Liberal Business Owner Says He Will Be Hurt By Minimum Wage Hike

The story makes no sense. He had only one employee and he claims his costs are going up by $80,000 per year. He'd have to have that employee working 27 hours a day, 365 days a year to see his costs go up by that amount.
It gets worse. In Seattle they went to 15 dollars an hour. My family lives there and rents JUMPED. Their NOT getting the money.
And their taxes are going up on simple things like car tags and inspections.

Rents USED to go up every time Boeing gave raises. Their paying their paying harsh.

Everything is going up. That way the increase in minimum wage can get passed on to the wealthy people that the Dems really support.

Of course, the people lucky enough to keep working will pay more in taxes, which is needed because so many people will lose their jobs and end up on welfare.
If business taxes were lower I doubt the minimum wage would be an issue, but making businesses pay for in tax only the services they use is a foreign concept to the IRS.
It gets worse. In Seattle they went to 15 dollars an hour. My family lives there and rents JUMPED. Their NOT getting the money.
And their taxes are going up on simple things like car tags and inspections.

Rents USED to go up every time Boeing gave raises. Their paying their paying harsh.

Everything is going up. That way the increase in minimum wage can get passed on to the wealthy people that the Dems really support.

Of course, the people lucky enough to keep working will pay more in taxes, which is needed because so many people will lose their jobs and end up on welfare.
If business taxes were lower I doubt the minimum wage would be an issue, but making businesses pay for in tax only the services they use is a foreign concept to the IRS.
Wouldn't it be great if we only had to pay for the services we use?

I wouldn't have to pay for schools, police, fire

But what kind of society would we have?
The story makes no sense. He had only one employee and he claims his costs are going up by $80,000 per year. He'd have to have that employee working 27 hours a day, 365 days a year to see his costs go up by that amount.
He has more than one store.
He supported the increase only because he thought it was no big deal to small business owners. He had the same ignorance many Dem supporters do. He didn't realize how much it would cost him. Now that he's found out, he is wondering what to do. It's more than he can afford. Oh hell, what's another small business biting the dust? Isn't that something the left supports? Considering how many businesses have gone under, thanks to Obama, I thought that was one of their goals.

"Hibbs is a self-identified progressive, but he’s looking for answers. Then he asked a profound question:

Why can’t two consenting people make arrangements for less than x dollars per hour?"

Why? Because liberals don't look out across this country and see intelligent adults. They see ignorant people who need to be controlled and that shouldn't ever be allowed to make decisions on their own. The left knew this wouldn't hurt some big businesses and they are either too fucking stupid or just cruel to take down small businesses this way. Some will lose their jobs now. Only in liberal land is being unemployed better than the old minimum wage.

Oh well. Capitalism doesn't care about who's being being put out of business. That's the nature of the beast. Strong flourish, weak shrivel and die.

You do realize that that article is from January 1, 2015....they are just now feeling the impact of the minimum wage realize that...right? So no...they are not thriving....and they will not survive.......look at the articles released this week......

You DO realize that the law goes into effect MAY 1, 2015? Are you a retard??

No...but you are a moron.....the law goes into effect but they aren't going to wait till May 1 to start dealing with it....considering it is May 2....

Yea, it is MAY 2 turd there is no "just now feeling the impact"

Moron....a business can't just sit back and wait for democrat policies....they have a business to run and have to make decisions long before they get jammed up....moron......

No turd were NOT talking about anticipation, you were talking about effect. You were obtuse to the fact the law took effect May 1 and you were trying to make a case that the Jan 1 article did not reflect 5 months of effect.

The story makes no sense. He had only one employee and he claims his costs are going up by $80,000 per year. He'd have to have that employee working 27 hours a day, 365 days a year to see his costs go up by that amount.
He has more than one store.

Not according to the article:

Also, his store’s usually staffed by only one counter worker, which makes reducing the store’s labor costs impossible.

This is clearly the single possessive. The man has one store.
Why does someone's rent and utilities go up because they got an extra buck an hour at their job?

REALLY ?? are you this fucking stupid ?

ever since i started working for a living, @14 Y.O., every time i got a raise, prices of every fucking thing went up, food, fuel, rent, EVERY FUCKING THING !!

DAMN !!! you are beyond stupid. :up:

........... :up_yours:

So you don't ever want another raise?

lol, that's a good one.
As with all other rises in the cost of doing business, they will be absorbed, through productivity increases, through better management...crossing the T's and dotting the I's, through raising prices a few cents.... doing whatever it takes.

It's survival of the fittest and the fittest will survive

Very true

The conservatives always ignore inflation, rises in the price of rent, supplies, energy, taxes.....all while expecting workers to make up for it by maintaining low labor costs

They also ignore reality...

Brick and mortar bookstores are not being crushed by minimum wages or "liberal government policies", they are being crushed by...the MARKET...

...Amazon, Kindle, e-books, internet book sales and electronic entertainment.

What business demise will they blame liberals for next with their anecdotal evidence? Record stores? Blockbuster Video?? Woolworth???
Now.....for all you geniuses.....tell me how any of that is Wal Marts fault.........
That is no longer the point. We have to look at reality.

Through political correctness and the constant lowering of standards and expectations, we have essentially created an underclass of people who, while almost completely unskilled, have been filled with an artificial "self esteem" that makes them expect more and more for no added value: Confident Idiots American Students Growing More Confident Less Capable. These people exist, and there's not a damn thing we can do about that.

This, on top of the traditional amount of people who simply don't have the capacity to fend for themselves without some public assistance.

There is only one private place to turn for these people, and that's American business. Not because it's the responsibility of American business to put food on the table of these people, but because it's either that or public assistance and even more dependence on government.

It is what it is: A choice between two bad options.

That's what "you didn't build that, someone ELSE made that happen" is all about: Business, we need your money.

We've already passed the tipping point, now we just have to deal with it.


Sorry, we claw our way back...and you don't do that by scapegoating innocent people....businesses aren't the problem...government if we have people who can't provide for themselves than we take care of them until we fix the democrat controlled education system and get those who can support themselves educated and trained....

putting the problem off on innocent businesses only perpetuates the problem......which is what democrats want.....
Well, that could be, but they certainly have all the momentum now.

Plus, it's taken decades, generations, for this to play out, particularly on the education side, and reversing it could easily take as long.


This crap started in the 1960s...well before that but that is when it took off as the domestic terrorists like obama's freind bill ayers and his domestic terrorist wife bernadine dorhn and their fellow travelors went into education, politics and if we start now...and fight back against these will take us at least 40 years or so to take it back....let's start now....
Actually, the 60s were pretty good
A low skilled worker could support a family on one salary. He could join a union. If he worked hard, he could advance

That changed starting in the 80s as we sold out our workers in a quest for supply side. Now workers are scared and hungry and in no position to demand higher wages

The minimum wage adjusted for inflation, peaked in 1969.

RWnuts want a lower minimum wage - they've been getting their wish for 45 years.
He only has to compete with other businesses who have to pay the same wage.
So you don't understand the problem do you stupid? Let me try, the 10 dollar and hour worker has done NOTHING but change the numbers idiot.

The 10 dollar an hour worker IF they still have a job just got SET BACK on wages vs cost. The GOVERNMENT is getting the money you retard.

The worker just gets to hold it for a few minutes. ALL you did was change a number you moron NOT his lifestyle.

A dollar an hour increase in the minimum wage is $40 a week, $160 a month with probably $120 a month takehome.
120 take home minus 60 increase of rent and and another 30 on utilities. There ARE other increases as well. The money was NEVER meant to go to the worker BECAUSE the state winds up with it. You did NOTHING but change a number, NOTHING.

Then you agree that the minimum wage should be tied to inflation, and raised accordingly.
That is no longer the point. We have to look at reality.

Through political correctness and the constant lowering of standards and expectations, we have essentially created an underclass of people who, while almost completely unskilled, have been filled with an artificial "self esteem" that makes them expect more and more for no added value: Confident Idiots American Students Growing More Confident Less Capable. These people exist, and there's not a damn thing we can do about that.

This, on top of the traditional amount of people who simply don't have the capacity to fend for themselves without some public assistance.

There is only one private place to turn for these people, and that's American business. Not because it's the responsibility of American business to put food on the table of these people, but because it's either that or public assistance and even more dependence on government.

It is what it is: A choice between two bad options.

That's what "you didn't build that, someone ELSE made that happen" is all about: Business, we need your money.

We've already passed the tipping point, now we just have to deal with it.


Sorry, we claw our way back...and you don't do that by scapegoating innocent people....businesses aren't the problem...government if we have people who can't provide for themselves than we take care of them until we fix the democrat controlled education system and get those who can support themselves educated and trained....

putting the problem off on innocent businesses only perpetuates the problem......which is what democrats want.....
Well, that could be, but they certainly have all the momentum now.

Plus, it's taken decades, generations, for this to play out, particularly on the education side, and reversing it could easily take as long.


This crap started in the 1960s...well before that but that is when it took off as the domestic terrorists like obama's freind bill ayers and his domestic terrorist wife bernadine dorhn and their fellow travelors went into education, politics and if we start now...and fight back against these will take us at least 40 years or so to take it back....let's start now....
Actually, the 60s were pretty good
A low skilled worker could support a family on one salary. He could join a union. If he worked hard, he could advance

That changed starting in the 80s as we sold out our workers in a quest for supply side. Now workers are scared and hungry and in no position to demand higher wages

The minimum wage adjusted for inflation, peaked in 1969.

RWnuts want a lower minimum wage - they've been getting their wish for 45 years.

Very true

I put myself through college working just summers at minimum wage in the mid seventies. You could buy a new car working six months at minimum wage

You can't do that today
He only has to compete with other businesses who have to pay the same wage.
So you don't understand the problem do you stupid? Let me try, the 10 dollar and hour worker has done NOTHING but change the numbers idiot.

The 10 dollar an hour worker IF they still have a job just got SET BACK on wages vs cost. The GOVERNMENT is getting the money you retard.

The worker just gets to hold it for a few minutes. ALL you did was change a number you moron NOT his lifestyle.

A dollar an hour increase in the minimum wage is $40 a week, $160 a month with probably $120 a month takehome.
120 take home minus 60 increase of rent and and another 30 on utilities. There ARE other increases as well. The money was NEVER meant to go to the worker BECAUSE the state winds up with it. You did NOTHING but change a number, NOTHING.

Why does someone's rent and utilities go up because they got an extra buck an hour at their job?
Because the value of money is attached to the costs of producing goods.
Everything eventually goes up and the min wagers end up exactly where they were because the value of their work is not increasing. In many ways it is DECREASING.

Then they at least need the minimum wage tied to inflation, which if it had been over the last 40 years, it would be well above where it is now.
He only has to compete with other businesses who have to pay the same wage.
So you don't understand the problem do you stupid? Let me try, the 10 dollar and hour worker has done NOTHING but change the numbers idiot.

The 10 dollar an hour worker IF they still have a job just got SET BACK on wages vs cost. The GOVERNMENT is getting the money you retard.

The worker just gets to hold it for a few minutes. ALL you did was change a number you moron NOT his lifestyle.

A dollar an hour increase in the minimum wage is $40 a week, $160 a month with probably $120 a month takehome.
120 take home minus 60 increase of rent and and another 30 on utilities. There ARE other increases as well. The money was NEVER meant to go to the worker BECAUSE the state winds up with it. You did NOTHING but change a number, NOTHING.

Then you agree that the minimum wage should be tied to inflation, and raised accordingly.

It needs to be removed from Congress, it is too political. Set it at $15 then tie it to inflation
You want to hire an American citizen to work for need to pay him or her enough to live a decent American lifestyle. Period. That is part of fulfilling your end of the bargain.
They will always be poor, period.
No matter how much you raise MW all you are doing is dragging down the middle class buying power, not hurting the rich.
Case in point look at Australia, look at my trade industrial maintenance, I dont make much less then them and things cost cheaper where I live
You want to hire an American citizen to work for need to pay him or her enough to live a decent American lifestyle. Period. That is part of fulfilling your end of the bargain.
They will always be poor, period.
No matter how much you raise MW all you are doing is dragging down the middle class buying power, not hurting the rich.
Case in point look at Australia, look at my trade industrial maintenance, I dont make much less then them and things cost cheaper where I live

Since the minimum wage has actually fallen for the last 45 years, middle class prosperity in this country should be off charts!!!!

Is it?
Now.....for all you geniuses.....tell me how any of that is Wal Marts fault.........
That is no longer the point. We have to look at reality.

Through political correctness and the constant lowering of standards and expectations, we have essentially created an underclass of people who, while almost completely unskilled, have been filled with an artificial "self esteem" that makes them expect more and more for no added value: Confident Idiots American Students Growing More Confident Less Capable. These people exist, and there's not a damn thing we can do about that.

This, on top of the traditional amount of people who simply don't have the capacity to fend for themselves without some public assistance.

There is only one private place to turn for these people, and that's American business. Not because it's the responsibility of American business to put food on the table of these people, but because it's either that or public assistance and even more dependence on government.

It is what it is: A choice between two bad options.

That's what "you didn't build that, someone ELSE made that happen" is all about: Business, we need your money.

We've already passed the tipping point, now we just have to deal with it.


Sorry, we claw our way back...and you don't do that by scapegoating innocent people....businesses aren't the problem...government if we have people who can't provide for themselves than we take care of them until we fix the democrat controlled education system and get those who can support themselves educated and trained....

putting the problem off on innocent businesses only perpetuates the problem......which is what democrats want.....

If you want businesses to have free rein without government oversight and regulation,

you end up back in the hell that was the Industrial Revolution of the 19th century.

I'm beginning to believe that most conservatives think that would be a good thing...

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