Liberal Racists Piling On Carson

Dr Uncle Tom Carson, he prays to the white man's god, preaches from the white man's book and even looks like he's doing a reverse Michael Jackson.
I have read the responses. I have seen nothing racist said about Carson from any people I know that identify with being liberal. On the other hand I have seen plenty of cons display racist thoughts about Blacks in general. Do you expect me to believe Carson is the exception just because he is an uncle tom? Ultimately they will turn their racist attitudes towards him. Thats historically documented.

Well, YOU just called him an "Uncle Tom". LOL!! I rest my case.
Why are you resting your case? Show me how calling Carson an uncle tom is racist? Can you do that?

Yes. It is considered a racial slur. You know that. Don't try to go stupid on me.

is it a slur? maybe someone black should speak to that and not some white bigot,

the right only likes carson because he's your pet who says whatever rightwingnuts want to say, including making bizarre assertions that reproductive choice is slavery.

so I reiterate... I think the left probably doesn't like him because a) his policies are extreme rightwingnut idocy; and b) he seems to be suffering from some type of mental disorder; and c) he speaks like he's on meds.

Why don't you go burn a cross on his front lawn?
Just like you used to do before the rumatiz got too bad.
Well, YOU just called him an "Uncle Tom". LOL!! I rest my case.
Why are you resting your case? Show me how calling Carson an uncle tom is racist? Can you do that?

Yes. It is considered a racial slur. You know that. Don't try to go stupid on me.
Who told you it was considered a racial slur and why do you expect anyone to adopt your belief system? I said show me how calling Carson an uncle tom is racist. Can you do that knowing that racist means you think a certain race is superior? Your logic is....illogical.

Well, since you refuse to acknowledge it: List of ethnic slurs - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
No where in your link does it use the word "racist". How did you miss that when you were trying to prove calling Carson an uncle tom was racist? Do you know what "racist" means?

Did not even bother to read the TITLE of the Link?
Liberal Democrat HATE soon to be SOCIALIST liberal democrat hate is on display right now. See it in the news and see it here. Here you have one of the most highly educated people in the world in his field AND he has not one but TWO degrees.

A worlds leading brain surgeon and liberals call him stupid because he does NOT buy into global warming. Folks the people these liberals are listening to is a broke down ambulance chaser named Al Gore who could not cut it as a lawyer and NEVER argued a case of any merit.

So it has to be the FACT that Ben Carson is a Negro, there is NO other excuse. And he is NOT a fake Negro like Socialist democrats have pushed the last 8 years. Obama is 1/4 Arab 1/4 Negro and 1/2 White. If democrats HAD to tell the truth he {Obama} is NOT a Negro. He's white trash.

So then you look at their backgrounds. Carson grew up poor and worked HARD in school. Obama went to a school where he smoked pot snorted coke and was a full fledged slacker. And do socialist democrats defend the HARD work? No they defend the pot smoking coke snorting slacker. It HAS to be race because it sure as hell is not merit.

In summation Ben Carson's life is what you get via hard work, study and ethics.
Obama is the result of smoking pot and snorting coke and being a slacker.
That IS the socialist democrat reward system.
Why is it that you, harp on this?
Uncle Tom was a member of the underground railroad who led people FROM democrat plantation slavery TO republican freedom.
Hardly a bad thing to do you know.

But plantation Negro's on the dole don't want easy taken away from them. They would rather keep their drugs and drinking and poor breeding habits then to make it on their own.
No...Uncle Tom was a fictional character in a melodrama book called Uncle Tom's Cabin. :rofl:
I have a question I simply cannot get an answer to. With all the bigoted and racists attacks by Liberals upon the person of Dr. Carson, I must ask the question: Has the Democrat Party reverted back to its own roots and having a KKK rally on USMB?
The answer would be no, as the right has not only embraced racism but built on it .
The false but total denial by regressives that they are not is all the evidence anyone needs.

Well, from what I see, you Liberal racists bigots are all about hammering away at Ben Carson who is not even on your Liberal Socialist ticket. It appears that you simp-ly hate him because he is Black and educated. You only like ignorant Black people or do you really hate all Black people?
What is it you are seeing in Leftwing posts that make it appear that way?
I have read the responses. I have seen nothing racist said about Carson from any people I know that identify with being liberal. On the other hand I have seen plenty of cons display racist thoughts about Blacks in general. Do you expect me to believe Carson is the exception just because he is an uncle tom? Ultimately they will turn their racist attitudes towards him. Thats historically documented.

Well, YOU just called him an "Uncle Tom". LOL!! I rest my case.
Why are you resting your case? Show me how calling Carson an uncle tom is racist? Can you do that?

Yes. It is considered a racial slur. You know that. Don't try to go stupid on me.

is it a slur? maybe someone black should speak to that and not some white bigot,

the right only likes carson because he's your pet who says whatever rightwingnuts want to say, including making bizarre assertions that reproductive choice is slavery.

so I reiterate... I think the left probably doesn't like him because a) his policies are extreme rightwingnut idocy; and b) he seems to be suffering from some type of mental disorder; and c) he speaks like he's on meds.

Why don't you go burn a cross on his front lawn?

That's your thing. Not mine, freak.
Why are you resting your case? Show me how calling Carson an uncle tom is racist? Can you do that?

Yes. It is considered a racial slur. You know that. Don't try to go stupid on me.
Who told you it was considered a racial slur and why do you expect anyone to adopt your belief system? I said show me how calling Carson an uncle tom is racist. Can you do that knowing that racist means you think a certain race is superior? Your logic is....illogical.

Well, since you refuse to acknowledge it: List of ethnic slurs - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
No where in your link does it use the word "racist". How did you miss that when you were trying to prove calling Carson an uncle tom was racist? Do you know what "racist" means?

Did not even bother to read the TITLE of the Link?
Yes. I read the title. Where was the word "racist"?
Yes. It is considered a racial slur. You know that. Don't try to go stupid on me.
Who told you it was considered a racial slur and why do you expect anyone to adopt your belief system? I said show me how calling Carson an uncle tom is racist. Can you do that knowing that racist means you think a certain race is superior? Your logic is....illogical.

Well, since you refuse to acknowledge it: List of ethnic slurs - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
No where in your link does it use the word "racist". How did you miss that when you were trying to prove calling Carson an uncle tom was racist? Do you know what "racist" means?

Did not even bother to read the TITLE of the Link?
Yes. I read the title. Where was the word "racist"?
The word was ethnic .
Besides the only"reason"that THB and his buddies are defending Carson is to further the illusion of the "big tent and grab some of the black vote.
It's a tactic of desperation.
Who told you it was considered a racial slur and why do you expect anyone to adopt your belief system? I said show me how calling Carson an uncle tom is racist. Can you do that knowing that racist means you think a certain race is superior? Your logic is....illogical.

Well, since you refuse to acknowledge it: List of ethnic slurs - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
No where in your link does it use the word "racist". How did you miss that when you were trying to prove calling Carson an uncle tom was racist? Do you know what "racist" means?

Did not even bother to read the TITLE of the Link?
Yes. I read the title. Where was the word "racist"?
The word was ethnic .
Besides the only"reason"that THB and his buddies are defending Carson is to further the illusion of the "big tent and grab some of the black vote.
It's a tactic of desperation.
Figures he would be dumb enough to confuse "ethnic" for "racist". It was that or he was embarrassed he didnt know the meaning of racist.
Dr Uncle Tom Carson, he prays to the white man's god, preaches from the white man's book and even looks like he's doing a reverse Michael Jackson.

Pile it on you racist bigot.
You want more? He compared Obamacare to slavery, making him an idiot as well, let alone a race traitor by minimizing slavery.

Thank you you Left Wing racial bigot for proving my point for me. You are a true gift.
Who told you it was considered a racial slur and why do you expect anyone to adopt your belief system? I said show me how calling Carson an uncle tom is racist. Can you do that knowing that racist means you think a certain race is superior? Your logic is....illogical.

Well, since you refuse to acknowledge it: List of ethnic slurs - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
No where in your link does it use the word "racist". How did you miss that when you were trying to prove calling Carson an uncle tom was racist? Do you know what "racist" means?

Did not even bother to read the TITLE of the Link?
Yes. I read the title. Where was the word "racist"?
The word was ethnic .
Besides the only"reason"that THB and his buddies are defending Carson is to further the illusion of the "big tent and grab some of the black vote.
It's a tactic of desperation.

Actually it is to point out racial bigotry.
No where in your link does it use the word "racist". How did you miss that when you were trying to prove calling Carson an uncle tom was racist? Do you know what "racist" means?

Did not even bother to read the TITLE of the Link?
Yes. I read the title. Where was the word "racist"?
The word was ethnic .
Besides the only"reason"that THB and his buddies are defending Carson is to further the illusion of the "big tent and grab some of the black vote.
It's a tactic of desperation.

Actually it is to point out racial bigotry.
No you said it was racist. Obviously you have no clue what the word means and thats why you are back pedaling.
One of the things that makes me nervous about Carson is that he is a 7th Day Adventist and believes in a LITERAL interpretation of Genesis, and thinks the world is only 6,000 years old. Some of his other beliefs bother me as well, because I don't think we need a President with outdated views of the world via their belief system.

Ben Carson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
No where in your link does it use the word "racist". How did you miss that when you were trying to prove calling Carson an uncle tom was racist? Do you know what "racist" means?

Did not even bother to read the TITLE of the Link?
Yes. I read the title. Where was the word "racist"?
The word was ethnic .
Besides the only"reason"that THB and his buddies are defending Carson is to further the illusion of the "big tent and grab some of the black vote.
It's a tactic of desperation.

Actually it is to point out racial bigotry.
No you said it was racist. Obviously you have no clue what the word means and thats why you back pedaling.

It's an ethnic slur. A racial slur, dimwit.
One of the things that makes me nervous about Carson is that he is a 7th Day Adventist and believes in a LITERAL interpretation of Genesis, and thinks the world is only 6,000 years old. Some of his other beliefs bother me as well, because I don't think we need a President with outdated views of the world via their belief system.

Ben Carson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Care to explain how his personal religious belief would have any effect at all upon his presidency. Joe Biden is a Catholic and still supports abortion.
Did not even bother to read the TITLE of the Link?
Yes. I read the title. Where was the word "racist"?
The word was ethnic .
Besides the only"reason"that THB and his buddies are defending Carson is to further the illusion of the "big tent and grab some of the black vote.
It's a tactic of desperation.

Actually it is to point out racial bigotry.
No you said it was racist. Obviously you have no clue what the word means and thats why you back pedaling.

It's an ethnic slur. A racial slur, dimwit.
Ethnic and racial dont mean the same thing idiot. Even if it did that doesnt make it racist. its like saying whites like bland macaroni and cheese with potato chips on top. Thats not racist. Its racially bigoted.

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