Liberal media’s love affair with Michael Cohen can’t cover his lying, thuggish ways


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Smacked down by a Federal judge because all he does is lie.

The one person, however, not falling for Cohen’s shtick is US District Judge Jesse M. Furman. Cohen came before Furman to ask for early release from his probation late last week and Furman refused. Prosecutors suggested that Cohen should try to stop lying before coming before the Court. Furman agreed and ruled that it would be better for everyone to keep Cohen under the supervision of the criminal justice system.

I have previously written about Cohen different hustles to attract money and advantage from the higher bidders. Furman was clearly not impressed and not buying.

In 2018, Cohen pleaded guilty to various charges, including tax evasion, campaign finance violations, lying to Congress and several banks to obtain campaign financing and was sentenced to three years in prison. However, if you watched his media appearance or read his book, you would think that Cohen is a terrible victim of injustice. Cohen has written not one but two memoirs: “Disloyal” in 2020 and “Revenge” in 2022.

He unsuccessfully sued Trump on the basis of a verbal contract on the basis of his own dubious veracity. The result was predictable.

As noted in the proceedings in Manhattan, Cohen has continued to misrepresent his criminal background and, after assuring the court that it was remorseful for his crimes, was regularly going on the air to deny that he committed tax fraud and suggesting that he was railroaded by prosecutors.

Prosecutors cited his numerous media appearances as containing false accounts of himself and his case: “while Cohen is free to write and say what he wants, he cannot simultaneously distance himself from his conduct on cable news, while cloaking himself in claims of acceptance of responsibility in court filings.”

Now that he is reliably anti-Trump, the media has rehabilitated Cohen as a reliable source and quotes his sage predictions (which usually involve Trump being found guilty on a variety of different crimes).


Smacked down by a Federal judge because all he does is lie.

The one person, however, not falling for Cohen’s shtick is US District Judge Jesse M. Furman. Cohen came before Furman to ask for early release from his probation late last week and Furman refused. Prosecutors suggested that Cohen should try to stop lying before coming before the Court. Furman agreed and ruled that it would be better for everyone to keep Cohen under the supervision of the criminal justice system.​
I have previously written about Cohen different hustles to attract money and advantage from the higher bidders. Furman was clearly not impressed and not buying.​
In 2018, Cohen pleaded guilty to various charges, including tax evasion, campaign finance violations, lying to Congress and several banks to obtain campaign financing and was sentenced to three years in prison. However, if you watched his media appearance or read his book, you would think that Cohen is a terrible victim of injustice. Cohen has written not one but two memoirs: “Disloyal” in 2020 and “Revenge” in 2022.​
He unsuccessfully sued Trump on the basis of a verbal contract on the basis of his own dubious veracity. The result was predictable.​
As noted in the proceedings in Manhattan, Cohen has continued to misrepresent his criminal background and, after assuring the court that it was remorseful for his crimes, was regularly going on the air to deny that he committed tax fraud and suggesting that he was railroaded by prosecutors.
Prosecutors cited his numerous media appearances as containing false accounts of himself and his case: “while Cohen is free to write and say what he wants, he cannot simultaneously distance himself from his conduct on cable news, while cloaking himself in claims of acceptance of responsibility in court filings.”
Now that he is reliably anti-Trump, the media has rehabilitated Cohen as a reliable source and quotes his sage predictions (which usually involve Trump being found guilty on a variety of different crimes).


Michael Cohen pleaded guilty on Thursday to fresh charges that he lied to Congress about a real-estate deal with the Russians that he was trying to broker on behalf of President Trump during the 2016 election.

Cohen, Trump’s former personal attorney who previously pleaded guilty to campaign finances charges, made a surprise appearance in Manhattan federal court to cop to one count of making false statements in a plea agreement with Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

He admitted to downplaying the real-estate deal in Moscow in order to protect Trump, who he and court papers only refer to as “Individual 1.”

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