Liberal Business Owner Says He Will Be Hurt By Minimum Wage Hike

You want to hire an American citizen to work for need to pay him or her enough to live a decent American lifestyle. Period. That is part of fulfilling your end of the bargain.
You want to hire an American citizen to work for need to pay him or her enough to live a decent American lifestyle. Period. That is part of fulfilling your end of the bargain.

Why? It's so much easier to pay them less than a living wage and let the government make up the difference.

Report: Walmart Workers Cost Taxpayers $6.2 Billion In Public Assistance

Wal Mart doesn't cost the government anything.....that article is a lie...and I don't have to read it....Wal Mart is not responsible for every aspect of their employees lives....that is what you call a slave owner......Wal Mart has jobs that need to be done...and to get them done they offer a wage...if you like that wage you try to get the job, if not you try to get another job....that is where the relationship between you and Wal Mart begins and ends....

if you are working a minimum wage job and need public assistance let's guess why....

1) you went to a government school controlled by the education wing of the democrat party....therefore you can't read, write or do simple math well or at all....

2) if you lucked out and went to a good government school controlled by the education wing of the democrat decided it would be smart to drop out and not get a high school it is hard to get a real job and you are stuck at minimum wage jobs.....

3) you decided to have sex as a teenager and you won the baby you have one or more children from one or more fathers, and you don't have the resources to support your children because the sperm donors aren't supporting the children with now you are stuck at minimum wage jobs because you have kids that tie you down and kept you from improving your life chances....and you have also more or less condemned your children to lower life expectations as well...

4) you decided a life of crime as a teenager was a smart idea....and you got caught, and now have a criminal record...keeping you from getting any job, let alone a good job.......

5) you decided that doing drugs, alcohol, or not studying was better than getting good grades in school...or attending school on a regular you are out of high school and don't have the money to go to community college...or a 4 year college...and your poor grades keep you out of the best of the colleges........

6) your parents had you before they were married, probably as teenagers, your father didn't stick around and your mother had many kids from many fathers and you grew up being raised by a child...who instilled child values in you and led you to decide to do 1-5

Now.....for all you geniuses.....tell me how any of that is Wal Marts fault.........
Now.....for all you geniuses.....tell me how any of that is Wal Marts fault.........
That is no longer the point. We have to look at reality.

Through political correctness and the constant lowering of standards and expectations, we have essentially created an underclass of people who, while almost completely unskilled, have been filled with an artificial "self esteem" that makes them expect more and more for no added value: Confident Idiots American Students Growing More Confident Less Capable. These people exist, and there's not a damn thing we can do about that.

This, on top of the traditional amount of people who simply don't have the capacity to fend for themselves without some public assistance.

There is only one private place to turn for these people, and that's American business. Not because it's the responsibility of American business to put food on the table of these people, but because it's either that or public assistance and even more dependence on government.

It is what it is: A choice between two bad options.

That's what "you didn't build that, someone ELSE made that happen" is all about: Business, we need your money.

We've already passed the tipping point, now we just have to deal with it.

Now.....for all you geniuses.....tell me how any of that is Wal Marts fault.........
That is no longer the point. We have to look at reality.

Through political correctness and the constant lowering of standards and expectations, we have essentially created an underclass of people who, while almost completely unskilled, have been filled with an artificial "self esteem" that makes them expect more and more for no added value: Confident Idiots American Students Growing More Confident Less Capable. These people exist, and there's not a damn thing we can do about that.

This, on top of the traditional amount of people who simply don't have the capacity to fend for themselves without some public assistance.

There is only one private place to turn for these people, and that's American business. Not because it's the responsibility of American business to put food on the table of these people, but because it's either that or public assistance and even more dependence on government.

It is what it is: A choice between two bad options.

That's what "you didn't build that, someone ELSE made that happen" is all about: Business, we need your money.

We've already passed the tipping point, now we just have to deal with it.


Sorry, we claw our way back...and you don't do that by scapegoating innocent people....businesses aren't the problem...government if we have people who can't provide for themselves than we take care of them until we fix the democrat controlled education system and get those who can support themselves educated and trained....

putting the problem off on innocent businesses only perpetuates the problem......which is what democrats want.....
Now.....for all you geniuses.....tell me how any of that is Wal Marts fault.........
That is no longer the point. We have to look at reality.

Through political correctness and the constant lowering of standards and expectations, we have essentially created an underclass of people who, while almost completely unskilled, have been filled with an artificial "self esteem" that makes them expect more and more for no added value: Confident Idiots American Students Growing More Confident Less Capable. These people exist, and there's not a damn thing we can do about that.

This, on top of the traditional amount of people who simply don't have the capacity to fend for themselves without some public assistance.

There is only one private place to turn for these people, and that's American business. Not because it's the responsibility of American business to put food on the table of these people, but because it's either that or public assistance and even more dependence on government.

It is what it is: A choice between two bad options.

That's what "you didn't build that, someone ELSE made that happen" is all about: Business, we need your money.

We've already passed the tipping point, now we just have to deal with it.


Sorry, we claw our way back...and you don't do that by scapegoating innocent people....businesses aren't the problem...government if we have people who can't provide for themselves than we take care of them until we fix the democrat controlled education system and get those who can support themselves educated and trained....

putting the problem off on innocent businesses only perpetuates the problem......which is what democrats want.....
Well, that could be, but they certainly have all the momentum now.

Plus, it's taken decades, generations, for this to play out, particularly on the education side, and reversing it could easily take as long.

You want to hire an American citizen to work for need to pay him or her enough to live a decent American lifestyle. Period. That is part of fulfilling your end of the bargain.

Why? It's so much easier to pay them less than a living wage and let the government make up the difference.

Report: Walmart Workers Cost Taxpayers $6.2 Billion In Public Assistance

Wal Mart doesn't cost the government anything.....that article is a lie...and I don't have to read it....Wal Mart is not responsible for every aspect of their employees lives....that is what you call a slave owner......Wal Mart has jobs that need to be done...and to get them done they offer a wage...if you like that wage you try to get the job, if not you try to get another job....that is where the relationship between you and Wal Mart begins and ends....

if you are working a minimum wage job and need public assistance let's guess why....

1) you went to a government school controlled by the education wing of the democrat party....therefore you can't read, write or do simple math well or at all....

2) if you lucked out and went to a good government school controlled by the education wing of the democrat decided it would be smart to drop out and not get a high school it is hard to get a real job and you are stuck at minimum wage jobs.....

3) you decided to have sex as a teenager and you won the baby you have one or more children from one or more fathers, and you don't have the resources to support your children because the sperm donors aren't supporting the children with now you are stuck at minimum wage jobs because you have kids that tie you down and kept you from improving your life chances....and you have also more or less condemned your children to lower life expectations as well...

4) you decided a life of crime as a teenager was a smart idea....and you got caught, and now have a criminal record...keeping you from getting any job, let alone a good job.......

5) you decided that doing drugs, alcohol, or not studying was better than getting good grades in school...or attending school on a regular you are out of high school and don't have the money to go to community college...or a 4 year college...and your poor grades keep you out of the best of the colleges........

6) your parents had you before they were married, probably as teenagers, your father didn't stick around and your mother had many kids from many fathers and you grew up being raised by a child...who instilled child values in you and led you to decide to do 1-5

Now.....for all you geniuses.....tell me how any of that is Wal Marts fault.........
You sure have those 1.4 million Walmart workers described down to a T...don't you? Sheesh!!!
Now.....for all you geniuses.....tell me how any of that is Wal Marts fault.........
That is no longer the point. We have to look at reality.

Through political correctness and the constant lowering of standards and expectations, we have essentially created an underclass of people who, while almost completely unskilled, have been filled with an artificial "self esteem" that makes them expect more and more for no added value: Confident Idiots American Students Growing More Confident Less Capable. These people exist, and there's not a damn thing we can do about that.

This, on top of the traditional amount of people who simply don't have the capacity to fend for themselves without some public assistance.

There is only one private place to turn for these people, and that's American business. Not because it's the responsibility of American business to put food on the table of these people, but because it's either that or public assistance and even more dependence on government.

It is what it is: A choice between two bad options.

That's what "you didn't build that, someone ELSE made that happen" is all about: Business, we need your money.

We've already passed the tipping point, now we just have to deal with it.


Sorry, we claw our way back...and you don't do that by scapegoating innocent people....businesses aren't the problem...government if we have people who can't provide for themselves than we take care of them until we fix the democrat controlled education system and get those who can support themselves educated and trained....

putting the problem off on innocent businesses only perpetuates the problem......which is what democrats want.....
Well, that could be, but they certainly have all the momentum now.

Plus, it's taken decades, generations, for this to play out, particularly on the education side, and reversing it could easily take as long.


This crap started in the 1960s...well before that but that is when it took off as the domestic terrorists like obama's freind bill ayers and his domestic terrorist wife bernadine dorhn and their fellow travelors went into education, politics and if we start now...and fight back against these will take us at least 40 years or so to take it back....let's start now....
You want to hire an American citizen to work for need to pay him or her enough to live a decent American lifestyle. Period. That is part of fulfilling your end of the bargain.

Why? It's so much easier to pay them less than a living wage and let the government make up the difference.

Report: Walmart Workers Cost Taxpayers $6.2 Billion In Public Assistance

Wal Mart doesn't cost the government anything.....that article is a lie...and I don't have to read it....Wal Mart is not responsible for every aspect of their employees lives....that is what you call a slave owner......Wal Mart has jobs that need to be done...and to get them done they offer a wage...if you like that wage you try to get the job, if not you try to get another job....that is where the relationship between you and Wal Mart begins and ends....

if you are working a minimum wage job and need public assistance let's guess why....

1) you went to a government school controlled by the education wing of the democrat party....therefore you can't read, write or do simple math well or at all....

2) if you lucked out and went to a good government school controlled by the education wing of the democrat decided it would be smart to drop out and not get a high school it is hard to get a real job and you are stuck at minimum wage jobs.....

3) you decided to have sex as a teenager and you won the baby you have one or more children from one or more fathers, and you don't have the resources to support your children because the sperm donors aren't supporting the children with now you are stuck at minimum wage jobs because you have kids that tie you down and kept you from improving your life chances....and you have also more or less condemned your children to lower life expectations as well...

4) you decided a life of crime as a teenager was a smart idea....and you got caught, and now have a criminal record...keeping you from getting any job, let alone a good job.......

5) you decided that doing drugs, alcohol, or not studying was better than getting good grades in school...or attending school on a regular you are out of high school and don't have the money to go to community college...or a 4 year college...and your poor grades keep you out of the best of the colleges........

6) your parents had you before they were married, probably as teenagers, your father didn't stick around and your mother had many kids from many fathers and you grew up being raised by a child...who instilled child values in you and led you to decide to do 1-5

Now.....for all you geniuses.....tell me how any of that is Wal Marts fault.........
You sure have those 1.4 million Walmart workers described down to a T...don't you? Sheesh!!!

Not 1.4 million...there are a lot of Wal Mart workers who have a work hard ethic, who got an education because they did the right things and were able to avoid the traps that are inherent in life and have good paying jobs at Wal Mart...also... a lot of Wal Mart employees start at minimum wage and move up...through education programs sponsored by Wal this crap about Wal Mart and other businesses being responsible for their employees entire lives is just crap....
Walmart’s low-wage workers cost U.S. taxpayers an estimated $6.2 billion in public assistance including food stamps, Medicaid and subsidized housing, according to a report published to coincide with Tax Day, April 15.

Americans for Tax Fairness, a coalition of 400 national and state-level progressive groups, made this estimate using data from a 2013 study by Democratic Staff of the U.S. Committee on Education and the Workforce.

“The study estimated the cost to Wisconsin’s taxpayers of Walmart’s low wages and benefits, which often force workers to rely on various public assistance programs,” reads the report, available in full here.

Wal Mart doesn't cost the government anything.....that article is a lie...and I don't have to read it...

Hey hey, what we have here is the typical Repub response to ANYTHING they don't want to hear or believe.

Watch while 2aguy sticks his head way, WAY up his ass to go: naa naa naa naa boo boo. I ain't gonna read no article that is counter to the bullshit that I believe.

No way would 2aguy try and find the truth of the matter. He likes life with his head up his ass.
As with all other rises in the cost of doing business, they will be absorbed, through productivity increases, through better management...crossing the T's and dotting the I's, through raising prices a few cents.... doing whatever it takes.

It's survival of the fittest and the fittest will survive
As with all other rises in the cost of doing business, they will be absorbed, through productivity increases, through better management...crossing the T's and dotting the I's, through raising prices a few cents.... doing whatever it takes.

It's survival of the fittest and the fittest will survive
You forgot "fewer hours for employees and less hiring".

Walmart’s low-wage workers cost U.S. taxpayers an estimated $6.2 billion in public assistance including food stamps, Medicaid and subsidized housing, according to a report published to coincide with Tax Day, April 15.

Americans for Tax Fairness, a coalition of 400 national and state-level progressive groups, made this estimate using data from a 2013 study by Democratic Staff of the U.S. Committee on Education and the Workforce.

“The study estimated the cost to Wisconsin’s taxpayers of Walmart’s low wages and benefits, which often force workers to rely on various public assistance programs,” reads the report, available in full here.

Wal Mart doesn't cost the government anything.....that article is a lie...and I don't have to read it...

Hey hey, what we have here is the typical Repub response to ANYTHING they don't want to hear or believe.

Watch while 2aguy sticks his head way, WAY up his ass to go: naa naa naa naa boo boo. I ain't gonna read no article that is counter to the bullshit that I believe.

No way would 2aguy try and find the truth of the matter. He likes life with his head up his ass.

Wal Mart doesn't cost the tax payer anything isn't their job to provide a life style to their employees, and it isn't the job of the government to do it either....that is up to us as individuals...moron....

The people who cost us billions in public assistance...are the victims of government schools run by the education wing of the democrat party who put teachers unions and their payments to democrat politicians ahead of educating children so those children can actually get jobs or continue on to college after 12 years of free public education...blame them first for the welfare rolls.....then blame the democrats and their allies in hollywood for making bad behavior normal and good behavior look stupid......

The democrats want to shift the focus on Wal Mart, one, because they want more money and like the bank robber they know that is where the money is, and two, they don't want people to get serious about education reform...that would cut into the money laundering that the democrat politicians and the democrat teachers unions do with our tax dollars that they are given to educate our children....

Wal Mart isn't the fact, they actually create jobs and a path for people to change their lives...

The real fucking problem.....the democrat controlled education process...where democrat politicians raise taxes on everyone...funnel that money to an education system where their allies in the democrat controlled teachers unions extract money from their membership from the tax dollars given to them as salary and benefits, and then give that money to the democrat politicians who set the salary and benefits for the teachers unions......

And then don't educate the children so they don't have to live on welfare their whole lives...but forcing them into welfare does make them willing troops for the street army of democrats who will occasionally use them to riot, loot and burn their neighborhoods in order to give democrat politicians more power to increase taxes as they seek to "solve" the problem that they created.....
Now.....for all you geniuses.....tell me how any of that is Wal Marts fault.........
That is no longer the point. We have to look at reality.

Through political correctness and the constant lowering of standards and expectations, we have essentially created an underclass of people who, while almost completely unskilled, have been filled with an artificial "self esteem" that makes them expect more and more for no added value: Confident Idiots American Students Growing More Confident Less Capable. These people exist, and there's not a damn thing we can do about that.

This, on top of the traditional amount of people who simply don't have the capacity to fend for themselves without some public assistance.

There is only one private place to turn for these people, and that's American business. Not because it's the responsibility of American business to put food on the table of these people, but because it's either that or public assistance and even more dependence on government.

It is what it is: A choice between two bad options.

That's what "you didn't build that, someone ELSE made that happen" is all about: Business, we need your money.

We've already passed the tipping point, now we just have to deal with it.


Yesterday, you said that these lowered standards and expectations were based exclusively on skin color. Now its based on class.

That article you does not address class issues in the way you keep trying to present them. In cites a study having to do with COLLEGE STUDENTS. Hardly the dregs of society.

Your primary world view is flawed.
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As with all other rises in the cost of doing business, they will be absorbed, through productivity increases, through better management...crossing the T's and dotting the I's, through raising prices a few cents.... doing whatever it takes.

It's survival of the fittest and the fittest will survive

Except when democrat politicians create a false pressure that crushes good businesses with excessive taxes, fines and fees, killing off businesses that are too small to beat back the attacks on their viability.....

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