Liberal Logic


Jan 22, 2010
UPDATE 1-Winter storms to distort US jobless figures-Summers | Reuters

So according to Obama and the libs... the bad economic numbers are "distorted" and don't truly reflect current unemployment.

So, let's get this straight....

The bad unemployment numbers are distorted. So bad unemployment numbers actually indicates an improving economy

Also... the colder than usual temps indicates global warming is rampant.

Interesting logic you idiots use these days. No wonder you are so angry and hateful.... people laugh at you.

EDIT: I just found this new nugget....

'A bill can be bipartisan without bipartisan votes'...

My god you guys are pathetic.
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You were going good on the unemployment issue.
Your digression into something completely different, climate change, makes no sense.
UPDATE 1-Winter storms to distort US jobless figures-Summers | Reuters

So according to Obama and the libs... the bad economic numbers are "distorted" and don't truly reflect current unemployment.

So, let's get this straight....

The bad unemployment numbers are distorted. So bad unemployment numbers actually indicates an improving economy

Also... the colder than usual temps indicates global warming is rampant.

Interesting logic you idiots use these days. No wonder you are so angry and hateful.... people laugh at you.

EDIT: I just found this new nugget....

Pelosi: GOP has had its day; confident Dems can pull together on health bill -

'A bill can be bipartisan without bipartisan votes'...

My god you guys are pathetic.

Just a weather recap so it makes more sense to those who have such a difficult time grasping anything heavy (like record snow?):

Bloomberg, Business Week, U.S. Faces Record Cold Weather; Florida Crops May Avoid Damage

CNN: Storm moves east after dumping snow on Texas, Oklahoma

Des Moines Register, Feeling cold? We’re at 30 below normal

AZ Governor: Arizona Declaration of Emergency, January 2010 Winter Storm

FEMA: Oklahoma Severe Winter Storm, Emergency Declaration, January 30, 2010, Winter Storm Watch for Memphis – Thursday, January 7, 2010

Tennessee Injury Lawyer Blog: Tennessee Braces for Huge Winter Storm, Four-Day Storm Pummels New England, Quebec

Its really too bad some of you cant understand a global condition that involves more than droughts.
The few construction workers who could not make it through the snow to work outside on their projects would have virtually no effect on the unemployment numbers. Remember, construction in the US is down by 3/4ths from what it was a few years ago. You certainly do not think that all of those unemployed construction workers all found work just before the winter storms, do you? Inmost states you have to have had steady work for six months to a year before you can file for unemployment insurance. In the past few weeks Unemployment Insurance claims have fallen remarkably, so the winter storms appeared to have had no effect.
When the Tsunamis hit at Venice Beach, in CA, even some of the tourists head for the higher elevations(?)! We seem to be having a lot of them, lately, in fact!

When Snownamis hit at Wall Street, NY, NY: So do most of them. Things don't even happen, as much, on those days. That too, seems to be happening more often than not, on many of the recent days so far this year.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Trying to fool some of the people all of the time? Send Treaties!)
First of all to the come off as a totally biased, non-trustworthy, non-objective partisan hack.

Second of all, regarding global climate change...I'm not saying I'm 100% convinced, but you do realize that warmer temps = ice caps melting = more precipitation = more snow right?

Sometimes science is counter-intuitive...kinda like that whole round Earth thing. The anecdotal "omg its cold where I am so there can't be global warming" makes people sound really really short sighted.

At the end of the day, if climate changers agree they dont want to support a radical agenda of government take over can you admit at least that you dont want to pollute the planet? There's got to be a middle ground.

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