Letter from a Former Roman Catholic

... The devil's mad and I'm glad! Hallelujah!

What about if the devil's glad because you are mad? Maranatha. Alleluja. Did you ever hear about that human beings are able to think completly irreal? We are making lots of mistakes in calcualtions or plans or interpretations. I saw once a video where people stood on a bridge while a gigantic wave of water came down the river. They were very interested in this phenomenon and filmed and discussed about. Suddenly they recogniced: This is the reality and not their toughts about realities. They started to run - but it was to late. The bridge crashed down under their feet. I guess no one survived.

So let me ask you what you imagine how the world will be if you will have erased all Catholics from this planet. What is better in this case?

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... you do realize all religions grown out of paganism.....even your precious christianity?

There's by the way a nice evidence that Pagans and Christians lived very near and without big problems. The pagans gave the names for the babylonian seven days week, when they overtook this structure of psychological time from Christians and/or Jews: Mon-day (Moon) Sun-day (Sun) Tuesday (Tius or Tyr) Wednesday (Wodan) Thursday (Thor) Friday (Frya) Saturday (Saturnus). Christians and Jews had no problem to use this names. I don't think it were wars or violent ways what convinced Pagans from christian ways. It was lifestyle, philosophy and spirituality.

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... There has been no religious persecution from any other denomination claiming to represent Christianity. ...

What do you think did the Anglicans (=Protestants) in Great Britain and Ireland? Still today a Catholic is not allowed to become King or Queen of England - what's in an unwritten way nearly the same in the USA. The only Catholic whoever was president of the USA was John F. Kennedy. He was about three years president of the USA before he was murdered - what's only about 1-1.5% of the history of the USA.

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Why is it that you and other Catholics on this board are incapable of addressing the OP concerning the crimes committed by the Roman Catholic Institution and in this case, their false accusations against a man who was a Jesuit and exposed the goings on and history of their Vatican? Do all of you get the same script to read from when responding to those who dare to question your "Holy See"? Tell the boss it isn't working! ha! ha! Now go back to the OP and read the letter and if you cannot address it go find another thread. Personal attacks on USMB are not permitted and the Jesuits have most likely murdered more people than the suicide bombers in the Middle East ever did. Not that there is a contest as to which branch of their organization is doing the most damage. Or is there? You should know!

First of all, I am not a Roman Catholic, but an Episcopalian.

Second, the Roman Catholic Church has been more guilty of religious persecution than other Christian denominations, but that was a long time ago. Little is gained by revisiting this.

Not to accuse you but the truth is these days most Jesuit trained agents of Rome would consider it the heighth of stupidity to claim any affiliation with the RCC. They all come in under the guise of Protestant, Mormon, Anglican, Orthodox, Presbyterian, Baptist, Pentecostal, Episcopalian, Lutheran and numerous other names in order to deceive the elect. As for revisiting it? I'm not ever going to stop writing about the history of the Roman Empire, the Holocaust, the murder of 6 million Jews and 7 million Gentiles not counting those who lost their lives in WWI & WWII both created by the Vatican and most certainly I shall never forget my brothers and sisters who perished in the Inquisitions by this Church of Satan and its workers. No. My bible tells me to defend the faith, to expose false teachers / wolves in sheeps clothing and to expose the works of darkness and to warn the Believers to have no part of them. My Bible commands me to speak out against evil and defend those who cannot speak up for themselves. That is what my Bible teaches me.

If you are going to be an Episcopalian Christian and obey God why don't you obey your bible and do what it says? Instead of giving me grief over why I shouldn't?

Jack Chick's comic books accuse the Roman Catholic Church of conspiring to cause the rise of Islam, the American Civil War, both World Wars, and the rise of both the Communist movement, and the Nazi movement.

I hope you have the sense to disagree. Chick is a hate peddler. We do not need that, especially when his charges against the Roman Catholic Church are so bizarre as to indicate deliberate lying.

Also Chick presents Christianity in a very negative light, His is a ministry of hatred. I have never met anyone who was aware of his comics who did not think they were repulsive.

Most people look at chic comix as a joke and look at them or comic purpose and laugh ,an entire industry has grown up mocking and laughing at him The Jack T. Chick Parody Archive
.... the ... Catholic Church which .., has a doctrine of murdering anyone who disagrees with their teachings. ...

Good idea. Still the Borgias are Catholics and what about if they and Charon will help us to transport you over your own river of hate? Keeps the problem: Why did we not send you to hell yet? Why are you still alive?

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Hey zaan

If there were no Catholics, then those people probably would be Orthodox.....

Europe is nearly dead. The US-empire is not orthodox. China is the power of the future. Why should the world of the Catholics like to go under the shield of Russia?

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Why is it that you and other Catholics on this board are incapable of addressing the OP concerning the crimes committed by the Roman Catholic Institution and in this case, their false accusations against a man who was a Jesuit and exposed the goings on and history of their Vatican? Do all of you get the same script to read from when responding to those who dare to question your "Holy See"? Tell the boss it isn't working! ha! ha! Now go back to the OP and read the letter and if you cannot address it go find another thread. Personal attacks on USMB are not permitted and the Jesuits have most likely murdered more people than the suicide bombers in the Middle East ever did. Not that there is a contest as to which branch of their organization is doing the most damage. Or is there? You should know!

First of all, I am not a Roman Catholic, but an Episcopalian.

Second, the Roman Catholic Church has been more guilty of religious persecution than other Christian denominations, but that was a long time ago. Little is gained by revisiting this.

Not to accuse you but the truth is these days most Jesuit trained agents of Rome would consider it the heighth of stupidity to claim any affiliation with the RCC. They all come in under the guise of Protestant, Mormon, Anglican, Orthodox, Presbyterian, Baptist, Pentecostal, Episcopalian, Lutheran and numerous other names in order to deceive the elect. As for revisiting it? I'm not ever going to stop writing about the history of the Roman Empire, the Holocaust, the murder of 6 million Jews and 7 million Gentiles not counting those who lost their lives in WWI & WWII both created by the Vatican and most certainly I shall never forget my brothers and sisters who perished in the Inquisitions by this Church of Satan and its workers. No. My bible tells me to defend the faith, to expose false teachers / wolves in sheeps clothing and to expose the works of darkness and to warn the Believers to have no part of them. My Bible commands me to speak out against evil and defend those who cannot speak up for themselves. That is what my Bible teaches me.

If you are going to be an Episcopalian Christian and obey God why don't you obey your bible and do what it says? Instead of giving me grief over why I shouldn't?

Jack Chick's comic books accuse the Roman Catholic Church of conspiring to cause the rise of Islam, the American Civil War, both World Wars, and the rise of both the Communist movement, and the Nazi movement.

I hope you have the sense to disagree. Chick is a hate peddler. We do not need that, especially when his charges against the Roman Catholic Church are so bizarre as to indicate deliberate lying.

Also Chick presents Christianity in a very negative light, His is a ministry of hatred. I have never met anyone who was aware of his comics who did not think they were repulsive.

Most people look at chic comix as a joke and look at them or comic purpose and laugh ,an entire industry has grown up mocking and laughing at him The Jack T. Chick Parody Archive

That isn't true. In fact, Jack T. Chick was highly respected until he was attacked by the Roman Vatican who slandered his name (they must have spent a fortune) in an effort to destroy his reputation and lessen his credibility. If you have read this thread through you can see that it has not worked. In fact, the reverse has happened. People realize that Alberto would not still be able to be published if it weren't true. There has never been a lawsuit over it because the Roman Vatican knows they are lying. Alberto Rivera's Identification papers, papers signed by an Archbishop and other photo of him in his Priestly garb in a newspaper are there for anyone to see and the lastest? The Latest is there is another archbishop who is now a born again Christian and left the Roman Catholic Institution and he says he knew Alberto Rivera, that he was telling the truth about being a Jesuit. That Alberto Rivera was a Jesuit and he also said that everything Alberto said was the truth. How about that? So each time another priest, another nun, another archbishop gets saved and leaves the Roman System the truth is confirmed again. And again and again and again. I have lost count but he is perhaps the 4 or 5th person who was inside the Roman Catholic System to confirm Alberto Rivera was telling the truth, Guno. Read the letter in its entirety and respond to that. Rather than making things up.
Hey zaan

If there were no Catholics, then those people probably would be Orthodox.....

Europe is nearly dead. The US-empire is not orthodox. China is the power of the future. Why should the world of the Catholics like to go under the shield of Russia?

Actually the Roman Catholic churches are almost dead - the ones that are left are full of elderly people which is probably why the Roman Vatican is in secular businesses of every kind including pornography publishing companies printing trashy books, books on the occult, etc. Vatican banking, working with the Mafia, sex trafficking charges concerning children have been brought up again and again - many evil things they have been accused of and are still powerful enough to not get dragged into court over. With that said, if they do not get people to fill their churches once again (instead of selling them off to the Muslims for Mosques) their charade would soon be over so the idea of a one world universal church with them at the helm is precisely the plan they must have to stay in business and in control. (while still claiming to be a "Church" - which in reality they aren't) They are working on it now and the Protestants who know this is the anti-Christ system warned about in the bible are praying against it.
According to J.T. Chick and Alberto Islam is the result of a Roman Catholic plot to take the Holy Lands away from the Eastern Orthodox Church. Anyone who believes that can believe anything.
Jeri is a psychopath. Thank goodness she wasn't born in the middle east or she would've suicide bombed something years ago.

Why is it that you and other Catholics on this board are incapable of addressing the OP concerning the crimes committed by the Roman Catholic Institution and in this case, their false accusations against a man who was a Jesuit and exposed the goings on and history of their Vatican? Do all of you get the same script to read from when responding to those who dare to question your "Holy See"? Tell the boss it isn't working! ha! ha! Now go back to the OP and read the letter and if you cannot address it go find another thread. Personal attacks on USMB are not permitted and the Jesuits have most likely murdered more people than the suicide bombers in the Middle East ever did. Not that there is a contest as to which branch of their organization is doing the most damage. Or is there? You should know!
I'll address it.
the letter in the op claims to offer evidence that Alberto is, or was, what he claimed. It does not. Instead the letter offers several opinions about the church in general and claims them as "fact"
Further, the author claims that the church teaches that it can lie to promote itself, and therefore cannot be trusted. When facing that the book about alberto may be a lie, the author of the letter seems to claim that such a lie would be acceptable and he would rejoice, since through its printing " once again this 'mother of all spiritual whoredoms' isbeing brought again to theattention of the TRUE sheepof God? nceagain this 'mother of all spiritual whoredoms' isbeing brought again to theattention of the TRUE sheepof God? "

I believe that like Chick and Jeri herself, Mr. Houston of the op's letter is, or was, in the clutches of the devil, listening to and believing the lies Satan whispered in his ear because they made him feel special and important, and because they reinforced his hatreds.
This is an interesting video made by a young man explaining what he has learned about the Vatican. He sounds very angry about what he has learned and it is understandable. Still he has gained quite a bit of knowledge on the subject. One interesting point that needs to be made. Pope Francis is not a Latino. He is an Italian. The media needs to make that clear. Here is the video:

He has quite a bit of information but what he does not understand is that the Roman Vatican never gave the King James Version bible to their people - they created a counterfeit bible for them to read so that they wouldn't be exposed as a false church. This young man is definitely sounding off and I have an ex Catholic who heard it today and said, this is really good - the people need to hear it so I put it up. I do not feel the sarcasm was necessary but again - he's angry and he has ever right to be angry. I'm very happy to learn that our young people are not only realizing what is happening but they are going to you tube to voice their anger over it.
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So God let the Catholic deception go on for 1600 years until the advent of Early Modern English?
.... the ... Catholic Church which .., has a doctrine of murdering anyone who disagrees with their teachings. ...

Good idea. Still the Borgias are Catholics and what about if they and Charon will help us to transport you over your own river of hate? Keeps the problem: Why did we not send you to hell yet? Why are you still alive?

I am a born again Christian. Look up Luke 10:19. Satan is under my feet. He has no power over me. Question for you. Why live under the thumb of the devil when Jesus Christ paid the price to put him under your feet? What are you afraid of? Whatever it is you should fear God not man. It is God that has the power to cast you into hell. Not man. Fear of man is a snare of Satan. Become a born again Christian and you'll be free of it.
.... the ... Catholic Church which .., has a doctrine of murdering anyone who disagrees with their teachings. ...

Good idea. Still the Borgias are Catholics and what about if they and Charon will help us to transport you over your own river of hate? Keeps the problem: Why did we not send you to hell yet? Why are you still alive?

I am a born again Christian. Look up Luke 10:19. Satan is under my feet. He has no power over me. Question for you. Why live under the thumb of the devil when Jesus Christ paid the price to put him under your feet? What are you afraid of? Whatever it is you should fear God not man. It is God that has the power to cast you into hell. Not man. Fear of man is a snare of Satan. Become a born again Christian and you'll be free of it.

Spreading the lies you do I'd say Satan has a pretty good grip on you and that you are unwittingly his agent
... I am a born again Christian. Look up Luke 10:19. Satan is under my feet. He has no power over me. Question for you. Why live under the thumb of the devil when Jesus Christ paid the price to put him under your feet? What are you afraid of? Whatever it is you should fear God not man. It is God that has the power to cast you into hell. Not man. Fear of man is a snare of Satan. Become a born again Christian and you'll be free of it.

I love my small fishing Club and in the moment I remember nothing what you said what I could subsumize under the category "christian religion". It seems to me everything what you say has to do with agressions and fights. The most strange thing: You are using lies without any scruple and even without any reason to do so, because never a Catholic did something what was bad for you in your whole life, isn't it? But whatever we are - nothing becomes true in your mind because you hate us. If you think so then you are living only your own illusion.

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... He has quite a bit of information but what he does not understand is that the Roman Vatican never gave the King James Version bible to their people ...

I tell you a deep mysthically secret now: Here we are buying our bibles in a bookstore. Everyone the bible he likes to read. Sometimes we are also translating the bible. In the moment we have translations in 2527 languages.

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Whats up with all these anti-Catholic threads?

What anti Catholic threads? These threads are about Catholic Romanism being anti-Protestant, anti-Semitic and there is quite a history I should add.

For instance, anyone who is not a Catholic is considered to be a heretic according to the Roman Doctrine and worthy of being put to death. The Council of Trent has never been done away with. Did you know that? Now you do!

The doctrine of the Roman Catholic Institution needs to be examined and discussed. Glad to see you reading, MDK! Stay tuned! There is much more to come! (God willing)
Why is it that you and other Catholics on this board are incapable of addressing the OP concerning the crimes committed by the Roman Catholic Institution and in this case, their false accusations against a man who was a Jesuit and exposed the goings on and history of their Vatican? Do all of you get the same script to read from when responding to those who dare to question your "Holy See"? Tell the boss it isn't working! ha! ha! Now go back to the OP and read the letter and if you cannot address it go find another thread. Personal attacks on USMB are not permitted and the Jesuits have most likely murdered more people than the suicide bombers in the Middle East ever did. Not that there is a contest as to which branch of their organization is doing the most damage. Or is there? You should know!

First of all, I am not a Roman Catholic, but an Episcopalian.

Second, the Roman Catholic Church has been more guilty of religious persecution than other Christian denominations, but that was a long time ago. Little is gained by revisiting this.

Not to accuse you but the truth is these days most Jesuit trained agents of Rome would consider it the heighth of stupidity to claim any affiliation with the RCC. They all come in under the guise of Protestant, Mormon, Anglican, Orthodox, Presbyterian, Baptist, Pentecostal, Episcopalian, Lutheran and numerous other names in order to deceive the elect. As for revisiting it? I'm not ever going to stop writing about the history of the Roman Empire, the Holocaust, the murder of 6 million Jews and 7 million Gentiles not counting those who lost their lives in WWI & WWII both created by the Vatican and most certainly I shall never forget my brothers and sisters who perished in the Inquisitions by this Church of Satan and its workers. No. My bible tells me to defend the faith, to expose false teachers / wolves in sheeps clothing and to expose the works of darkness and to warn the Believers to have no part of them. My Bible commands me to speak out against evil and defend those who cannot speak up for themselves. That is what my Bible teaches me.

If you are going to be an Episcopalian Christian and obey God why don't you obey your bible and do what it says? Instead of giving me grief over why I shouldn't?

Jack Chick's comic books accuse the Roman Catholic Church of conspiring to cause the rise of Islam, the American Civil War, both World Wars, and the rise of both the Communist movement, and the Nazi movement.

I hope you have the sense to disagree. Chick is a hate peddler. We do not need that, especially when his charges against the Roman Catholic Church are so bizarre as to indicate deliberate lying.

Also Chick presents Christianity in a very negative light, His is a ministry of hatred. I have never met anyone who was aware of his comics who did not think they were repulsive.

Actually that is totally untrue and I did notice that you didn't provide any evidence for your slander against Jack Chick. His charges against the Roman Catholic Institution have been confirmed by every great Protestant preacher of History - who all agreed the Roman Vatican was an anti Christ Institution. I do appreciate your insinuation that in order to have sense I must agree with "you"! I have no intention of it. Address the OP Or don't but knock off the personal attacks on Jack Chick. This is my thread. Not yours.

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