Liberal celebrities and pundits lament Youngkin victory


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
Has been blowhards say what?

Glenn Youngkin won Virginia's gubernatorial race, but some celebrities aren't having it.

Liberal celebrities and media pundits voiced their contempt for the governor-elect in the lead-up and aftermath of the election. Youngkin, a Republican, defeated Democrat Terry McAuliffe on Tuesday 50.7% to 48.6%.

Cher, Rosie O'Donnell, Stephen Colbert, Chelsea Handler, and other mediaites didn't hold back in their criticism of Youngkin.

"Held my tongue long enough, but fk it!! Do Dems need a house to fall on there sisters before they see what's coming!? Guess 'American terrorists' yelling, 'Hang Pence, Kill Pelosi,' isn't enough [sic]," Cher wrote. "Total power. It's 'whites'-only club, and BLM, LGBT, Jews, Asians, minorities, are in [German flag emoji]-style peril [sic]."

White supremacy and racism seems to be the theme

THEY'RE gonna wanna build a wall after this

Many school boards that taught Y/T is pure evil
What they call real history and say it's not really crt
they got annihilated across the country
I mean, I get anger from my fellow Liberals...a party that tried an insurrection to destroy Democracy just got rewarded with a victory in Virginia. Its backwards and surreal.

But its just one state. Whatever. New Jersey had a Democrat win reelection for the first time since 1977, that is probably a bigger story to me of how much people hate the GOP
I mean, I get anger from my fellow Liberals...a party that tried an insurrection to destroy Democracy just got rewarded with a victory in Virginia. Its backwards and surreal.

But its just one state. Whatever. New Jersey had a Democrat win reelection for the first time since 1977, that is probably a bigger story to me of how much people hate the GOP
Yeah, VA is only one state, the dems will build their majorities in 2o22 and 2024.
Note: The GOP did NOT try an insurrection, that was a protest by a bunch of unarmed goobers. If it was an insurrection they would have had guns instead of flags.

I mean, I get anger from my fellow Liberals...a party that tried an insurrection to destroy Democracy just got rewarded with a victory in Virginia. Its backwards and surreal.

But its just one state. Whatever. New Jersey had a Democrat win reelection for the first time since 1977, that is probably a bigger story to me of how much people hate the GOP
please name one person charged with insurrection.

i'll wait.
Has been blowhards say what?

Cher wrote. "Total power. It's 'whites'-only club, and BLM, LGBT, Jews, Asians, minorities, are in [German flag emoji]-style peril [sic]."

Cher, you should stick to making terrible pop music. Leave the analysis of topics requiring complex skills like "basic observations" to the people who are up to the task of distinguishing their ass from a hole in the ground...

In the meantime, Cher, meet the new Lieutenant Governor of Virginia, Winsome Sears, who was just elected into this "whites only club" as you put it. Odd, you failed to mention that in your diatribe. Hmm, I wonder why? Let me guess, the narrative is going to be she's "the new black face of white supremacy" lol.


These leftist moonbats like Cher make it way too easy to virtual bodyslam their idiotic unhinged rants, it takes most of the fun out of it.
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It's odd, used to be liberals and Democrats were always yelling about how racist, angry, warmongering, and destructive Republicans were. Now they are still doing it, but they are the only ones doing what they say Republicans do. Now they are the racist, hateful, destructive ones.

And racist? Didn't any of those people bother to notice youngkin replaced a white guy? Why wasn't the previous white guy considered racist? And what about the Latin attorney general or the black lt governor? And since when is hiring the right person for the job racist? Those people make my head hurt as I can't understand how they got to racist from all of this.
It's odd, used to be liberals and Democrats were always yelling about how racist, angry, warmongering, and destructive Republicans were. Now they are still doing it, but they are the only ones doing what they say Republicans do. Now they are the racist, hateful, destructive ones.

And racist? Didn't any of those people bother to notice youngkin replaced a white guy? Why wasn't the previous white guy considered racist? And what about the Latin attorney general or the black lt governor? And since when is hiring the right person for the job racist? Those people make my head hurt as I can't understand how they got to racist from all of this.
yea, cher bitching about the white mans club - i was like BOTH WERE WHITE YOU STUPID MOISTENED BINT!

really get tired of the one-way vision that even has blinders on.
I mean, I get anger from my fellow Liberals...a party that tried an insurrection to destroy Democracy just got rewarded with a victory in Virginia. Its backwards and surreal.

But its just one state. Whatever. New Jersey had a Democrat win reelection for the first time since 1977, that is probably a bigger story to me of how much people hate the GOP
communist hate the GOP DUH
One Democratic strategist who works with major party donors predicted that the party will “spend a ton of money” examining the result of last week’s elections, “learn the same things we already know, and still f--- up the midterms.”

“Democrats are losing the messaging war,” said Kelly Dietrich, a former Democratic fundraiser and founder of the National Democratic Training Committee, which trains candidates across the country. “We talked about this in ‘20. We promised to solve problems, and rather than talk and brag and point out the fact that government is working the way it should — making sausage is messy — we’re bogged down in process, and in the meantime, the other side is capitalizing on issues that really matter to the day-to-day lives of voters.”

He said, “It’s got to get fixed in like eight to 10 months, and the prospects for ’22, it’s a year away, I don’t know … Honestly, I don’t know. We need some radical change within the Democratic ecosphere.”

One veteran consultant in Washington said that after last week, he is advising early-career strategists to work on ballot measures or other non-candidate campaigns next year.

“We’re just going to get crushed,” he said, doubting Democrats would take any lessons from their beating.

Danny Barefoot, a Democratic strategist who is assembling a focus group of suburban women in Virginia who voted for Biden last year and Republican Glenn Youngkin last week, said that even if “the environment improves considerably” for Democrats, “it’s still a loss of the House and probably a loss of the Senate … If you’re defining ‘screwed’ as losing our majorities, yeah, I think there’s not much that’s going to stop that.”

I mean, I get anger from my fellow Liberals...a party that tried an insurrection to destroy Democracy just got rewarded with a victory in Virginia. Its backwards and surreal.

But its just one state. Whatever. New Jersey had a Democrat win reelection for the first time since 1977, that is probably a bigger story to me of how much people hate the GOP

I'm sure you called CHAZ/CHOP, the attacks on a Portland federal court house and over a year of BLM/AntiFA riots the same thing right?

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