Liberal activist calls for Steve King to be removed from office for sharing NPC meme

Liberal Activist Calls For Steve King to Be Removed From Office For Sharing NPC Meme
Liberal activist Travis Akers on Friday called for Republican Rep. Steve King to be banned from office for sharing an NPC meme on Facebook after Trump’s State of the Union.

Once again the pathetic left show their true colors and who they really are. This is what your cowardly bitch men look like too. lol
/----/ My favorite
I suggest "liberal activist" Travis Akers get an enema to see if he can't remove that bug he has stuck up his ass.
Once again the left unwittingly mocks itself.
This is as much of an outrage as the outraged feminist over snow markers.

/——/ Unless she lives where there is no significant snow fall, then she’s either an idiot or putting us on with a video she wants to go viral. But then again I live in NY and had a Manhattan sales territory. I’d get managers from the mid west who’d come in to work with me for a day. Some were cool but others acted like this woman. One claimed the No Parking signs were a college fraternity prank because the little town he was from didn’t have any. You could park anywhere. He parked his company car in a tow away zone and had to pay $350 in fines and towing fees.

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