Liar, Liar pants on fire...?

Pups in the defence industry do happen. A proven track history for one weapons system is no proof another works.
After all, the reports are a tad one sided, and there is no independent verification.

The verification is there has been one Israeli killed for how many dozens of rockets have been launched? Get a clue, there is no way that you can fire that number of rockets and hide casualties if they are indeed happening. Far too many eyes watching what's happening.

Have you ever heard of the DEW line that has been in operation for half a century now, and that does the same thing. A film was made of the system that took fantasy and fact and made them into a sci-fi story. The reality is that many war machines are fitted with anti missile systems that detect when a missile has been launched and has a lock. The hamas rockets don't have this facility so the SAMS of Israel can lock on and bring them down.
The man is claiming a lot more than that.

EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Israeli Whistle Blower: 'Horrible Lies.' No Gaza Attacks On Tel Aviv, No Iron Dome Op | War and Conflict

Essentially, he's saying the missile attacks from Gaza into Tel Aviv are fakes, designed to gain international support for attacks on Gaza.

I need to know a lot more about the man and his political interests before I can decided on how likely he is to be telling the truth.

You cant fake telemetry from US satellites that show rockets originating from gaza and flying towards Tel Aviv. You can even see them on Google Earth and Israel has no control over that.

Essentially you are believing anything bad that is said about Israel because that is how you have been brainwashed to think.
Wrong on all counts. Sea Wolf had one failure to acquire when they were close to San Carlos Water so they moved the Broadswords out into the open ocean where the guidance systems wouldn't have a problem. The Argies had one flight of four Skyhawks that were inbound, three were intercepted by Sea Wolf and shot down, one managed to drop his bomb which the Sea Wolf hit instead of the A-4 which then hit the water trying to evade another Sea Wolf.

The problem the RN had during the Falklands was they only had two of the Type 22 frigates and they were usually assigned as close escort to the Invincible and the Hermes.

I can go chapter and verse on the Falklands war if you wish, but you're simply wrong.

You're right. I've since learned that the type 910 did have a secondary CCTV guidance facility so the camera footage in that clip could well have come from a Seawolf launch after all, but unless you are claiming the Seawolf was deliberately aimed at the bomb, I'll stick to the idea it hit a bomb by pure fluke. :D
I have already disproved the article. Disprove that, moron.

Have you? where?

Wait, what? Are you suggesting that comments should be supported with evidence? What an audacious notion.

So then, your conspiracy theory that iron dome doesn't actually work is supported, where?

Not my theory. I just posted the article and awaited an intelligent response, I actually got one from Westwall, so I'm happy. :)
Wrong on all counts. Sea Wolf had one failure to acquire when they were close to San Carlos Water so they moved the Broadswords out into the open ocean where the guidance systems wouldn't have a problem. The Argies had one flight of four Skyhawks that were inbound, three were intercepted by Sew Wolf and shot down, one managed to drop his bomb which the Sea Wolf hit instead of the A-4 which then hit the water trying to evade another Sea Wolf.

The problem the RN had during the Falklands was they only had two of the Type 22 frigates and they were usually assigned as close escort to the Invincible and the Hermes.

I can go chapter and verse on the Falklands war if you wish, but you're simply wrong.

You're right. I've since learned that the type 910 did have a secondary CCTV guidance facility so the camera footage in that clip could well have come from a Seawolf launch after all, but unless you are claiming the Seawolf was deliberately aimed at the bomb, I'll stick to the idea it hit a bomb by pure fluke. :D

Not a fluke, the A-4 did a high G maneuver that put him into the Atlantic so the only target left was the bomb....which it duly hit and destroyed.
The debate that just won't go away, here's an update.

Israel?s Iron Dome is more like an iron sieve | The Great Debate

There’s really no debate to be had. No missile defense system is perfect. The Israeli system is based upon the Partriot system that was developed by the US and used in Gulf II. What is not debatable is that the Iron Dome system and Israeli early warning systems implemented to protect civilians has been very effective at minimizing Israeli casualities.

On the other hand, the beat-down being taken by your islamo-fascist heroes is nothing short of yet another humiliating defeat for Islamic terrorists.

Report: Hamas Morale Collapsing, Terrorists Flee IDF

Report: Hamas Morale Collapsing, Terrorists Flee IDF
If this turns out to be true, it changes the whole dynamic of the current situation:

Globes English - Defense Prize winner Moti Shefer: Iron Dome is a bluff

Anyone care to disprove the article?

concern troll
A person who posts on a blog thread, in the guise of "concern," to disrupt dialogue or undermine morale by pointing out that posters and/or the site may be getting themselves in trouble, usually with an authority or power. They point out problems that don't really exist. The intent is to derail, stifle, control, the dialogue. It is viewed as insincere and condescending.

Urban Dictionary: concern troll
[MENTION=23239]westwall[/MENTION] this BBC report of last year is interesting, In the last seconds of the video you see a large amount of missiles launched and a large amount of similar explosions. Is the claim that each explosion is a missile strike?
BBC News - Does Israel's Iron Dome actually work?

What makes it "interesting"? They presented nothing more than a skeptic who clearly doesn't understand how missile intercept technology works. The one shown is no more credible than those who say an aircraft didn't hit the Pentagon on 9/11.
[MENTION=23239]westwall[/MENTION] this BBC report of last year is interesting, In the last seconds of the video you see a large amount of missiles launched and a large amount of similar explosions. Is the claim that each explosion is a missile strike?
BBC News - Does Israel's Iron Dome actually work?

What makes it "interesting"? They presented nothing more than a skeptic who clearly doesn't understand how missile intercept technology works. The one shown is no more credible than those who say an aircraft didn't hit the Pentagon on 9/11.[/QUOTE [MENTION=23239]westwall[/MENTION], my question was whether the sixteen to eighteen explosions at the end of the wedding video are Iron dome missiles hitting terrorist missiles?

Also if an Iron Domes missile does not find a target over Israel does it explode when it hits the ground? I also wonder why the skeptic is not shown infrared videos, that would disproved his assumptions and be a wonderful sales aid.
[MENTION=23239]westwall[/MENTION] this BBC report of last year is interesting, In the last seconds of the video you see a large amount of missiles launched and a large amount of similar explosions. Is the claim that each explosion is a missile strike?
BBC News - Does Israel's Iron Dome actually work?

What makes it "interesting"? They presented nothing more than a skeptic who clearly doesn't understand how missile intercept technology works. The one shown is no more credible than those who say an aircraft didn't hit the Pentagon on 9/11.[/QUOTE [MENTION=23239]westwall[/MENTION], my question was whether the sixteen to eighteen explosions at the end of the wedding video are Iron dome missiles hitting terrorist missiles?

Also if an Iron Domes missile does not find a target over Israel does it explode when it hits the ground? I also wonder why the skeptic is not shown infrared videos, that would disproved his assumptions and be a wonderful sales aid.

Another idiot in the wilderness.
If the incoming object is going to land within certain coordinatez our outside other coordinates, Iron Dome DOESN'T respond.
But God forbid Jew haters should read an article on how it works as opposed to how "it's A LIE!".
[MENTION=23239]westwall[/MENTION] this BBC report of last year is interesting, In the last seconds of the video you see a large amount of missiles launched and a large amount of similar explosions. Is the claim that each explosion is a missile strike?
BBC News - Does Israel's Iron Dome actually work?

What makes it "interesting"? They presented nothing more than a skeptic who clearly doesn't understand how missile intercept technology works. The one shown is no more credible than those who say an aircraft didn't hit the Pentagon on 9/11.[/QUOTE [MENTION=23239]westwall[/MENTION], my question was whether the sixteen to eighteen explosions at the end of the wedding video are Iron dome missiles hitting terrorist missiles?

Also if an Iron Domes missile does not find a target over Israel does it explode when it hits the ground? I also wonder why the skeptic is not shown infrared videos, that would disproved his assumptions and be a wonderful sales aid.

Anti air missiles usually have a self destruct fuze so they don't come down intact which can cause as much damage as the actual warheads. You would have to ask the skeptics why they don't deploy an IR camera themselves. No one is stopping them...
What makes it "interesting"? They presented nothing more than a skeptic who clearly doesn't understand how missile intercept technology works. The one shown is no more credible than those who say an aircraft didn't hit the Pentagon on 9/11.[/QUOTE [MENTION=23239]westwall[/MENTION], my question was whether the sixteen to eighteen explosions at the end of the wedding video are Iron dome missiles hitting terrorist missiles?

Also if an Iron Domes missile does not find a target over Israel does it explode when it hits the ground? I also wonder why the skeptic is not shown infrared videos, that would disproved his assumptions and be a wonderful sales aid.

Anti air missiles usually have a self destruct fuze so they don't come down intact which can cause as much damage as the actual warheads. You would have to ask the skeptics why they don't deploy an IR camera themselves. No one is stopping them...
@westwall, am I to assume that your reluctance to answer what caused the sixteen to eighteen explosions, is because they are just as likely to be the self destruct fuse as a hit?
[MENTION=49937]Daniyel[/MENTION] perhaps as an Israeli weapons expert you would be kind enough to answer my question from above post.
[MENTION=49937]Daniyel[/MENTION] perhaps as an Israeli weapons expert you would be kind enough to answer my question from above post.
You relate to Iron Dome missiles or the UNRWA shelter incident?
How come that 5-6 mortar shells caused sixteen explosions? I don't know, I never seen any picture or anything related to it.
The answer lay in the question, ANTI-AIR missile, not mortar shells.. and last time I checked it was Mortar shells, simple logic..
About the AA self-destruct system that defuse the warhead - it depends on the type of the missile..
Okie my bad, you relate to Iron Dome missiles, first the Iron Dome also comes with additional system called 'Alta' which calculate where exactly the hostile projectile will land, sometimes its worth to let it hit open area where nobody would get hurt and there will be no damage to property and save the missile..
The Iron Dome missiles can also be guided manually, but so far 90% of the attempts to intercept went successfully so I really don't know where you are going with this but I think I left all answers open, try rephrasing your question please..
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