was obvious.
Here's the basic difference between us: In November 2024, I will not really give a shit who is elected/reelected president. You will continue to have the vapors on your fainting couch because it won't be Trump. I will continue to laugh in your magaturd face. Forever.
Here's the basic difference between us: In November 2024, I will not really give a shit who is elected/reelected president. You will continue to have the vapors on your fainting couch because it won't be Trump. I will continue to laugh in your magaturd face. Forever.
It is Trump's policies foreign and domestic I want back. Trump comes with those.
It's like trying to prove / disprove the existence of a mythical or extinct creature, like the Loch Ness Monster.
One can try to prove the existence with grainy badly lit photographs matching Nessies description. But tjere is no way to prove the Loch Ness monster doesn't exist. Since the monster could exist anywhere they didn't look.
More blather
What proof does he have that garland isn't lying?
The house has uncovered many
And if the DOJ would do it's job instead of what the democrat party wants done you would see it.
But that's the deal.
You have NO evidence of a crime, otherwise it would have been exposed.

Hiding under that shadow of "the DOJ won't do it's job" bullshit.

Hey, I'm not protecting biden or ANY politician.
Fuck 'em all.

But I'm sick of all your sides bitches that courts won't see evidence or the DOJ is corrupt.
But that's the deal.
You have NO evidence of a crime, otherwise it would have been exposed.

Hiding under that shadow of "the DOJ won't do it's job" bullshit.

Hey, I'm not protecting biden or ANY politician.
Fuck 'em all.

But I'm sick of all your sides bitches that courts won't see evidence or the DOJ is corrupt.
There is enough evidence to warrant an investigation.
There is enough evidence to warrant an investigation.
1). Great, investigate Biden.....I'm 100% for it.
2). Great, investigate Trump....I'm 100% for it.

3). Indict Biden, sure, if evidence is found, hold a trial, but ONLY after he leaves office. Right?
4). Indict Trump, sure, if evidence s found, which they have found oodles.....hold a trial, and let the courts decide.

Which of these 4 do you disagree with?

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