Top Congressional Leader Calls For Swalwell To Be ‘Removed From Congress’ After Chinese Spy Bombshell Story


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Top Congressional Leader Calls For Swalwell To Be ‘Removed From Congress’ After Chinese Spy Bombshell Story

Top Congressional Leader Calls For Swalwell To Be ‘Removed From Congress’ After Chinese Spy Bombshell Story | The Daily Wire
9 Dec2020 ~~ By Ryan Saaverda

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) called for Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA), who sits on the House Intelligence Committee, to be “removed from Congress” following an explosive report this week about his connections to a suspected Chinese spy.
“This is only the tip of the iceberg because remember what we’re hearing, these are Chinese spies that go down to the level of a mayor, they court and help a city councilmember become a congressman, this congressman now gets on the Intel Committee,” McCarthy told Fox News host Laura Ingraham. “They are only selected for the Intel Committee by the leaders of their party, meaning Nancy Pelosi. Nancy Pelosi is one of the Gang of Eight, along with myself.”
“Did Nancy Pelosi know this had transpired when she put him on the Committee?” McCarthy continued. “We have our Senator Dianne Feinstein, for two decades, the personal assistant to hear all the private phone calls in the car and others, a Chinese spy.”
“Why did the Democrats pull out of the bipartisan China Task Force I had set up?” McCarthy continued. “Why did Speaker Pelosi pull out of that? Why have they denied certain bills that would hold China accountable that have passed Senate …? Why do [the Chinese] focus on Silicon Valley members of Congress? Why is he still on the Intel Committee and why is he still a member of Congress? Did Adam Schiff know as chairman of that Committee that [Swalwell] had this problem?”

How about Swalwell getting HANDCUFFED IN THE HOUSE and frog marched out of Congress? No way. Because Democrat or Republican, doing right by the country gets all the say in the world, but action? This has become a totally corrupt system
Swalwell should be a prime candidate for rendition, NEVER to be heard from again!
We are approaching a Civil War. It depends on where YOU sit and what you are in society. It’s apparent that this election is flushed down the toilet. Its been proven beyond reasonable doubt that the voting machines were vulnerable and were available on the internet. Also, Special Forces were involved in Frankfurt Germany in a raid involving Dominion voting systems. That have been denied by the Progressive Marxist/DSA DEmocrat Left and their Quisling Media. Also noted that judges are not answering the lawsuits with any merit as a rebuttal for kicking the cases. We have been infiltrated by the Chinese.
Our only option left is the decision by SCOTUS.
Corrupt Kevin McCarthy.

Maybe I should try this:

Top Congressional Leader Calls For Trump To Be ‘Removed From The White house’ After Calling Military 'Losers and Suckers'

Now it's a legit story, right?

If Fang Fang was not getting information out of Rep. Swalwell, Chairman Xi would have had her move on to someone else a lot quicker. Spies are employees who do the bidding of their employers.

Bring the representative in for questioning, rendition him to an ally where they have a little bit more latitude in their interrogation procedures.

What did Swalwell give up? Is he guilty of Treason?
BTW, this Oriental Broad was also reputedly banging an unnamed liberal Ohio mayor. My FB friend, Mayor Brown of Youngstown assures me it wasn't him.
If Fang Fang was not getting information out of Rep. Swalwell, Chairman Xi would have had her move on to someone else a lot quicker. Spies are employees who do the bidding of their employers.

Bring the representative in for questioning, rendition him to an ally where they have a little bit more latitude in their interrogation procedures.

What did Swalwell give up? Is he guilty of Treason?

God knows what Swalwell spilled after he forced Fang-Fang's head under the sheets!!
Top Congressional Leader Calls For Swalwell To Be ‘Removed From Congress’ After Chinese Spy Bombshell Story

Top Congressional Leader Calls For Swalwell To Be ‘Removed From Congress’ After Chinese Spy Bombshell Story | The Daily Wire
9 Dec2020 ~~ By Ryan Saaverda

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) called for Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA), who sits on the House Intelligence Committee, to be “removed from Congress” following an explosive report this week about his connections to a suspected Chinese spy.
“This is only the tip of the iceberg because remember what we’re hearing, these are Chinese spies that go down to the level of a mayor, they court and help a city councilmember become a congressman, this congressman now gets on the Intel Committee,” McCarthy told Fox News host Laura Ingraham. “They are only selected for the Intel Committee by the leaders of their party, meaning Nancy Pelosi. Nancy Pelosi is one of the Gang of Eight, along with myself.”
“Did Nancy Pelosi know this had transpired when she put him on the Committee?” McCarthy continued. “We have our Senator Dianne Feinstein, for two decades, the personal assistant to hear all the private phone calls in the car and others, a Chinese spy.”
“Why did the Democrats pull out of the bipartisan China Task Force I had set up?” McCarthy continued. “Why did Speaker Pelosi pull out of that? Why have they denied certain bills that would hold China accountable that have passed Senate …? Why do [the Chinese] focus on Silicon Valley members of Congress? Why is he still on the Intel Committee and why is he still a member of Congress? Did Adam Schiff know as chairman of that Committee that [Swalwell] had this problem?”

How about Swalwell getting HANDCUFFED IN THE HOUSE and frog marched out of Congress? No way. Because Democrat or Republican, doing right by the country gets all the say in the world, but action? This has become a totally corrupt system
Swalwell should be a prime candidate for rendition, NEVER to be heard from again!
We are approaching a Civil War. It depends on where YOU sit and what you are in society. It’s apparent that this election is flushed down the toilet. Its been proven beyond reasonable doubt that the voting machines were vulnerable and were available on the internet. Also, Special Forces were involved in Frankfurt Germany in a raid involving Dominion voting systems. That have been denied by the Progressive Marxist/DSA DEmocrat Left and their Quisling Media. Also noted that judges are not answering the lawsuits with any merit as a rebuttal for kicking the cases. We have been infiltrated by the Chinese.
Our only option left is the decision by SCOTUS.

Chinese ownership of the Democrat party is the MASSIVE bombshell that they tried to cover up with all the red herrings of Russian collusion, Trump-hate, Covid lockdowns, election fraud, and the violent riots.

This isn't going away. The incoming administration is literally owned by the communist Chinese government.
Top Congressional Leader Calls For Swalwell To Be ‘Removed From Congress’ After Chinese Spy Bombshell Story

Top Congressional Leader Calls For Swalwell To Be ‘Removed From Congress’ After Chinese Spy Bombshell Story | The Daily Wire
9 Dec2020 ~~ By Ryan Saaverda

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) called for Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA), who sits on the House Intelligence Committee, to be “removed from Congress” following an explosive report this week about his connections to a suspected Chinese spy.
“This is only the tip of the iceberg because remember what we’re hearing, these are Chinese spies that go down to the level of a mayor, they court and help a city councilmember become a congressman, this congressman now gets on the Intel Committee,” McCarthy told Fox News host Laura Ingraham. “They are only selected for the Intel Committee by the leaders of their party, meaning Nancy Pelosi. Nancy Pelosi is one of the Gang of Eight, along with myself.”
“Did Nancy Pelosi know this had transpired when she put him on the Committee?” McCarthy continued. “We have our Senator Dianne Feinstein, for two decades, the personal assistant to hear all the private phone calls in the car and others, a Chinese spy.”
“Why did the Democrats pull out of the bipartisan China Task Force I had set up?” McCarthy continued. “Why did Speaker Pelosi pull out of that? Why have they denied certain bills that would hold China accountable that have passed Senate …? Why do [the Chinese] focus on Silicon Valley members of Congress? Why is he still on the Intel Committee and why is he still a member of Congress? Did Adam Schiff know as chairman of that Committee that [Swalwell] had this problem?”

How about Swalwell getting HANDCUFFED IN THE HOUSE and frog marched out of Congress? No way. Because Democrat or Republican, doing right by the country gets all the say in the world, but action? This has become a totally corrupt system
Swalwell should be a prime candidate for rendition, NEVER to be heard from again!
We are approaching a Civil War. It depends on where YOU sit and what you are in society. It’s apparent that this election is flushed down the toilet. Its been proven beyond reasonable doubt that the voting machines were vulnerable and were available on the internet. Also, Special Forces were involved in Frankfurt Germany in a raid involving Dominion voting systems. That have been denied by the Progressive Marxist/DSA DEmocrat Left and their Quisling Media. Also noted that judges are not answering the lawsuits with any merit as a rebuttal for kicking the cases. We have been infiltrated by the Chinese.
Our only option left is the decision by SCOTUS.

Chinese ownership of the Democrat party is the MASSIVE bombshell that they tried to cover up with all the red herrings of Russian collusion, Trump-hate, Covid lockdowns, election fraud, and the violent riots.

This isn't going away. The incoming administration is literally owned by the communist Chinese government.

The political class gets wealthy by being Communist Chinese assets.
We woke up too late!
Top Congressional Leader Calls For Swalwell To Be ‘Removed From Congress’ After Chinese Spy Bombshell Story

Top Congressional Leader Calls For Swalwell To Be ‘Removed From Congress’ After Chinese Spy Bombshell Story | The Daily Wire
9 Dec2020 ~~ By Ryan Saaverda

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) called for Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA), who sits on the House Intelligence Committee, to be “removed from Congress” following an explosive report this week about his connections to a suspected Chinese spy.
“This is only the tip of the iceberg because remember what we’re hearing, these are Chinese spies that go down to the level of a mayor, they court and help a city councilmember become a congressman, this congressman now gets on the Intel Committee,” McCarthy told Fox News host Laura Ingraham. “They are only selected for the Intel Committee by the leaders of their party, meaning Nancy Pelosi. Nancy Pelosi is one of the Gang of Eight, along with myself.”
“Did Nancy Pelosi know this had transpired when she put him on the Committee?” McCarthy continued. “We have our Senator Dianne Feinstein, for two decades, the personal assistant to hear all the private phone calls in the car and others, a Chinese spy.”
“Why did the Democrats pull out of the bipartisan China Task Force I had set up?” McCarthy continued. “Why did Speaker Pelosi pull out of that? Why have they denied certain bills that would hold China accountable that have passed Senate …? Why do [the Chinese] focus on Silicon Valley members of Congress? Why is he still on the Intel Committee and why is he still a member of Congress? Did Adam Schiff know as chairman of that Committee that [Swalwell] had this problem?”

How about Swalwell getting HANDCUFFED IN THE HOUSE and frog marched out of Congress? No way. Because Democrat or Republican, doing right by the country gets all the say in the world, but action? This has become a totally corrupt system
Swalwell should be a prime candidate for rendition, NEVER to be heard from again!
We are approaching a Civil War. It depends on where YOU sit and what you are in society. It’s apparent that this election is flushed down the toilet. Its been proven beyond reasonable doubt that the voting machines were vulnerable and were available on the internet. Also, Special Forces were involved in Frankfurt Germany in a raid involving Dominion voting systems. That have been denied by the Progressive Marxist/DSA DEmocrat Left and their Quisling Media. Also noted that judges are not answering the lawsuits with any merit as a rebuttal for kicking the cases. We have been infiltrated by the Chinese.
Our only option left is the decision by SCOTUS.

Chinese ownership of the Democrat party is the MASSIVE bombshell that they tried to cover up with all the red herrings of Russian collusion, Trump-hate, Covid lockdowns, election fraud, and the violent riots.

This isn't going away. The incoming administration is literally owned by the communist Chinese government.

Truth of the matter is that Rep. Swalwell would be horsewhipped through streets by his own political party in a civilized country.

Since when is fucking around with Oriental Honey Pots considered acceptable behavior. When that Russian chick went into Trump Tower to try and infiltrate the Trump Family, she was dismissed quickly and nothing was given up.
Top Congressional Leader Calls For Swalwell To Be ‘Removed From Congress’ After Chinese Spy Bombshell Story

Top Congressional Leader Calls For Swalwell To Be ‘Removed From Congress’ After Chinese Spy Bombshell Story | The Daily Wire
9 Dec2020 ~~ By Ryan Saaverda

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) called for Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA), who sits on the House Intelligence Committee, to be “removed from Congress” following an explosive report this week about his connections to a suspected Chinese spy.
“This is only the tip of the iceberg because remember what we’re hearing, these are Chinese spies that go down to the level of a mayor, they court and help a city councilmember become a congressman, this congressman now gets on the Intel Committee,” McCarthy told Fox News host Laura Ingraham. “They are only selected for the Intel Committee by the leaders of their party, meaning Nancy Pelosi. Nancy Pelosi is one of the Gang of Eight, along with myself.”
“Did Nancy Pelosi know this had transpired when she put him on the Committee?” McCarthy continued. “We have our Senator Dianne Feinstein, for two decades, the personal assistant to hear all the private phone calls in the car and others, a Chinese spy.”
“Why did the Democrats pull out of the bipartisan China Task Force I had set up?” McCarthy continued. “Why did Speaker Pelosi pull out of that? Why have they denied certain bills that would hold China accountable that have passed Senate …? Why do [the Chinese] focus on Silicon Valley members of Congress? Why is he still on the Intel Committee and why is he still a member of Congress? Did Adam Schiff know as chairman of that Committee that [Swalwell] had this problem?”

How about Swalwell getting HANDCUFFED IN THE HOUSE and frog marched out of Congress? No way. Because Democrat or Republican, doing right by the country gets all the say in the world, but action? This has become a totally corrupt system
Swalwell should be a prime candidate for rendition, NEVER to be heard from again!
We are approaching a Civil War. It depends on where YOU sit and what you are in society. It’s apparent that this election is flushed down the toilet. Its been proven beyond reasonable doubt that the voting machines were vulnerable and were available on the internet. Also, Special Forces were involved in Frankfurt Germany in a raid involving Dominion voting systems. That have been denied by the Progressive Marxist/DSA DEmocrat Left and their Quisling Media. Also noted that judges are not answering the lawsuits with any merit as a rebuttal for kicking the cases. We have been infiltrated by the Chinese.
Our only option left is the decision by SCOTUS.

Chinese ownership of the Democrat party is the MASSIVE bombshell that they tried to cover up with all the red herrings of Russian collusion, Trump-hate, Covid lockdowns, election fraud, and the violent riots.

This isn't going away. The incoming administration is literally owned by the communist Chinese government.

Along with every American (and illegal) that voted for the POS Beijing Biden.
Corrupt Kevin McCarthy.

Maybe I should try this:

Top Congressional Leader Calls For Trump To Be ‘Removed From The White house’ After Calling Military 'Losers and Suckers'

Now it's a legit story, right?

Even it was true and not a spin of yours dear----doing so isn't a crime....what the dem did on the other hand is treason. Amazing that you are unable to grasp this and lack the ethics as well to even understand.
Corrupt Kevin McCarthy.

Maybe I should try this:

Top Congressional Leader Calls For Trump To Be ‘Removed From The White house’ After Calling Military 'Losers and Suckers'

Now it's a legit story, right?

Even it was true and not a spin of yours dear----doing so isn't a crime....what the dem did on the other hand is treason. Amazing that you are unable to grasp this and lack the ethics as well to even understand.
There is going to be two separate nations born of this chaos....that's when China will make its move.

Top Congressional Leader Calls For Swalwell To Be ‘Removed From Congress’ After Chinese Spy Bombshell Story

Top Congressional Leader Calls For Swalwell To Be ‘Removed From Congress’ After Chinese Spy Bombshell Story | The Daily Wire
9 Dec2020 ~~ By Ryan Saaverda

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) called for Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA), who sits on the House Intelligence Committee, to be “removed from Congress” following an explosive report this week about his connections to a suspected Chinese spy.
“This is only the tip of the iceberg because remember what we’re hearing, these are Chinese spies that go down to the level of a mayor, they court and help a city councilmember become a congressman, this congressman now gets on the Intel Committee,” McCarthy told Fox News host Laura Ingraham. “They are only selected for the Intel Committee by the leaders of their party, meaning Nancy Pelosi. Nancy Pelosi is one of the Gang of Eight, along with myself.”
“Did Nancy Pelosi know this had transpired when she put him on the Committee?” McCarthy continued. “We have our Senator Dianne Feinstein, for two decades, the personal assistant to hear all the private phone calls in the car and others, a Chinese spy.”
“Why did the Democrats pull out of the bipartisan China Task Force I had set up?” McCarthy continued. “Why did Speaker Pelosi pull out of that? Why have they denied certain bills that would hold China accountable that have passed Senate …? Why do [the Chinese] focus on Silicon Valley members of Congress? Why is he still on the Intel Committee and why is he still a member of Congress? Did Adam Schiff know as chairman of that Committee that [Swalwell] had this problem?”

How about Swalwell getting HANDCUFFED IN THE HOUSE and frog marched out of Congress? No way. Because Democrat or Republican, doing right by the country gets all the say in the world, but action? This has become a totally corrupt system
Swalwell should be a prime candidate for rendition, NEVER to be heard from again!
We are approaching a Civil War. It depends on where YOU sit and what you are in society. It’s apparent that this election is flushed down the toilet. Its been proven beyond reasonable doubt that the voting machines were vulnerable and were available on the internet. Also, Special Forces were involved in Frankfurt Germany in a raid involving Dominion voting systems. That have been denied by the Progressive Marxist/DSA DEmocrat Left and their Quisling Media. Also noted that judges are not answering the lawsuits with any merit as a rebuttal for kicking the cases. We have been infiltrated by the Chinese.
Our only option left is the decision by SCOTUS.

Try to get things correct.

McCarthy isn't the top congressional leader.

That would be NANCY PEOLSI.

McCarthy is the minority leader in the house.

And who gives a damn what he things or wants? Especially when what he wants is based on nothing but lies designed to destroy a democratic congressman.

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