Liberal Values vs Conservative Values: A Comparison


Active Member
Dec 27, 2014
Liberal values include things like:
Belief in the equality of all humans regardless of things like social class, race, skin color, sex, gender, orientation, religion, and family.
Ensuring that everyone has equal access to a publicly funded, high quality standard education regardless of any of the above factors.
Feminism and the belief that women are people and of equal value and intelligence to men.
Feeding the hungry.
Housing the homeless.
Ensuring universal healthcare coverage.
Paying attention to sex-based healthcare needs like female reproductive health.
Reproductive freedom being inherent and everyone having the inalienable right to choose for themselves if and when to have children.
Ensuring the welfare of the poor by means of basic universal and supplemental income.
Approaching other nations in a spirit of friendly cooperation and mutual tolerance with a diplomacy based foreign policy.

The conservative values they're often contrasted with include things like:
Belief in and support for a social hierarchy based on social class, race, skin color, sex, gender, orientation, religion, and family.
Ensuring rich kids get the best quality private education possible and lower class white kids get the scraps.
Patriarchy and the belief that women are a special class of child that you can legally have sex with.
A strong "don't feed the poor because they'll breed" mentality.
Telling the homeless to stop being irresponsible and just go buy a home already.
Reserving healthcare for rich white people, especially men.
A "one size fits all applicable" approach to that healthcare.
Male ownership of the female reproductive abilities and the banning of things like contraception and abortion services which give women choice.
Telling the poor to stop whining and get a job at McDonald's or something.
Approaching other nations and telling them to give us their shit or die.
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I don't think it counts as trolling if you are, in fact, correct. I'm just stating the basic differences between the two dominant worldviews.
The OP is true.

Cue the RWs with insults and name calling instead of rational discussion.

Thing is, they post these things here every single day. So why don't they have the integrity to just own it here in this thread? Where is the courage of their convictions?
The OP is true.

Cue the RWs with insults and name calling instead of rational discussion.

Thing is, they post these things here every single day. So why don't they have the integrity to just own it here in this thread? Where is the courage of their convictions?
Dont feed the troll.
Today, those who subscribe to the principles of the American Revolution — individual liberty, limited government, the free market, and the rule of law — call themselves by a variety of terms, including conservative, libertarian, classical liberal, and liberal. We see problems with all of those terms. "Conservative" smacks of an unwillingness to change, of a desire to preserve the status quo. Only in America do people seem to refer to free-market capitalism — the most progressive, dynamic, and ever-changing system the world has ever known — as conservative. Additionally, many contemporary American conservatives favor state intervention in some areas, most notably in trade and into our private lives.

"Classical liberal" is a bit closer to the mark, but the word "classical" fails to capture the contemporary vibrancy of the ideas of freedom.

"Liberal" may well be the perfect word in most of the world — the liberals in societies from China to Iran to South Africa to Argentina tend to be supporters of human rights and free markets — but its meaning has clearly been altered in the contemporary United States.

The Jeffersonian philosophy that animates Cato's work has increasingly come to be called "libertarianism" or "market liberalism." It combines an appreciation for entrepreneurship, the market process, and lower taxes with strict respect for civil liberties and skepticism about the benefits of both the welfare state and foreign military adventurism.

This vision brings the wisdom of the American Founders to bear on the problems of today. As did the Founders, it looks to the future with optimism and excitement, eager to discover what great things women and men will do in the coming century. Market liberals appreciate the complexity of a great society, recognizing that socialism and government planning are just too clumsy for the modern world. It is — or used to be — the conventional wisdom that a more complex society needs more government, but the truth is just the opposite. The simpler the society, the less damage government planning does. Planning is cumbersome in an agricultural society, costly in an industrial economy, and impossible in the information age. Today collectivism and planning are outmoded and backward, a drag on social progress.

Libertarians have a cosmopolitan, inclusive vision for society. We applaud the progressive extension of the promises of the Declaration of Independence to more people, especially to women, African-Americans, religious minorities, and gay and lesbian people. Our greatest challenge today is to continue to extend the promise of political freedom and economic opportunity to those who are still denied it, in our own country and around the world.

Cato s Mission Cato Institute
Where are the Conservatives to refute the OP with reason and sound argument?

They will fly the 'troll' flag and dismiss the message out of hand.

But if it's wrong, why is it wrong?

Liberals are communist America-hating paedophiles. They want to destroy this nation and every good thing that humanity has ever produced.

There, that is a response of the same quality as the OP.
Where are the Conservatives to refute the OP with reason and sound argument?

They will fly the 'troll' flag and dismiss the message out of hand.

But if it's wrong, why is it wrong?

Liberals are communist America-hating paedophiles. They want to destroy this nation and every good thing that humanity has ever produced.

There, that is a response of the same quality as the OP.
Tell us what you believe in. Spare us the diatribe of what you want us to believe about you.
Where are the Conservatives to refute the OP with reason and sound argument?

They will fly the 'troll' flag and dismiss the message out of hand.

But if it's wrong, why is it wrong?

Liberals are communist America-hating paedophiles. They want to destroy this nation and every good thing that humanity has ever produced.

There, that is a response of the same quality as the OP.
Tell us what you believe in. Spare us the diatribe of what you want us to believe about you.
If you dont know what he believes after youv'e spent months and months on this board then you're too stupid to deal with.
The OP is a troll. This thread belongs in the Rubber Room.
Where are the Conservatives to refute the OP with reason and sound argument?

They will fly the 'troll' flag and dismiss the message out of hand.

But if it's wrong, why is it wrong?

Liberals are communist America-hating paedophiles. They want to destroy this nation and every good thing that humanity has ever produced.

There, that is a response of the same quality as the OP.
Tell us what you believe in. Spare us the diatribe of what you want us to believe about you.
If you dont know what he believes after youv'e spent months and months on this board then you're too stupid to deal with.
The OP is a troll. This thread belongs in the Rubber Room.

Rabbi believes Palin is Finished as a politician...
Then predicts she will win the Presidency

True Story Bro....
Is all of that not the exact kinds of things conservatives and liberals say every day, both on this board and in real life?
Abortion is not "slaughtering her unborn baby". It's the removal of an unwanted fetus.
Feminism is not just about abortion and birth control. Those are just two aspects the Right has attacked the hardest.
Liberal women don't dress any differently than any other women.
Liberal women do protect themselves from attackers. The difference is that liberals prefer education to a murder as a primary crime deterrent.
It's only empowerment when the rich, conservative, Christian, white male dominated society she lives in tells her that her body is shameful and should be covered in a burqa so she doesn't make Baby Jesus cry.
Liberal values include things like:
Belief in the equality of all humans regardless of things like social class, race, skin color, sex, gender, orientation, religion, and family.
Ensuring that everyone has equal access to a publicly funded, high quality standard education regardless of any of the above factors.
Feminism and the belief that women are people and of equal value and intelligence to men.
Feeding the hungry.
Housing the homeless.
Ensuring universal healthcare coverage.
Paying attention to sex-based healthcare needs like female reproductive health.
Reproductive freedom being inherent and everyone having the inalienable right to choose for themselves if and when to have children.
Ensuring the welfare of the poor by means of basic universal and supplemental income.
Approaching other nations in a spirit of friendly cooperation and mutual tolerance with a diplomacy based foreign policy.

The conservative values they're often contrasted with include things like:
Belief in and support for a social hierarchy based on social class, race, skin color, sex, gender, orientation, religion, and family.
Ensuring rich kids get the best quality private education possible and lower class white kids get the scraps.
Patriarchy and the belief that women are a special class of child that you can legally have sex with.
A strong "don't feed the poor because they'll breed" mentality.
Telling the homeless to stop being irresponsible and just go buy a home already.
Reserving healthcare for rich white people, especially men.
A "one size fits all applicable" approach to that healthcare.
Male ownership of the female reproductive abilities and the banning of things like contraception and abortion services which give women choice.
Telling the poor to stop whining and get a job at McDonald's or something.
Approaching other nations and telling them to give us their shit or die.
Actually, I believe it's "all men are created equally free". Some are just more talented than others. Look at conservatives in the arts. They don't make it because they just aren't creative in the same way. Creativity means "outside the box". The opposite of a conservative approach.

The weird part is that you can link to right wing leaders saying things like "Feed the poor and they will breed" (Lt. Gov Andre Bauer) and male ownership of the female reproductive abilities, banning abortions services and so on and the USMB right wingers will call you names, like troll, when we all know that is their position. I don't get the two faces.
So you have opted to defend Social Conservatism. And your means of defense is to show us a picture. Show and Tell.

If your implication is Liberals "encourage" flaming gay sex, you have missed the point. Liberals encourage people to be what they are and not repress them for their differences. Liberals believe in acceptance at best, tolerance at least, for all American citizens.

On school prayer, isn't that just another way for the different to feel even more different? What happens to the little Jewish fourth grader on the playground for not reciting a prayer with which he is not familiar in a place he is mandated to be?
Where are the Conservatives to refute the OP with reason and sound argument?

They will fly the 'troll' flag and dismiss the message out of hand.

But if it's wrong, why is it wrong?

Liberals are communist America-hating paedophiles. They want to destroy this nation and every good thing that humanity has ever produced.

There, that is a response of the same quality as the OP.
Tell us what you believe in. Spare us the diatribe of what you want us to believe about you.

You and the author of the OP can do likewise.

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