Liberalism: Destroying America Through "Education"


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
American once turned out the best educated students in the world.
True story.

1. Today we spend better than four times the money we spent forty years ago on public schools. And where does much of that money wind up? Support for ObamaCare, Occupy Wall Street, and ā€œFree Mumia.ā€ Letā€™s just say it fuels the Democrat Machine.
MartialTalk.Com - Friendly Martial Arts Forum Community

a. In 2008, teacherā€™s unions gave $5.4 million to candidates for national officeā€¦.95% to Democrats.
Teachers Unions OpenSecrets

2. For an indication of how bad NYC schools are, consider that huge numbers of folks pay thousands in schools taxes and another $30,000 to send the kids to private kindergarten. And fight to get them in! ( Public school teachers are more likely than others of their income to send their children to private school.)

3. Nationwide, over one million incoming college students require remedial courses. The cost is $2.5 billion to teach those kids what our billions in tax dollars should have taught them already!

4. If education is the reason for public schools, why are there 32 million Americans who canā€™t read or write?
Illiteracy - Major U.S. Problem

5. National Geographic Poll: 63% of 18 to 24 yr olds couldnā€™t locate Iraq on a map, 70% couldnā€™t find Iran or Israel, and 90% Afghanistan. And 50% couldnā€™t find New York State. 2006 National Geographic Roper

Exactly when did the Liberals/Progressives/Democrats destroy education in this country?
I understand was to use it for indoctrination rather than for learning.....

6. In a 2006 speech alongside Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez, President Obamaā€™s pal William Ayers declared that ā€œeducation is the motor-force of revolution.ā€

So, the classroom is the perfect place for anti-American and anti-capitalist indocrination. See the Tides Foundation ā€œThe Story of Stuff,ā€ on youtube, and shown in schools. Schools see nothing wrong with teaching paeans to the President!

7. CNBC's Squawk Box commentator, Joe Kernen, had this discussion with his 9-year-old daughter, Blake: "My teacher says the recession is the banks' fault." "That's way too simple, Blake. For something as big as this recession, there's a lot of blame to go around." "And my teacher says it's cause we care too much about buying stuff, and it might not be so bad if we stopped.ā€ "Your teacher said...what?!" Giveaway Your Teacher Said What by Joe Kernen and Blake Kernen

a. So, if this is the political-economic slant kids get from kindergarten through high school, imagine what they get in college.

...but when did the catastrophe begin?

Coming right up.....
A strong argument can be made that the end of real education came via the presidency of Democrat Jimmy Carter.

8. ā€œIn 1972, the massive union [The National Education Association (NEA)] formed a political action committeeā€¦released ā€˜Needed: A Cabinet Department of Educationā€™ in 1975, but its most significant step was to endorse a presidential candidate- Jimmy Carter- for the first time in the history of the organization.ā€
D.T. Stallngs, ā€œA Brief History of the Department of Education: 1979-2002,ā€ p. 3.

When formed, its budget was $13.1 billion (in 2007 dollars) and it employed 450 people. IN 2010, the estimated budget is $107 billion, and there are 4,800 employees.

ā€œIn November 1995, when the federal government shut down over a budget crisis, 89.4 percent of the departmentā€™s employees were deemed ā€˜nonessentialā€™ and sent home.ā€
Beck and Balfe, ā€œBroke,ā€ p.304

9. Progressive Education aims to ā€œlevel the playing field.ā€
Translation: ā€œlower the standards.ā€ Everyoneā€™s work goes up on the walls because itā€™s not fair to judge a childā€™s work as there are no wrong answers, only life experiences.

ā€˜Lost in all the chanting for change is the core commitment to impart actual knowledge. For progressives in the Age of Obama, setting high academic standards is secondary to the self-improvement of the "whole child" and "service" to the cause of social justice.ā€™ The Three R s in the Age of Obama Rappin Revolution and Radicalism - Michelle Malkin - Page 2

What have the Liberals/Progressives/Democrats done to this nation in service to their thirst for power????
And all of it is made possible by the DISGUSTING FILTH in the Lame Stream Media.

Without their complicity, the dimocrap scum party and all of its sick, twisted, diseased policies would fall to pieces.

An honest Media would destroy these scum. But they're not honest, they ARE the dimocrap party.

They're not 'sympathetic' to dimocrap scum, people. They ARE dimocrap scum.

They don't support and defend the dimocrap scum party -- They ARE the dimocrap scum party.

Rant and rave all you want, but until the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM is exposed for what it is -- None of it matters.

He who tells The People what to think does not need to be King
And all of it is made possible by the DISGUSTING FILTH in the Lame Stream Media.

Without their complicity, the dimocrap scum party and all of its sick, twisted, diseased policies would fall to pieces.

An honest Media would destroy these scum. But they're not honest, they ARE the dimocrap party.

They're not 'sympathetic' to dimocrap scum, people. They ARE dimocrap scum.

They don't support and defend the dimocrap scum party -- They ARE the dimocrap scum party.

Rant and rave all you want, but until the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM is exposed for what it is -- None of it matters.

He who tells The People what to think does not need to be King
Friggen A
Home school or private school, anything else and you're harming your child

Let me back that up!

Let's check the education score-card since 'education' was ceded to Liberals and Progressives.

10. " United States students are continuing to trail behind their peers in a pack of higher performing nations, according to results from a key international assessment.

Scores from the 2009 Programme for International Student Assessment released Tuesday show 15-year-old students in the U.S. performing about average in reading and science, and below average in math. Out of 34 countries, the U.S. ranked 14th in reading, 17th in science and 25th in math." Wake-up call U.S. students trail global leaders - US news - Life NBC News

But, heck....the most successful feature of Liberal-educated students: high self-esteem.

11.' In the light of the essential nature of emotion to the Left, it makes perfect sense that they have created the (highly destructive) self-esteem movement, based on how one feels about oneself. Of course, it is always quite a high number for Leftists, convinced that they are brighter, kinder, finer, more sophisticated, more enlightened, more selfless, and, of course, more intellectual.'
Dennis Prager

a. ā€œA 1989 study of mathematical skills compared students in eight different countries. American students ranked lowest in mathematical competence and Korean students ranked highest. But the researchers also asked students to rate how good they were at mathematics. The Americans ranked highest in self-judged mathematical ability, while the Koreans ranked lowestā€¦.
There is no evidence that high self-esteem reliably causes anything.ā€ Catholic Education Resource Center

12. In fact, feeling good is so central to Liberalism, that it is a higher value than truth. The Left has changed American school textbooks from books attempting to convey history to books attempting to make women and members of select minorities feel good about themselves. Democrat lawmakers pass laws demanding that textbooks be rewritten to include more Democrat Party blocs. California Gay Textbooks Proposal Would Require LGBT Lessons In Schools

a. ā€œ'History should be honest,' Gov. Jerry Brown says in signing the state law, which had sparked hot debate among legislators.... making California the first state to require that school textbooks and history lessons include the contributions of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender Americans.ā€ State laws New state law requires textbooks to include gays achievements - Los Angeles Times
Home school or private school, anything else and you're harming your child

Let me back that up!

Let's check the education score-card since 'education' was ceded to Liberals and Progressives.

10. " United States students are continuing to trail behind their peers in a pack of higher performing nations, according to results from a key international assessment.

Scores from the 2009 Programme for International Student Assessment released Tuesday show 15-year-old students in the U.S. performing about average in reading and science, and below average in math. Out of 34 countries, the U.S. ranked 14th in reading, 17th in science and 25th in math." Wake-up call U.S. students trail global leaders - US news - Life NBC News

But, heck....the most successful feature of Liberal-educated students: high self-esteem.

11.' In the light of the essential nature of emotion to the Left, it makes perfect sense that they have created the (highly destructive) self-esteem movement, based on how one feels about oneself. Of course, it is always quite a high number for Leftists, convinced that they are brighter, kinder, finer, more sophisticated, more enlightened, more selfless, and, of course, more intellectual.'
Dennis Prager

a. ā€œA 1989 study of mathematical skills compared students in eight different countries. American students ranked lowest in mathematical competence and Korean students ranked highest. But the researchers also asked students to rate how good they were at mathematics. The Americans ranked highest in self-judged mathematical ability, while the Koreans ranked lowestā€¦.
There is no evidence that high self-esteem reliably causes anything.ā€ Catholic Education Resource Center

12. In fact, feeling good is so central to Liberalism, that it is a higher value than truth. The Left has changed American school textbooks from books attempting to convey history to books attempting to make women and members of select minorities feel good about themselves. Democrat lawmakers pass laws demanding that textbooks be rewritten to include more Democrat Party blocs. California Gay Textbooks Proposal Would Require LGBT Lessons In Schools

a. ā€œ'History should be honest,' Gov. Jerry Brown says in signing the state law, which had sparked hot debate among legislators.... making California the first state to require that school textbooks and history lessons include the contributions of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender Americans.ā€ State laws New state law requires textbooks to include gays achievements - Los Angeles Times

It costs us a ton of money to send out children to private schools but we look at it as an investment in their futures. No way in hell am I letting the left loons get their meat hooks into them.
Home school or private school, anything else and you're harming your child

Let me back that up!

Let's check the education score-card since 'education' was ceded to Liberals and Progressives.

10. " United States students are continuing to trail behind their peers in a pack of higher performing nations, according to results from a key international assessment.

Scores from the 2009 Programme for International Student Assessment released Tuesday show 15-year-old students in the U.S. performing about average in reading and science, and below average in math. Out of 34 countries, the U.S. ranked 14th in reading, 17th in science and 25th in math." Wake-up call U.S. students trail global leaders - US news - Life NBC News

But, heck....the most successful feature of Liberal-educated students: high self-esteem.

11.' In the light of the essential nature of emotion to the Left, it makes perfect sense that they have created the (highly destructive) self-esteem movement, based on how one feels about oneself. Of course, it is always quite a high number for Leftists, convinced that they are brighter, kinder, finer, more sophisticated, more enlightened, more selfless, and, of course, more intellectual.'
Dennis Prager

a. ā€œA 1989 study of mathematical skills compared students in eight different countries. American students ranked lowest in mathematical competence and Korean students ranked highest. But the researchers also asked students to rate how good they were at mathematics. The Americans ranked highest in self-judged mathematical ability, while the Koreans ranked lowestā€¦.
There is no evidence that high self-esteem reliably causes anything.ā€ Catholic Education Resource Center

12. In fact, feeling good is so central to Liberalism, that it is a higher value than truth. The Left has changed American school textbooks from books attempting to convey history to books attempting to make women and members of select minorities feel good about themselves. Democrat lawmakers pass laws demanding that textbooks be rewritten to include more Democrat Party blocs. California Gay Textbooks Proposal Would Require LGBT Lessons In Schools

a. ā€œ'History should be honest,' Gov. Jerry Brown says in signing the state law, which had sparked hot debate among legislators.... making California the first state to require that school textbooks and history lessons include the contributions of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender Americans.ā€ State laws New state law requires textbooks to include gays achievements - Los Angeles Times

It costs us a ton of money to send out children to private schools but we look at it as an investment in their futures. No way in hell am I letting the left loons get their meat hooks into them.

We're homeschool parents.
My guess is most kids today have no clue what the Platt Amendment is and how it effects GITMO. How the 3/5 rule came into effect before and during the reconstruction period after the Civil War.

This is how the left is able to fool so many of them.
Home school or private school, anything else and you're harming your child

Let me back that up!

Let's check the education score-card since 'education' was ceded to Liberals and Progressives.

10. " United States students are continuing to trail behind their peers in a pack of higher performing nations, according to results from a key international assessment.

Scores from the 2009 Programme for International Student Assessment released Tuesday show 15-year-old students in the U.S. performing about average in reading and science, and below average in math. Out of 34 countries, the U.S. ranked 14th in reading, 17th in science and 25th in math." Wake-up call U.S. students trail global leaders - US news - Life NBC News

But, heck....the most successful feature of Liberal-educated students: high self-esteem.

11.' In the light of the essential nature of emotion to the Left, it makes perfect sense that they have created the (highly destructive) self-esteem movement, based on how one feels about oneself. Of course, it is always quite a high number for Leftists, convinced that they are brighter, kinder, finer, more sophisticated, more enlightened, more selfless, and, of course, more intellectual.'
Dennis Prager

a. ā€œA 1989 study of mathematical skills compared students in eight different countries. American students ranked lowest in mathematical competence and Korean students ranked highest. But the researchers also asked students to rate how good they were at mathematics. The Americans ranked highest in self-judged mathematical ability, while the Koreans ranked lowestā€¦.
There is no evidence that high self-esteem reliably causes anything.ā€ Catholic Education Resource Center

12. In fact, feeling good is so central to Liberalism, that it is a higher value than truth. The Left has changed American school textbooks from books attempting to convey history to books attempting to make women and members of select minorities feel good about themselves. Democrat lawmakers pass laws demanding that textbooks be rewritten to include more Democrat Party blocs. California Gay Textbooks Proposal Would Require LGBT Lessons In Schools

a. ā€œ'History should be honest,' Gov. Jerry Brown says in signing the state law, which had sparked hot debate among legislators.... making California the first state to require that school textbooks and history lessons include the contributions of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender Americans.ā€ State laws New state law requires textbooks to include gays achievements - Los Angeles Times

It costs us a ton of money to send out children to private schools but we look at it as an investment in their futures. No way in hell am I letting the left loons get their meat hooks into them.

We're homeschool parents.

Good for you!!!! I don't know if I could do that and thankfully we can afford the schools. Obviously you're a great parent and care about your child/children's futures
My guess is most kids today have no clue what the Platt Amendment is and how it effects GITMO. How the 3/5 rule came into effect before and during the reconstruction period after the Civil War.

This is how the left is able to fool so many of them.

Our children have friends come over and I am shocked how little these kids do know, in every subject. Under progressive education we are raising a nation of fools
American once turned out the best educated students in the world.
True story.

1. Today we spend better than four times the money we spent forty years ago on public schools. And where does much of that money wind up? Support for ObamaCare, Occupy Wall Street, and ā€œFree Mumia.ā€ Letā€™s just say it fuels the Democrat Machine.
MartialTalk.Com - Friendly Martial Arts Forum Community

a. In 2008, teacherā€™s unions gave $5.4 million to candidates for national officeā€¦.95% to Democrats.
Teachers Unions OpenSecrets

2. For an indication of how bad NYC schools are, consider that huge numbers of folks pay thousands in schools taxes and another $30,000 to send the kids to private kindergarten. And fight to get them in! ( Public school teachers are more likely than others of their income to send their children to private school.)

3. Nationwide, over one million incoming college students require remedial courses. The cost is $2.5 billion to teach those kids what our billions in tax dollars should have taught them already!

4. If education is the reason for public schools, why are there 32 million Americans who canā€™t read or write?
Illiteracy - Major U.S. Problem

5. National Geographic Poll: 63% of 18 to 24 yr olds couldnā€™t locate Iraq on a map, 70% couldnā€™t find Iran or Israel, and 90% Afghanistan. And 50% couldnā€™t find New York State. 2006 National Geographic Roper

Exactly when did the Liberals/Progressives/Democrats destroy education in this country?
I understand was to use it for indoctrination rather than for learning.....

6. In a 2006 speech alongside Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez, President Obamaā€™s pal William Ayers declared that ā€œeducation is the motor-force of revolution.ā€

So, the classroom is the perfect place for anti-American and anti-capitalist indocrination. See the Tides Foundation ā€œThe Story of Stuff,ā€ on youtube, and shown in schools. Schools see nothing wrong with teaching paeans to the President!

7. CNBC's Squawk Box commentator, Joe Kernen, had this discussion with his 9-year-old daughter, Blake: "My teacher says the recession is the banks' fault." "That's way too simple, Blake. For something as big as this recession, there's a lot of blame to go around." "And my teacher says it's cause we care too much about buying stuff, and it might not be so bad if we stopped.ā€ "Your teacher said...what?!" Giveaway Your Teacher Said What by Joe Kernen and Blake Kernen

a. So, if this is the political-economic slant kids get from kindergarten through high school, imagine what they get in college.

...but when did the catastrophe begin?

Coming right up.....

What was the literacy rate before socialism bailout capitalism, like usual?
I'm still looking for that great golden age of American education, when American students knew of the Platt Amendment, the Constitution, and why Jefferson used pursuit of happiness instead of property. When was that golden age?
OK, I'll settle for any period American education was judged to be the best and accomplished all those things that some posters say it did.
Was the golden age, the years the poster went to school or other?
American once turned out the best educated students in the world.
True story.

1. Today we spend better than four times the money we spent forty years ago on public schools. And where does much of that money wind up? Support for ObamaCare, Occupy Wall Street, and ā€œFree Mumia.ā€ Letā€™s just say it fuels the Democrat Machine.
MartialTalk.Com - Friendly Martial Arts Forum Community

a. In 2008, teacherā€™s unions gave $5.4 million to candidates for national officeā€¦.95% to Democrats.
Teachers Unions OpenSecrets

2. For an indication of how bad NYC schools are, consider that huge numbers of folks pay thousands in schools taxes and another $30,000 to send the kids to private kindergarten. And fight to get them in! ( Public school teachers are more likely than others of their income to send their children to private school.)

3. Nationwide, over one million incoming college students require remedial courses. The cost is $2.5 billion to teach those kids what our billions in tax dollars should have taught them already!

4. If education is the reason for public schools, why are there 32 million Americans who canā€™t read or write?
Illiteracy - Major U.S. Problem

5. National Geographic Poll: 63% of 18 to 24 yr olds couldnā€™t locate Iraq on a map, 70% couldnā€™t find Iran or Israel, and 90% Afghanistan. And 50% couldnā€™t find New York State. 2006 National Geographic Roper

Exactly when did the Liberals/Progressives/Democrats destroy education in this country?
I understand was to use it for indoctrination rather than for learning.....

6. In a 2006 speech alongside Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez, President Obamaā€™s pal William Ayers declared that ā€œeducation is the motor-force of revolution.ā€

So, the classroom is the perfect place for anti-American and anti-capitalist indocrination. See the Tides Foundation ā€œThe Story of Stuff,ā€ on youtube, and shown in schools. Schools see nothing wrong with teaching paeans to the President!

7. CNBC's Squawk Box commentator, Joe Kernen, had this discussion with his 9-year-old daughter, Blake: "My teacher says the recession is the banks' fault." "That's way too simple, Blake. For something as big as this recession, there's a lot of blame to go around." "And my teacher says it's cause we care too much about buying stuff, and it might not be so bad if we stopped.ā€ "Your teacher said...what?!" Giveaway Your Teacher Said What by Joe Kernen and Blake Kernen

a. So, if this is the political-economic slant kids get from kindergarten through high school, imagine what they get in college.

...but when did the catastrophe begin?

Coming right up.....

What was the literacy rate before socialism bailout capitalism, like usual?

By 'illiterate' I'm referring to the kind of sentence you've been able to assemble.

On Wednesday, June 6, 1928 the Oxford English Dictionary was completed. In The Meaning of Everything, Simon Winchester discusses the English of the time as follows:

ā€œThe English establishment of the day might be rightly derided at this remove as having been class-ridden and imperialist, bombastic and blimpish, racist and insouciant- but it was marked undeniably also by a sweeping erudition and confidence, and it was peopled by men and women who felt they were able to know all, to understand much, and in consequence to radiate the wisdom of deep learning.ā€

Perhaps something similar could have been said about Americans educated before the ascension of Jimmy Carter and Liberal control of the schools.

13. "Percentage of persons 14 years old and over who were illiterate 1969....1 percent."

"...1 %....."

14. " Twenty-six percent of 12th graders are below the basic reading level. This means these kids do not have the skills necessary to perform simple and everyday literacy activities. Also, in comparison to other countries, the U.S. is ranked 14th in literacy and 25th in math.

ā€œNo matter how you measure it, there is definitely a very sizable percentage of kids who are leaving high school and are really not ready for any level of post-secondary education.ā€
Self Improvement If High School Seniors Can t Read Their Diplomas Should They Be Allowed to Graduate The Self Improvement Blog

15. "According to the Us Department of Education, National Institute of Literacy, in 2013, 19 percent of high school graduates could not read at all."
Savage, "Stop The Coming Civil War," p.207.
By 'illiterate' I'm referring to the kind of sentence you've been able to assemble.


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