Liberal Business Owner Says He Will Be Hurt By Minimum Wage Hike

Wal Mart doesn't cost the tax payer anything isn't their job to provide a life style to their employees, and it isn't the job of the government to do it either....that is up to us as individuals...moron....

Nah dude, you be a fucking idiot. Moron just ain't an accurate enough description.

Who is it that you think is paying for those government benefits that a Walmart employee receives? Tax payers like me is the answer. And I don't shop at Walmart like you do.

The "individual" applies for the only job they can find; a job at a Walmart. Then the new hire finds out (sometimes through Walmart itself) that the income that Walmart agrees to pay is so low that the employee is able to qualify for and receive government benefits to make up for the low wages.

You know who would be the real moron in this situation? The employee that didn't take advantage of the government hand out.

Are you so stupid you don't take advantage of any and every government benefit available?

And why would Walmart raise wages (though they just did) when they can get the government to subsidize the Walmart employee? You think Walmart management is stupid? You think they don't understand that their payroll is substantially less buy using the government programs for their employees?

People like you are fucked up. You don't want workers to form unions. You don't want the government to mandate an increase in wages. You don't mind that other tax payers subsidize low wage workers. Just what the fuck is it that you want low wage workers to do? Suck on the government teat just so Walmart can pay huge money to the top executives? Fuck that.
Wal Mart doesn't cost the tax payer anything isn't their job to provide a life style to their employees, and it isn't the job of the government to do it either....that is up to us as individuals...moron....

Nah dude, you be a fucking idiot. Moron just ain't an accurate enough description.

Who is it that you think is paying for those government benefits that a Walmart employee receives? Tax payers like me is the answer. And I don't shop at Walmart like you do.

The "individual" applies for the only job they can find; a job at a Walmart. Then the new hire finds out (sometimes through Walmart itself) that the income that Walmart agrees to pay is so low that the employee is able to qualify for and receive government benefits to make up for the low wages.

You know who would be the real moron in this situation? The employee that didn't take advantage of the government hand out.

Are you so stupid you don't take advantage of any and every government benefit available?

And why would Walmart raise wages (though they just did) when they can get the government to subsidize the Walmart employee? You think Walmart management is stupid? You think they don't understand that their payroll is substantially less buy using the government programs for their employees?

People like you are fucked up. You don't want workers to form unions. You don't want the government to mandate an increase in wages. You don't mind that other tax payers subsidize low wage workers. Just what the fuck is it that you want low wage workers to do? Suck on the government teat just so Walmart can pay huge money to the top executives? Fuck that.

You are the fucking moron.....the problem is that the government schools controlled by the education wing of the democrat party, and their democrat allies in the entertainment industry do their best to not educate children and to increase negative habits that keep children from getting an education......and then you blame Wal Mart...who pay the taxes that pay the welfare for the victims of the democrat controlled schools.....
Only in liberal land...

Welcome to Liberland, the tiny patch of woodland claiming to be the world's newest country
Self-proclaimed libertarian micro-state whose founder admires Nigel Farage welcomes its first citizens on Friday, with the first 100 arrivals to be granted honorary citizenship

Welcome to Liberland the tiny patch of woodland claiming to be the world s newest country - Telegraph

when i first read the title i believed it was right here in America. this country will soon have a "Liberland" !! :up:
Wal Mart doesn't cost the tax payer anything isn't their job to provide a life style to their employees, and it isn't the job of the government to do it either....that is up to us as individuals...moron....

Nah dude, you be a fucking idiot. Moron just ain't an accurate enough description.

Who is it that you think is paying for those government benefits that a Walmart employee receives? Tax payers like me is the answer. And I don't shop at Walmart like you do.

The "individual" applies for the only job they can find; a job at a Walmart. Then the new hire finds out (sometimes through Walmart itself) that the income that Walmart agrees to pay is so low that the employee is able to qualify for and receive government benefits to make up for the low wages.

You know who would be the real moron in this situation? The employee that didn't take advantage of the government hand out.

Are you so stupid you don't take advantage of any and every government benefit available?

And why would Walmart raise wages (though they just did) when they can get the government to subsidize the Walmart employee? You think Walmart management is stupid? You think they don't understand that their payroll is substantially less buy using the government programs for their employees?

People like you are fucked up. You don't want workers to form unions. You don't want the government to mandate an increase in wages. You don't mind that other tax payers subsidize low wage workers. Just what the fuck is it that you want low wage workers to do? Suck on the government teat just so Walmart can pay huge money to the top executives? Fuck that.

And if you sign on at Wal Mart...apply yourself, work hard, go to school and advance through is fools like you who want people stuck at minimum if raising it solves their life problems...moron....
..the problem is that the government schools controlled by the education wing of the democrat party, and their democrat allies in the entertainment industry do their best to not educate children and to increase negative habits that keep children from getting an education..

Dude. You may be on to something about the quality of education. I don't know what school you went to but that school sure as fuck failed to provide you with an education. You are dumber than a box of rocks. So yea, the education system seemed to fail YOU. But I got a feeling that willful ignorance is what makes you come off so fucking stupid. I can't blame the school for that.

You do realize that that article is from January 1, 2015....they are just now feeling the impact of the minimum wage realize that...right? So no...they are not thriving....and they will not survive.......look at the articles released this week......

You DO realize that the law goes into effect MAY 1, 2015? Are you a retard??

No...but you are a moron.....the law goes into effect but they aren't going to wait till May 1 to start dealing with it....considering it is May 2....
Now.....for all you geniuses.....tell me how any of that is Wal Marts fault.........
That is no longer the point. We have to look at reality.

Through political correctness and the constant lowering of standards and expectations, we have essentially created an underclass of people who, while almost completely unskilled, have been filled with an artificial "self esteem" that makes them expect more and more for no added value: Confident Idiots American Students Growing More Confident Less Capable. These people exist, and there's not a damn thing we can do about that.

This, on top of the traditional amount of people who simply don't have the capacity to fend for themselves without some public assistance.

There is only one private place to turn for these people, and that's American business. Not because it's the responsibility of American business to put food on the table of these people, but because it's either that or public assistance and even more dependence on government.

It is what it is: A choice between two bad options.

That's what "you didn't build that, someone ELSE made that happen" is all about: Business, we need your money.

We've already passed the tipping point, now we just have to deal with it.


Sorry, we claw our way back...and you don't do that by scapegoating innocent people....businesses aren't the problem...government if we have people who can't provide for themselves than we take care of them until we fix the democrat controlled education system and get those who can support themselves educated and trained....

putting the problem off on innocent businesses only perpetuates the problem......which is what democrats want.....
Well, that could be, but they certainly have all the momentum now.

Plus, it's taken decades, generations, for this to play out, particularly on the education side, and reversing it could easily take as long.


This crap started in the 1960s...well before that but that is when it took off as the domestic terrorists like obama's freind bill ayers and his domestic terrorist wife bernadine dorhn and their fellow travelors went into education, politics and if we start now...and fight back against these will take us at least 40 years or so to take it back....let's start now....
Actually, the 60s were pretty good
A low skilled worker could support a family on one salary. He could join a union. If he worked hard, he could advance

That changed starting in the 80s as we sold out our workers in a quest for supply side. Now workers are scared and hungry and in no position to demand higher wages
Why does someone's rent and utilities go up because they got an extra buck an hour at their job?

REALLY ?? are you this fucking stupid ?

ever since i started working for a living, @14 Y.O., every time i got a raise, prices of every fucking thing went up, food, fuel, rent, EVERY FUCKING THING !!

DAMN !!! you are beyond stupid. :up:

........... :up_yours:
Now.....for all you geniuses.....tell me how any of that is Wal Marts fault.........
That is no longer the point. We have to look at reality.

Through political correctness and the constant lowering of standards and expectations, we have essentially created an underclass of people who, while almost completely unskilled, have been filled with an artificial "self esteem" that makes them expect more and more for no added value: Confident Idiots American Students Growing More Confident Less Capable. These people exist, and there's not a damn thing we can do about that.

This, on top of the traditional amount of people who simply don't have the capacity to fend for themselves without some public assistance.

There is only one private place to turn for these people, and that's American business. Not because it's the responsibility of American business to put food on the table of these people, but because it's either that or public assistance and even more dependence on government.

It is what it is: A choice between two bad options.

That's what "you didn't build that, someone ELSE made that happen" is all about: Business, we need your money.

We've already passed the tipping point, now we just have to deal with it.


Sorry, we claw our way back...and you don't do that by scapegoating innocent people....businesses aren't the problem...government if we have people who can't provide for themselves than we take care of them until we fix the democrat controlled education system and get those who can support themselves educated and trained....

putting the problem off on innocent businesses only perpetuates the problem......which is what democrats want.....
Well, that could be, but they certainly have all the momentum now.

Plus, it's taken decades, generations, for this to play out, particularly on the education side, and reversing it could easily take as long.


This crap started in the 1960s...well before that but that is when it took off as the domestic terrorists like obama's freind bill ayers and his domestic terrorist wife bernadine dorhn and their fellow travelors went into education, politics and if we start now...and fight back against these will take us at least 40 years or so to take it back....let's start now....
Actually, the 60s were pretty good
A low skilled worker could support a family on one salary. He could join a union. If he worked hard, he could advance

That changed starting in the 80s as we sold out our workers in a quest for supply side. Now workers are scared and hungry and in no position to demand higher wages

Sorry, the problem started when the lefties from the 60s gave up the bomb throwing and took jobs in obama's friend bill ayers, and politics, and was their long march of destroying the U.S......
As with all other rises in the cost of doing business, they will be absorbed, through productivity increases, through better management...crossing the T's and dotting the I's, through raising prices a few cents.... doing whatever it takes.

It's survival of the fittest and the fittest will survive
You forgot "fewer hours for employees and less hiring".

And "outsourcing to China".
Why does someone's rent and utilities go up because they got an extra buck an hour at their job?

REALLY ?? are you this fucking stupid ?

ever since i started working for a living, @14 Y.O., every time i got a raise, prices of every fucking thing went up, food, fuel, rent, EVERY FUCKING THING !!

DAMN !!! you are beyond stupid. :up:

........... :up_yours:

Same thing with College tuition....the more grants and loans students get ....the higher the colleges raise the tuition.......if these lefties want to help workers....go after Big Education........that is where the problem is.....

You do realize that that article is from January 1, 2015....they are just now feeling the impact of the minimum wage realize that...right? So no...they are not thriving....and they will not survive.......look at the articles released this week......

You DO realize that the law goes into effect MAY 1, 2015? Are you a retard??

No...but you are a moron.....the law goes into effect but they aren't going to wait till May 1 to start dealing with it....considering it is May 2....

Yea, it is MAY 2 turd there is no "just now feeling the impact"

You do realize that that article is from January 1, 2015....they are just now feeling the impact of the minimum wage realize that...right? So no...they are not thriving....and they will not survive.......look at the articles released this week......

You DO realize that the law goes into effect MAY 1, 2015? Are you a retard??

No...but you are a moron.....the law goes into effect but they aren't going to wait till May 1 to start dealing with it....considering it is May 2....

Yea, it is MAY 2 turd there is no "just now feeling the impact"

Moron....a business can't just sit back and wait for democrat policies....they have a business to run and have to make decisions long before they get jammed up....moron......
As with all other rises in the cost of doing business, they will be absorbed, through productivity increases, through better management...crossing the T's and dotting the I's, through raising prices a few cents.... doing whatever it takes.

It's survival of the fittest and the fittest will survive

Very true

The conservatives always ignore inflation, rises in the price of rent, supplies, energy, taxes.....all while expecting workers to make up for it by maintaining low labor costs
That is no longer the point. We have to look at reality.

Through political correctness and the constant lowering of standards and expectations, we have essentially created an underclass of people who, while almost completely unskilled, have been filled with an artificial "self esteem" that makes them expect more and more for no added value: Confident Idiots American Students Growing More Confident Less Capable. These people exist, and there's not a damn thing we can do about that.

This, on top of the traditional amount of people who simply don't have the capacity to fend for themselves without some public assistance.

There is only one private place to turn for these people, and that's American business. Not because it's the responsibility of American business to put food on the table of these people, but because it's either that or public assistance and even more dependence on government.

It is what it is: A choice between two bad options.

That's what "you didn't build that, someone ELSE made that happen" is all about: Business, we need your money.

We've already passed the tipping point, now we just have to deal with it.


Sorry, we claw our way back...and you don't do that by scapegoating innocent people....businesses aren't the problem...government if we have people who can't provide for themselves than we take care of them until we fix the democrat controlled education system and get those who can support themselves educated and trained....

putting the problem off on innocent businesses only perpetuates the problem......which is what democrats want.....
Well, that could be, but they certainly have all the momentum now.

Plus, it's taken decades, generations, for this to play out, particularly on the education side, and reversing it could easily take as long.


This crap started in the 1960s...well before that but that is when it took off as the domestic terrorists like obama's freind bill ayers and his domestic terrorist wife bernadine dorhn and their fellow travelors went into education, politics and if we start now...and fight back against these will take us at least 40 years or so to take it back....let's start now....
Actually, the 60s were pretty good
A low skilled worker could support a family on one salary. He could join a union. If he worked hard, he could advance

That changed starting in the 80s as we sold out our workers in a quest for supply side. Now workers are scared and hungry and in no position to demand higher wages

Sorry, the problem started when the lefties from the 60s gave up the bomb throwing and took jobs in obama's friend bill ayers, and politics, and was their long march of destroying the U.S......


Where's my tin foil hat?

This guy on the Internet is talking conspiracies again and it's all Obamas fault

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