Let's say the Republicans take the Senate

Probably will end up like this:
1) Obama will still have a veto and block most things from passing.
2) The Senate and Congress will still barely agree on anything.
3) Anything going from the Senate to Congress, or Congress to Senate will be watered down till it is meaningless.
4) Another shutdown?
When Gingrich asked the American people to give the GOP a majority in Congress, he heaved a Contract for America onto the table and said he would make it happen in the first 100 days.

And everyone heard about it. The words "Contract for America" are still familiar to many Americans.

Love him or hate him, THAT is what leadership looks like.

Today? The GOP is afraid of its own shadow. They would die if asked to step up and commit to any kind of plan. It is way easier for a coward to attack the other guy than it is to grow a spine and actually offer solutions to our problems.

So what will happen? The GOP will flop and flounder and whine. Just like they do now.

Where is the GOP's Contract for America today? Huh? How come nobody has heard of it?

That's why we have topics like this one. If the GOP had balls, you wouldn't even have to ask what they would do. Everyone would already know.

I will admit that the Repbulican party cant seem to get through to the American people. There propaganda arm is not nearly as effective as that of the democrat party. It is so bad I would venture to guess if a poll was taken of democrats asking which party supported slavery the majority of democrats would vote republican. Any way the RNC does have some vision, take it or leave it. I do think a contract with America would be in order and I am not sure why the RNC isn't doing something like that. Could be that things are actually so bad that the RNC knows it and doesn't really want power. What I see happening in the next few years is a major economic crash caused by the last 8 years, or more, of reckless spending, who wants to be in power for that disaster?

I realize this is about the Republican party but ask the reverse question, what have the Democrats promised, what is their vision other then telling us how bad are Republicans?

Will ANYONE be able to turn around the malaise we find ourselves? I don't see a Reagan stepping forward so I say no. But I strongly feel that the party that has been in power for the last 8 years needs punished. I hope the American people feel the same.

A Roadmap for America s Future The Budget Committee Republicans

Restoring the American Dream Economy Jobs GOP

Show Support for the RNC s Principles for American Renewal GOP

Republican National Committee GOP
Bills that Harry ignores will get put to vote.
Bills will get passed and sent to Obama. He can then veto and chance pissing off the people and insuring a republican presidency.
Or he will sign and things might improve. Like they did under Clinton.

Which bills? The 191 bills the House has passed to weaken environmental protection or the 54 bills the House passed to derail the Affordable Care Act?
I will admit that the Republican party cant seem to get through to the American people. There propaganda arm is not nearly as effective as that of the democrat party.

Well when almost every newspaper and TV news network are run by liberals it is kinda hard to get any positive press.

Even with that the message got out enough where the Dems are going to lose the senate. Its pretty remarkable actually if you think about it.
Which bills? The 191 bills the House has passed to weaken environmental protection or the 54 bills the House passed to derail the Affordable Care Act?

You act like that is a bad thing. The environment should not be a issue at all. Global Warming is not true.
Bills that Harry ignores will get put to vote.
Bills will get passed and sent to Obama. He can then veto and chance pissing off the people and insuring a republican presidency.
Or he will sign and things might improve. Like they did under Clinton.

Yeah, this may be as good a guess as we'll get. The GOP would almost certainly pass the bills that Reid has been holding back.

So two questions would remain: How many Obama would sign, and how well he and the Democrats could sell his vetoes.

The last time this country was purring, Clinton was in the White House and the GOP controlled Congress.

Both knew how to play ball. Balance, baby.


Forget that. That was prior to the TEA party. By June of next year, I think Obama's approval rating is 10 to 20 points higher if he vetoes these bills. You never look stronger than you do after you've slapped down the opposition.

Key stone may pass because he left himself an out on it.

That's my guess as to what he's thinking.

If the Congress approves some hardcore, Tea Party-fueled stuff, he can point at it, say "holy shit, look at THAT" and veto it.

The more moderate members of the party had better be careful here, and the party had better be cautious about what it wishes for.


The problem with having the football is that you're expected to score. When you can't...two things happen.

First...the opposition looks stronger. Not good when there is a six month window between now and the '16 election season kick off.

Two...if you don't aim high and try to flex your new found muscles...your own backers begin to wonder if the coach is trying. So Boehner had better watch his flank.

On the plus side is that the GOP can throttle the engine and decide what to push and what to save for an issue. They can also recraft legislation to appear more mainstream.

I'm harboring a morbid curiosity about how the TP-approved new senators would behave on votes.

If they have control, would they stick to their guns to please their base, or would they moderate, knowing that going too far would hurt them?

I guess we'll see.


I think unconsciously you perpetuate the propaganda of the DNC. The right wing has not moved drastically right the left wing has swung far left in comparison. Where has the right wing won any battles in the last 8 years? Where have they tried to reverse long standing law to conform to their view?

So to keep saying that the right wing is radicalized is BS. Standing for marriage, government accountability and the principles of the Tea Party are not radical they are needed. Don't be weighed down with left wing propaganda. THEY are the ones driving us to a world in which we won't recognize. THEY are the radicals.
Nothing will happen because the Democrats will filibuster anything Republican that tries to get out of the Senate and the president will veto the rest, and, comically,

the GOP, the most obstructionist party in history, will be crying Democrat obstruction all the way.

I see that you have had you bowl of bullshit this morning. Do you ever post anything except lies and talking points?

What do you wish to dispute?

Only to restate the fact that the obstruction has been done by Reid and Obama. The house has passed hundreds of bills and Reid has prevented them from getting a vote in the senate. Obama has refused to try to find the middle ground on any issue. His ideology is more important to him than the success of the USA.

worst president in history is too mild.
I will admit that the Republican party cant seem to get through to the American people. There propaganda arm is not nearly as effective as that of the democrat party.

Well when almost every newspaper and TV news network are run by liberals it is kinda hard to get any positive press.

Even with that the message got out enough where the Dems are going to lose the senate. Its pretty remarkable actually if you think about it.

It's only remarkable when you ignore historic voting patterns of off year elections and that the Dems are defending more seats than the GOP with 3 or 4 retirements to boot.
Any impeachment effort by the GOP House will energize the Democratic Party in this nation at a time it will be in the driver's seat for a Dem win in 2016 the like we have not seen since 1936.

there is not going to be any impeachment. The only people who want it are partisan dem fools like you. The GOP will be much better off in 2016 after obama has two more years to screw up the country.
Translating Redfish: He knows I am Republican, and he can't stand that I rebuke continually his anti-American cultural mccarthyism. He is right there will not be any impeachment. He may be right that we have a chance in 2016 if we get rid of any decision or policy making by such as he in party matters.

you are no more a republican than Pelosi. What you are is a liar.
Nothing will happen because the Democrats will filibuster anything Republican that tries to get out of the Senate and the president will veto the rest, and, comically,

the GOP, the most obstructionist party in history, will be crying Democrat obstruction all the way.

I see that you have had you bowl of bullshit this morning. Do you ever post anything except lies and talking points?

What do you wish to dispute?

Only to restate the fact that the obstruction has been done by Reid and Obama. The house has passed hundreds of bills and Reid has prevented them from getting a vote in the senate. Obama has refused to try to find the middle ground on any issue. His ideology is more important to him than the success of the USA.

worst president in history is too mild.
Ever notice how civil discussions are before Redfish shows up? At some point you cant blame his sad upbringing.

Anyway....politifact reports that Obama compromised something like 40 pct of the time on his campaign promises.
Any impeachment effort by the GOP House will energize the Democratic Party in this nation at a time it will be in the driver's seat for a Dem win in 2016 the like we have not seen since 1936.

there is not going to be any impeachment. The only people who want it are partisan dem fools like you. The GOP will be much better off in 2016 after obama has two more years to screw up the country.
Translating Redfish: He knows I am Republican, and he can't stand that I rebuke continually his anti-American cultural mccarthyism. He is right there will not be any impeachment. He may be right that we have a chance in 2016 if we get rid of any decision or policy making by such as he in party matters.

you are no more a republican than Pelosi. What you are is a liar.

Translation: Jake is a better Republican than me and I can't stand the moderates in the Party are making those like me irrelevant.
What is neat is that in red meat Utah a moderate coalition of politicians (including former gvr Mike Leavitt and former pres candidate Jon Huntsman) forced the legislature to accept a modified party system that has greatly weakened the once overwhelming caucus strength of both parties to select candidates with very little regular voter input.

Mike Lee is very, very nervous now about a challenge from Becky Lockhart and Gary Herbert in the primaries. He should be.
There is no such thing as a "moderate" Republican. There are creatures that firmly believe they can be two diametrically opposed things at the same time but in reality are neither.

Just closeted Democrats.
It's the day after the elections (or the run-offs) and the Republicans now hold 51 to 54 Senate seats.
Now what? What would we see? What's the plan? And remember that Obama is still in the White House.
What will their victory mean in tangible terms?
Be specific, please.
If the GOP is smart it will send bill after bill to The Obama, forcing Him to veto the agenda that The People elected Congress to implement, at considerable political cost to the Dems.
Any impeachment effort by the GOP House will energize the Democratic Party in this nation at a time it will be in the driver's seat for a Dem win in 2016 the like we have not seen since 1936.

there is not going to be any impeachment. The only people who want it are partisan dem fools like you. The GOP will be much better off in 2016 after obama has two more years to screw up the country.
Translating Redfish: He knows I am Republican, and he can't stand that I rebuke continually his anti-American cultural mccarthyism. He is right there will not be any impeachment. He may be right that we have a chance in 2016 if we get rid of any decision or policy making by such as he in party matters.

you are no more a republican than Pelosi. What you are is a liar.

Translation: Jake is a better Republican than me and I can't stand the moderates in the Party are making those like me irrelevant.

Translation: Jake will continue to lie and promote the far left agenda while denigrating those in the middle in both parties. Jake has his head firmly up obama's butt, and they are both enjoying it.
There is no such thing as a "moderate" Republican. There are creatures that firmly believe they can be two diametrically opposed things at the same time but in reality are neither.

Just closeted Democrats.

I disagree. The extremes on the right and the left are equally bad for the country. The far left is in control now, the far right would be no better. The difference is that most democrats are far left and very few republicans are far right.
Eight ways things would be different if Republicans win the Senate

October 22, 20104


3. Payback is a bitch. Republicans have often complained about Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s refusal to allow amendments to bills during the rulemaking process for debates, claiming he’s running the Senate like a dictator. (The fact is, Reid has rebuffed amendments, some legitimate, but many designed to gut the particular bill in question or to intentionally delay the process.) It wouldn’t be entirely unexpected to see Republicans turn the tables on Democrats and limit their ability to bring amendments to the floor, both helpful and dilatory.

5. And yes, it probably will be Reid as minority leader. Many have speculated on whether Reid would want to continue in leadership if he loses his Senate majority. All indications are that he would. There’s precedent (Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., lost the House majority, but continued as minority leader). Although Reid himself dodged the question recently, Democratic senators have said they would vote to keep Reid as leader no matter what happens. And Reid has been in the minority before, effectively fighting the Republican agenda with a fairly comprehensive knowledge of Senate rules and procedures. Who knows? The fight may even energize him during the run-up to the 2016 elections, when he’s on the ballot next.

Eight ways things would be different if Republicans win the Senate Las Vegas Review-Journal
There is no such thing as a "moderate" Republican. There are creatures that firmly believe they can be two diametrically opposed things at the same time but in reality are neither.

Just closeted Democrats.
Translation: Henry can't stand a republican form of government that depends on consensus, normally by democratic votes, and wants to imbue the party with an ideology that, surprisingly,conforms to his opinion while ignoring others.
Any impeachment effort by the GOP House will energize the Democratic Party in this nation at a time it will be in the driver's seat for a Dem win in 2016 the like we have not seen since 1936.

there is not going to be any impeachment. The only people who want it are partisan dem fools like you. The GOP will be much better off in 2016 after obama has two more years to screw up the country.
Translating Redfish: He knows I am Republican, and he can't stand that I rebuke continually his anti-American cultural mccarthyism. He is right there will not be any impeachment. He may be right that we have a chance in 2016 if we get rid of any decision or policy making by such as he in party matters.

you are no more a republican than Pelosi. What you are is a liar.

Translation: Jake is a better Republican than me and I can't stand the moderates in the Party are making those like me irrelevant.

Translation: Jake will continue to lie and promote the far left agenda while denigrating those in the middle in both parties. Jake has his head firmly up obama's butt, and they are both enjoying it.

Translation: Redfish is in a growing minority within the GOP and calls everyone who disagrees with him a lefty and pretends that he is a moderate when in fact he is a far right droidbot.

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